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dition they do not carry into France Merchandizes coming from the States of the faid King of Spain, that may be employ'd against him and his States. And in cafe there be found in the faid Ships fuch Goods, Merchandizes or Commodities, as are declar'd prohibited and contraband, only the faid Goods, Merchandizes and Commodities prohibited and contraband fhall be challeng'd and confifcated; but the Ship, and the other Goods, Merchandizes and Commodities in the faid Ship may not, for that reafon, be molefted or confifcated in any wife. And reciprocally the Subjects of the faid Lord the King fhall have the fame Liberty and Freedom of Navigation and Traffick, in cafe there fhould be any Hoftility be tween the faid Lords the States, and the Kingdoms States or Countries, or any of them, which are or fhall be in Amity or Neutrality with the faid Lord the King of Spain, and that conformably to the forefaid Condi tions and Restrictions specify'd in this Article.

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This Article fhall be obferv'd, executed and held as inferted in the Treaty of Peace, ratify'd by the Lord the King of Spain, and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, as the faid principal Treaty, within two months after the Exchange of the Ratifications of the faid principal Treaty, concluded and fign'd the 30th of January of this prefent year 1648, or as foon as poffible after the faid Exchange; and the Ratifications fhall be exchang'd and deliver'd on both fides in due and valid Form. Done, fettled and fign'd by the faid Ambaffadors Extraordinary, and Plenipotentiaries of the faid Lord the King of Spain, and the faid States General of the United Provinces of the Low Coun tries, at Munfter the 4th of February, 1648. Sign'd and feal'd in two Columns, El. Conde de Pegnaranda, A.Brun, · Bartold van Gent, J. van Matheneffe, Adrian Pauw, Godart van Reede, F. van Donia, G. Ripperda, A.Klandt.


Articles concerning Henry of Naffau, Prince of Orange, whereof mention is made in the preceding Treaty between Spain and Holland, and which were fettled at Muniter the 8th of January 1647.

HEREAS the Lord the Prince of Orange (befides the Parties which fhall be mention'd in the Treaty of Peace made by the Ambaffadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of his Majefty of Spain, and of the States of the United Provinces) pretends to have many Actions and Pretenfions, upon which he has not to this time receiv'd any Satisfaction, and therefore propofing to produce them in the faid Treaty (but as they confift of diverfe Parts of Accounts and Liquidations, which may be more eafily adjusted by themfelves with the faid Prince by Advice of the Ambaffadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of the United Provinces) he thinks fit to treat of them feparately with his faid Majefty to have Satisfaction for them.

In confequence whereof Don Gafpar de Braccamonte and Guzman, Count of Pegnaranda,Gentleman of his Majesty's Bedchamber, of his Privy Council and Council of State, his Embaffador Extraordinary in Germany, and firft Plenipotentiary for the Treaty of a General Peace, &c. on the part and in the name of his faid Majefty; and Meffire John van Knuyt Knight, Lord of Old and New Wofmar, and Reprefentative of the Nobility in the Affembly of the States of the Province of Zeeland, Ambaffador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from the States General of the United Provinces, for the Treaty of Peace, and Counsellor to the faid Prince of Orange, on the part and in the name of the faid Prince, having enter'd upon Conferences, and offer'd feveral Propofitions, have finally agreed upon what follows, viz.

I. That in order entirely to extinguish all Actions and Pretenfions which the faid Lord the Prince might have against his faid Majefty, he fhall give up and yield to the faid Lord the Prince, or (if he fhould die before the


Conclufion and Ratification of the forefaid Treaty of Peace) to his Heirs and Succeffors, or to thofe concern'd, the Lands and Domains of Montfort fituated about Ruremond, and of Turnhout fituated in Brabant, with all their Appendages, Rights and Jurifdictions, without referving any of them and it being reckon'd that the Re venue of the forefaid Land of Montfort may amount yearly to twenty five Thoufand Florins, and that of Turnhout to twelve Thoufand Florins; it is bargain'd, That in cafe the faid Revenues fhould fall fhort, his faid Majefty fhall augment them to the forefaid Sums of twenty five Thoufand, and twelve Thousand Florins refpectively and his faid Majefty fhall over and above yield, for the Benefit of the Lady the Princess of Orange, the Town and Domain of Sevenbergen, with all the Rights, Jurifdictions and Revenues thereto belonging, his faid Majefty promifing to confent and fatisfy all thofe who may have any Pretenfions upon the faid three Lands, Towns and Domains, or who poffefs any Part of them ; and his faid Majefty likewife obliges himfelf to discharge all Mortgages, Interefts, Engagements, and all other Burdens and Claims, that fo the faid Lord the Prince, and the faid Lady his Confort, Princefs of Orange, their Heirs and Succeffors, &c. may poffefs them freely and fully, without any Controverfy or Engagement.

II. The whole on condition of holding in Fee of his faid Majefty all the faid Lands, except fuch as are held in fee of others; and that the. Catholick Religion fhall be maintain'd in them, as it is at prefent, and the Ecclefiafticks maintain'd in all their Goods, Functions, free Exercises and Immunities.

