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which the latter had said, that, in southern countries, the sensitive and imaginative faculties are greater than those of thought and reflection. Gioia combats Bonstellen's opinion, in which, however, there appears to be some truth. Lastly, we have now another pamphlet from Gioia's prolific pen, viz., his examination of an assertion made by Say, the French economist, who, in his Traite d'Economie Politique, after enumerating the difficulty of obtaining exact statistical information, concludes thus carelessly his sentence: "et parvint ou á les avoir, elles ne seroient vrais qu'un instant." And again, in the Revue Encyclopedique, Say ridicules "ces enormes statistiques, qui vraies au moment où elles ont eté dressées, ne le sont plus au moment où on les consulte." Gioia shews that, among the elements of statistical calculations, there are many such as those derived from geography, hydraulics, and the climate, which will remain ever true; and that others are subject to change only after a certain lapse of time; for in consequence of the physical vicissitudes of population, the variations of local atmosphere, the habits of men, whether physical or intellectual, the movements of arts and trade; but their changes are not so rapid,' observes our author, as those of the Parisian fashions; even from their known variations, average or approximative calculations may be drawn for the guidance of the actual generation in its contracts, speculations, and political operations. The shepherds still ascend, with their cattle, the Alps, in July, and find there a rich pasture, and return again to the valleys in September; still the mountaineers of the Apennines, who come to reap in the plains, know that they will be able to return to the highlands in time for their harvest, which comes later. Certain soils and latitudes will continue to bear the same productions, and will thus tend to perpetuate the same reciprocal wants of trade among nations in raw materials.' Gioia imparts several curious facts and observations, in support of his arguments.

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The Subscribers to THE MONTHLY REVIEW are respectfully informed that the Appendix to this journal will be henceforth discontinued, as a separate number. Two sheets, however, will be added to each of the future Monthly numbers, by which many inconveniences will be avoided. For further particulars as to this necessary alteration, we take leave to refer to the advertisement which will be found on the wrapper.





[blocks in formation]

Agriculture, French periodical works
concerning, 461

Alexandria, account of a visit to, 133
Alfred, the Great, entitled to the highest
admiration, for his exertions in raising
a naval force, 517-his victories over
the Danes, ib.

Alhambra, the, beautiful description of,

Allegiance, divided, futility of


charge of, against the Catholics, 245
Alliance, the Holy, its origin, 80-
the course which England took, with
respect to, stated and defended, 85-
it should yield in time to the spirit of
the age, 86

Alma and Brione, a poem, 322
Almacks, a novel, supposed to be written

by Lady Westmoreland, 100-charac-
ter of the work, 101-some account of
its story and characters, 102
America, United States of, history of
their rise and progress, 407-analysis

of that work, 408-account of the first
colonization of, 412

America, northern, emigration should be
directed thither, 122
Americans, their war with Great Britain
in 1814 and 1815, 23-their humane
conduct to our wounded soldiers, 29
-policy of the Americans to join Eng-
land in the war of opinion, 34
America, British campaigns in, in 1814
-1815, 22

Amusements of the Arabs, account of,

Anecdote of the celebrated Nelson, 150
Apostolical party, the, predominant in
Spain, 530-an outrage by them on the
son of Murat, ib.

Arabs, account of the romances and
amusements of, 134-the value they
set on their horses, 311


Aristocracy, its influence in the House of
Commons, 354-the legislature in this
country must necessarily be aristocra-
tic, 359

Arithmetic, a first book in, by Miss
Frank, 330

Arminian controversy, Mr. Butler's ac-
count of it, 347

Army, the British, comparison between
it and the navy, 522-campaigns of at
Washington and New Orleans, 22
Army, the British, in India, the won-
derful superiority of, over Asiatics,
manifested in the Burmese war, 208-
achievements of in the concluding part
of the campaign, 211-The native In-
dian, necessity of attention to its disci-
pline, 197-its defects, 275, 276-
proposed improvements in, 280, 281
Arts, the industrious, French periodical
works on, 463

Astronomy, lectures on, by W. H. Prior,


Australia, Capt. King's survey of the
coasts of, 360-an account of a whim-
sical and intelligent Australian, 368-
account of a new settlement on the
northern coast of, 370-its geographi-
cal extent, 371

Autobiography, the, of the Emperor Ba-
ber, of Hindostan, 254, 259
Ava, British invasion of, 196-treaty
with the king of, 211-see War.


