Smoking with pride, march'd on to make his stand On her bare breast, the heart of all her land'; Whose ranks of blue veins, as his hand did seale, Left their round turrets destitute and pale. They mustering to the quiet cabinet And fright her with confusion of their cries: Are by his flaming torch dimm'd and controll'd. Imagine her as one in dead of night From forth dull sleep by dreadful fancy waking, Wrapp'd and confounded in a thousand fears, Like to a new-kill'd bird she trembling lies3; She dares not look; yet, winking, there appears On her bare breast, the HEART of all her land:] So, in Antony and Cleopatra : the very heart of loss." Again, in Hamlet : 66 I will wear him "In my heart's core; ay, in my heart of heart." MALONE. 2 The sight which makes supposed terror TRUE.] The octavo 1616, and the modern editions, read: which makes supposed terror rue." MALONE. 3 Wrapp'd and confounded in a thousand fears, Like to a new-kill'd bird she TREMBLING lies ;] So Ovid, describing Lucretia in the same situation : Illa nihil; neque enim vocem viresque loquendi Aut aliquid toto pectore mentis habet. Sed tremit-. MALONE. Quick-shifting anticks, ugly in her eyes; Such shadows are the weak brain's forgeries *; Who, angry that the eyes fly from their lights 5, In darkness daunts them with more dreadful sights. His hand, that yet remains upon her breast, First, like a trumpet, doth his tongue begin Who, o'er the white sheet peers her whiter chin 3, 4 Such shadows are the weak brain's FORGERIES ;] So, in A Midsummer-Night's Dream: "These are the forgeries of jealousy." STEEVENS. Again, in Hamlet: S "This is the very coinage of your brain : "This bodiless creation ecstacy "Is very cunning in." MALONE. the eyes fly from their lights.] We meet with this conceit again in Julius Cæsar: "His coward lips did from their colour fly." STEEvens. 6 Beating her BULK, that his hand shakes withal.] Bulk is frequently used by our author, and other ancient writers, for body. So, in Hamlet: "As it did seem to shatter all his bulk, "And end his being." See vii. p. 261, n. 1. MALONE. 7 To make the breach, and enter this sweet city.] So, in our author's Lover's Complaint: "And long upon these terms I held my city, Again, in All's Well that Ends Well: ". marry, in blowing him down again, with the breach yourselves made, you lose your city." 8 beline : MALONE. o'er the white sheet peers her whiter chin,] So, in Cym The reason of this rash alarm to know, Thus he replies: The colour in thy face? Thy never-conquer'd fort1; the fault is thine, Thus I forestall thee, if thou mean to chide : 66 fresh lily, "And whiter than the sheets." MALONE. So Otway, in Venice Preserved: 66 in virgin sheets, "White as her bosom." STEEVENS. 9 Under what COLOUR he commits this ill. Thus he replies: The COLOUR in thy face-] The same play on the same words occurs in King Henry IV. Part II. : this that you heard, was but a colour. "Shal. A colour, I fear, that you will die in, sir John." STEEVENS. And the red rose BLUSH AT HER OWN DISGRACE,] A thought somewhat similar occurs in May's Supplement to Lucan: labra rubenus Non rosea æquaret, nisi primo victa fuisset, Et pudor augeret quem dat natura ruborem. STEEVENS. 2 Under that colour am I come to scale Thy never-conquer'd fort:] Leander : 66 So, in Marlowe's Hero and every limb did, as a souldier stout, We have had in a former stanza "Her breasts, like ivory globes circled with blue." MALONE. My will that marks thee for my earth's delight2, 3 I see what crosses my attempt will bring; And dotes on what he looks', 'gainst law or duty. I have debated", even in my soul, What wrong, what shame, what sorrow I shall breed ; But nothing can affection's course control, 2 my earth's delight,] So, in The Comedy of Errors: 66 3 I THINK the honey guarded with a sting;] the honey is guarded with a sting. MALONE. 4 I am aware that on what he looks,] i. e. on what he looks on.-Many instances of this inaccuracy are found in our author's plays. See the Essay on Shakspeare's Phraseology. MALone. 5 I see what crosses I have debated, &c.] On these stanzas Dr. Young might have founded the lines with which he dismisses the prince of Egypt, who is preparing to commit a similar act of violence, at the end of the third act of Busiris: "Destruction full of transport! Lo I come "Swift on the wing to meet my certain doom: "I know the danger, and I know the shame; 66 'But, like our phoenix, in so rich a flame I plunge triumphant my devoted head, "And dote on death in that luxurious bed." STEEVENS. This said, he shakes aloft his Roman blade, 6 Coucheth the fowl below with his wings' shade, Whose crooked beak threats, if he mount he dies: So under his insulting falchion lies Harmless Lucretia, marking what he tells, With trembling fear, as fowl hear faulcon's bells". Lucrece, quoth he, this night I must enjoy thee: So thy surviving husband shall remain 8 Thy kinsmen hang their heads at this disdain, 6 like a FAULCON towering in the skies, sure: COUCHETH the FOWL below -] So, in Measure for Mea Nips youth i' th' head, and follies doth enmew "As faulcon doth the fowl." I am not certain but that we should read-Cov'reth. To couch the fowl may, however, mean, to make it couch; as to brave a man, in our author's language, signifies either to insult him, or to make him brave, i. e. fine. So, in The Taming of the Shrew: "— thou hast brav'd many men; brave not me." Petruchio is speaking to the taylor. STEEVENS. So, more appositely, in Coriolanus: "Flutter'd your Volces in Corioli." Boswell. 66 7 as FOWL hear FAULCON'S BELLS.] So, in King Henry VI. Part III.: 66 not be that loves him best “Dares stir a wing, if Warwick shake his bells." 8 THE SCORNFUL MARK of every open eye;] STEEVENS. So, in Othello: STEEVENS. So, in the Two |