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in a multipara, about four months along in pregnancy. Her medical attendant, an able physician, said he could not do anything for her unless he emptied the womb. This patient was averse to such a procedure, and I was called to take charge of the case. It seemed an unpromising case for medical treatment. This patient suffered a severe laceration of the cervix uteri in her first confinement. Whether this lesion or a vicious attachment of the placenta caused the hemorrhage I was unable to determin. However, rest and the use of the pills produced a wonderful result, no more flowing, and every prospect of going to full term.

I could cite many more cases in which this treatment has been effectual. I am aware that we must individualize, and treat the patient; but unless there are some indications for special treatment, I resort to this combination with the utmost confidence. Patrick Henry said: "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience." I know that "experience teaches slowly and at the cost of mistake," so we ought to give the medical profession the benefit of our experience.

GEO. R. MITCHELL, M.D. Richland Center, Wis.


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I read more of the articles in THE MEDICAL WORLD than of any journal that I take. They are generally short and spicy. I do not endorse them all by any means; but we often receive as much benefit in reading an article that we do not agree with as when we read one we believe to be correct. THE WORLD has many of both. Some men will rush into print to record their treatment of one case that has recovered, thinking all other similar cases will do likewise, when perhaps more experience will prove that the case recovered in spite of the treatment. The facts are, we have no specifics in medicin and never will have in the true sense. The various peculiarities of the individual, age, climatic influence, food, habits and many other circumstances all have their influence to prevent us having true specifics. Medicin never can be an exact science. The minds of the medical profession prove this; they cannot agree on any one thing unless it be that when one itches it is a pleasure to scratch.

The fact is that homeopathy has taught us many things; among them, that nearly all our acute diseases have a strong natural tendency to recover if given good hygienic surroundings, and the confidence of the patient secured. The medication of pure homeopathy never influenced cure in the least. They also taught us the value of pleasant medicins, and now we can secure medicin in as pleasant forms with correct and different dosage. The fraudulent homeopath uses the name for an advertisement, and makes use of remedies much as the regular. I am sorry to say, I think this class the more numerous. They are not so lacking in ability as honor. I pity the earnest devotee to the system. The other class is dishonest to the system, to themselves and to the patient. The eclectics are another class from which we learn some things. They experiment on men with every plant and herb, looking for specifics-a noble idea but not attainable, except to the imagination, which has many specifics.

It is the "regular" school of medicin that has made the greatest advances in all the different branches of medicin and surgery. "Regulars" bring experience and all the sciences to their aid. They are not bound by any isms nor pathies. They are free to use every agency in the universe, in any form or size of dose that in the individual opinion will best cure his patient in the shortest time. And being so numerous, they have all kinds of minds in their ranks.

The mechanical part of surgery has attained great perfection, but the results will never reach a mathematical certainty.

What caused me to write this, Mr. Editor, is your invitation to Dr. A. P. Bowie to write an article on the homeopathic treatment of grip (March WORLD, page 105). I say yes, by all means, have him write. Also Dr. W. C. McCutcheon's article, "Determination of Sex" (page 108). That is one of the things we will not be able to control or do more than guess at. I think the doctor may have been a lucky guesser. His theory is no doubt as good as any theory. JOHN BINNIE.

Poynette, Wis.

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[No satisfactory working formula of Peruna has been publisht. It is probably but an alcoholic tincture of simple bitters. -ED.]

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Can you give me the formula of "Swamp Root,' and also that of the "Church Kidney Cure?" Both are extensivly advertised and used in this section, and many inquiries are made concerning them.

Joplin, Mo. M. B. HARUTUN, M.D. [We are unable to find the formula for [We are unable to find the formula for either nostrum. Can any reader send the Doctor a reliable working formula ?-ED.]

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How to Pack the Uterus with Gauze. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Please inform me thru the Quiz Column what is the best method of packing the uterus with gauze. Cushing, Wis. "INQUIRER."

