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2d. Denoting act of, state of being, quality, &c., taken abstractly.

1. Acy, in celibacy, single life, unmarried state.

2. Age, in foliage, the leaves or tufts of trees.

3. Ance, in repentance, a sorrowing for sin and turning from it. 4. Ancy, in constancy, quality of standing firm, lasting affection. 5. Dom, in kingdom, the dominion of a king.

6. Ence, in adherence, act of sticking close to, fidelity.

7. Ency, in consistency, the state in which the parts of a thing stand together, or agree with each other.

8. Hood, in boyhood, state of being a boy.

9. Ics, in economics, the art of managing household affairs.

10. Ion, in collision, act of striking together.

11. Ism, in paganism, the being a heathen or worshipper of idols. 12. Ment, in concealment, act of hiding, a hiding-place.

13. Mony, in acrimony, sharpness, severity of temper.

14. Ness, in goodness, the quality of being good.

15. Ship, in stewardship, the office of a steward or manager.

16. Th, in warmth, the being warm, moderate heat.

17. Tude, in fortitude, the being strong to endure, bravery.

18. Ty, in brevity, shortness, conciseness.

19. Ure, in legislature, the power that makes laws.

20. Y, in mastery, the being master, dominion.


What are the Nouns denoting act of, state of being, &c., from the following words.

1. curate, supreme, pirate.

2. marry, plume, post.

3. vary, hinder, distant.

4. brilliant, vacant, elegant.

5. pope, christian, sheriff.

6. benevolent, innocent, obedient.

7. decent, fluent, agent.

8. man, false, widow.

9. mechanician, optician.

10. attend, create, adhere.

11. atheist, barbarous, egotist.

12. settle, punish, engage.
13. matron, parsimonious.
14. bad, noble, joyful.
15. lord, fellow, friend.
16. young, die, long, deep.
17. serve, ample, similar.
18. able, pious, christian.
19. furnish, depart, sign.
20. honest, prophet, flatter.

3d. Denoting diminution, or a little thing of the kind-hence, endearment, contempt.

1. Cle, in corpuscle, a very minute body.

2. Kin, in lambkin, a young or little lamb.
3. Let, in streamlet, a small stream.

4. Ling, in darling, a little dear.
5. Ock, in hillock, a very low hill.

6. Ule, in spherule, a small globe or sphere.


Form diminutives from the following words,—

1. part, ice, cant.

2. man, cider, pipe. 3. flower, eagle, leaf.

4. lord, sap, seed.

5. bull, pad.

6. animal, grain, globe.


1st. Denoting of or pertaining to, having the nature of.

1. Aceous, in cetaceous, of the whale kind.

2. Al, in filial, befitting a son or daughter.

3. An, in hyperborean, belonging to the far north.

4. Ar, in solar, relating to the sun.

5. Ary, in epistolary, having the nature of a letter.

6. En, in golden, having the qualities of gold, made of gold.

7. Ic, in academic, relating to an academy.

8. Ical, in apostolical, appertaining to the apostles. 9. Id, in humid, possessing humidity or moistness. 10. Ile, in infantile, pertaining to an infant.

11. Ine, in canine, having the properties of a dog.

12. Ory, in prefatory, pertaining to a preface, introductory.


Form adjectives denoting pertaining to, &c., from the

1. bulb, crust, membrane.
2. nature, autumn, voice.
3. Rome, Greece, metropolis.
4. angle, people, circle.

5. moment, number, example.
6. earth, silk, wheat.

following words.

7. angel, metal, majesty.

8. botany, grammar, tragedy. 9. acidity, fervour, vividness. 10. fertility, merchant, project. 11. infant, elephant, serpent. 12. satisfy, explain, introduce.

2d. Denoting having or full of.

1. Ate, in adequate, having what is equal to, sufficient.
2. Ful, in wonderful, exciting wonder, astonishing.
3. Ose, in verbose, abounding in words, prolix

4. Ous, in populous, full of people or inhabitants.
5. Some, in gladsome, pleased, causing joy.
6. Y, in stony, made of stones, full of stones.

3d. Denoting likeness.

7. Ish, in childish, like a child, trifling.

8. Like, in saintlike, like a saint.

9. Ly, in homely, like a home, plain.

4th. Denoting being or acting.

