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the house of correction or some other institution? Or that he has not gone away to seek work with the knowledge and approval of his wife? What is the wife's reputation for trustworthiness?

2. If it is clear that the desertion is genuine, what steps have been taken to trace him? Has his picture been obtained for purposes of identification? Have outof-town and in-town relatives and friends been consulted? Or his last foreman, his fellow workmen, etc., or his neighborhood cronies, and the keeper of the saloon, if he frequented one? Or any benefit societies and trade union to which he may have belonged? Have army and navy enlistments been consulted, or the police?

I Circumstances of Present Desertion

3. When did the husband last desert? What steps on her own initiative has his wife taken to find him? What steps with the help of others, and of whom?

4. What is the wife's statement as to the immediate cause of his departure? As to her knowledge or inference with regard to his intention? As to his present whereabouts?

5. Has he ever been in other cities? Which? Has he ever expressed a desire to visit any special place? Is it likely that forwarding of mail to him has been arranged for at the post office?* Does he speak so little English that he would probably be found in the foreign colony in whatever city he went to? What languages does he speak?

6. If husband's whereabouts is known, what is his statement of the cause of his desertion?

7. What do relatives on each side, friends, fellow employes, and other references give as probable causes of his desertion? What bias have these different witnesses?

8. Was wife pregnant at time of desertion?

9. What was husband's employment at time of desertion? If none, causes of unemployment? How long had he been out of work?

10. Have any facts that explain the desertion come to light? Was there a special burden of debt, including installment purchases? Or was husband in danger of arrest for some dishonesty? Are any earlier criminal acts on record?* Is there any evidence that he is mentally abnormal or nervously unstable?

11. Did he take money (if so, how much) or clothing with him? Did he have savings? Where did he get the money to go with? Did he leave any personal or real property or money in bank? Has the wife any property?

12. Since he left, has he sent money or other supplies to his family? How much? Date of last remittance? Date and postmark of last letter?

13. If his whereabouts is known, is he at work? What are his earnings? Is he living with another woman?

14. Has the wife sworn out a warrant for his arrest?* (In some places a warrant cannot be had until the husband's whereabouts is known.) What is her attitude

toward jail sentence, probation, separate support, or reconciliation, and is this attitude likely to be a stable one? What other plans has she for the immediate future?

II Past Desertions

15. How many times has husband deserted his present wife before? How long after marriage did he first desert? Length of each period of desertion? Intervals between desertions? What events led up to each? Is there any long interval between births of the children next to each other in age that may be due to prolonged separation of parents?

16. Where did he go on previous desertions? How did he go-by freight, tramping, or paying his way? Did he get work elsewhere? Did he send money home? How much?

17. In each desertion, what action, if any, was taken by the wife, by the courts,* by public* or private charity, and with what results? How was the wife supported in his absence? What effort was made to develop his sense of responsibility for his family after his return?

18. Have there been any arrests for non-support?* If so, with what results?* 19. What were the circumstances of each return? When persuaded to take her husband back, what outside influences, if any, led to the wife's action?

III The Husband's Early Life

20. What were the general conditions of the husband's early home life? What was his home training? Was he indulged or unduly repressed? Did his father and mother fulfill their responsibilities? Did either show evidence of physical or mental defect? Did his father ever desert or fail to provide for his family? 21. Did the husband have any institutional training as a boy? Of what nature? For how long?

22. Did he earn before leaving school, either by selling papers, doing errands, or otherwise? Any truancy or other signs of a roving disposition during school life? 23. What was his age and in what grade was he when he left school? Did he go to work immediately and work regularly? If not, was it because he preferred to loaf? How often did these loafing periods come and how long did they last? Did he show a tendency to wander from home then?

24. What were his amusements in childhood and youth?

25. What employment or employments did he choose? What opportunity for development did they offer?

26. Did he, before marriage, turn over his wages to the family?

27. When did he leave his parents' home? Why?

28. Did he ever serve in army or navy?*

29. Was he ever married before? Was it a legal marriage? Was he then a deserter or arrested for non-support?* Has he children by another marriage? What are the relations between these children and their stepmother?

IV The Wife's Early Life

30. What were the wife's early home life, education, and training? (For details that apply, see The Husband's Early Life, 20 to 29.) On what terms is she now with her own people?

31. Did she have any training at home or school to prepare her for making a home? 32. Did she work before marriage? If so, at what and under what conditions? 33. Had she been previously married? If so, what children had she by that marriage and what have been the relations between them and their stepfather?

V Their Married Life

34. How did husband and wife meet? What was age of each at present marriage?* 35. When (exact date), where, and under what circumstances were couple married?* 36. Is marriage legal? If married by religious ceremony in the old country, is it legal here? Has either a husband or wife living from whom no divorce has been obtained? (In the treatment of desertion cases it is especially important to have some legal proof of the marriage.)

37. Did marriage take place because wife was pregnant? If so, was marriage forced upon husband? Were there any other unusual circumstances?

38. At time of marriage, did either husband or wife have any money saved? How was it spent? Did they buy furniture on the installment plan? What was their income when first married? Rent? Character of neighborhood in which they began married life? Was the home better or worse than either had been accustomed to before marriage?

