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before a full Display, but only before a Glimpse of the GODHEAD. Which, though partial and tranfient, was too dazzlingly bright, for an Eye of Flesh to bear.

O my Friend! my Theron! what Figure muft our mean Performances, our low Attainments make, before this immenfely glorious GOD?-Let Us examine the Behaviour and Spirit of Job, a little more particularly. He is one of your favourite Examples; and indeed very deservedly. For, in Piety, He had no Superior, and no Equal; there was none like Him in the Earth. Yet, when He has to do with the MAKER of all Things, and the JUDGE of all Men, He pours out his abashed Soul in these very remarkable Profeffions: If I justify myself, my own Mouth fhall condemn me: if I fay, I am perfect, it shall alfo prove me perverfe*.-He declares yet farther; If I wash myself in Snow-water, and make my Hands never fo clean, yet fhalt Thou, O righteous and eternal GOD, plunge me in the Ditch; manifeft me, notwithstanding all this Care and Circumfpection, tą be a guilty and a filthy Greature; yea, fo very guilty and filthy, that my own Clothes, were they fenfible of the Pollution, could not but abhor me.

This He confeffes, not becaufe He was confcious to Himself of any Immorality; but becaufe his Mind was filled with the most affecting Senfe, of GOD's inconceivable Holinefs, and infinite Glory. For, adds the venerable Sufferer, He is not a Man as I am; but a BEING of fuch extenfive Knowledge, that no individual Thing can escape his Difcernment; of fuch exalted Purity, that every Spot of Defilement is loathfome in his Sight. For which Reafon,

Cc 2

See Job ix. 20, 21.—30, 31, 32.

Reason, it is abfolutely impoffible, that I should an fwer Him, with reference to my own personal Righteoufnefs or that We should come together in Judg ment, on any fuch Footing, without Confufion to myfelf, and Ruin to my Caufe.

To all this He fubjoins, what is ftill more memorable and exemplary: Though I were perfect, yet would I not know my Soul, I would defpife my Life.He fuppofes Himself in a higher State, than your moft advanced Chriftian; though I were perfect. Yet, even in fuch a State, were it attainable and attained, I would not know my Soul; not dwell upon, not plead, no, not fo much as cherish a Thought of, my own Accomplishments and Acquirements. In the important Business of Juftification, they fhould ftand for Cyphers; they fhould be thrown into Shades; they fhould entirely disappear.-Nay more; I would defpife my Life; my Life, with all its most shining Actions and most distinguished Virtues, should be reckoned infignificant and despicable. Just as infignificant and despicable, with respect to this great Tranfaction, as a wandering Spark would be, if appointed to diffufe Day amidst the Darkness of Night, or to produce Spring amidst the Depths of Winter.

Ther. Thefe are alarming Hints, Afpafio; I must confefs.-A Law, which condemns all vain Imaginations, and every irregular Defire! Which requires an exact and univerfal Obedience, both in Heart and Life!-A GOD of fuch Majefty, Puṛity, and Glory; that Men of the most approved Integrity, are overwhelmed with Confufion, in his Prefence?-I fhall confider them, at my Leifure, with the Attention they deferve. At present, I believe,

believe, Opportunity is giving Us the Slip. Yonder Coach feems to be moving this Way, and the Livery looks like Philander's.

Afpafio, defirous to fix these Convictions-which are of the utmoft Confequence to our Faith and Salvation-very defirous to fix them on his Friend's Mind, replied.,, ca

Afp. As your Vifitants are at a Distance, give me leave to obferve; That the wifeft of Men, attending to the first of these Particulars *, has poured Contempt upon all human Excellency; There is not a juft Man upon Earth, that doeth Good, and finneth not t. The Apoftle of CHRIST takes Shame to Himself, on the fame Account; and teaches all Mankind to ftrike the Sail of Self-conceit; In many Things We offend all ‡.-David, confidering the latter of thefe Points, prays with the utmoft Earneftnefs; Enter not into Judgment with thy Servant, Q LORD! and affigns this humbling Reason for his Petition; For, in thy Sight, shall no Man living be juftified §. This induced Nehemiah, who had been fo nobly zealous for the Honour of his GOD, not to confide in his own valuable Services, but make Application to forgiving Goodness. Spare me, O LORD, according to thy great Mercy ¶.