10. Ant, in abundant, abounding, very plentiful.

11. Ent, in belligerent, waging war.

12. Ble, in portable, that can be carried.

5th. Denoting power, wanting, &c.

13. Ive, having power to do, in persuasive, that can convince. 14. Less, wanting, in careless, wanting care, heedless.

15. Escent, growing, in quiescent, becoming still.

16. Ward, in the direction of, in downward, tending down.


Form adjectives denoting full of, &c., from the following words.

1. fortune, moderation, temper.

2. awe, beauty, delight.

3. globe, joke, operate.

4. anxiety, zeal, envy.

5. trouble, burden, irk.

6. sponge, marsh, shade.
7. blue, green, fever.
8. God, man, giant.

9. world, brother, master.
10. discord, repent, triumph.
11. excel, revere, provide.
12. commend, attain, elect.
13. compare, disjoin, expel.
14. life, spot, cease.

15. putrid, effervesce, vanish.
16. way, back, out, for.


1. Ate, in renovate, to make new again.
2. En, in lengthen, to make long.
3. Fy, in sanctify, to make holy.
4. Ish, in publish, to make public.
5. Ise, in modernise, to make modern.
6. Ize, in fertilize, to make fertile.

1. accent, commodious, authentic. 2. sharp, ripe, fat.

3. glory, beauty, terror.


4. vain, flower, polite.
5. critic, author, method..
6. tyrant, legal, tranquil.


1. Ly, in the manner, as joyfully, in a joyful manner.
2. Ward, in the direction of, as homeward, towards home.

[blocks in formation]

Alienus, belonging to another, for- | Auris, the ear; aurist, -icular, aus

eign; alien, -ate.

Alo, to nourish; aliment. Alter, another; altercation, alterable, adulterate.


Aurum, gold; auriferous, oriflamme. un-Auspicium, (avis, specio), fortunetelling by observing the flight or feeding of birds; auspices, ious. Auster, the south wind; austral, Australia.

Alternus, one after another; alternation, subaltern.

Altus, high; altitude, altar, exalt. Ambo, both; ambidexter, -guous. Ambulo, to walk; amble, perambulate, preamble, somnambulist. Amo, to love; amicus, a friend; amiable, amity, amorous, enemy, inim'ical.

Amplus, large; ample, -ify, -itude. Ango, anxi, to cause pain, vex; anguish, anxiety, anger. Anima, life, the soul; animal, -cule, inanimate, re-. Animus, the mind; animadvert, -osity, unanimous, magn-, pusillAnnus, a year; annual, annals, anniversary, superannuate, perennial, sept.

Antiquus, ancient; antiquary, antiquity, antique'.

Aperio, apertum, to open; aperture,


Appello, to call; appellation, appeal, re-.

Apto, aptatum, to fit; aptitude, adaptation, inept.

Aqua, water; aquatic, a'queous, terr-, aq'ueduct.

Arbiter, an umpire, judge; arbitrate. Arcus, a bow; arc, arch, arcade. Ardeo, arsum, to burn, desire eager

ly; ardent, ardour, arson. Argilla, white clay; argillaceous. Arma, arms; armour, armistice, armada.

Aro, to plough; arable.

Ars, artis, art; artist, -isan, if'icer, -ificial.

Artus, a joint; articulate.
Asper, rough; asperity, exasperate.
Atrox, cruel; atrocity.
Audax, daring; audacity.
Audio, to hear; audible, -ence, -tor,

Augeo, auctum, to increase; augment, auction, -eer, author.

Auxilium, help; auxiliary.
Avārus, fond of money; avarice,

Avidus, greedy; avidity.
Avis, a bird; a'viary.

Bacchus, the god of wine; bac-
chanaʼlian, debauchee'.
Barb, a beard; barb, -er, -el.
Beatus, blessed; beat'itude, -ific.
Bellum, war; bellig'erent, rebel.
Bellus, beautiful; embellishment.
Bene, well; benediction, factor.
Bibo, to drink; imbibe, wine-bibber.
Bini, two by two; binary, combine.
Bis, twice; bi'ped, bisect, bi'valve.
Bonus, good; bounty, boon.
Brevis, short; brevity, abbreviate,

Bursa, a purse; emburse, dis-.

