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1. Address of Welcome, by A. H. Hulshizer, of Penn. Street Board of Medical Examiners.

2. Response, by Vice President Reed.





Report of Committee on Minimum Staudard of Require

Discussion and action thereon.

Report of the Secretary and Treasurer.

6. Annual Address of the President.

7. Some Practical Experience with, and Results of, the Medical Law of Pennsylvania, by Wm. S. Foster, Pittsburg.

8. The Need for Exact Information as to the Equipment, Methods, and Requirements of our Medical Schools, by J. N. McCormack, of Bowling, Green, Ky.

9. Address, by Prof. J. W. Holland, M.D., Dean Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.

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The object of the Confederation is to consider questions pertaining to State control in medicine, and to compare methods in vogue in the several States; the collection and dissemination of information relating to medical education, and to consider propositions that have for their purpose advancements of the standards in the United States. A cordial invitation is extended to all members and ex-members of State Medical Examining Boards, and to physicians, sanitarians and educators who are friendly to the objects named, to attend the meeting and participate in its proceedings. By order of the Executive Council.




In a letter dated Moscow February 14th the Secretary General, Prof. W. K. Roth, communicates the following facts for the information of the American physicians who intend to participate in the Twelfth International Congress which is to be held at Moscow from August 19th to 26th.

The Transatlantic Steamship Companies refuse one and all any reduction of the usual charges. In their replies most of which are couched in courteous language (the originals are in the possession of the undersigned.) They admit the existence of a trust, or contract, or agreement which prevents them from lowering their prices; a few are so polite as to express their regrets.

Reduction of fares on Russian railroads are expected shortly. The French, Spanish, Swedish and Hungarian railroads promise a reduction of 50 per cent.; so do the Italian for a distance of 500 Kilometres; less (down to 30 per cent.) for shorter distances The Mediterranean lines (Messageries Maritimes, General Italian Navigation Company, Austrian Lloyd) grant from 25 to 50 per


The undersigned chairman is not authorized to issue certificates of any kind in favor of congressists. He will try to ascertain, however, in which way their movements may be facilitated, and may receive a reply in the second half of April. Extracts of papers to be read before any of the sections ought to reach the Secretary General before June 1st in order to be printed in the preliminary volume.

A special prospectus containing the final details referring to traveling, lodging, festivities, etc., is promised in the near future. It will be communicated at once to the medical journals, and to the press of the country. A JACOBI, Chairman.

110 West 34th St., New York.


The North Texas Medical Association will hold its next regular semi-annual meeting in the city of McKinney, Texas, beginning Tuesday, June 16, 1896, and continue its sessions for three days. The meeting will be called to order at 11 A.M. You are cordially invited to be present and to contribute an essay, or a report of cases.

The meetings of the Association in the past have been both pleasant and profitable, and the large number of papers already received by the secretary, and others that will be ready and presented at the meeting, give promise of a most delightful scientific

entertainment. Some distinguished visitors are expected to be present and contribute papers.

By united and faithful effort this Association has gradually developed and extended its scope of influence and usefulness until it now claims four hundred members. Every progressive physician in North Texas, in harmony with the code of medical ethics, should attend and join with us in an earnest and laudable effort to advance the interests of scientific medicine, to elevate and maintain its high standard, and to foster and extend the influence of this Association.

J. C. ERWIN, M.D., President. R. D. POTTS, M.D., Secretary.

"MILITARY CYCLING IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS," by Lieut. James A. Moss, Commander of the Twenty-fifth U. S. Infantry Bicycle Corps, is the title of No. 62 of Spalding's Athletic Library. It contains an interesting account of the trips of the first bicycle corps organized in the army, and besides a handsome portrait of Gen. Miles, is illustrated with views taken in Yellowstone Park and along the line of march. The book will be sent to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of 10 cents by the American Sports Publishing Co., 241 Broadway, New York.

WE call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the Robinson-Pettet Co., of Louisville, Ky., which will be found on another page of this issue. This house was established fifty years ago, and enjoys a widespread reputation as manufacturers of high character. We do not hesitate to endorse their preparations as being all they claim for them.

Publishers' Department.

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DANGEROUS SPURIOUS IMITATION SO-CALLED COCA WINES WHICH ARE A SOURCE OF DANGER.-The attention of the medical profession is earnestly directed to the various dangerous decoctions masquerading as Coca wine. These decoctions are intended as meretricious imitations of the standard French preparation, "Vin Mariani," which has been so widely endorsed by and whose merits are so well known to the medical fraternity, that it would be superfluous to enter into any lengthy enumeration here of its virtues.

Investigation discloses that these so-called coca-wines are generally variable solutions of the alkaloid cocaine, in sweetened wine of a low grade, (artificial wines). Quantities of such socalled coca-wine have been seized upon by various Health authorities and destroyed. Any physician will realize the danger ensuing from the use of decoctions of such a character.

These spurious and dangerous preparations are having the effect of causing misapprehension and working an indirect injury to a really valuable drug, for the real usefulness and value of Coca, when conscientiously prepared and properly administered, have long since been recognized by the medical fraternity.*

Physicians will not encounter disappointment whenever using "Vin Mariani," the standard French Coca wine, as an adjuvant in treatment, as a tonic-stimulant, and as a restorative in cases of profound depression, anæmia and exhaustion. It has stood

*There have been placed on file by Mariani & Co. more than 8000 endorsements from leading practitioners, all coinciding as to the merits of "Vin Mariani." It can thus be claimed, "Never has anything been so highly and justly praised."

the test in practice during nearly thirty-five years, and during that period has been strongly endorsed as a reliable and standard preparation by many of the most honored names in the medical profession, both in this country and in Europe.

Physicians are, therefore, earnestly urged, when prescribing Coca, to insist that their patients procure "Vin Mariani," thus avoiding any failure in results and insuring positively no unpleasant or dangerous after-effects.

A DESERVED EUROPEAN ENDORSEMENT.-Health, a weekly journal of medicine and surgery, diet and sanitary science, London, Eng., says editorially: "We have received from the Antikamnia Chemical Company, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A., a brochure dealing with the action, history, indications and admin. istration of their preparation, antikamnia. There is no remedy so useful and attended with such satisfactory results in the treatment of melancholia with vaso-motor disturbances, anæmic headaches, emotional distress, and active delusions of apprehension and distrust; and it also increases the appetite and arterial tension, and promotes digestion, as well as being particularly serviceable in relieving the persistent headache which accompanies


In neurasthenia, in mild hysteroid affections, in the various neuralgias, particularly ovarian, and in the nervous tremor so often seen in confirmed drunkards, it is of peculiar service. In angina pectoris this drug has a beneficial action; it relieves the pain and distress in many cases, even when amyl nitrite and nitro-glycerine have failed entirely. In pseudo-angina frequently observed in hysterical women, its action is all that can be desired.

To patients who suffer from irritable or weak heart, needing at times a pain reliever, it can be taken without untoward aftereffects, knowing that the heart is being fortified. It increases the elimination of urea and purifies the blood without increasing the destructive tissue metamorphosis. It lessens coma and loud delirium by contracting the capillaries of the brain. In delirium tremens, it relieves when there is great restlessness with insom. nia, as well as general lowering of the nervous power."

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