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dominions. Under the impression ones ;—that if such an oath, conof that opinion, he has concurred taining, among other provisions, in what appeared to be the pre- a denial of the power of absoluvailing sentiments of the majority tion from its obligations, is not a of the cabinet—that the admission security from Catholics, the sacraof the Catholics and Dissenters to mental test is not more so ;-that offices, and of the Catholics to par- the political circumstances under liament (from which latter the which the exclusive laws origiDissenters are now excluded), nated, arising either from the would under certain conditions to conflicting power of hostile and be specified, be highly advisable, nearly balanced sects, from the with a view to the tranquillity and apprehension of a Popish queen or improvement of Ireland, and to successor, a disputed succession and the general interests of the united a foreign pretender, and a division kingdom.

in Europe between Catholic and For himself, he is, on full con- Protestant powers, are no longer sideration, convinced that the applicable to the present state of measure would be attended with things; that with respect to no danger to the Established those of the Dissenters, who, it is Church, or to the Protestant in- feared, entertain principles dans terest in Great Britain or Ireland; gerous to the constitution, a dis—that now the Union has taken tinct political test, pointed against place, and with the new provisions the doctrine of modern Jacobinism, which would make part of the would be a much more just and plan, it could never give any such more effectual security than that weight in office, or in parliament, which now exists, which may either to Catholics or Dissenters, operate to the exclusion of conas could give them any new means scientious persons well affected to (if they were so disposed) of at- the state, and is no guard against tacking the establishment ;-that those of an opposite description ; the grounds on which the laws of --that with respect to the Cathoexclusion now remaining were lics of Ireland, another most imfounded, have long been narrowed, portant additional security, and and are since the Union removed ; one of which the effect would - that those principles formerly continually increase, might be proheld by the Catholics, which made vided, by gradually attaching the them be considered as politically Popish clergy to the government, dangerous, have been for a course and, for this purpose, making of time gradually declining, and, them dependent for a part of their among the higher orders particu- provision (under proper regulalarly, they have ceased to prevail; tions) on the state, and by also —that the obnoxious tenets are subjecting them to superintenddisclaimed in the most positive ence and control ;-that, besides manner by the oaths which have these provisions, the general inbeen required in Great Britain, terests of the Established Church, and still more by one of those re- and the security of the constituquired in Ireland, as the condition tion and government, might be of the indulgences already grant- effectually strengthened by reed, and which might equally be quiring the political test before made the condition of any new referred to, from the preachers of

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all Catholic or Dissenting congre- he will not, on his part, importune gations, and from the teachers of your Majesty with any unnecesa schools of every denomination. sary reference to the subject; and • It is on these principles Mr. will feel it his duty to abstain, Pitt humbly conceives a new se himself, from all agitation of this curity might be obtained for the subject in parliament, and to precivil and ecclesiastical constitution vent it, as far as depends on him, of this country, more applicable on the part of others. If, on the to the present circumstances, more result of such consideration, your free from objection, and more ef. Majesty's objections to the meafectual in itself than any which sures proposed should not be renow exists, and which would, at moved, or sufficiently diminished the same time, admit of extending to admit of its being brought such indulgences as must conciliate forward with your Majesty's full the higher orders of the Catholics, concurrence, and with the whole and by furnishing to a large class weight of government, it must be of your Majesty's Irish subjects a personally Mr. Pitt's first wish to proof of the good-will of the be released from a situation which united parliament, afford the best he is conscious that under such chance of giving full effect to the circumstances he could not congreat object of the union-that of tinue to fill but with the greatest tranquillizing Ireland, and attach- disadvantage. ing it to this country.

