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can it ever be attained in the course of human affairs. The reason why there is no mention. of a republican (or liberal, as it is now called) form of government in the ordinances of God, in the principles and precepts of Jesus Christ, or in any of the sacred writings-republics are in direct opposition to nature, contrary to the principles of the Christian faith, and at variance with wisdom and experience; which have proved, in the most satisfactory manner, that wherever license, turbulence, and faction are permitted, the passions take the lead, and, instead of a solid, peaceable, and prosperous administration, the progress of the affairs of government are interrupted and disturbed by a band of ambitious demagogues, who keep the people in a continual state of irritation and dissatisfaction, and destroy their prosperity, harmony, and contentment. It belongs to freethinkers, disbelievers, republicans, and atheists, to separate religion from politics; thereby, exonerating man from the only fetters which can bind his passions, regulate his moral movements and faculties, and keep him in due subordination to his superiors. In this way, he has been taught to be an ambitious, licentious, rebellious, and unbridled egotist, who, seeking only his own private interest and aggrandizement, has become dissatisfied, irritable, and impatient, even under the flimsy and inefficient forms of government his wild fancy has imagined for himself. The flighty theorists of the new school have conceived the preposterous idea, that by giving the people a smatter (for it is impossible to give more to those who have neither wealth nor leisure) of reading, writing, and arithmetic, they have accomplished all that is necessary to render them capable of judging

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for themselves; nay, more, even of legislating, and bearing the title of well-informed, valuable citizens, not subjects, this last term being deemed too slavish for admission into the vocabulary of liberalism. Alas! that those unreflecting speculators in human destiny should have forgotten that mankind, the poor as well as the rich, have all of them hearts and souls! That the former attribute requires the softening influence of religion, as much as the latter does to be prepared to quit this world of troubles and appear before the awful tribunal of its Maker! The very foundation of their system is rotten and unsafe; because it is in opposition to truth and nature--a mere airy hypothesis, as false as it is absurd and preposterous; since we see every hour the inequality that exists in nature, and that man is born a dependent being, in the fullest acceptation of the term. God seems purposely to have ordained this dependence, in order to prevent us from forgetting our obedience to him, and the fealty and submission he has ordered us to show to our superiors; those whom, in his infinite wisdom, he has appointed to hold the reins of power, to direct us by their knowledge and counsels, and preserve peace, order, and prosperity, and secure a faithful observance of the laws and regulations of the realm. This is the reason why the philosophers and politicians of the new school strive to discard religion-because it teaches us an unlimited submission to the commands of God and his vicegerents, and provides wholesome restraints against the ebullitions of the passions, which otherwise become rampant and ungovernable. This, of course,. does not suit the plans and schemes of those vicious and turbulent demagogues who wish

to make a tool of the people to effect their designs the ladder to climb the heights of ambition-the cat's-paw to pull the nuts out of the fire for their own particular cracking! No! gentlemen freethinkers, professors of the university of liberalism and impiety, ye have been rather too incautious, and have exposed your cloven feet: already your former disciples begin to withdraw their confidence, perceiving, though late, the folly and absurdity of your doctrines, not to mention the tendency they have discovered in them to destroy their confidence in God, and endanger their eternal welfare. We have shown, and we maintain it, that man was created a dependent being, formed, however, to live in peace, friendship, love, and harmony, with his fellow-men, and not to become an insulated egotist, as the sticklers for liberty and equality would make of him. Their theories of natural rights and independence lead them far, very far, beyond the pale of nature, truth, and wisdom, which invariably go hand in hand; thereby making them neglectful of the first of all dutiesobedience to the will of God, from whom we have derived our existence, our knowledge, and every thing that is most valuable to us upon earth-our humble submission to him, the great and almighty Ruler of the Universe! the Author of Souls! the pure Fountain of all Wisdom! deprived of whose ineffable protection and mercy we could not exist for an instant, and at whose will we might be annihilated in the twinkling of an eye! Remember that it was his veto that called the world out of chaos, and inhabited it with men made after his own image, endowing them with souls and superior attributes to all other created beings; fitting

them for the sphere in which they were placed upon earth, but pointing out to them at the same time, in the strongest and clearest manner, their absolute dependence upon the great first Cause that gave them birth! Alas! that the

rebellious spirit of man, in the plenitude of his inordinate self-esteem, freedom of action, and power over the rest of God's creation, which have been delegated to him, should have become so vain and presumptuous as to forget the almighty hand that bestowed them, and, yielding himself up to the dominion of his passions, has dared to rebel against the decrees of the Eternal! Hold! mad and arrogant atheist. Recollect by whom thou wert summoned into existence; and tremble lest his lightnings should blast thee, and reduce thy lofty pride and vanity to nothingness. Reflect, that as a man thou art only a component atom of the great mass of mankind-a mere particle of the immense multitude of human beings which cover the face of the globe! that thou art, in comparison with the universe, less than the meanest and most insignificant insect crawling beneath thy feet! yet how dost thou fret, and foam, and rant, and play the braggart; blustering, quarrelling, and fighting with thy brethren and thy rulers; rejecting the ordinances of heaven, the divine truths of revealed religion, and rising up against thy Maker! Know this, thou egregious egotist-thou canst not live for thyself alone! All thy plans, schemes, projects, and actions of every description are, more or less, under the controul of thy dependence on thy fellow-creatures, and thine immutable destiny. Thus hath our all-wise Creator shown thee the chain that binds us to him, and to each other, and from which the paradoxical and absurd

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theories of liberty and equality, independence and natural rights, can never release us. Seeing, then, that we are born in dependence, and; thus, linked by the commands of God and the indissoluble bonds of nature, why strive to burst them violently asunder, and throw off these wholesome restraints which are so necessary. to keep the human passions in due submission? Natura expellas furcâ; tamen usque recurret.*-Horace.

The turbulence, licentiousness, and impatience of every sort of restraint, produced by the new-fangled theories which level all dise tinctions, and open to every illiterate, but daring and ambitious spirit, the avenues to power, have created a violent fermentation in the minds of those who have nothing to lose, and all to gain. These politicians pretend, "that. every man who can understand the first principles of government has a right to examine the conduct of rulers;" but how few there are amongst them who possess this knowledge; and how many who are either ignorant of, or deny, the divine origin of the science on which they build their pretensions!-taking them on their own ground, their incompetency is evident. The wild, disorderly spirit engendered by those theories in France, and propagated from thence into other countries, has brought their votaries to the last stage of impiety. Tumult, treachery, insurrection, rapine, and murder, have become the watch-words of those who have dignified themselves with the appellation of civilized liberals; pupils of the march of intellect, and disciples of the illuminati, who boast of the rapid strides their system

You may expel nature by force, but she will return again.

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