[Make vulva, vagina, and pubic hair steril by use of soap and water, followed by creolin, five drams to the pint of water. Sterilize operator's hands and instruments. Dilate the cervix. Insert any form of intrauterin speculum. Have the gauze in long strips, and pass direct from the jar thru the speculum. Pack tightly from the fundus, and allow a strip to protrude from

the os to facilitate removal. Pack the vagina lightly, and douche the vulva with bi-chlorid of mercury solution, 1 to 3000 after each urination or bowel motion. Do not permit the tampon to remain in place over eighteen hours, and in cases of likely infection, it is best to change it in twelve hours. The tamponing may be done in any of the approved positions. The newly advertised gauze carriers should be a great convenience, but the older patterns were satisfactory. Little skill is required; perfect dilation of the os, and thoro asepsis are the main essentials to success.-ED.] Writing on Glass.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Please give me a method of writing on glass. I am a country doctor, and in carrying drugs in the saddle bags, the labels often come off and leave me in doubt as to just what drugs are in the various bottles.

Wheat, Tenn. J. BLAIR CROSS, M.D.

[The many formulas for etching on glass are unsatisfactory. Get a few triangular files at the hardware store. Break off small portions at a time by holding against some iron substance, and striking a sharp blow with hammer. The sharp corners will cut glass as easily as a diamond, for a time; when they wear smooth, another section may be broken off. A little practise will enable you to make an artistic label that will always be legible.-ED.]

The Removal of Superfluous Hair.


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I should be glad to have the Editor and readers of THE WORLD give their experience in the removal of superfluous hair. What, if anything, have they found successful? have used the electric needle, but in my hands it has proven painful and is far from successful. I have noticed mention of a remedy called "Antipilus," prepared by the Labordine Pharmacal Company in that "much medicin" town of St. Louis, Mo. This remedy has the endorsement of physicians. I had my pharmacist get some for me; it is precious, for the bottle held one dram and cost one dollar. It is a water white liquid with the odor of hydrogen sulfid, and dries on the skin with a yellow crust. I followed the directions implicitly, and while it destroyed the hair, it had no effect on the roots. Has any reader had any experience with this or any other remedy? and what has been

their success? THE WORLD is a necessity in trouble, and we turn to it as we do to our Bible. "WANT," M.D.

Columbus, Ohio.

[There is no known painless method of depilation. The protracted and painful electrical method will yield unsatisfactory results in the hands of the most expert operator. Chemical agents can never reach every root, tho it is possible to rapidly annihilate every hair on the surface thru the application of numerous remedies. We have no knowledge of "Antipilus."

Superfluous hair may be removed by shaving, pulling the hair out, or the application of medicinal agents. The best medicinal agent which Duhring has commended is the following:

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Make into a paste with water and spread upon the hairy area. As soon as a burning sensation is complained of, remove the application; ten to fifteen minutes should suffice. Follow with any bland ointment, such as vaselin. Repeat the treatment every few days as required. This removes all the hair, but it again reappears. Any chemical which has the power to destroy the hair follicle deep in the skin must also destroy the skin. Direct depilation has been advised; it is not nearly so painful as electrolysis, if carefully performed. Each individual hair is grasped firmly with small forceps and quickly removed. Any bland ointment is applied after each seance. It is the most satisfactory method. Do not waste time or money on chemical depilatories.-ED]

An Abdominal Problem.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Please give me advice as to diagnosis and treatment on the following case: Female, sixty-seven years of age, good family history, has lived on farm all her life, in comfortable circumstances, excellent health except during attacks. The attack comes on with nausea and retching, but without profuse vomit; she suffers from rigors and pain in head. Thirst during attacks is insatiable. dominal muscles are tense, and she complains of a burning sensation over the entire abdomen. Pulse is 80; temperature 101° F.; tongue is red and flabby with thick coating at the base. Treated


her by mustard plasters to the stomachic area; mercury to purgation; pepsin, peppermint, and allied drugs. Ice was given to swallow. After a long interval, attacks recur. She improves under medication, but the sickness persists for some two or three weeks. three weeks. At times the attacks come on with chills and aching, but without vomiting. There is tenderness in the hepatic region. At such times she had mercury to purgation, followed by quinin and muriate of ammonia every four hours. She has also had nitro-muriatic acid. She improves for a week or ten days and then relapses. Would like to hear from the Editor and the family, both on diagnosis and treatment. H. C. LEEMLY, M.D.

