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gates; 64 guns each, from 450 to standing which they have them 500 men.

selves interrupted. In this case 15 Turkish frigates; 48 guns, they will have the white flag from 450 to 500 men.

hoisted on all the forts before the 18 Turkish corvettes, 8 Egyptian end of this day. We demand a ditto;

from 18 to 24 guns, 200 men. categorical answer, without eva4 Turkish brigs, 8 Egyptian sions, before sun-set. Signed by ditto, 19 guns, from 130 to 150men. the English, French, and Russian 6 Egyptian fire vessels.

admirals. 40,000 Egyptian troops in the The Gazette also contains letters Morea ; 4000 of whom came with of congratulation from admiral the above ships.

Codrington to the French and

Russian admirals, on the excellent [No. IV.- Translation.]

management of the ships under As the squadrons of the allied their direction in the course of the powers did not enter Navarino battle, and the answer of admiral with an hostile intention, but only De Rigny. It also contains a to renew to the commanders of the letter to admiral Codrington from Turkish fleet propositions which De Rigny, speaking in high terms were to the advantage of the Grand of the assistance received from Seignior; it is not our intention to captain Davies and captain Feldestroy what ships of the Ottoman lowes, of the British squadron. navy may yet remain ; now that so signal a vengeance has been taken Return of officers killed and woundfor the first cannon shot, which

ed, belonging to his majesty's has been ventured to be fired on

service :the allied flags. We send therefore Killed. -Captain G. A. Bell, one of the Turkish captains fallen R. N.; Mr. Wm. Smith; Mr. into our hands as a prisoner, to Philip Dumauresq; Mr. John make known to Ibrahim Pacha, Lewis ; Mr. Peter Mitchell ; capMouharen Bey, Tachir Pacha, and tain C. J. Stephens; Mr. Edward Capitana Bey, as well as to all the R. Forster ; captain Walter Bar other Turkish chiefs, that if one thurst; Mr. Peter Brown; Mr. single musket or cannon shot be Charles Russell; Mr. A. J. T. again fired on a ship or boat of the Rowe ; lieutenant G. W. H. Fitzallied powers, we shall immedi- roy ; Mr. Brown Smythe ; Mr. W. ately destroy all the remaining J. Goldfinch ; lieutenant Philip vessels, as well as the forts of Sturgeon ; Mr. Henry Campling. Navarino ; and that we shall con- Wounded Severely.-Mr. H. J. sider such new act of hostility as a Codrington ; Mr. W. V. Lee; Mr. formal declaration of the Porte R. H. Bunbury; Mr. C. Wakeagainst the three allied powers, ham; Mr. William Lloyd ; Mr. and of which the Grand Seigniorand Frederick Grey ; Mr. Thomas Adhis pachas must suffer the terrible dington ; lieutenant-colonel Cradconsequences. But if the Turkish dock; Mr. Henry S. Dyer ; cumchiefs, acknowledging the aggres- mander J. N. Campbell ; lieutenant sion they have committed by com- J. G. Durban ; rev. E. Winder ; mencing the firing, abstain from Mr. W. F. O'Kane ; Mr. James any act of hostility, we shall re- Stewart; captain Thomas Moore ; sume those terms of good under- Mr. H. B. Gray ; lieutenant H. R.

[ocr errors]

Sturt; Mr. James Chambers ; Mr. Killed 45 seamen-9 marines;
Launcelot Harrison ; lieutenant wounded 130 seamen-31 ma-
Spencer Smith ; Mr. John Della- rines.
more; Mr. Joseph Gray; lieut. Return of the French killed and
R. S. Hay ; Mr. Alexander Cate wounded. — Killed — 3 officers ;
ton; lieutenant M. Lyons ; Mr. wounded—3 officers.—Total killed
Douglass Currie ; Mr. Wilo 43.—Total wounded 144.
Jiams; Mr. John Isatt.

[ocr errors]

CONVENTION between his MAJESTY and Her Royal HIGHNESS the

INFANTA REGENT of PORTUGAL, for providing for the Maintenance of a Corps of British Troops, sent to Portugal Dec. 1826; signed at Brighthelmston, Jan. 19, 1827.

