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As feveral Texts of Scripture come under Confideration, Criticisms upon the Original are frequently subjoined. In order to clear up some Difficulties, to rectify some Mistranslations, or point out the many delicate and masterly Strokes, which occur in the BIBLE.-And glad should I be, extremely glad, if I might recommend and endear that invaluable Book. If, as the Divine REDEEMER rideth on in the Word of Truth, of Meekness, and Righteousness *, this Hand might scatter a Palm Branch, or this Performance might lie as a Floweret, to strew his Way +, and folemnize his Triumph.

In the Course of the Disputation, I dare not Suppose, that I have difcuffed all the Arguments, which Sagacity may devise, or Sophistry urge. Perhaps, I have not removed all the Scruples, which may awaken Prejudice, or embarrass Integrity. This, however, I may venture to affirm, that I myself have met with no confiderable Objection, which is not either exprefly answered, or virtually refuted, in these Conferences. And, though I should neither fatisfy nor filence the Gainsayer, I shall think my Endeavours happily employed, if they may throw Light upon the dim Apprehension; establish the wavering Faith, or comfort the afflicted





* Pfal. xlv. 4.

+ Alluding to Matt, xxi. 8.


If any should burlesque or ridicule these venerable Truths, and exalted Privileges, I shall only say with my Divine MASTER; O! that Thou hadit known, in this thy Day, the Things that belong to thy Peace! But now they are hid, it is evident from fuch a Procedure, they are hid from thine Eyes *.-Should any, in the Spirit of Decency and Candor, either start new, or revive old Objections, I doubt not, but they will receive both a due Examination and a proper Reply. As these Doctrines enter into the very Effence of the Gospel, and constitute the Glory of our Religion, they can never want a Succeffion of Advocates, so long as the Sun and Moon endure. -For my own part, I must beg leave to retire from the Lists, and lay down the Weapons of Controversy. Virgil's Language is my Resolution;



Difcedam, explebo Numerum, reddarque

This Declaration is made, not from any the least Suspicion, that my Tenets are indefen fible; but because I would apprize my Friends, and the Friends of our common Chriftianity, that the Field is clear and open for them to advance; that I refign to others the glorious

* Luke xix. 42.

Com*Rev. xii. 11.


Combat, and shall content myself with wishing them Success in the Name of the LORD. -Because, it becomes a Person in my declining State, to be more peculiarly intent upon encountering a different Adversary; who is fure to overcome, and never allows Quarter. Yet, by this Word of my Testimony, and by the Blood of the LAMB*, I hope to triumph even when I fall; and to be more than Conqueror, through JEHOVAH my Righteousness.

Should any Thing be urged, forcible enough to overthrow my Arguments, or detect a Miftake in my Sentiments, the World may depend upon seeing a free and undissembled Retractation. I shall look upon it as a Duty, which I owe to my Conscience, to my Readers, and to my GOD, publicly to acknowledge the Error. -It is one Thing to be filent; another to be obstinate. As I shall inflexibly adhere to the first; I would, with equal Steadiness, renounce the last. Though I withdraw from the Strife of Pens and of Tongues, I shall take care to preserve a Mind, ever accessible to Truth, ever open to Conviction. A. Mind, infinitely more concerned for the Purity and Profperity of the everlasting Gospel, than for the Prevalence of

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my own Opinion, or the Credit of my own Performance.

As I have the Happiness of being a Member, and the Honour of being a Minister, of the reformed established Church; I cannot but reflect, with a peculiar Pleasure, that every Doctrine of Note, maintained in these Dialogues and Letters, is either implied in our Liturgy, afferted in our Articles, or taught in our Homilies. It affords me likewise fome Degree of Satisfaction to observe, that the most material of the Sentiments, have been adopted by Milton; are incorporated into his Paradife Loft; and add Dignity to the sublimest Poem in the World. To have the highest human Authority, and the first Genius of the Nation on a Writer's Side, is no contemptible Support. This must surely give a Sanction, where-ever our religious Establishment is reverenced, or polite Literature is held in Repute. Yet even this Sanction, compared with the Oracle of Revelation, is only like a Range of Cyphers, connected with the initial Figure. Which, were they detached, would be infignificant; but, in fuch a Subordination, are confiderable.

Perhaps, it should be farther acknowledged, that I have not always confined myself to the Method of our Systematic Writers, nor followed their Train of Thoughts with a fcrupulous Regularity.


gularity. I would conduct my Fellow-creature to the supreme and eternal Good, CHRIST JESUS. I have chosen the Path, which feemed most agreeable and inviting, rather than most beaten and frequented. If this leads, with equal Certainty, to the great and desirable End, I dare promise myself an easy Excuse. However, that Method and Order, in the doctrinal Parts of the Plan, are not wholly neglected, the following Summary of Contents may shew.

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