Schofield Mo. [You have attacks of acute indigestion, which may possibly be due to gall stones, or appendiceal involvement. Examin stool carefully after each attack. Examin the appendix externally and thru the rectum. Give her rigid dietary instructions. Keep her constantly on the acid and pepsin mixture. The burning over the abdomen is a relex from irritation. See that she eats only enuf to nourish her, and that she masticates well. Old people always eat too much. The repeated attacks of indigestion have set up a chronic sub-acute gastritis, and any dietary indisposition will provoke an attack. Do not treat the symptoms so much by drugs; treat the patient more by hygiene and dietetics. We suggest nitrate of silver in grain doses, in solution, before meals. Phosphate of soda in full dosage between attacks will be the best laxativ and hepatic stimulant you can give. Let us hear from her again with comments on our suggestions.-ED.]

How to Get Rid of Bores.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-When I am busy at my desk with books, accounts, letters, etc., many good patients and personal friends "drop in for an hour's chat." What can I do? I must be pleasant with them, yet after they leave, I must do my work when I should be sleeping. I have tried getting on my coat and picking up my case, but they have come back in five minutes for something they had forgotten, and found me at my desk work: the denouement was embarrassing for me. You can never convince a layman that a doctor has anything to do but ride in a buggy to see patients; they

believe that if they can catch him on a chair in his office, that he will enjoy an hour's gossip while he is resting. Their conception never includes any office work. How can I get rid of such people without offending them? T. C. SPLEYNER, M.D. Pittsburgh, Pa.

[Talk pleasantly for a while, then say, "Is there anything I can do for you?' If this does not work, ask them to excuse you as you must get some bills made out. This will give a hint that cannot be dodged.-ED.]

Was it Suffocativ Bronchitis? Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Had a little male patient five years old who was just in the desquamativ stage of recovery from measles. He was suddenly taken with distrest respiration. His temperature was 103° F., and he had numerous crackling rales over both lungs posteriorly. Countenance bore an anxious and distrest look, and the breathing was stertorous, but there was no play of the alae of nose. I gave monobromate of camphor, caffein, and acetanilid, five grains. Steam was inhaled from a croup kettle containing Seiler's tablets in the water. In a short time the boy breathed easier; depression disappeared; temperature sought the normal; and in three days he was well. I had applied the cotton jacket to the chest, and gave small doses of carbonate and chlorid of ammonia. My diagnosis was My diagnosis was suffocativ bronchitis. Is this a synonym of suffocativ catarrh? Bronchitis (capillary) has complicated nearly every case of measles that came under my observation this winter. L. THOMPSON, M.D., PH.G. Utica, Ills.


[You did not give the proportions of As your five grain mixture. state it, it suggests a pretty stiff dose of acetanelid for a five year old child. However, you got the results, and that disarms criticism. You did not have a case of the true

suffocativ catarrh of Laennec. You had, no doubt, an intense hyperemia of the bronchial tubes, which might have developt into suffocativ catarrh or pneumonia, had you not attackt it so capably. Atmospheric conditions and nursing regulate the frequency of respiratory complitions and sequelae of measles. Come and see us again; your communication was clear, concise, and professional, and THE WORLD needs to hear from such men often.-ED.]

How to Make an Alum Ointment Smooth. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In many urgent cases I make an ointment, or salve, in which I incorporate pulverized alum. I am not able to get the ointment soft and smooth like vaseline; it cuts like sand. Please tell me how to get that gritty condition out of the pulverized alum, so that the ointment will spread soft and smooth. Antioch, Mo. DR. H. C. SKIRVIN.