Cado, casum, to fall; cadence, cascade, casual, coincide, decay, decid'uous.

Caedo, cecido, caesum, to cut, kill; homicide, regi-, sui-, decisive, incision, circum-.

Calculus, a pebble; calculate, mis-, incalculable.

Calx, calcis, limestone; calcareous, calcine', chalk.

Campus, a plain; campaign, decamp, en-, aid-de-camp. Candeo, to be on fire, be glowing white; candent, candle, incense, incendiary.

Candidus, white, pure; candid, candour, candidate. Canis, a dog; canine', kennel. Cano, cantum, to sing; canto, -icle, chant, precentor. Capio, cepi, captum, to take, seize; capture,-ivity, capable, capacious, accept, receipt, receptacle, antici

pate, participate, recipient, con- | Commõdus, convenient; accommo

ceive, de-, per-.

Caput, capitis, the head; capital, -tain, decapitate, precipitate, chap


Carbo, a coal; carboniferous. Carcer, a prison; incarcerate. Caro, carnis, flesh; carnal, -ival, -ation, -ivorous, incarnate, charnel.

Carus, dear; caress, cherish.
Castus, pure; chaste, -ity.
Caveo, cautum, to beware; cautious,

Cavus, hollow; cave, con-, cavern, -ity, ex'cavate.

Cedo, cessum, to go, yield; cede, accede, inter-, pre-, re-, se-, proceed, procession. Celer, swift; accelerate. Centum, a hundred; centurion, -ury, -ennial, per cent. Cera, wax; cere'ment, sincere. Cerno, cretum, to sift, see, judge; discern, secretion, secretary, dis


Certo, to strive; concert', dis-. Certus, sure; certify, uncertain, ascertain.

Cesso, (cedo) to leave off; incessant,


Charta, paper; chart, er, cartel, cartoon', cartridge. Cingo, cinctum, to gird; cingle, succinct', pre'cincts. Cito, to call, summon; cite, ex-, in-, re-, resuscitate.

Circus, a circle; encircle, semi-,
circulate, -lation.
Civis, a citizen; civ'ilize.
Clamo, to cry out; cla'mant, clam-
orous, exclaim, pro-.
Clarus, clear; declare, clarify.
Claudo, clausum, to shut; include,
ex-, pre-, se-, clause, recluse,
close, cloister.

Clemens, merciful; clemency.
Clino, to bend; decline, in-, re-.
Clivus, a slope; acclivity, de-.
Coelum, heaven; celestial.
Colo, cultum, to till; culture, agri-,
horti-, cultivation, colonize.

date, incommode. Compleo, to fill; complete, -tion. Concilio, to make friends again; conciliate, rec ́oncile. Consilium, a meeting; council, -sel. Copia, plenty; copious. Coquo, coctum, to boil; concoct, decoction, cook.

Cor, cordis, the heart; cordial, accord, con-, dis-, courage. Corium, skin, hiae; excoriate. Corōna, a crown; coronet, -ation, corolla.

Corpus, corporis, the body; corporeal, corpulent, corpuscle,


Cras, to-morrow; procrastinate. Credo, creditum, to trust; credit, -ible, -ulous, creed.

Cresco, to grow; crescent, excrescence, increase, de-.

Crux, crucis, a cross; crucify, excruciate, crusader.

Cubo, (cumbo), to lie; incumbent,

re-, succumb, incubus, cumbrous. Culpa, a fault; culprit, -able, exculpate.

Cumulus, a heap; accumulation. Cura, care; curate, curious, pro cure, se-, sine-.

Curro, to run, cursus, a course; concurrent, excursion, in-, cour


Curt, short; curtail.

Curvus, crooked; curvature.
Custos, a keeper; custody.
Cutis, the skin; cuticle, cutaneous.

Damnum, loss, hurt; damage, con-
demn, indemnity.
Debilis, weak; debility.
Decet, it is becoming; decent.
Decor, comeliness, beauty; decorate,

Deliberatio, (de, libra), a weighing
in the mind, consideration; de-
liberate, -ative, -ation.
Dens, dentis, a tooth; dentist, in-

Densus, thick; condense.
Deus, God; Deity, deist.

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