To win this easy match play'd for a crown? Pandulph. You look but on the outside of this work. Lewis. Outside or inside, I will not return Till my attempt so much be glorified As to my ample hope was promised Before I drew this gallant head of war, And cull'd these fiery spirits from the world, To outlook9 conquest, and to win renown Even in the jaws of danger and of death.— [Trumpet sunda What lusty trumpet thus doth summon us? Enter the BASTARD, attended. Bastard. According to the fair play of the worid, Let me have audience; I am sent to speak:-My holy lord of Milan, from the king I come, to learn how you have dealt for him; And, as you answer, I do know the scope And warrant limited unto my tongue. Pandulph. The Dauphin is too wilful-opposite, And will not temporize with my entreaties; He flatly says, he'll not lay down his arms. Bastard. By all the blood that ever fury breath'd, The youth says well:-Now hear our English king; For thus his royalty doth speak in me. He is prepar'd; and reason too, he should: This apish and unmannerly approach, This harness'd masque, and unadvised revel, This unhair'd sauciness, and boyish troops, The king doth smile at; and is well prepar'd To whip this dwarfish war, these pigmy arms, From out the circle of his territories. That hand, which had the strength, even at your door, To cudgel you, and make you take the hatch;1 To dive like buckets, in concealed wells; fo crouch in litter of your stable planks; To lie, like pawns, lock'd up in chests and trunka; 5 Lewis. There end thy brave, and turn thy face ir peace; We grant, thou canst outscold us: fare thee well; We hold our time too precious to be spent With such a brabbler. Pandulph. Give me leave to speak. We will attend to neither: Bastard. No, I will speak. Lewis. Strike up the drums; and let the tongue of war lead for our interest, and our being here. Bastard. Indeed, your drums being beaten, will cry out; And so shall you, being beaten : Do but start As loud as thine, rattle the welkin's" ear, 3 Nest. 2 The crowing of a cock. 6 Sky. 'Needles. (Not trusting to this halting legate here, Whom he hath us'd rather for sport than need,) SCENE III-A Field of Battle. Alarums. Enter KING JOHN and HUBERT. King John. How goes the day with us? O, tell me, Hubert. Hubert. Badly, I fear; How fares your majesty? King John. This fever, that hath troubled me so long, Lies heavy on me; O, my heart is sick! Enter a MESSENGER. Messenger. My lord, your valiant kinsman, Faulconbridge, Desires your majesty to leave the field; And send him word by me, which way you go. King John. Tell him toward Swinstead, to the abbey there. Messenger. Be of good comfort; for the great supply That was expected by the Dauphin here, Are wreck'd three nights ago on Goodwin sands. King John. Ah me! this tyrant fever burns me up, SCENE IV. Another part of the same. [Exeunt. Enter SALISBURY, PEMBROKE, BIGOT, and others. Salisbury. I did not think the king so stor'd with friends. Pembroke. Up once again; put spirit in the French; If they miscarry, we miscarry too. Salisbury. That misbegotten devil, Faulconbridge, In spite of spite, alone upholds the day. Pembroke. They say, king John, sore sick, hath left the field. Enter MELUN wounded, and led by Soldiers. Melun. Lead me to the revolts of England here. Salisbury. When we were happy, we had other names Pembroke. It is the count Melun. Salisbury. Wounded to death. Melun. Fly, noble English, you are bought and sold;' Unthread the rude eye of rebellion, And welcome home again discarded faith. Seek out king John, and fall before his feet; Even on that altar, where we swore to you Salisbury. May this be possible? may this be true? Melun. Have I not hideous death within my view, Retaining but a quantity of life; Which bleeds away, even as a form of wax Resolved from his figure 'gainst the fire?" What in the world should make me now deceive, Since I must lose the use of all deceit? Why should I then be false; since it is true He is forsworn, if e'er those eyes of yours But even this night,-whose black contagious breath 7 A proverb intimating treachery. In allusion to the images made by witches. 8 Lewis. Of the old, feeble, and day-wearied sun,- Even with a treacherous fine of all your lives, Salisbury. We do believe thee.—And beshrew my soul But I do love the favour and the form Of this most fair occasion, by the which Stoop low within those bounds we have o'erlook'd, Even to our ocean, to our great king John.-- New flight: Right in thine eye.-Away, my friends! [Exeunt, leading off MELUN. SCENE V.-The French Camp. Enter LEWIS and his Train. Lewis. The sun of heaven, methought, was loth to set ; When with a volley of our needless shot, 1 Innovation. |