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was herself a pattern-wife, brought || scornful glances which Mrs. Prune, me up in the belief, that a husband | the wife of a retired grocer, gave me was an absolute monarch, whosé de- from her elegant chariot; and had no crees were to be obeyed with the inclination for new furniture, though most uncomplaining submission: but I knew that Mrs. Wormwood amusshe also gave me to understand, that|ed herself every where at the exit must be the fault of the wife if pense of our antique chairs and tathose decrees were ever made in op- bles, which looked, she declared, as position to herinclination. In short, if they came out of Noah's ark. she taught me the art of managing The bait took, my deary joined me . a husband, and I flatter myself that in abusing these impertinents; and my after-life proved I had profited then, after chewing the cud, and by her instructions.

yielding for some time to the peevish· My first husband was a widower, ness which the thought of drawing who had the reputation of breaking his purse-strings regularly brought the heart of his former wife by his on, he declared that, after all, we stinginess, and all my female ac- || must not suffer these paltry people quaintance prophesied a similar fate | to triumph over us, and that I might to myself if I married him. Never- buy the articles in question, provided theless I accompanied him to the al- I took care to get them very cheap. tar, nothing dismayed by those ter- Thus we jogged on very comfortrible predictions; for I had discover- | ably together between four and five ed that he had another vice, and al- years, and were quoted as a pattern though I did not hope, according to of conjugal felicity all over the counthe ingenious theory of one of our try, when he died; and I entered the members of Parliament, to make the holy state a second time with Sir one operate upon the other, so as to Thomas Tremor, a malade imagicure him of both, I yet flattered my-naire, who, I believe, was induced self, that I should make his ostenta- to propose for me because I was the tion act as a check upon his avarice; only person whom he could ever find and, in fine, I succeeded

to listen patiently to all the details of Instead of insisting, as his former | the different disorders which he fanrib had done, upon having expen-cied himself subject to. Heaven sive dress, furniture, and entertain-bless his memory! it gave me very ments, I was always the first to rail little trouble to manage him. All I at the extravagance of such things, had to do was to listen with a face of and to exclaim against those among concern to his endless complaints, our neighbours who, though inferi- and to give my opinion upon the or to us in rank and fortune, adopt- various remedies that he proposed cd a gay and expensive style of liv- employing for them. I believe, howing. I thanked heaven, that though ever, that my complaisance in this as his wife I had a right to be looked last respect carried me too far; for I upon as the first lady in the neigh- || was always unable to prevail upon bourhood, I could content myself | myself to disapprove of any thing without lace and diamonds; was well that he thought would do him good; satisfied to go to church in the old and as he never heard of any of family coach, notwithstanding the those universal medicines which are daily advertised under the seducing | Since his death, now a period of titles of balsams, elixirs, &c. &c. i five years, I have had no opportunity without wishing to make trial of them, of again enlisting under the banners I am afraid that these continual ex of Hymen. Though as yet I am neiperiments had some effect in sending ther old nor ugly, not a soul has of him out of the world in the second fered to become my partner for life; year of our happy espousals. and I know that the misses of my ac

After his death I was addressed quaintance and their mammas do all by a neighbour, who passed for a ré- | in their power to ridicule my willingmarkably clever man, and was a great ness to become, for the fourth time, politician. He had many amiable a votary of the saffron-robed deity. qualities, but was of such a thouglıt- But, sir, the fact is, that I have been less and prodigal turn, that I saw during so many years accustomed to clearly we should soon be ruined if accommodate myself to the whims our expenses were not better regu- and caprices of a husband, to place lated. It was, however, very dan- my enjoyment in managing to make gerous for me to interfere, for he had him happy, that I have really lost all high notions of conjugal authority, idea of pleasure springing from any and for some time I was sadly at a other source. In short, as a wife I loss how to manage him. At last, was active, useful, and happy; as a however, I hit upon a plan that prov- widow I am idle, useless, and disconed successful. I listened so atten- tented. I ask you then, sir, in the tively to his political arguments, that name of philanthropy, can a candiby degrees I learned to speak in his date formatrimony have fairer claims? own way with some degree of plau- and is it not shameful that a woinan sibility; and I persuaded him that it so well calculated for the holy state was a pity to keep the benefit of his should be suffered to remain in sineminent talents from the public, since gle blessedness? there could be no doubt, that if he In conclusion, sir, I beg to repeat were to embody in the shape of pam- to you my thanks in the name of our phlets those arguments which I had respectable body for your spirited found so convincing, his fame as a and eloquent defence of it; and as it writer would be at once established, is the business of prudent people to the country benefited, and ministers be prepared for whatever may hapforced to give employment to his ta- pen, if you should hereafter be a wilents.