III. Upon account of which Ceffions the faid Sieur van Knuyt in the Name of the faid Prince, and (in cafe he dies before the Ratification of the forefaid Treaty of Peace) in the name of his Heirs and Succeffors, c. promifes to give up and quit all Actions and Pretenfions which the faid Prince might bring against his Majesty or his Subjects.

IV. And altho by the XXIVth Article of Peace it fhall be ftipulated, That they whofe Goods fhall have been feiz'd and confifcated upon the account of the War,' or their Heirs, &c. fhall be put in poffeffion of the faid Goods, and enjoy them during the Peace, and Vol. II.



claim them by their own private Authority, and by vir tue of this prefent Treaty, without being oblig'd to have recourfe to Law, notwithstanding all Fifcal Incorporations, Engagements, Treaties, Agreements and Tranf actions, or any Renunciations whatfoever included and inferted in the faid Tranfactions, to exclude from a part of the faid Goods thofe to whom they fhould belong:

V. Yet notwithstanding hereof, it is agreed, That the faid Prince, or (in cafe he fhould die before the Conclufion and Ratification of the forefaid Treaty of Peace) his Heirs, Succeffors, &c. fhall remain in the poffeffion and enjoyment of the Marquifat of Bergen op Zoom, as fully as the faid Prince is in poffeffion of it at prefent; as alfo the faid Prince and his Heirs, as is faid, fhall be fut by his Majefty in the full poffeffion and enjoyment of that Part and Portion of Bergen, whereof the faid Prince is not yet in poffeffion; and that fo foon as the Treaty of Peace fhall be ratify'd: in ballance of which Important Marquifat, his Majefty fhall be put in full poffeffion and enjoyment of the following Places beLonging in property to the faid Prince, viz. the Town and Barony of Diet, the Land and Town of Sichem and Montagu, the free Domain of Meerhout and Vorst, the free Domain of Herftal, the Barony of Grimbergen, the Town and Barony of Warenton, with all their Appennages and Dependencies, as alfo the faid Prince's Houfe in Bruffels, and this until an effective Exchange on the part of his Majefty be made of the faid Marquifat with all that depends thereupon, for the Poffeffions of the faid Prince and when the faid Exchange is made, the faid Marquifat fhall remain for ever to the faid Prince, his Heirs and Succeffors; and the other faid Poffeffions to his Majefty, or to him who fhall have a Right to the Taid Marquifat: The faid Count of Pegnaranda promifing on the part of his Majefty, that the faid Exchange fhall be obtain'd within, the Term of lix Months after the Ratification of the Treaty of Peace.

VI. His faid Majefty fhall alfo ufe his utmoft Interefts and Endeavours with his Imperial Majefty, That the Land of Meurs belonging to the faid Prince may be enlarg'd, by adding to it fome Place in the Empire fituvated thereabout, worth ten Thousand Florins yearly; bus 9339 gum S

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and that the whole may be erected into a Dutchy, and hold in fee of the Empire from henceforth.

VII. The whole on condition that this prefent Agreement fhall not be obligatory till the Conclufion of the faid Treaty of Peace; but the faid Treaty of Peace being concluded, the prefent Agreement fhall be entirely and punctually fulfil'd, effected and obferv'd, and be of the fame Validity as the forefaid Treaty of Peace.

Made at Munfter, the 8th of January 1647. fign'd, El Conde de Pegnaranda, Frere Jofeph Archbishop of Cambray, J. van Knuyt.

The underfign'd Archbishop of Malines, Bishop of Antwerp, &c. all in Quality of Members of the firit State of the Dutchy of Brabant, having feen and examin'd the Treaty and Agreement made at Munster in the Month of January laft paft, between the Lord the Count of Pegnaranda, as Ambaffador Extraordinary and first Plenipotentiary for the General Peace, in the Name of his Majefty, on the one part, and Meffire John van Knuyt Knight, Lord of Old and New Wofmar, Ambaffador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from the Lords the States General of the United Provincces, for the faid Treaty of Peace, in the Name of the late Prince of Orange, on the other part; the faid Treaty being conceiv'd above, and fign'd as well by the faid Lords contracting as by the Lord the Archbishop of Cambray, likewife Ambaffador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from his faid Majefty; They underwritten, at the Requeft of the ferene Prince William Leopold, Archduke of Auftria, &c. in the Name of his Majefty, as Lieutenant and Governor General of the Low-Countries and Burgundy, have promis'd and do hereby promife, That his Majefty will fulfil the forefaid Treaty according to its Form and Tenor. Done at Bruffels, the 30th of August 1647. James Archbishop of Malines, Gafpar Bishop of Antwerp, Chrifoftom Abbot of St. Michael, Chrift. Abbot of Grimb, Augustin Abbot of Tongerloo, Martin Abbot of Deligem, Winand de la Mayelle Abbot of St. Gertrude.

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