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organs, suffered venereal disease. They have developed a desire for novelties, and now wonder why it is that their sexual appointments are not normal. Here is the history of a case just dismissed a few days since J. S., age twenty-five, has been married three years; one child, a girl, one and one-half years old; is a strong, healthy young man, of good family. Has had precipitate ejaculations since March, 1900. No history of previous trouble of this kind. Indulged his sexual appetite once or twice per week, and was becoming discouraged, as the ejaculation was hurried and accompanied with undue excitement, cheating his partner entirely. Has history of gonorrhea and masturbation. Became incapable of coitus and the mind got increasingly restless. Diagnosed the case as hyperesthesia of prostate. Directed my treatment to this gland and nervous system. Gave him a sound lecture on sexual hygiene and required him to give the sexual organs a complete rest, and attempted to engage the mind upon other matters of a quieting nature; assumed a confident air in his presence, and assured him he would be well soon. Shortly after I received a handsome reward and dismissed the case.

J. J. EZELL, M.D., M.E.

Lafayette, Ky.

Nymphomania. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I was much interested in reading a communication from Dr. J. A. Elliott, of Northumberland, Pa., and your comments upon it, in your February issue, pages 74 and 75. Some time ago I ran across a case of nymphomania, which I had under treatment and apparently cured. The patient, a young married woman, was of delicate build and refined features; there was nothing in her appearance to suggest the condition, and it is my opinion that it was purely physical. The husband had consulted me in reference to what he termed "nervous debility." Upon questioning him, he said it was "his wife's fault." He was told to bring his wife, which he did. Examination revealed the fact that she had a severe

vaginitis, and that the vulva and vagina were much ulcerated. The following remedies were prescribed:

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F. e. salix nigra, (P. D. & Co.) Sig. One teaspoonful every four hours. Locally the vagina was douched with a 10 per cent. solution of glyco-thymoline (Kress), as hot as could be borne, and then the vagina was packt, with lamb's wool saturated in glyco thymoline (Kress) full strength. The packing was allowed to remain forty-eight hours, and then same treatment repeated. The vulva was dusted with markasol (boro phenate of bismuth) and protected with gauze.

The strontium bromid was discontinued after the first week, and the f. e. salix nigra was given three times a day. This treatment, with the local treatment, was continued for about six weeks, when the patient was discharged, the nymphomania at least relieved and the vaginitis cured.

FRANCIS MILLS TURNER, M D. 1324 South Broad Street, Philadelphia. [Query: How about the husband?poor fellow. We suppose that he was "permitted" to get well. The "plugging up" is certainly a good feature in the treatment of cases of this kind-good for the husband as well as for the wife. When a husband obtains more sexual gratification than is consistent with the health of the wife, he is a "brute." When the wife is at fault, she is the victim of disease, either physical or psychical, or both, and is regarded with sympathizing pity; but no sympathy is ever wasted on a drained and worn-out husband. Many a husband bears his burden in silence, thinking it unmanly to complain; but wives often pose for sympathy just for the sake of the sympathy, and the satisfaction of having men regarded as brutes. This side of the story seldom comes to light-it seems that few have the courage to say a word for men. There is truth on both sides. Then let us have both sides.-ED.]

Sex.-Tinnitus Aurium.-Diarrhea. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In regard to the determination of sex, it may be of

interest to know that in one of the Hebrew commentaries on the Bible, written some two thousand and odd years ago, it is said that it depends on who procreates first, i. e., if the man procreates first, the product will be a female, while if the woman procreates first, the product will be a male. I do not know how these rules will compare with those laid down by Dr. J. G. Davis, as quoted in THE WORLD of


February last, page 66, for if both be right, the one in 'sexual ascendancy" should be the last one to procreate. In the Talmud there is a statement, "If anyone desires a male offspring he should repeat his sexual act."

In tinnitus aurium, if there is no tympanic or internal ear trouble I have nsed sodium bromid and ergot with excellent results. This is recommended by Dr. H. A. Hare, of Philadelphia. I generally give 0.65 of sodium bromid and 1.3 of Squibb's fluid extract of ergot every four hours.

In reply to Dr. Embry, I know of a similar case of obstinate diarrhea, where the following prescription seemed to control it, tho it did not cure it:

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It is only a short time since I joined your family, and I must say that I am charmed with it. I like its democratic spirit. I enjoyed your reply to Dr. Cooper, and the thought naturally suggests itself,

Why not apply the same arguments to our industrial field?" I think that we are suffering no less from the corporations owning our industries than from those owning our railroads. Our entire system now is ''paternalistic" and mighty cruel "paters (fathers) we seem to have. Why not make it all fraternalistic ?