Had I fet before You the Example of the poor Publican, who fmote upon his Breaft; durft not lift up his Eyes to Heaven; but cried from the Bottom of a polluted Heart, GOD be merciful to me a Sinner **! Self-love, might poffibly have whispered;



The Perfection of the divine Law.

vii. 20.
the divine Majefty.

+ Ecclef.

↑ Jam. iii. 2.

Pfal. cxliii. 2.

The Purity of ¶ Neh.

xiii. 22.

**Lake xviii. 13.

Surely, I am not to be ranked with that abomi

nable Wretch. I ftand upon fome better Foot"ing, than fuch an infamous Offender."-With refpect to the Enjoyment of eternal Life, We stand upon no better, upon no other. And when low as that obnoxious defpifed Creature, We are upon the very fame Ground with the most exalted Saints. They all appear before the MAJESTY of HEAVEN, in the fame Attitude of unfeigned Humiliation, and with the fame Acknowledgments of utter Unworthinefs.-For, it is a certain Truth, and admits of no Exception; That, to justify Sinners, is not the Privilege of human Obedience, but the sole Prerogative of the LORD our Righteoufness.

Ther. Is not the Practice of Hezekiaban Exception to your Rule? These, if I recollect aright, are the Words of that holy King; I befeech Thee, O LORD, remember how I have walked before Thee in Truth, and with a perfect Heart, and have done that which is good in thy Sight *. You fee, He puts the Iffue of his Tryal before the everlafting GOD, upon his own Integrity and his own Obedience.

Afp. These are his Words, but they are not used with this View. He humbly reprefents before the great SOVEREIGN of the World, how beneficial his former Life had been, and how ferviceable his prolonged Life might be, to the best Interests of the Jewish Nation. He appeals to his Obedience, not that He may establish his Hope of eternal Happiness in Heaven; but that He may obtain a Re prieve from the Grave, and a Lengthening of his Tranquility on Earth.-Neither is this Obedience gloried in, by way of Merit; but only pleaded,

2 Kings xx. 3.


by way of Argument: As though He had faid; "Remember, gracious GOD, how I have exerted σε my royal Authority, to fupprefs Idolatry, to ex"tirpate Vice, and to promote thy true Religion, "Confider, how greatly thy People ftand in need "of fuch a vigilant and zealous Governor; and "to what a miferable Condition both Church and "State may be reduced, if Thou takest away thy "Servant by this threatened but untimely Stroke. "And, for the Welfare of Judah, for the Honour "of thy Name, for the Support of thy own Wor"fhip, Ofpare me a little!"

Afpafio paufed; expecting a Reply.-As Theron continued filent and musing, Afpafio, with a Smile of Benevolence, proceeded.-Come, my Theron; why fo deep in Thought? Have You any Objection to the Evidences I have produced?—They are some of the most dignified Characters, and illustrious Perfonages, that could be felected from all Ages. Kings, Princes, and Patriots! Priefts, Saints, and Martyrs! Should these be deemed infufficient, I can exhibit a larger and nobler Cloud of Witneffeslarger, for they are a great Multitude, which no Man can number, of all Nations, and Kindreds, and People, and Tongues-nobler, for they ftand before the Throne, and before the LAMB, clothed with white Robes, and Palms in their Hands.-Afk those shining Armies, Who they are, and Whence they came? Their Answer is comprised in one of my favourite Portions of Scripture: one of those delightful Texts, from which I hope to derive Confolation even in my laft Moments. For which Reafon, You will allow me to repeat it, though it may perhaps be mentioned in a former



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