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and it is none the less true whether you are working HoëthëTM belleft of a man's physical condition, or asa minister of the gospel your labors are in behalf of his spiritlar.condition, or as a lawyer one is using his utmost means and measures to protect his liberty or his property. .998890019T Furthermore, I believe it will prove benèficïmuid labeurative point of view. There is no question but what mental influentelhas Very material effect on disease, dnd in the event you ́1ate careless or indifférent in regard to a just compensation for your services, your patient will not chidk those services to be worth much, and as they are appreciated the result apt to be.T‚9l8ba91A .l.UIstiqeoH mulve▲ vino 18 sa79tal An incident in poitit came under my dbservation some years ago!! A -resident of the adjoining tate of Kentucky, of a somewhat pehabtous Hature strange to say, usually wearing1a garb1that woula, Indicate ahimpecunious son of toil, or a tramp, rather that a reasonably well and prosperous Turmer, Became sufferer from chronic disease that did not prave under the care of Kis local medical aviser! He Wenis Loun+file and consulted Dr. T. H. Bell, then tipe" in expérience, reputation and years! Dr Bell was not at his office, but was met a few blocks away. He took the patient into an adjoining drug store, examined him and Wrote him two prescriptions. On being asked his fee, he replied One dollar," which was paid. A week later the patient came to see me, and I "elicited the above facts in mynterrogatories, with the pecuflar reply -when Tasked Kad He tried Dr. Bell's Prescriptions,Nd; why he only eKarged me a abar for them, and I thought it that was all man of his reputation and standing thought they were worth, that to me they would be worth dothing, so I have never gone to the trouble" of Laving thêm made up."isol Immoizzstong to doitusitani as ta91199x9 or is now bad "What did you think he ought to have charged you ?aid1I? 9dT "Well, I came a long way to see Dr. Bell, understanding that he was one of the ablest and most experienced men in my State, and if he had charged me $10 or $20 I would have thought) if nearer right; but only one dollar Shucks these prescriptions won't do me any g¶¶d." ei aidT

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However, on investigating his case, I did not see that could, improve -on. Dr. Bell's, advice, so I simply, duplicated the prescriptions, charged, a fee of $10, and the result proved satisfactory to both of 48.toned 911 19 quit But instances of this or of analogous character, I am satisfied, are by no means rare, If a physician values his services but little, rest assured, that the receivers will value them less. If you are indifferent as to your compensation it is more than likely your services, will not be matter how successful the result, If you are just and demanding as any business, man, demands of you, proper compensation for alue received, it will be better fan for both patient and physician. -7. The extract alluded to, preceded by the statement that the Chicago Med-ical Society had established a fee bill, intended to guide rather than goyern its members, is, as follows to mɛ gem of .91id aid to vdow ei 19106 There is a time in the practice of medicine the initiative period when patients are wanted whether the regular recompense belongs or not



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but this period is generally of rather short duration, for the stern demands of life, the bread and butter and landlord items, become powerful realities, and the barren field of returns must yield something or be forsaken. Hesitancy then comes regarding the fee to be charged, and the spirit of discrimination is born. 'Tis then that trouble begins-trouble that is more than likely to follow one a long ways in the professional life—for we soon become thoroughly convinced that those who pay us most readily and fully have for us, in the grand average, the most gratitude, give us the least vexation and demand, unnecessarily, the smallest portion of our time. ""Tis then the question comes forcibly: 'Is it right, considered from both points of view, for the established city doctor to charge a wealthy or well-to-do man more than the so-called poor man, or man of limited means, for exactly the same service, the same time, and the same expenditure of energy and skill?' The chord of this argument was struck not long since by a practitioner of this city, who had been in the harness for more than half a century, when he said to a patient in a cottage, 'My fee is three dollars. I must not take less, for it would be an injustice to the younger men in my profession.'

"An equitable fee for average fee work, and its strict maintenance, will work no injustice, and will give better order to the discord which prevails when indefiniteness surrounds the business side of a doctor's life. (This must not be construed as striking at such succor as the poor and needy must have at the physician's hands. No sick man need suffer for lack of attendance in any great city with its well-conducted hospitals and dispensaries.)

"In speaking of a standard fee we are also prompted to say a word or two of other matters of business closely touching the active practitioner. "It is to be regretted that the average doctor stands so generally condemned (in the profession) for the laxity with which he conducts the purely business side of his calling. It may really be said that he usually charges too little for what he does, and that he does not charge that little well. He frequently does not keep accurate accounts nor post his books regularly. He usually does not send out his bills regularly on the first of the month, as other men do, but waits until his attendance is finished or until his account is asked for (?). And last, but not by any means least, he usually fails to place unpaid accounts in the hands of a collector until they have been ignored for many months.

