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ment of People undeniable.-Bad Conduct of certain French Officers.-
Progress of Religion in Hervey Islands, the Society Group, and Marque-
sas.-Friendly Isles under Wesleyans. King George of Vavaoo.-Death
of Boki.-Sandwich Islanders improved. Supposed Intolerance of Mis-
sionaries.-Defence of their Conduct, and Fruit of their Labour.-Life
at Honoruru.-Alleged Depopulation of the Islands.-Diseases propaga-
ted at New Zealand.-Outbreak in New Ulster.-Improved Mode of evan-
gelizing that Country. - Statement by Mr. Yate - Liturgy.-Religion
aided by Knowledge and enlarged Intercourse.-Trade in the Sandwich
Islands and New Zealand.-Whale-fishing.-British Commerce. - Pros-
pects of Polynesia in regard to Wealth and Intelligence.......1 age 311

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