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ERMON I. Of the Sin against the Holy Ghost. [Preached on Whitsunday.]
МАТТ. хії. 31, 32.
Wherefore I say unto you, Allmanner of Sin
and Blasphemy shall be forgiven unto
men; But the Blasphemy against the Ho-
ly Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men :
And whosoever speaketh a Word against
the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him;
but whosoever speaketh against the Holy
Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him neither
in this World, neither in the World to
Page I
SERM. II. HI. Of receiving the Holy
Ghost. [Preached on Whitsunday.]
He said unto them, Have ye received the
Holy Ghost fince ye believed? And they
A 2
Jaid Said unto him, We have not so much as
beard whether there be any Holy Ghost.
And be said unto them, Unto what then
were ye baptized?
SERM. IV. Of the Power and Autho- rity of CHRIST. [Preached on Trini- ty-Sunday.]
St. Матт. xxviii. part 18, 19, 20.
All power is given unto me in Heaven and
in Earth: Go ye therefore, and teach all
Nations, baptizing them in the Name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I have commanded you;
and lo, I am with you always even unto
the End of the World.
SERM. V. Of the different Gifts of the
Spirit. [Preached on Trinity-Sunday.]
I COR. xii. 4, 5, 6.
Now there are Diversities of Gifts, but the
Same Spirit; And there are differences
of Administrations, but the fame Lord;
And there are diversities of Operations,
but it is the fame God, which vorketh
all in all.
SERM. VI. Of the Defire of Know-
ledge. [Preached on Trinity-Sunday.]
DEUT. xxix. 29.
The Secret things belong unto the Lord our
God; but those things which are re-
vealed, belong unto us and to our chil
dren for ever, that we may do all the
words of this Law.
Of the Testimony of our
SAVIOUR'S Doctrines. [Preached on
Temptation. [Preached in Lent.]
MATT. iv. 1.
Then was Jefus led up of the Spirit into
the Wilderness, to be tempted of the De-
179, 203.
SERM. X. The Shortness and Vanity of
Humane Life. [Preached in Lent.]
JOB V. 6, 7.
Although Affliction cometh not forth of the
Dust, neither doth Trouble spring out of
the Ground; yet Man is born unto Trou-
ble, as the Sparks fly upward.
SERM. XI. Of Refignation to the Di-
vine Will in Affliction. [Preached in
JOB v. 6, 7.
SERM. XII. The End of GOD's af-
flicting Men. [Preached in Lent.]
Јов v. 6, 7.