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nervous system. They are Sanger Brown, M.D., of Chicago; Joseph Collins, M.D., of New York; Charles L. Dana, M.D., of New York; Charles Samson Fèrè, M.D., of Paris; Howell T. Pershing, M.D., M.Sc., Denver, and Bernard Sachs, M.D., of New York. We are sure this volume will add greatly to the reputation of the great work now half finished.

PRINCIPLES OR GUIDES FOR A BETTER SELECTION OR CLASSIFICATION OF CONSUMPTIVES. Amenable to High Altitude Treatment and to the Selection of Patients who may be more Successfully Treated in the Environment to which they were Accustomed Previous to their illness. By A. EDGAR TUSSEY, M.D., Adjunct Professor of Diseases of the Chest in the Philadelphia Polyclinic and School for Graduates in Medicine, and Consulting Physician to the Central Branch of the Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium, Fifteenth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia: P. BLAKISTON, SON & Co., 1012 Walnut Street, Philadelphia: 1896.

Very little is known by the general practitioner as to when and where to send his comsumptive patients. Frequently he sends them somewhere, anywhere just to get rid of them, because he can do them little or no good. This book purports to furnish a guide as to the selection of a place, and as such will doubtless be of use to the physician.

ARTIFICIAL ANESTHESIA, a Manual of Anesthetic Agents and their Employment in the Treatment of Disease, by Lawrence Turnbull, M.D., Ph.G., Aural Surgeon to the Jefferson Medical College Hospital, Philadelphia; late Honorary President of the Otological Subsection of the British Medical Association, and of the Section of Laryngology and Otology of the American Medical Association. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged; 8 vo., cloth, pp. 550. Illustrated. Price $2.50. P. BLAKISTON, SON & Co., Publishers, 1012 Walnut Street, Philadelphia: 1896.

The fourth edition of this standard work will receive a warm welcome from the profession. The production of artificial anæsthesia for surgical purposes is an art that even at the present day is not as well understood as it should be. There can be no doubt that many patients die of so-called surgical shock, in which death was really the result of improper administration of the anesthetic. In this edition the author has brought the subject fully up to date. The author, in the choice of anaesthetic, gives preference

to ether, and takes especial pains in this edition to prove the correctness of his views. It is a most excellent treatise upon the subject.

AUTOSCOPY OF THE LARYNX AND THE TRACHEA. (Direct Examination Without Mirror.) By ALFRED Kirstein, M.D., Berlin. Authorized Translation (Altered, Enlarged, and Revised by the Author) by MAX THORNER, A.M., M.D., Cincinnati, O., Professor of Clinical Laryngology and Otology, Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery; Laryngologist and Aurist, Cincinnati Hospital, etc. With Twelve Illustrations. One Volume, Crown Octavo, pages xi-68. Extra Cloth, 75 cents, net. THE F. A. DAVIS Co., Publishers, 1914 and 1916 Cherry Street, Philadelphia; 117 W. Forty-Second Street, New York; 9 Lakeside Building, Chicago.

The author in this little monogram shows how the larynx can be examined and treated without the aid of optical appliances. An entirely new system is introduced which is claimed not to superside the older laryngoscopic methods, but to supplement them. The word "autoscopy" used to designate the method, it seems to us, is incorrectly used, for it seems to us to mean selfexamination. Certainly the work, whatever may be the merits of the method, deserves the reputation of originality. It remains to be seen whether specialists will applaud and practice this system or will rise up and condemn it as of only limited value, if of any.

TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ORTHOPEDIC ASSOCIATION. Tenth Session, held at Buffalo, N. Y., May 19, 20, and 21, 1896. Vol. IX. Published by the Association, Philadelphia: 1896.

We are always glad to receive this volume of transactions, for we regard the work of this body of surgeons as equal, if not superior, to that of any other organization. Valuable and practical papers, with full discussions, have been, as is usual, presented. The most prominent specialists in this department, both in this country and abroad, are represented in this volume.

Publishers' Department.

ADHESION OF PLACENTA, WITH HEMORRHAGE.-I had a bad case of adhesion of placenta, with dangerous hemorrhage. With ergot and Sanmetto the danger was at once removed, and by continued use of Sanmetto, patient, although very weak from loss of blood, improved rapidly, and is now up and about the house helping about her work. In sixty years practice, with an attendance upon more than three thousand child-births, I have used no medicine that seemed to hit the case better than Sanmetto in this instance. I am now in my eighty-seventh year, and have practiced since 1832. S. G. MATSON, M.D.

Viola, Iowa.

THE PRESENT PREVALENCE OF LAGRIPPE.-"The following suggestions will be of value at this season. The pains of acute influenza are something indescribable, especially when associated with high temperature. To relieve these with some preparation of opium is only to increase the cerebral congestion and aggravate the extreme prostation. Sharp, darting pains are no more severe than are the dull, heavy and persistent pains in the muscles and bones which so often obtain in this disease. Clinical reports verify the value of antikamnia in controlling the neuralgic and muscular pains, as well as the fever. In fact, antikamnia may now be called the sine qua non in the treatment of this disease and its troublesome sequelæ.

"It seems hardly necessary to indicate the conditions, when the use of two such well-known drugs as 'antikamnia and quinine' will be serviceable, nor the advisability of always exhibiting 'antikamnia and codeine' in the treatment of the accompa

nying neurosis of the larynx, the irritable cough and bronchial affections. Relapses appear to be very common, and when they occur the manifestations are of a more severe nature than in the initial attack. Here the complications of a rheumatic type are commonly met and antikamnia and salol' will be found beneficial. Antikamnia may be obtained pure, also in combination with the above drugs in tablet form.

"Tablets mark the most approved form of medication, especially as they insure accuracy of dosage and protection against substition. To secure celerity of effect, always instruct that tablets be crushed before taking."—Medical Reprints.

SANMETTO IN GONORRHOEA.-Dr. A. G. McCormick, Richmond, P.Q., Canada, writing says: "I prescribed Sanmetto in a recent severe cases of gonorrhoea with the greatest satisfaction. I never prescribed any remedy in such cases cases that acted so well. The case was one of simple gonorrhoea, of a severe type -pain, burning and scalding, with a profuse discharge. By the use of Sanmetto my patient made a rapid and satisfactory recovery. Sanmetto is a sovereign remedy in such cases. I used it two years ago in a like case with a similar result. I am well satisfied that Sanmetto is by far the surest, speediest, and safest, as well as the most pleasant, and most satisfactory remedy we have for gonorrhoea."






MARCH, 1897.


Original Gommunications.



In an article read before the Mississippi Valley Medical Association at St. Paul, on the 18th of September, 1896, upon the above-named subject by C. Travis Drennen, of Hot Springs, Ark., he stated that the majority of writers believe syphilis to be the great underlying condition in the production of this disHe stated that those who believed in such a factor said: 1. That a great and large per cent. of all tabetic subjects present a history of syphilis, most probably ranging from forty to sixty per cent.


2. The occurrence of symptoms of tabes analogous to syphilis, such as ocular palsies, pupillary reflexes and lightning pain. 3. The beneficial effects of mercury and the iodies in relieving many of the symptoms of tabetic diseases.

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