"The remedy is obvious. We believe that every member of the Chicago Medical Society who considers himself established in the profession should live up to the fee bill; then every physician should keep accurate accounts and render statements monthly whether his services are complete or not; that an account which remains unpaid for a month after its presentation by mail, without explanation, should be presented by a collector and payment requested, and a reason obtained if payment is not made. There is an abundant reason why the doctor's bill is the last one to be paid, but there is no reason why it should be. We can thank ourselves and our lack of business sense that we are so poorly paid, and that we wear out before our time and leave our families poorly provided for."


THE ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY SURGEONS OF THE UNITED STATES.— The fourth annual meeting of "The Association of Millitary Surgeons of the United States," Prof. N. Senn, M. D., of Chicago, President, will be held in Washington, D. C., May 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 1894.

This National Organization is composed of Medical officers of the U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, National Guard of the United States, and the Hospital Marine Service—in whose service are many of the most celebrated and distinguished surgeons of our country. A brilliant and able literary programme will be set apart for an object lesson from the “Manual of Drill," by the Hospital Corps. The evenings will be given up to social entertainments. There will be about five hundred delegates in attendance. GEORGE HENDERSON,

Chairman Committee of Arrangements.

THE LOUISVILLE MEDICAL MONTHLY, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 32, 8vo, Jas. B. Steadman, M.D., Geo. M. Warren, M.D., Editors; Sam Cochran, M.D., Business Manager, subscription price, $1.00 per annum. The initial number (March) of this new "Richmond in the field" has been received, and we cordially commend it to the medical profession, and welcome it to our exchange list. It is well arranged and neatly printed, and contains valuable material that will insure its success if the excellence of its initial number is maintained. We bid a hearty welcome and wish that it "may live long and prosper.".

ANTIKAMNIA.--This is a combination of elements belonging to the coaltar group, and is an American product. It is a white crystalline powder, odorless, and has a slightly burning taste; soluble in hot water and in diluted alcohol, but not in cold water. It acts as antipyretic, analgesic and anodyne. The importance attached to this drug, I think, is due to its anodyne and analgesic power, and the celerity with which it acts. As an antipyretic in fevers, it acts more slowly than antipyrin, but is not attended with as much depresssion of the cardiac system and cyanosis. Whenever a sedative and an analgesic together is indicated, this remedy meets the demand. In severe headaches it is the remedy par excellence.-C. A. Julian, M.D., Louisville Medical College, in N. C. Med. Jour.

Homestead, Pa., Feb. 24, 1894.
Gentlemen.-Have used Sennine

DIOS CHEMICAL Co., St. Louis, Mo. in a variety of diseases, and find it particularly effective in Eczema, Croup, Diphtheria and Gonorrhea. Its antiseptic qualities are unquestionable, and being odorless, it recommends itself to the profession.

Very truly,


Nervous Exhaustion.




Recommended as a restorative in all cases where the nervous system has been reduced below the normal standard by over-work, as found in brain-workers, professional men, teachers, students, etc,; in debility from seminal losses, dyspepsia of nervous origin, insomnia where the nervous system suffers.

It is readily assimilated and promotes digestion.

Dr. Edwin F. Vose, Portland, Me., says; “I have prescribed it for many of the various forms of nervous debility, and it has never failed to do good."

Send for descriptive circular. Physicians who wish to test it will be furnished on application, with a sample, by mail, or a full size bottle without expense, except express charges.

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is the PROPER SUGAR for use in connection with cow's milk.

The sugar formed by the action of the Ptyalin of the Saliva and the Amylopsin of the Pancreas upon starch is MALTOSE. In the digestive tract MALTOSE is absorbed UNCHANGED. -Landois and Sterling.

MALTOSE is a saccharose, not a glucose, and is a form of sugar which does not ferment. - Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Dr. Mitchell Bruce.

"I have never seen any signs of fermentation which I could attribute to the influence of MALTOSE." - Eustace Smith, M.D., F.R.C.S.

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The best endorsement of a business college is the demand for the employment of its students. Goodman's College secured thirty-one students employment in three months. No other college in the South has made such a showing. During the past three years Prof. Goodman has been overrun with requests for his services as an expert accountant by State, city and county officials; large corporations, representing over fifteen millions of capital; banks and many other departments of business. In all his expert work his students are his assistants, he having had eight employed at one time. Recently $50,000 shortage in the accounts of the City of Chattanooga was realized as the result of the work of himself and students, and $75,000 shortage located in the accounts of the Catholic Knights of America.

He retains the management of his college,
and has experienced teachers in charge to im-
part the new methods he comes in contact with
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Students admitted at any time, and for any
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