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Editorials, Reviews, Etc.

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE.-The JOURNAL is published in monthly numbers of Forty eight pages, at one dollar a year, to be always paid in advance.

All bills for advertisements to be paid quarterly, after the first insertion of the quarter.

Business communications, remittances by mail, either by money-order, draft, or registered letter, should be addressed to the Business Manager, SAMUEL S. Briggs, M.D., Corner Summer and Union Streets, Nashville, Tenn.

All communications for the JOURNAL, Books for review, exchanges, etc., should be addressed to the EDITOR.


For some time there has been dissatifaction existing in the medical colleges, and in the profession of the city with the management of the City Hospital. As a result, protests have been offered by the clinical committees of the several medical schools. The protests have been considered, and steps taken to correct matters, but the colleges are still at a disadvantage.

The colleges have certain privileges, for which they pay heavily, giving in addition their service fees.

There seems to be an idea existing that the colleges should have nothing to say in regard to the management of the hospital; this is shown in the clipping from the editorial column of the American appended:

"The purpose of a city hospital is to provide a place, with proper conveniences, for the care and restoration to health of such persons as may fall ill or be injured and have no suitable place to lie abed nor money to pay for proper attention.

"The purpose of a city hospital distinctly is not to provide a private sanitarium for the physician who may be at the head of it, nor to set up a perpetual clinic for such medical colleges as may be in the city where the hospital is established."

Sections 6 and 7 of the bill-a bill known as the Hospital Bill has just passed the third reading in the City Council-are the only portions of interest to the profession.

Section 6 was to amend Section 531 of the Code by providing that no person having been operated upon outside of the hospital should be received as a charity patient. This section was cast out.


Section 7, to allow the superintendent superintendent to do outside pracead for which no remuneration shall be received," and restraining outside practice to patients presenting themselves a the hospital

tice, was so amended as to JUL 26 1898

In regard to the manage


ahospital, it cannot be prop

erly conducted by a City Council, instead there should be a hospital board composed of men who have time and talent to manage such an institution.

The hospital is a charity institution, conducted at the expense of the city, having such privileges, as are of great value to medical schools, which privileges are sold to the schools at a dear rate. As before mentioned, the schools pay this rate, and in addition give their services free, and should receive in return every available privilege. The city should appreciate their services, for very few cities of the size of Nashville can afford such talent as is represented by the clinicians of the three schools.

A medical superintendent, on a salary of $2,000, is an unnecessary luxury, and is entirely superfluous when such talent can be had by the city free of charge.

The large hospitals of Europe are part and parcel of the medical schools, and are conducted by the faculties, under control of a board of directors, which system is the outgrowth of long experience.


We notice in the secular press the announcement of the death of Dr. Wm. H. Pancoast, of Philadelphia, at the age of 64 years. The profession of the country sustains a great loss in the death of this distinguished son of a distinguished father. Dr. Pancoast was eminent for his skill as a surgeon, for his abilities as a teacher, and for his courtly manners. His death will be universally regretted.



At its ninth annual meeting, held at Richmond, Va., the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists elected the following-named officers for the ensuing year: President, James F. W. Ross, M.D., Toronto; Vice-Presidents, George Ben Johnston, M.D., Richmond, and John C. Sexton, M.D., Rushville, Ind.; Secretary, William Warren Potter, M.D., Buffalo; Treasurer, Xavier O. Werder, M.D., Pittsburgh. Executive Council: Charles A. L. Reed, M.D., Cincinnati; Lewis S. McMurtry, M.D., Louisville; A. Vander Veer, M.D., Albany; J. Henry Carstens, M.D., Detroit, and William E. B. Davis, M.D., Birmingham.

The next annual meeting was appointed to be held at the Cataract House, Niagara Falls, N. Y., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 17, 18, 19, and 20, 1897.

W. B. SAUNDERS, publisher, Philadelphia, announces the publication of a new book by Dr. Geo. M. Gould on "Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine." There can be no doubt but that this publication will prove of the greatest interest, if we may be allowed to judge from the well-known abilities of the editor and

the character of the title of the book. The author has spent several years in the libraries of America and Europe in gathering the material for the book. It will appear early in the coming


E. B. TREAT, publisher, New York, has in press for issuance early in 1897, the International Medical Annual; being the fifteenth yearly issue of that well known one-volume reference work. The prospectus shows that the volume will be the result of the labors of upwards of forty physicians and surgeons of international reputation, and will present the world's progress in

medical science.

The publisher states that the kind reception accorded to the "Medical Annual" has rendered it possible for him to spare no expense in its production; while the editorial staff have devoted a large amount of time and labor in so condensing the literary matter, as to confine the volume within a reasonable size, without omitting facts of practical importance.

The value of the work will be greatly enhanced by the thoroughness of illustration, both colored plates and photographic reproductions in black and white will be used wherever helpful in elucidating the text.

"To those who need the condensed and well-arranged presentation of the medical advances of the past year-and this class must necessarily include all physicians-we heartily commend the International Medical Annual.''

The volume will contain about 700 pages. The price will be the same as heretofore, $2.75. Full descriptive circular will be sent upon application to the publisher.

Publishers' Department.

copy notes in reference I was called suddenly

S. L. REED, M.D., Highland Park, Ky., October 28, 1896, writes: I have only time at present to to a case in which I used Bromidia. early on the morning of June 10th to see Mrs. McG. Patient had been under treatment of Dr. R., who had been called, but failed to answer. Found patient suffering with Acute Mania, very violent and destructive. On questioning family, found patient had delivered herself four days previous of a three months foetus. Since that time patient had been receiving enormous doses of morphine with no apparent result. As patient was beyond control, I improvised a straight jacket of her husband's sweater and bicycle belt. Ordered half-ounce of Bromidia (Battle & Co.) every half-hour until quiet. In two hours patient was sleeping. Patient continued to receive Brom dia whenever indicated, along with other treatment, and in a few weeks was apparently well, although Dr. R. still has her under observation. This will show the superiority of Bromidia over morphine, especially in cases with head symptoms.

I have had moderate success with Iodia, but could sing the praises of Papine in several columns if I had the time.

THE UNTOWARD EFFECT OF SUBSTITUTES.-A. M. Collins, A.M., M.D., of Shelbyville, Ill., writes under date of November 2, 1896: "I never realized the vast difference between genuine antikamnia and the various substitutes that are being palmed off until within the past few days, and the realization was all the more pronounced because I myself was the patient.

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