Baber, emperor of Hindostan, his life,
written by himself, 254-summary of
his character, by Mr. Erskine, 257-
Baber's account of an oriental skirmish,
261-and a pursuit, 262

Babylon, account of, 215
Bachelor, confessions of an old, 188-
his notions on marriage, 190-amusing
description of his habits, 192, 193
Bagdad, domestic life of the inhabitants
of, 430

Baltimore, attack upon by the British
army, 30

Baltimore (Lord), history of his settle-
ment and policy in Maryland, 418
Bandoola, a Burmese leader, opposes the

2 N

British Indian invasion; his singular
mode of investment, 205—his fall by a
rocket, leads to the conclusion of the
war, 210

Banim (Mr.), his qualifications as a no-
velist, 123-his Tales of the O'Hara
Family, 124

Bannister (Jack), ludicrous account of
his first reception by Garrick, 70
Barrackpore, the mutiny at, 196
Bartholemew (St.), the massacre of, a
revolting occurrence, 159-long be-
lieved to be the result of a plot to ex-
tirpate the Huguonot party, 160-a
new account of it by Dr. Lingard, 161
-this account attacked by the Edin-
burgh Review, 161-an account of the
massacre, by a French author, ex-
amined, 162, 163-(see Lingard)—the
principal points of the controversy
stated, 164-examination into the me-
rits of the various arguments, 165, 166
-the massacre shewn not to be the
result of a preconcerted plot, by a re-
ference to authorities, and to probable
circumstances, 167---173

Bell (Mr.), his beautiful description of
the illumination of St. Peter's church at
Rome, 99
Biography, the Annual, and Obituary for
1827; it wants a presiding principle;
other objections to its plan, 142, 143
Biography-see Pinkney; Grotius; Ba-
ber; Tone; Siddons; Catherine;

Blanqui (M. Adolphi), his journey to
Madrid, 525-the ridiculous obstacles
placed in the way of travellers to that
metropolis, 526-his account of an out-
rage on the son of Murat, 530
Blanshard (William), his treatise on the
Statutes of Limitation, 334
Boaden (James), his memoirs of Mrs.
Siddons see Siddons.

Boleyn (Anna), conduct of king Henry
VIII. to, 8

Bourbon (Duke of), connection of his
movements with English history, 12, 13
Briccolini, his translation of the Lusiad
into Italian, 539

Broken-heart, the Queen of Prussia's
death caused by a, 158
Brooks (Colonel), succeeds to the com-
mand of the British invading army in
America, on the death of General
Ross, 31-his retreat from Baltimore,

Brougham (Mr.), his proposed reform of

the law of libel, 187
Buonaparte (Napoleon), interview be-
tween him and the Queen of Prussia,
156 panegyric on him, by Giordani,
470-his interview with St. Pierre,

Burmese see War-their insolence re
quired to be chastised, 199—their terri-
tory invaded, 200-their preparations
for resistance, 202-their bravery and
resolution, 203—are defeated, 204-
fresh attacks, and singular mode of in-
vestment, 205-their fire rafts, 207—
their determined resistance, 211
Butler (Charles, Esq.), his life of Grotius,
337-in his taste, industry, and eleva-
tion of mind, Mr. Butler deserves to
be held up to admiration, ib.-charac-
ter of his writings, 338-his modesty
and judgment displayed in the limited
scale of his most interesting disserta-
tions, 339-his account of the state of
literature in the middle ages, ib.-his
memoirs of Grotius avowedly founded
on familiar authorities, 341-his ani-
mated description of Grotius's escape
from prisou, 342-his admirable ac-
count of the religious disputes in the
Seven United Provinces, during Gro-
tius's life, 347—the candour and tole-
rant spirit in which his work is written,
ib.-his fitness to write a history of
toleration, ib.