At the same time, after the It is with inexpressible regret, gracious intimation which has been after all he now knows of your recently conveyed to him of your Majesty's sentiments, that Mr. Majesty's sentiments on this point, Pitt troubles your Majesty, thus he will be acquitted of presumpat large, with the general grounds tion in adding, that if the chief of his opinion, and finds himself difficulties of the present erisis obliged to add, that this opinion is should not then be surmounted, or unalterably fixed in his mind. It very materially diminished, and if must, therefore, ultimately guide your Majesty should continue to his political conduct, if it should think that his hunible exertions be your Majesty's pleasure that could, in any degree, contribute to after thus presuming to open him- conducting them to a favourable self fully to your Majesty, he issue, there is no personal difficulty should remain in that responsible to which he will not rather subsituation in which your Majesty mit than withdraw himself at such has so long condescended gracious- a moment from your Majesty's ly and favourably to accept his service. He would even, in such services. It will afford him, in- a case, continue for such a short deed, a great relief and satisfaction, further interval as might be neif he may be allowed to hope, that cessary to oppose the agitation or your Majesty will deign maturely discussion of the question, as far to weigh what he has now humbly as he can consistently with the submitted, and to call for any ex- line to which he feels bound uniplanation which any parts of it formly to adhere, of reserving to may appear to require.

himself a full latitude on the prinin the interval which your Ma- ciple itself, and objecting only to jesty may wish for consideration, the time and to the temper and

circumstances of the moment of our forefathers has enjoined the But he must entreat that, on this kings of this realm to take at their supposition, it may be distinctly Coronation, and enforced by the understood, that he can remain in obligation of instantly following office no longer than till the issue it in the course of the ceremony (which he trusts on every account with taking the sacrament, as so will be a speedy one) of the crisis binding a religious obligation on now depending shall admit of your me to maintain the fundamental Majesty's more easily forming a maxims on which our constitution new arrangement; and that he is placed, namely the Church of will then receive your Majesty's England, being the established permission to carry with him into one, and that those who hold em: a private situation that affectionate ployments in the state must be and grateful attachment which members of it, and consequently your Majesty's goodness for a long obliged not only to take oaths course of years has impressed on against Popery, but to receive the his mind--and that unabated zeal holy communion agreeably to the for the ease and honour of your rites of the Church of England. Majesty's government, and for the This principle of duty must, public service which he trusts will therefore, prevent me from disalways govern his conduct. cussing any proposition tending to

He has only to entreat your destroy this groundwork of our Majesty's pardon for troubling you happy constitution, and much more on one other point, and taking the so that now mentioned by Mr. liberty of most respectfully, but Pitt, which is no less than the explicitly, submitting to your Ma- complete overthrow of the whole jesty the indispensable necessity of fabric. effectually discountenancing, in When the Irish propositions the whole of the interval, all at- were transmitted to me by a joint tempts to make use of your Ma- message from both Houses of the jesty's name, or to influence the British Parliament, I told the lords opinion of any individual, or de- and gentlemen sent on that occascriptions of men, on any part of sion, that I would with pleasure this subject.

and without delay forward them

to Ireland; but that, as indiB. The King's Answer to A.

viduals, I could not help acquaintQueen's House, Feb. 1, 1801. ing them, that my inclination to I should not do justice to the an union with Ireland was prinwarm impulse of my heart, if I cipally founded on a trust, that entered on the subject most un

the uniting the Established pleasant to my mind, without first Churches of the two kingdoms expressing, that the cordial affec- would for ever shut the door to tion I have for Mr. Pitt, as well any further measures with respect as high opinion of his talents and to the Roman Catholics. integrity, greatly add to my un- These two instances must shew easiness on this occasion ; but a Mr. Pitt, that my opinions are not sense of religious, as well as po

those formed on the moment, but litical duty, has made me, from such as I have imbibed for forty the moment I mounted the throne, vears, and from which I never can consider the oath that the wisdom depart ; but, Mr. Pitt once ac