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Omaha, Neb.

LOUIS I. BOGEN. [Doctor, in 'collectiv ownership and operation, we should be guided by the experience of other countries, so far as they have gone in this direction. Not until we catch up with other countries in this kind of development will it be time to consider going ahead of them. In the meantime, however, as we are sending our iron and steel products all over the world, it might be well for us to take the "protectiv" tariff off this class of manufactures. A Wisconsin Republican congressman has introduced a bill to that effect, and I think he intends to push it hard at next session. He is getting much encouragement from many sources but we will have to wait and see.-ED.]

No physician ever made a better investment than one dollar per year for WORLD. Among the journals I take it is a prime favorit. Full of seasonable suggestions, it is a great help to the busy doctor. EDWARD G. LEFFLER.

La Porte City, Iowa.

Calcium Sulfid.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In regard to calcium sulfid, I would say that I have found it a very valuable remedy in all forms of suppurativ inflammation. To be effectiv, it must be given in large doses. The Ringer idea of dosage will not do. I usually order two and one-half grains in combination with two grains of quinin three times a day, until patient is fully under the influence of the drug; then reduce to one-half grain three times a day. Only a few days ago a woman consulted me about a finger that was swollen and very painful. Upon examination I decided that I had a very bad case of paronychia (felon) to contend with. I decided I would try the sulfid before resorting to incision; so I ordered calcium sulfid two and onehalf grains, quinin two grains, to be taken. in capsule after each meal. The finger rapidly improved and after the third day I reduced the dose to one-half grain and continued the remedy for a few days longer, with the result that the finger was cured without incision. I have also found the drug useful in phthisis and grip. K. G. AVERITT, M.D.

Cedar Creek, N. C.

Experience with Calcium Sulfid. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In February WORLD, page 46, the question is askt if calcium sulfid is inert in pustulation. In 1888 I used it in powder form in diphtheria as much as would lie on a quarter or half of a nickel every hour, two hours or three hours, till the characteristic odor of the breath came. Cases that I did not use it on became worse, till, alarmed, I used it in large doses. Several times I proved that without it I lost ground, and with it gained. Of 129 cases I lost but It would not have saved alone, but I would have lost without it.


In chronic bronchitis with great expectoration I have seen a markt gain after using grain doses four times a day for six months. Other drugs had never helpt. Some of such cases would not respond, or apparently did not.

In an epidemic (?) of itch a husband and son were covered with the parasites; the wife, who had been taking calcium sulfid for several months, did not get it.

Four years ago a man came in my officewith ringworm on his hand. Had been totwo doctors. I told him the salve I gave him would do the work. Used subacetate

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In cystitis it injured, probably by forming sulfur compounds and gases in bladder. The same applied to my use of it in gonorrhea. Was consequently surprised and interested to note its recommendation in gonorrhea. There are cases it doubtless helpt, but many it did not, or we would have heard of its beneficient results.

Have used it in what would have been buboes; at least, there was a discharge and the inguinal glands were enlarged. They went down in three months' time. Used other drugs also.

Lately, a student applied to me for a remedy for dumb (?) boils appearing on the back of the neck. The condition had

existed for three years. After taking a grain four times a day for two months he writes he is better; also, that he has been troubled with nose-bleed. Would the calcium sulfid cause it?

In eczemas, boils, furuncles, etc., it has workt wonders. Why should it not be a great agent in small pox?

Please give its action on the system, concisely.

I admire the stand THE WORLD has taken in economics. If the people knew, they would rule and not serve. Sherman, N. Y. W. M. HAYNES, M.D. [Will Dr. Waugh respond to the Doctor's request in next issue?-ED.]

Calcium Sulfid.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-If those who say calcium sulfid is a failure will tell me of one drug that does not occasionally fail, I want to know it. Ergot, quinin, strychnin, digitalis, all fail, sometimes, to give expected results. Give plenty of it, keep bowels open, and you will, in most cases, get the result you want.

Intestinal antisepsis is an establisht fact with me. H. CLAY CARSON.

Sugar Grove, Va.

Calcium Sulfid.

