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" ... how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts... "
Sermons... - Side 10
af Samuel Clarke - 1744
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An essay upon miracles

William Fleetwood (bp. of Ely.) - 1701 - 306 sider
...unto the word of his grace, and granted Signs and Wonders to be done by their hands. Thus Heb. ii. 4. God alfo bearing them witnefs, both with Signs and...with divers Miracles, and Gifts of the Holy Ghoft. See alfo Afts viii. 6, 7. A. Methinks, there can be nothing plainer in the World, than that God purpofed...
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Fifteen Sermons on Various Subjects ...: Being the Twelfth Volume, Published ...

John Tillotson - 1703 - 476 sider
...Chriftianity. The Second Sermon on this Text. HEB. II. 4. God alfo bearing them witnefs^ both with figns and wonders, and with divers miracles , and gifts of the holy Ghoft, wording to his own I Have begun to difcourfe upon tfoefe words, from which I told you, three things...
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Fifteen sermons on various subjects, viz. Of faith in general [&c.]. Vol.12 ...

John Tillotson (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1703 - 474 sider
...firit Preachers of it : and this the Text tells us he did, by bearing witnej's to them, with jigns and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the holy Ghoft. ' "JJ ' For the better underftanding of thefe words, we fhall do well to refleft upon the defign of...
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Three discourses; one on the parable of Dives and Lazarus, the second on ...

Clement Ellis - 1705 - 494 sider
...fptken by the Lord, and was confirm d unto us by them that heard him : God alfo bearing them witnejf with Signs and Wonders, and with divers Miracles, and Gifts of the Holy Ghoft, according to his own mil. Heb. at and. j. When in the Tranffiguration on the Mount, Mofes and Elias were vanifli'd, a Voice...
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Ouranography: Or Heaven Opened: The Substance of Cardinal Bellarmine's Five ...

Saint Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino - 1710 - 318 sider
...fpoken by the Lord, was confirmed unto MI by them that heard him: God alfo bearing them Witnefs, both by Signs and Wonders, and with divers Miracles, and Gifts of the holy Ghoft. Heb. 2. 4. And then what God fpeaks, who will call in queftion ? Could, he Lye, he would not be God....
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The Works of the Most Illustrious and Pious Armand de Bourbon, Prince of ...

Armand de Bourbon prince de Conti - 1711 - 536 sider
...Truth of our Religion. When the Apoftles firft preach'd the Gofpel to the World) GOD wrought with them, bearing them Witnefs, both with Signs and Wonders and with divers Miracles, fuch a* cafting out of Devils, healing all manner of Difeafes, fpeaking with new Tongues, and the lify,...
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The Works of Armand de Bovrbon, Prince of Conti...: With a Short Account of ...

Armand de Bourbon prince de Conti - 1713 - 536 sider
...Truth ofowr Religion. When the Apoftles firtt preach* d the Gofpel to the World, GOD wrought with them, bearing them Witnefs, both with Signs and Wonders and with divers Miracles, fuch as cafting our of Devils, healing all manner of Difeafes, fpeaking with new Tongues, and the likgi...
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The Christian institutes, or, The sincere word of God, a plain account of ...

Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 sider
...at the firft began to be fpoken by the Lord, was confirmed unto IK by them that heard him ;• God bearing them witnefs, both with Signs and Wonders,...Miracles , and Gifts of the Holy Ghoft, according toshis own Will. c For, to one was given, by the Spirit, the Word of Wifdom, and Knowledge ; to another...
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An Exposition of the Church-catechism

Samuel Clarke, John Clarke - 1729 - 340 sider
...The Witnefs of Angels: And, in 5- i the -. the laft place, the Teftimony of God him- Hebr. u , felf, bearing them witnefs both with Signs and Wonders,...and Gifts of the Holy Ghoft, according to his own THE Defign, the End or Effect, of Chrift's Refurrection was, I. To declare his Victory over Death ;...
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Natural obligations to believe the principles of religion, and divine ...

John Leng (bp. of Norwich.) - 1730 - 536 sider
...bimfelf, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him : God aljo bearing them witnefs both with jigm and wonders, and with divers Miracles, and Gifts of the Holy Ghoft, according to his own Will. SERMON XVI. Preached November the 3d 1718. St, Luke vii. i3. And bleffed is he, ivhofoever fhall not...
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