The Medical Fortnightly, Bind 4,Oplag 5;Bind 4,Oplag 9


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Side 555 - TISTERINE is a well-proven antiseptic agent — an antizymotic — especially useful in the • —» management of catarrhal conditions of the mucous membrane, adapted to internal use and to make and maintain surgical cleanliness — asepsis — in the treatment of all parts of the human body, whether by spray, injection, irrigation, atomization...
Side 552 - Deranged digestion is the most common of all human ailments. It is a truism that no organ of the body can preserve its normal integrity when its supplying nerve is disordered by lowered tone, but this fact is largely ignored in these modern pepsin days — the cause being lost sight of whilst trying to remedy the effect. It is well known that an unusual worry or anxiety will upset the digestion of the neurotic patient.
Side 557 - It is the concentrated juice or extract of the quohaug or clam, put up in bottles only and sterilized, and will keep in any climate. It is more strengthening than milk or extract of beef, and is easily prepared by adding hot water. You will find it a very acceptable change from the long list of beef and other food products now offered. Put up in three sizes, 25-cent, 50-cent and $1.00, and is sold by all first-class Druggists and Grocers throughout the United States and Canada.
Side 552 - Hence, in treating dyspsepia, particularly atonic dyspepsia, that form met with in persons of low vitality and poor appetite, there are two distinct INDICATIONS, one is to subserve the needs of general nutrition, the other is to subserve the needs of the nervous system. This can be done by giving the patient good nutritious food and a good nerve tonic. This explains why such remarkable results follow the daily use of CELERINA in all dyspeptic troubles. A...

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