Intends you for his swift embassador, To-morrow you set on. Claud. Is there no remedy? Isab. None, but such remedy, as, to save a head, To cleave a heart in twain. Claud. But is there any? Isab. Yes, brother, you may live; If you'll implore it, that will free your life, Claud. Perpetual durance? Isab. Ay, just, perpetual durance; a restraint, Though all the world's vastidity you had, To a determin'd scope.3 Claud. But in what nature? Isab. In such a one as (you consenting to't) Would bark your honour from that trunk you bear, And leave you naked. Claud. Let me know the point. Isab. O, I do fear thee, Claudio; and I quake, Lest thou a feverous life should'st entertain, And six or seven winters more respect Than a perpetual honour. Dar'st thou die ? The sense of death is most in apprehension; And the poor beetle, that we tread upon, In corporal sufferance finds a pang as great As when a giant dies. Claud. Why give you me this shame? - an everlasting leiger: Therefore your best appointment-] Leiger is the same with resident. Appointment; preparation; act of fitting, or state of being fitted for any thing. 3 -a restraint To a determin'd scope.] A confinement of your mind to one painful idea; to ignominy, of which the remembrance can neither be suppressed nor escaped. JOHNSON. Think you I can a resolution fetch And hug it in mine arms. Isab. There spake my brother; there my father's grave In base appliances. This outward-sainted deputy,- A pond as deep as hell. Claud. The princely Angelo? Isab. O, 'tis the cunning livery of hell, If I would yield him my virginity, Thou might'st be freed? O, heavens! it cannot be. Isab. Yes, he would give it thee, from this rank offence, So to offend him still: This night's the time That I should do what I abhor to name, Or else thou diest to-morrow. 4 Claud. Isab. O, were it but my life, Thou shalt not do't. - follies doth enmew,] Forces follies to lie in cover, without daring to show themselves. 5 As falcon doth the fowl,] as the fowl is afraid to flutter while the falcon hovers over it. 6 His filth within being cast,] To cast a pond is to empty it of mud. 7 -princely guards!] i. e. badges of royalty, or outward appearances. Some would read priestly guards, or sanctity. 8 from this rank offence,] from the time of my committing this offence, you might persist in sinning with safety. I'd throw it down for your deliverance Claud. Thanks, dear Isabel. Isab. Be ready, Claudio, for your death to-morrow. That thus can make him bite the law by the nose, Isab. Which is the least? Claud. If it were damnable, he, being so wise, Why, would he for the momentary trick Be perdurably fin'd?-O Isabel! Isab. What says my brother? Death is a fearful thing. Isab. And shamed life a hateful. Claud. Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot; Can lay on nature, is a paradise To what we fear of death. 1 Isab. Alas! alas! Claud. Sweet sister, let me live: • Be perdurably find?] Perdurably is lastingly. - delighted spirit-] i. e. the spirit accustomed here to ease and delights. 2 -viewless winds,] i. e. unseen, invisible. * What sin you do to save a brother's life, That it becomes a virtue. Isab. O, you beast! O, faithless coward! O, dishonest wretch! Claud. Nay, Hear me, Isabel. O, fye, fye, fye! Thy sin's not accidental, but a trade:5 'Tis best that thou diest quickly. [Going. O hear me, Isabella. Re-enter Duke. Duke. Vouchsafe a word, young sister, but one word. Isab. What is your will? Duke. Might you dispense with your leisure, I would by and by have some speech with you: the satisfaction I would require, is likewise your own benefit. Isab. I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you a while. 3 - a warped slip of wilderness-] i. e. wildness. 4 Take my defiance :) Defiance is refusal. -but a trade:] A custom; an established habit. 5 1 Duke. [TO CLAUDIO, aside.] Son, I have overheard what hath past between you and your sister. Angelo had never the purpose to corrupt her; only he hath made an essay of her virtue, to practise his judgment with the disposition of natures: she, having the truth of honour in her, hath made him that gracious denial which he is most glad to receive: I ain confessor to Angelo, and I know this to be true; therefore prepare yourself to death: Do not satisfy your resolution with hopes that are fallible: tomorrow you must die; go to your knees, and make ready. Claud. Let me ask my sister pardon. I am so out of love with life, that I will sue to be rid of it. Duke. Hold you there: Farewell. Re-enter Provost. Provost, a word with you. Prov. What's your will, father? [Exit CLAUDIO. Duke. That now you are come, you will be gone : Leave me a while with the maid; my mind promises with my habit, no loss shall touch her by my company. Prov. In good time." [Exit Provost. Duke. The hand that hath made you fair, hath made you good: the goodness, that is cheap in beauty, makes beauty brief in goodness; but grace, being the soul of your complexion, should keep the body of it ever fair. The assault, that Angelo hath made to you, fortune hath convey'd to my understanding; and, but that frailty hath examples for his falling, I should wonder at Angelo. How would • Do not satisfy your resolution with hopes that are fallible:] i. e. Do not rest with satisfaction on hopes that are fallible. 7 In good time:] i. e, à la bonne heure, so be it, very well. |