quainted with my sentiments, his ty. It is, therefore, with ada assuring me that he will stave off ditional pain he feels himself bound the only question whereon I fear to state, that the final decision from his letter we can never agree, which your Majesty has formed on --for the advantage and comfort of the great subject in question (the continuing to have his advice and motives to which he respects and exertions in public affairs, I will honours), and his own unalterable certainly abstain from talking on sense of the line which public duty this subject, which is the one requires from him, must make him nearest my heart. I cannot help consider the moment as now ar. if others pretend to guess at my rived, when, on the principles opinions, which I have never dis- which he has already explained, it guised; but if those who unfor- must be his first wish to be retunately differ with me will keep leased as soon as possible from his this subject at rest, I will, on my present situation. He certainly part, most correctly on my part, be retains the same anxious desire, in silent also ; but this restraint I the time and mode of quitting it, shall put on myself from affection to consult as much as possible your for Mr. Pitt, but further I cannot Majesty's ease and convenience, go, for I cannot sacrifice my duty and to avoid embarrassment. But to any consideration,

he must frankly confess to your *: Though I do not pretend to Majesty, that the difficulty even of have the power of changing Mr. his temporary continuance must Pitt's opinion, when thus unfor- necessarily be increased, and may

, tunately fixed, yet I shall hope his very shortly become insuperable, sense of duty will prevent his re- from what he conceives to be the tiring from his present situation import of one passage in your Mato the end of my life, for I can jesty's note, which hardly leaves with great truth assert, that I him room to hope that your Majesshall, from public and private ty thinks those steps can be taken considerations, feel great regret, if for effectually discountenancing all I shall ever find myself obliged, at attempts to make use of your any time, from a sense of religious Majesty's name, or to influence and political duty, to yield to his opinions on this subject, which he entreaties of retiring from his seat has ventured to represent as indisat the Board of Treasury.

pensably necessary during any in

terval in which he might remain C.-Mr. Pitt, in Reply.

in office. He has, however, the

less anxiety in laying this sentis Downing-street, Tuesday, ment before your Majesty, because, Feb. 3, 1801.

independent of it, he is more and Mr. Pitt cannot help entreating more convinced, that your Majesyour Majesty's permission to ex- ty's final decision being once taken, press how very sincerely he is the sooner he is allowed to act penetrated with the affecting ex- upon it, the better it will be for pressions of your Majesty's kind- your Majesty's service. He trusts ness and goodness to himself, on and sincerely believes, that your the occasion of the communication Majesty cannot find any long dewith which he has been under the lay necessary for forming an 'arnecessity of troubling your Majes- rangement for conducting your

service with credit and advantage; and that, on the other hand, the feebleness and uncertainty, which is almost inseparable from a temporary government, must soon produce an effect, both at home and abroad, which might lead to serious inconvenience. Mr. Pitt trusts your Majesty will believe, that a sincere anxiety for the future ease and strength of your government is one strong motive for his presuming thus to press this consideration.

D. The KING'S Answer to C.

Queen's House, Feb. 5, 1801. The box from Mr. Pitt contained two letters, and a warrant in favour of Mr. Long. I cannot have the smallest difficulty in signing the proposed warrant, as I think him a very valuable man, and know how much Mr. Pitt esteems him

I had flattered myself that, on the strong assurance I gave Mr. Pitt, of keeping perfectly silent on the subject whereon we entirely differ, provided on his part he kept off from any disquisition on it for the present, which was the main object of the letter I wrote to him on Sunday, we both understood our present line of conduct: but as I unfortunately find Mr. Pitt does not draw the same conclusion, I must come to the unpleasant decision, as it will deprive me of his

political service, of acquainting him, that, rather than forego what I look on as my duty, I will, without unnecessary delay, attempt to make the most creditable arrangement, and such as Mr. Pitt will think most to the advantage of my service, as well as to the security of the public; but he must not be surprised, if I cannot fix how soon that can possibly be done, though he may rest assured that it shall be done with as much expedition as so difficult a subject will admit.



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MEMOIR of the RIGHT HON. GEORGE CANNING, D. C. L. First Commissioner of the Treasury, Chancellor, and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer of Great Britain and Ireland, a Privy Councillor, M. P. for Newport, in Hants, a Governor of the Charter-House, &c.


The family of Canning was shire. George, fourth son of originally of Foxcote in Warwick Richard Canning of Foxcote, emi

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