In the Name of the Most Holy powers, found to be in due and and Undivided Trinity, &c. proper form, have agreed upon

Her Royal Highness the Infanta and concluded the following arRegent of Portugal having, in con- ticles : sequence of aggressions committed Art. 1.-Her royal highness against the Portuguese territory, the Infanta Regent of Portugal, claimed the fulfilment, by his Mac anxious that the body of troops jesty the King of the United which has been so promptly sent Kingdom of Great Britain and to her royal highness's aid by his Ireland, of the ancient treaties of Britannic majesty should be treated alliance and friendship which sub- with the hospitality becoming the sist between the two Crowns; relations of the two allied nations, and his Britannic Majesty having engages to provide the necessary thereupon resolved to send, and barracks and quarters, and buildhaving actually sent, a body of ings for hospitals, and for stores troops to Portugal, the two high and magazines, and the necessary contracting parties think it neces- rations of provisions and forage, sary to agree upon certain arrange for the officers, non-commissioned ments for the maintenance of the officers, and soldiers, and for the said troops during their stay in horses and cattle of the British Portugal, and have named as their auxiliary army, according to the plenipotentiaries for that purpose, regulations of the British service. viz:

11.- The provisions and forage His Majesty the King of the above specified are to be delivered United Kingdom of Great Britain to the British Commissariat, at à and Ireland, the right hon. George distance not greater than six PorCanning, &c.—And her Royal tuguese leagues from the headHighness the Infanta Regent' of quarters of each British detachment Portugal, the most illustrious and to which they are supplied, unless most excellent lord, Don Pedro de in cases where a different arrangeSouza e Holstein, Marquis of Pal- ment shall be made, with the conmella, &c.

sent of the British Commissariat. Who, after having communicated III.-In order to obviate the to each other their respective full difficulties which an immediate disbursement of funds for the pur- agreed that the said occupation chase of the aforesaid provisions shall continue so long as the and forage might occasion, under auxiliary army shall remain in the present circumstances, to the Portugal. Those forts shall be, government of Portugal, it is from time to time, duly provisioned agreed that the British Commis- by the Portuguese government, or sary-general shall, for the present, by the British Commissariat on provide those supplies for the Bri- account of the Portuguese governtish army, charging the cost thereof ment, in the same manner as is to the account of the Portuguese provided in the foregoing articles government.

with respect to the auxiliary army. As, however, cases may arise, Arrangements shall be made in which it may be more conve- between the government of Pornient to receive such supplies from tugal and the commander of the Portuguese magazines, for the British army, for the carrying on purpose of avoiding competition in of the service of the pratique, of the markets, the British Commis- the police of the harbour, and of sary-general shall, in the execution the Customs, by the proper officers of this agreement, concert his pro- of the Portuguese government, ceedings, from time to time, with usually employed for those pura person appointed for that end by poses. A list of these officers shall the government of Portugal. be given to the British command

IV.-The accounts of the British ing officer, and they shall be Commissariat being approved and strictly under his command in all signed by the commander of the that may relate to military service, auxiliary army, shall be delivered and to the defence of the forts. every three months to the Portu- VII.-His Britannic majesty guese government, which, having requiring, on the part of his ally, verified the same, shall either pay only that which is indispensably the amount thereof forthwith to necessary for ensuring the proper the British Commissary-general, maintenance of his troops, and for or carry it over to the credit of the good of the common service, the British government, as shall declares that he will not bring forbe judged most convenient by the ward any pecuniary claims whattwo governments.

ever against the Portuguese goV.-The cost of provisions and vernment, on account of the assiste forage for the British troops shall ance furnished by his majesty on be placed to the account of the this occasion to Portugal, beyond Portuguese government, from the what is specified in the preceding day of the landing of the said articles. troops in Portugal, and shall cease VIII.-The stipulations of this to be placed to that account from the convention shall remain in full day of their departure, or of their force until the two high contractpassing the frontiers of Portugal. ing parties shall mutually agree to

VI.-Her royal highness the make any change therein. Infanta Regent of Portugal having IX.-The present convention consented that on this, as on for- shall be ratified, and the ratificamer occasions, the forts of St. tions shall be exchanged in London Julien and of Bugio shall be occu- in the space of six weeks from the pied by the British troops, it is date hereof, or sooner if possible. VOL. LXIX.