Butter, mode of making it at Okereen, in
the East, 423


Cairo, account of troops of dogs in, 134
Campaigns of the British army at Wash-

ington and New Orleans, narrative of,
an early work, by the author of the
Subaltern, 22-character of that work,
33-details of the expedition, 25-its
failure, 27, 29-expedition to New
Orleans a wretched project, 32
Campbell (Sir A.), commands the British
Indian expedition against the Burmese,
200-his constancy under the greatest
difficulties, 204

Canada, account of emigrant settlers
in, 119

Canning (Mr.), his prophetic image in a
speech at Plymouth; his fine climax
in his speech in the House of Commons
on dispatching an armament to Portu-
gal, 84 his opposition to a reform in
parliament, 358

Caravan, account of an attack upon one,

Catherine (the Empress), account of her
journey to the Crimea, 284-her mode
of travelling, 285-anecdote respecting
her virtue, 286—her account of an in-
terview with M. Mercier, 287-her ac-
count of Diderot, 288-she studies the
art of poetry, 289-her epitaph on a
dog, 290-her ambitious views, 291—
her interview with Stanislaus, 292

Catholic (an English), his Transalpine
Memoirs, 94-his perverted taste; his
predisposition to be out of humour with
every thing, 95
Catholics, emancipation of, charge of the
archbishop of Cashel concerning, 223
-see Limerick-case of the English,
and English peers, 242, 243-the to-
leration of, imperfect, ib.-apprehended
danger from, futile, 244-the charge of
divided allegiance against, 245-his-
tory of their settlement and policy in
Maryland, 418

Charles V. sanctions a trial in 1543, for
the use of steam in navigation, 109,
110-he prohibited the forced labour
of the Indians, 110
Chateaubriand (M. de), testimony of,
respecting the massacre of St. Bartho-
lomew, 172-his tale, the Natchez,
509-character of that work, 512-his
tale of the Last of the Abencerages,
512-his general preface to all his
works, 514
Chemical Science,

French periodical

works on, 461
Chichester (the late Earl of), the chief
originator of the literary fund, 144
Ciampi (Professor), his proposed new
work on Poland, 542

Clauren (M.), his Liesli, 331

Climax, a fine one, by Mr. Canning, 84
Cockburn (Admiral), alleged to be the
instigator of the attack on Washing-
ton, 29

Clubs, increase of, should alarm the la-
dies, 188

Colonial department, instance of its neg-
ligence in equipping an expedition to
Australia, 360

Columbia, state of, her present financial
condition, 174-obstacles to her im-
provement, 175, 176-effects of the
war upon her, ib.-defects in her con-
stitution, 178

Columbian associations for agricultural
and other purposes, egregious mistake
of, 181

Comedy, the Venetian, 450-the bur-
lesque species of, ib.

Commercial sciences, French periodical
works on, 466

Commons, House of, its organization,
354 Mr. Canning's opposition to re-
form in, 358

Companies, joint stock, complete view of
those formed in 1824, 25, 247-ex-
tent of the mania, 248-origin of it,
249-summary of existing ones, 250
-of those abandoned, 251-of those
merely initiated, ib.-all those compa-
nies considered as drains on the re-
sources of the country, 252-grand
error of the joint stock system, 253-


proper object of joint stock companies,


Confectioner(Jarrin's), an Italian one, 446
Corn, foreign trade in, observations on,
Confessions of an old bachelor, 188-plan
of the work, 191-see Bachelor.
Creed, a singular one, 421
Criminal justice, plan for the administra-
tion of, 473

Crockford-House, a rhapsody, 440
Crusades, their effect on the poetical li-
terature of Germany, 46

Cuba, the island of, its future destiny a
matter of deep interest to this country,

Cuesta, a Spanish General, obstinacy of,
Cunningham (Allan), account of his Paul
Jones, 231-its defects, 232, 233

[blocks in formation]

Diderot, the Empress Catherine's account
of him, 288

Dogs, an account of the troops of, in
Cairo, 134-fight between wild dogs
and vultures, 137-epitaph on a dog,
by the Empress Catherine, 290
Drama, the Italian, origin of, 449-
changes in, 450, 451-analysis of the
modern, 457-The Indian, 534
Durham (the late Bishop of), some ac-
count of, 144


Education-see Memory.