[Boil your alum with a small quantity of water until you get a saturated solution. If other powders are used in the ointment, add them to the alum solution gradually, and stir till smooth, and then add to ointment. If you find too much water is employed, you can use some anhydrous lanolin, which will take up much more water than vaseline, and which makes an admirable base for any local application. This will take all the "gritty" character from your preparation.-ED.]

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Bowels inclined to constipation. Urin contains uric acid; and after standing deposits "brick dust." Skin is dry and scaly. Some edema of feet. Knees are flext onehalf, and elbows so ankylosed that I cannot place my hand to face. All phalanges are ankylosed. I have not walkt in twelve years. Now have pain in right arm. would like to hear from THE WORLD, if you think the Editor or family can give any relief. Please give me the best formula for chronic rheumatic arthritis. I have temporary relief from macrotys, bryonia, gaultheria, alkalithia, and Dover's powders. W. E. WOLVERTON, M.D. Hartshorne, Indian Territory. [Eighteen years of chronic rheumatic arthritis will have involved articular tis

sues, osseous and ligamentous, to a degree precluding hope of complete recovery. No drug nor combination of drugs will do more than give fleeting relief. Persistent massage of the affected joints combined with continued use of the hot air treatment will partially restore motion and power. Endeavor to regulate the bowels by diet, massage, ingestion of fluids, and judicious mastication; rather than by laxativ or cathartic medicins.

Have you

had the urin carefully examined? The "brick dust" deposit is only significant of lack of exercise and, if you will pardon us, probably excessiv ingestion of food: one who cannot walk needs but little food, even tho the appetite be good. The edema of feet would suggest possible kidney involvement. Have you had a good doctor examin your heart and urin? Do not try to do it yourself, or to have it done under your supervision.

If your heart remains intact, and the kidneys are not too greatly damaged, you will improve on the lines we have laid down. It will take long and devoted work. We hope you have a loving and capable wife. Write Frederick Stearns & Co., Detroit, Michigan, concerning their offer of free expert microscopical examination, and send them your urin. Get "Uric Acid as a Factor in the Causation of Dis. ease," by Haig (P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., $3.00). Send for the "Hand-book of Medical Gymnastics," by Wide (Publisht by Funk & Wagnalls Co., of New York, N. Y.) Use the hot

air apparatus and massage persistently. Your case is a severe one. We hope to have you follow directions completely and report results later. You must be per

sistent in treatment. Don't expect magical results from a "best formula." Use as few drugs as possible, outside those mild alkalies calculated to keep the urin from becoming too acid. Ingest all the water possible. Avoid dark meats. Eat only sufficient to keep the body nourisht.-ED.]

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-G. F., a single man of 28 years, in good health, no bad habits except that of masturbation, which he has practised once a week since his twelfth year. The testicles ceased growing in boyhood, and the scrotum is now smooth, pendulous, and resembles that of an aged man rather than of a young healthy man. He has had no emissions for four years. Erections are full and complete. He has had ozonized palmetto, and hot bathing of the genitals night and morning for last two months, but without results. Now, are these atrophied testicles due to masturbation? Can they be restored to normal size again, and how? Patient wishes to marry in a few months and would like to know if he can have natural and normal intercourse, and good offspring, if any.

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[Masturbation to excess would atrophy the testicles, particularly early in life; but later in life, once each week would not be so likely to affect the size of the testicles. Bathe the scrotum twice or three times daily in ice water; the hot water induces relaxation rather than producing stimulation. He may safely marry, since the erections are full and complete. His virility can only be proven by microscopical examination of the semen just after emission; if the spermatozoa are normal and mobile, he will have a good chance to have healthy children. have healthy children. Testicles vary much in size in different men, and it is probable that your patient has small sized testicles naturally. No treatment will influence the size of the testicle. Insist on the patient appreciating the fact that nearly every boy practices masturbation. Give him confidence. Convince him that the world does not revolve around his Ecrotum, and that if he marries he will do as well as other men. In order to inspire confidence, it is justifiable for you to say rather more than you feel sure of yourself -it is so important that such a patient have the full benefit of self-confidence.ED.]

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