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during menstruation. The manifestation had since that time recurred with each catamenial epoch. It lasted each time until the subsidence of the menstrual flow. Cure was then complete. The asthma was evidently due to menstruation, and this diagnosis is all the more sure that the sputum ejected during the attacks contained Charcot-Leyden crystals. Leyden, who had observed an exactly similar case, believes that the bronchial irritation is of nervous origin.-La Tribune Medicale.


Ferré (L'Obstétrique, November 15, 1896) regards the milk treatment to be most efficient from a prophylactic point of view in the treatment of puerperal convulsions, although it does not necessarily cause the other alarming symptoms besides the convulsions to disappear. He has never seen convulsions in a patient subjected for over a week to milk diet, nor any other trouble of a toxic origin. The alleged disappearance of albuminuria, on the other hand, does not necessarily occur. Ferrè speaks with equal decision on this point, declaring that he has never seen so much as an appreciable diminution of albumin even after prolonged milk diet. The same is the fact with the edema. The above facts are emphasized because he is aware how some obstetricians have very naturally given up milk diet on account of persistence of albuminuria and edema. Such a step is a mistake, for if the treatment be continued labor will proceed without any convulsions coming on, though the legs remain swollen and the urine albuminous.-University Medical Magazine.

Editorials, Reviews, Etc.

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE.-The JOURNAL is published in monthly numbers of Forty eight pages, at one dollar a year, to be always paid in advance.

All bills for advertisements to be paid quarterly, after the first insertion of the quarter.

Business communications, remittances by mail, either by money-order, draft, or registered letter, should be addressed to the Business Manager, SAMUEL S. Briggs, M.D., Corner Summer and Union Streets, Nashville, Tenn.

All communications for the JOURNAL, Books for review, exchanges, etc., should be addressed to the EDITOR.


The opening day of the Centennial and International Exposition to celebrate the one hundredth year of statehood of Tennessee is fixed for May 1st, 1897. That time is rapidly approaching, and it is gratifying to announce that the prospects of a grand success are assured. The selection of a site has been most judicious, magnificent buildings have been erected, the grounds have been beautified beyond description, and everything points to a most prosperous opening. The citizens of the State have subscribed $500,000.00, the Government has allowed an appropriation of $130,000.00, and numerous States throughout the Union have made liberal appropriations to provide for State representation. It had been confidently expected that Tennessee would unhesitatedly vote an appropriation of $100,000.00, but the same niggardly spirit that prompted the Legislature to refuse

an appropriation to provide suitable representation at the World's Fair, in 1893, has caused the present General Assembly now in session to hesitate. The bill now pending before the Legislature to-day came up for consideration and was amended so as to allow only $50,000.00, and that grudgingly. In would not be a matter of surprise if before the matter was ended the proposed appropriation of even that sum would vanish into thin air, so snall will the appropriation be. Tennesseeans at the World's Fair hung their heads in shame at the absence of even the semblance of an exhibit, when other States were so liberally represented. To fail to assist a State enterprise of this nature on the part of the Legislature would be an outrage. Such failure would be in keeping, however, with many of the bills introduced by some of the sapient solons. For instance, that known as the "Johnny Bill," rendering it a misdemeanor for boys to flirt with school girls; or that which was intended to regulate the fees of physicians and surgeons in this State, making fees for prescriptions 50 cents, for major operations not more than $25.00, and for minor operations $5.00; or that making circumcision of male children compulsory.

With or without the assistance of the State the Exposition will be a success. Of special interest to the medical profession is the announcement that a separate and special building for medical and surgical appliances and hygiene will be provided. The attention of manufacturers and dealers in surgical instruments and appliances is especially asked to this fact, as it presents opportunities to exhibitors in these lines, second only to those of the Columbian Exposition. Many medical men from all parts of the world will be in attendance, and numerous medical societies in different parts of the United States have arranged to meet in this city sometime during the Exposition. We hope this particular building will prove a successful and an attractive feature of the Exposition to medical men.


"Every sample newspaper sent out to increase the subscription list, taxed; every newspaper sent out to secure advertising, taxed; every newspaper sent to a friend, taxed; publishers taxed from $10 to $100 per year."

The above is the heading of a circular letter recently received from A. Y. Hubbell, of the "Office of the Times, Tottenville, N. Y."

We print below a portion of the letter which was called forth by the "Loud bill:"

"The Loud bill, which has just been rushed through the national house of representatives without giving a decent opportunity for debate, I take the liberty of writing you, as our interests are identical, to solicit your co-operation in the effort I am making with other newspaper publishers to have this bill amended in the U. S. Senate so that when it becomes a law we can hope to live and do business under it.

This bill is ostensibly aimed at book serials, and the publishers of weekly newspapers, not being interested in this class of literature, have given little attention to the bill, not dreaming that there was hidden in it provisions which would prove a serious burden to even the weekly country journals, without any compensating provisions. This additional postage will be a dead loss to every legitimate newspaper.

The objectionable features are as follows:

1st. The bill requires every publisher to sort and tie up in bundles his entire issue by states, cities, towns and counties, in his own office, and put it up in U. S. mail sacks before delivering it at the post-office. This practically requires every publisher to set up and run a miniature post-office in his own establishment. You can easily judge how troublesome and expensive this would be.

2nd. The bill restricts the pound rates of one cent to copies

sent to "legitimate subscribers who voluntarily order and pay for the same" and expressly excluding sample copies. The effect of this provision is not only to cut off all sample copies from the pound rate, but also to cut off all exchanges and all papers sent to credit subscribers; that is, to subscribers who are not strictly paid up to or in advance of the date of issue.

By excluding sample copies, exchanges and papers sent to subscribers in arrears on their subscriptions it subjects all these to the third-class rates of one cent for every four ounces. Bear in mind, this does not mean four cents a pound, but means that you must stick a one-cent stamp on each and every paper if weighing less than four ounces, and if it tips the scale at four ounces you must put on a two-cent stamp, and so on for each four ounces or fraction over you must put on a one-cent stamp. Just think how expensive this would be, and what a lot of trouble to stamp each and every paper sent out as a sample copy, exchange or to a credit subscriber. Can we afford to pay it on our exchanges alone, to say nothing of sample copies and credit subscribers? Also think of the nuisance of having a post-office inspector periodically looking over our subscription lists and comparing them with our cash book and ledger to see if we have stamped all the papers we ought to under penalty of having our paper refused the privilege of second-class rates altogether.

You cannot send a marked or complimentary copy or sample copy without affixing a cent postage stamp on each single copy. It totally prevents the sending out of any copies of special or holiday numbers under pound rates excepting to paid subscribers.'


THE following subscribers have been heard from recently. We trust others may be encouraged by the good example to send in their subscriptions. We will take pleasure in noting them on

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