Egypt, recollections of, by the Baroness
Von Minutoli, 132-climate of Upper
Egypt, 135

Electrifying machine, how it was treated
in Persia, 320

Elegy, German translation of Gray's ce-
lebrated one, 158

Elizabeth, improvement in our naval sys-
tem in her reign, 519
Emigration from the United Kingdom,
importance of the question; report of
select committee on, 113-character of
the report, 114-facts established by
evidence on the subject, ib.-defect of
the report, 115-account of an experi-
ment in emigration, 116-the Irish
emigrant, 118-his gratitude, 120--
facilities for carrying on emigration,

121-where emigration should be di-
rected to, 122
Emigration, encouragement to, held out
by the Columbian government, 181
the French, recollections of,
by the Marquis de Marcillac, 531
anecdotes of some of the emigrants,
532, 533.
Encyclopædia, the London, faults of this
work, in the plan and details, 348-
what an encyclopedia ought to be, 349
Engel (J. J.), his German tale of Lorenz
Stark, 538

England, her policy in the case of Spain
justified, 81, 82-her policy in the case
of Portugal defended, 83-her object
in sending an armament to Portugal;
her resources, and spirit of her people
in this cause, 84-her course with re-
spect to the Holy Alliance stated and
defended, 85

Englishmen, the privileges they enjoy re-
specting customs in eastern nations,
might be dispensed with, 214-the high
character they bear in Persia, 216—
account of a small congregation of, in
Astrakhan, 218

English (Henry), his valuable account of
joint stock companies, 247
Epigram, on the number of sects that
claimed Grotius's religion, 346
Epitaph on a dog, by the Empress Ca-
therine, 290-a simple and modest one
on Grotius, by himself, 345
Erskine (William), his joint translation
of the life of Baber, 254
Europe, tour in the north of, 152
Expedition, scientific one to Australia,
negligently equipped, 360


Fee, singular account of one received by
a physician, 401
Females see Women.
Ferdinand the VIIth, naturally desirous

of putting down the constitution of
Portugal, 82-his designs on Portugal
spring from the supposed inability of
England to support Portugal, 83-the
homniunculus of the Holy Alliance, 85
Fire rafts, the Burmese, 207

Forum, the Roman, ill-humoured de-
scription of, 96

France, character of a school of modern

writers in, 161-no party to the inva-
sion of Portugal, though she may be
interested in putting down the consti-
tution of that country, 82-foolish po-
licy of its government towards the
press, 185-its late project to restrict
the press, 186-periodical press of

Frederic of Prussia, his animated descrip-
tion of the difficulties with which Ger-
man letters had to contend, 54
Friendship's Offering, an annual publi-
cation, merits of that for 1827, 86
Fund, the literary, indebted for its exist-
ence chiefly to the late Earl of Chi-
chester, 144


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Galt (Mr.), his novel of the Last of
the Lairds," 34

Gans (J.), his translation of Lorenz
Stark, a German tale, 538

Garrick, his reception of Mrs. Siddons,
then Miss Kemble, 70-his ludicrous
account of his first reception of Jack
Bannister, ib.

Gazelle, description of, 134
Generalization, when it is that a tendency
to, increases in man, 394
Geographical sciences, French periodical
works on, 465

George III., his majesty's deplorable in-
firmity first discovered by Mrs. Sid-
dons, 76

German, translation of Gray's celebrated
elegy into, 158

Germans, feelings of descendants of emi-
grant Germans in Canada, 120.
Germany, literature of, 43-literary his-

tory of, 44 characteristic picture of
a German family, 538

Gifford (Lord), his birth and education,
150-his various promotious, 151-his
great labours induce the premature loss
of his life, 151

Gioia (Melchiorre), an Italian writer,
works of, 472, 473-his curious scale
for assessing damages, 474, &c.,-his
work on statistics, 543

Giordani (Pietro), the works of, 467—
endeavours to restore the Italian lan-
guage, 469 his panegyrics, ib.-his
eulogy of Buonaparte, 470
Golden-headed cane, the, account of that
work, 399

Golden Violet, the, a poem, by Miss
Landon, account of its origin and
structure, 58-prosaic passage from,
59-the opening of the poem lively and
buoyant, 61

Goldoni, the dramatist, account of, 451
Gordon (Captain), his enterprise up the
Potomac, 29

Gozzi, the dramatist, account of, 451
Grahame (J.), his history of the United
States of America, 407
Greece, antiquities of, 458
Grief, more intense in the female than

the male, 477-compensation for, ib.
Grotius (Hugo), the life of, by Charles

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