Dear DR. TAYLOR :-In a recent issue of THE MEDICAL WORLD I notice several articles denouncing the value of calcium sulfid in the treatment of furuncular and other affections of the skin, and I would like to record some of my own experience in its favor. Many years ago, I advocated

the use of this agent in your journal for carbuncles, boils, pustular acne, and gonorrhea, and I have no reason to alter my opinion as to its merits. Time and again I have overcome bad cases of acne by its use in gr. doses, used persistently, four or five times daily; and I have often seen carbuncles literally" melt away." In urethritis, specific and non-specific, I have found that it first inspisates the discharge, and later on, arrests it. Combined with Fowler's Solution, it often ameliorates the conditions and rectifies the sputum in phthisical cases, and patients gain in weight and general appearance. The mode of administration has much to do with its medicinal activity. I never prescribe it in tablets. This is my favorit formula:

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A Homeopathic View of Calcium Sulfid. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I am a very recent subscriber to your valuable journal. I find much interesting and valuable reading in it. In regard to your brief editorial on calcium sulfid, it occurs to me that if the "pendulum begins to swing backward," it is no more than has happened with every other drug, until it has been firmly anchored in its proper place in our materia medica. Calcium sulfid (the hepar sulfur of Hahnemann), undoubtedly has an important place in therapeutics. The great trouble is, it is prescribed in doses many times too large. Onehundredth of a grain should be the maximum dose if you expect to get satisfactory results from its use. I have been using the drug for ten years and have seldom been disappointed. In large and continued doses it will undoubtedly cause an unhealthy condition of the skin; and enlargement and often suppuration of the glands. But in small doses it will cure this same condition if present. If you wish to prevent suppuration, give 1-1000 of a grain at a dose; if to hasten that process, increase the dose to 1-100 of a grain, and the more sensitiv the condi

tion the more is this drug indicated. The homeopaths have used this drug for more than 100 years with wonderful success.

hemorrhoids, I submit following for C. C. Patchen, M.D.,

Acid. tannici
Acid carbolici

gr. xxx m. XV


M. Sig. Apply thoroly twice daily. Give laxativ granules two to four daily as required to obtain

soft stools. Look after the digestion.


Ammon. mur.

Chloroform spts.

Syr. ipecac.



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Also in conjunction with spongia and aconitum nap., 1-100 grain each, is a specific for spasmodic croup. I have never failed to cure laryngismous stridulus with this prescription in a few hours; and by that means got into several good families and stayed there. The profession cannot afford to discard a drug that is capable of such wonderful results when its dose and field of action is establisht. I am inclined to the belief that the reason for so many failures with this drug is that physicians fail to study the symptoms and conditions. in which it is indicated. The "shotgun" prescription should be a thing of the past. Study well the symptomatology of the drug and my experience is you will find it a most faithful servant. I wish to emphasize the size of the dose. I have tried the large dose and the small, and like most other drugs, the smaller the dose the surer the result; if the medicin is indicated, I usually divide the dose of Calcium Sulfid.-Strychnin.-Chronic Ulcer,

medicin I gave ten years ago by 100, and
am quite positiv my good results are in-
creast by almost that proportion.
Athens, Ohio. J. M. HIGGINS, M.D.

Calcium Sulfid.-Hemorrhoids.-Expectorant.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In your pendulum swinging article concerning the calcium sulfid, I note you ask experience in use of same; consequently I will report a case: Man, 30, single, good habits and constitution, came to my office presenting entire post cervical region one solid mass. This mass did not point, but was bedeckt with some five or six pits the size of a split pea, filled with pus. Prescribed calc. sulfid, gr. 100. M. caps. No. 30. S.-One after each meal. I expected him to return for more, but in ten days the entire mass had disappeared, leaving some discoloration only. This was of eight weeks standing.

Employees of lead mines near here work in the mud and water and are subject to boils and pustular sores, which heal readily under above treatment, while they lose no time from their work.

Being sure of the grade and non-slackt condition of the article, it gives good results. I have not used it in any genitourinary diseases.

In regard to the medical treatment of

Tr. opii camph.
Pulv. glyc.

Aquæ q.s. ad.

M. Sig. One-half to one dram every two to four hours as indicated.

Send me THE WORLD (never mind the barbed wire fence around it.) Here is your note, Uncle Sam as security. Luebbering, Mo. DR. B. F. WINDLE.


