Southern Practitioner: An Independent Monthly Journal Devoted to Medicine and Surgery, Bind 24,Oplag 7


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Side 393 - Ear, Nose, and Throat, and other Topics of Interest to Students and Practitioners by leading Members of the Medical Profession throughout the World. Edited by Henry W. Cattell, AM, MD, Philadelphia, USA, with the Collaboration of John B.
Side 339 - Syrup of Figs is a simple, safe and reliable laxative, which does not irritate or debilitate the organs on which it acts, and, being pleasant to the taste, it is especially adapted to ladies and children, although generally applicable in all cases.
Side 344 - Hydrozone is put up only in extra small, small, medium and large size bottles bearing a red label, white letters, gold and blue border with my signature.
Side 336 - GENITOURINARY DISEASES. A Scientific Blending of True Santal and Saw Palmetto In a Pleasant Aromatic Vehicle. A Vitalizing Tonic to the Reproductive System. SPECIALLY VALUABLE IN PROSTATIC TROUBLES OF OLD MEN-IRRITABLE BLADDERCYSTITIS URETHRITIS PRE-SEN I LITY.
Side 339 - Figs is never sold in bulk. It retails at fifty cents per bottle, and the name Syrup of Figs, as well as the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., is printed on the wrappers and labels of every bottle.
Side 386 - Co., to whose advertisement (on page ) we refer our readers, have placed upon the market a much improved form of this compound, "Robinson's Phosphoric Elixir.
Side 385 - ... attention to the grand efficacy of this well-known remedy in these conditions. The above doses are, of course, those for adults. Children should be given one-fourth tablet for each five years of their age. When the attack is very severe, or when the disturbance is evidenced at or near the time of the menstrual period, we find it preferable to give two antikamnia and codeine tablets, alternately with the antikamnia and salol tablets.
Side 381 - There is scarcely a sedative, astringent, tonic, nervine or alterative drug in the materia medica that has not enjoyed an evanescent reputation as a useful remedy in the treatment of hay fever. Until the discovery of Adrenalin each had been as much of a disappointment as its predecessor, and none had afforded more than the merest temporary relief. There is increasing evidence that Adrenalin fully meets the indications as a remedial agent in hay fever. It controls the nasal discharge, allays congestion...

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