2 E

In witness whereof the respect ive plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at Brighthelmstone, the

CONVENTION between his MAJESTY and the EMPEROR of BRAZIL, for the ABOLITION of the AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE, signed at Rio De Janeiro, November 23, 1826.

Art. I.At the expiration of three years, to be reckoned from the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, it shall not be lawful for the subjects of the emperor of Brazil to be concerned in the carrying on of the African slave-trade, under any pretext or in any manner whatever, and the carrying on of such trade after that period, by any person, subject of his Imperial majesty, shall be deemed and treated as piracy.

II. His majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and his majesty the emperor of Brazil, deeming it necessary to declare the engagements by which they hold themselves bound to provide for the regulation of the said trade, till the time of its final abolition, they hereby mutually agree to adopt and renew, as effectually as if the same were inserted, word for word, in this convention, the several articles and provisions of the treaties concluded between his Britannic majesty and the king of Portugal on this subject, on the 22nd of January, 1815, and on the 28th of July, 1817, and the several explanatory articles which have been added thereto. III.The high contracting parties further agree, that all the matters and things contained in those treaties, together with the

19th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1827. (L. S.) GEORGE CANNING. (L. S.) Marquez de PALMELLA.

instructions and regulations, and forms of instruments annexed to the treaty of the 28th of July, 1817, shall be applied, mutalis mutandis, to the said high con tracting parties and their subjects, as effectually as if they were recited word for word herein; confirming and approving hereby all matters and things done by their respective subjects under the said treaties, and in execution thereof.

IV. For the execution of the purposes of this convention, the high contracting parties further agree to appoint forthwith mixed commissions, after the form of those already established on the part of his Britannic majesty and the king of Portugal, under the convention of the 28th of July, 1817.

V. The present convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London within four months from the date hereof, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at Rio de Janeiro, the 23rd day of November, in the our Lord 1826. ROBERT GORDON.

year of

(L. S.)

(L. S.)

Marquez de S. AMARO.

(L. S.)

Marquez de INHAMBUPE.


RICA, for the final Settlement of certain Claims of the UNITED States, arising out of the ConveNTION concluded at St. Petersburg, July 12, 1822. Signed at London, Nov. 13, 1826.

Art. I.--His Majesty the King convention by the President of the of the United Kingdom of Great United States, by and with the Britain and Ireland agrees to pay, advice and consent of the Senate and the United States of America thereof. agree to receive, for the use of the

And the payment of the second persons entitled to indemnification half to be made on the 1st day of and compensation, by virtue of the August, 1827. said decision and convention, the IV. The above sums being sum of 1,204,960 dollars, current taken as a full and final liquidation money of the United States, in of all claims whatsoever arising lieu of, and in full and complete under the said decision and consatisfaction for, all sums claimed vention, both the final adjustment or claimable from Great Britain, of those claims and the distribution by any person or persons what- of the sums so paid by Great soever, under the said decision and Britain to the United States, shall convention.

be made in such manner as the II.--The object of the said con- United States alone shall detervention being thus fulfilled, that mine; and the government of convention is hereby declared to Great Britain shall have no further be cancelled and annulled, save concern or liability therein. and except the second article of V.-It is agreed that, from the the same, which has already been date of the exchange of the ratificarried into execution by the com- cations of the present convention, missioners appointed under the the joint commission, appointed said convention, and save and ex- under the said convention of St. cept so much of the third article Petersburg, of the 12th of July, of the same as relates to the defini- 1822, shall be dissolved, and upon tive list of claims, and has already the dissolution thereof, all the likewise been carried into execution documents and papers in possession by the said commissioners.

of the said commission, relating to III.-The said sum of 1,204,960 claims under that convention, shall dollars shall be paid at Washington be delivered over to such person to such person or persons as shall or persons as shall be duly authorbe duly authorized, on the part of ized, on the part of the United the United States, to receive the States, to receive the same. And same, in two equal payments, as the British commissioner shall follows:

make over to such person or perThe payment of the first half to sons, so authorized, all the docube made twenty days after officialments and papers (or authenticated notification shall have been made, copies of the same, where the origiby the government of the United nals cannot conveniently be made States, to his Britannic majesty's over), relating to claims under the minister in the said United States, said convention, which he may of the ratification of the present have received from his government

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