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I am a new subscriber but, like the fellow in the prayer meeting, would like to give my experience regarding some of the topics recently under discussion in your columns. I have used calcium sulfid in several cases of furunculosis as well as acnc pustulosa, invariably successfully.

Regarding strychnin, when its use is urgent, I never give less than 1-20 grain to an adult to start with. When the period of administration is lengthy, I gradually decrease, as I am aware of its cumulativ action. I use the phosphate.

For the benefit of O. C., of Ohio, I will give a treatment for chronic ulcer which I am positiv will beat any other. If limb is swollen and inflamed, I confine patient in bed and elevate the foot of the bed. If granulations are not activ enuf, I touch with solid stick of silver nitrate. When swelling and inflammation are gone, I use compression; and the silk elastic stocking has always given me the best results. When I once get ulcer aseptic I pack it with odorless iodoform (Johnson & Johnson) under the stocking. I redress every week, but never wash the ulcer out, as I am convinced that more harm is done those delicate granulations by washing than anything else. I think this is the reason that many do not readily heal. If the compres

sion is O. K., and ulcer strictly aseptic, the ulcer will not cause the least inconvenience to patient, even when on the feet all day. For Dr. Siske, I will say that in cases of sciatic or any other neuritis, I have found that 1-100 grain nitroglycerin, three times daily, will cure it as quick as his local applications, and with a great deal less trouble. J. S. OUTHOUSE, M.D.

Shelburne Falls, Mass.

Alkaloidal Medication.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD :-It strikes me that our friend Dr. Beck will continue to make a "hash" of it unless he gets in line and looks up dosimetric medicin. I have jugulated a fair number of cases of pneumonia in children and adults with dosimetric trinity and apomorphin. I treat it far more successfully than in the old way. A doctor friend of mine, twentyfive years in practise, was induced by me. after much persuasion to try aconitin in

acute fevers. He soon learned to use it successfully and is now enthusiastic in the use of alkaloids. The diseases of children have lost all their terrors to me, since I have learned to practise dosimetric medicin. DR. C. N. ISAMINGER.

Rogers City, Mich.


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Referring to the recent "forensic" discussion of iron, full of spice and instruction, particularly Dr. Anderson's terse article, I wish to modestly drop in a humble comment. I deprecate combinations of mixtures. Give me the old tinc. ferri chloridi that our fathers and grandfathers used, mix it with a little glycerin and water, and you know what you're giving exactly. The chlorosis of our girls, the anemias of our matrons and cachexias of our brothers will gradually and surely fade before its influence. Of course the bowels should be kept acting freely. Constipation negativs the action of any medicin. Who is not acquainted with the baneful influence of a combination of calomel and constipation? Portland, Ore.


When remitting for subscription, please realize that it is the fashion now in the WORLD family to take a four year trip. This is cheaper and more convenient to you. When you renew for one year only, making it an every year job, you are liable to put it off from time to time, until your subscription is months overdue. Don't be afraid that you will die before your four years are out. This will give you something to live for. Besides, you can leave to any one in your will any residue subscription due you. We will honor any such legacy.

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M. Sig.-One teaspoonful in half glass of water after each meal.

The patient should take a mild physic twice a week while taking the above. It is well to order half the mixture at a time, as it will not keep well. The medicin must be taken continuously for several months, until an entire cure is effected. I have never had a failure when the patient continued to use the remedy as directed. The tendency, especially in young girls, is to discontinue its use as soon as they see it is curing them, thinking it will go away anyhow. The Doctor will observe, of course, that the virtue is in the sublimate; the paregoric is simply to prevent irritation of the stomach and bowels. The physic is to carry off effete matter liberated by the sublimate. I trust this simple remedy may help the brother, and perhaps others. Use no external applications. Long live THE World.


Franklin Grove, Ills.

Treatment for Goitre.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-J. H. Phillips, M.D., on page 112, March WORLD, asks for treatment for goitre. I will tell him how I am treating a case in a girl twelve years old who, three months ago, had a very large double goitre. I put her on full doses of thyroid extract three times per day. At first she came to my office twice per week for treatment, which consisted in applying thoroly to the parts Lugol's solution and then saturating the cathode of a galvanic battery with the same and apply with as strong current as she could well bear. After a little I had to lengthen the time of treatment on account of the soreness. This treatment caused the goitre to immediately contract in size, and altho it is not gone entirely, it is not one-quarter of its former size, and the parents are well pleased with the results.

The induced current would have caused it to grow larger. Iodin has an electrical

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