39. Have they ever lived in furnished rooms?

40. Have they ever lived with their relatives? Have any of their relatives ever lived with them? Have they interfered in the home? What are the characteristics of the relatives who have been most closely associated with the family? 41. Have the family taken lodgers or have any other outsiders lived with them? Men or women? What have been their relations with the husband? With the wife?

42. If foreign born, did man precede his family in coming to this country? How long? Have differences in degree of Americanization influenced the home life? (See Immigrant Family Questionnaire, p. 387.)

43. What striking differences, if any, between husband and wife in age, race, nationality, religion, education, or personal habits? Have these differences led to disagreements and family dissension?

44. What was husband's occupation when living with his family, and his average wage? Was it enough to maintain a decent standard of living? How did his wage in the last position held compare with his maximum wage? If lower, what was reason? How did work done compare with that done at his best?

45. Was his work seasonal or otherwise irregular? Did he always work when he could get work?

46. What proportion of his wages did he give family when working full time? When working part time?

47. Has wife worked since marriage? At what and for what wage? What has been effect on her health, effect on man as a wage-earner, on home and children? What arrangement was made for the care of the children in her absence? Did she consider work a hardship, or prefer it to confinement to home duties? What are her capabilities as a possible wage-earner?

48. What is the health record of husband? Of wife? Has either any physical or mental defects? Has either deteriorated markedly since marriage? Has either been intemperate or given to the use of drugs? (See Inebriety Questionnaire, p. 430.)

49. Has either husband or wife been immoral? Given to gambling, betting, or any form of dishonesty?

50. What are husband's personal characteristics? Has he seemed fond of home? Of children? Or has he, for example, been lazy, sullen, penurious, jealous, or cruel to family? What is his employer's estimate of him? What were his relations with his fellow employes? If there were marked signs of bad temper at home or in his relations with shop mates, has the possibility of mental disease ever been considered?

51. What are wife's personal characteristics? Has she, for instance, a difficult or nagging disposition? Is she a good housekeeper? A good mother?

52. What signs are there that there has been or still is any real affection on the part of either husband or wife? How have they influenced one another? Or is estrangement due in large part to external things and not to their own dispositions?

53. What active affiliation with church, with clubs, etc., has either had? What usual recreations? Did family ever go on trips or enjoy other recreations together?

54. Are the children attractive and generally well cared for and well behaved? 55. What is the attitude of the older children toward their father? Toward their mother? Toward assuming support of family?

56. What is the attitude of any and all relatives toward husband? Toward wife? Toward helping in support of family or other solution? Do his brothers or sisters or his parents condone his desertion? Are any of them harboring him? 57. Is the present home detached, or is it a tenement? Are the rooms pleasant and well furnished? Well cared for? Are any lodgers or other outsiders now living with family?

58. What is the character of the neighborhood? How long have the family lived in this neighborhood? If they have recently come here, what was the character of their former home and neighborhood?

VI Financial Situation

59. What is the financial standing of husband's father? Has he contributed to support of his grandchildren? Has he been prosecuted for failure to do so?

60. Had family been dependent before husband's desertion? To what extent, how long, and for what causes?

61. Was relief given from public sources,* from private charities, or from relatives? Or had they received free transportation? What had been effect of aid on the husband? On the wife?

62. Is family now dependent? On whom? To what extent? What is the attitude toward the present situation of those who have assumed any part of the financial burden?

63. What is the total family income? Family expenditures? (See questionnaire regarding Any Family, Financial Situation, 26, 27, p. 380.)

64. Are the wage-earning members of family all employed at maximum earning capacity?


This is not a schedule to be filled out nor a set of queries to be answered by a social agency's client or clients. For an explanation of the purpose of these questionnaires see p. 373 sq.

A star (*) indicates that the answer to the question may be found in, or confirmed by, public records.

The questionnaire regarding Any Family (p. 378) precedes this one. Its more general questions are repeated here only in rare instances, when it has seemed necessary to give them special emphasis.

I Circumstances of Husband's Death

1. When (exact date) and where did husband die?* Who was the undertaker? 2. What was the cause of his death?* (Give exact medical diagnosis.)

3. Were the conditions of his work responsible for it? If so, what action has been taken to secure compensation? What state law is applicable to the situation?

4. Had he been physically weakened by overwork? By excessive drinking, bad living conditions, or other causes?

5. How long was he ill? What medical care did he receive? Name and address of physician who attended him?

6. Is there anything important to be noted in the inheritance-physical, mental, or moral of the husband? Was there in his family tuberculosis, inebriety, insanity, feeble-mindedness, or epilepsy?

7. How was family supported during his illness? Were wages continued in full or in part by his employers? What were the sources of support-relatives, savings, sick benefits, wages of woman, of children, relief, other sources? Approximate amount from each source?

8. What was the amount of insurance, legal compensation, or death benefits? Amount collected by fellow workmen, contributed by employer, etc.? Cost of funeral? Amount of debts? Balance left for widow? What disposition was made of this money, and how long did it last?

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