dower, and I am disengaged, I tell From that hour I had no more you with all the frankness which discause to complain; he left the ma- || tinguishes our sisterhood, that it nagement of his affairs to me, and would give me sincere pleasure to undertook those of the nation: but, reward with my hand and affections poor soul! he paid dearly in the end your zeal in our cause; a zeal of which for the zeal with which he devoted we must all be gratefully sensible, himself to the public good; he died and no one of us can be more so, of a fever caused by sitting in wet than, sir, your very humble servant, elothes to write remarks on a public

MARIAN MORELOVE. meeting which he had just quitted.



Ar the commencement of the 18th || pelled to deliver him up to the exe: century, when the torture was still in cutioner, with these words: “I have vogue in the north of Germany, the done my duty: forgive him, O my. arm of justice had reached a robber, Saviour, and be merciful to him! who had long been committing de Amen!" The executioner was about predations in the vicinity of a pro- to put the fatal cord round his neck, vincial town. Sentence of death was when he suddenly roused himself and pronounced upon him, and on the cried, “Stop! what I have bither 15th of August, 1704, he was con- to thought myself bound to conceal ducted to the place of execution, respecting my accomplices, I will now where the gibbet awaited him. The disclose to the judges, since I clearly procession moved from the prison see that there is no hope of pardon. through the streets, which, as well as for me. Death dissolves all ties in the doors and windows of the houses, this world, and before I leave it for were filled with spectators. The ever, I will rid it of one dangerous culprit, nothing daunted, made his wretch." The judge, who was presalutations on all sides; and in pass- | sent, and to whom this circumstance, ing through a narrow street, he per- was immediately reported, approach, ceived a journeyman locksmith, whomed the scaffold; and after he had he had formerly known by name and heard the denunciation from the lips reputation, looking out of a lower of the delinquent, the execution of window. Moved by the sight, this the sentence was deferred, and the man had drawn his attention by eja- criminal conducted back to prison. culating, “ I should like to know how Here he was anew examined the such a hardened sinner must feel un- same day, and declared that R. the der the gallows !" No sooner had the locksmith above-mentioned, had been criminal heard these words, than, ab- one of his most trusty accomplices, sorbed in thought, he seemed to take and been concerned with him in the no farther notice of the crowd which perpetration of many robberies and accompanied him, and with down-murders. cast looks pursued his way out of the The man was forthwith apprehend. town-gate. The clergyman who at- ed, and as he persisted in the protended, and against whose exhorta- testation of his innocence, he was tions he had hitherto obstinately confronted with the culprit. The closed his heart, conceived that a precision with which the latter stat, better spirit had at length awoke ined to the accused, times, places, and him, that he repented his misdeeds, many other particulars, and the firm, and that it was now time to prepare || ness with which he looked him in the him for eternity. The worthy di face, completely disconcerted the yine, however, perceived but too soon poor fellow, and excited more and thạt not another word was to be more the suspicion of the judges, gained from him. All the pains he which was farther strengthened by took proved in vain, so that, on his the consideration, that there was no arrival at the gallows, he was com- | imaginable motive which could have

bim a confession of wring- obstaclenking that some

induced the criminal to prefer a false doubt, be surprised, and at a loss to charge. The extreme dismay of the conceive what could have induced accused was probably a principal me, in the last moments of my life, circumstancein confirming the judges to play such a trick. Learn then, in the belief that the locksmith was that several of my accomplices proreally an accomplice of the convict. mised to rescue me from prison. As The judges, who were almost moral no attempt had been made, when I ly certain of the guilt of the accused, stood here the first time, I could not had the less hesitation to recur to help thinking that some unforeseen the torture, for the purpose of wring- obstacle must have prevented them ing from him a confession. He was from keeping their promise, and that delivered over the same night to the if I could but gain time, they might executioner; but, unable to endure still carry it into effect; for we keep the torments of the infernal contri- our word to each other, even though vances, he declared, before the ex- the way to its fulfilment led through piration of the first quarter of an hell itself. In this conviction, I be. hour, that he was guilty. After this thought me, on the morning that I confession, his judges lost no time in was brought hither, of means to depronouncing sentence, which pur- | fer my execution. Among the crowd ported, that he should suffer the drawn together on the occasion, l essame fate as his accomplice;, but as pied this man at a window. In passhe had performed only a subordinate ing I heard him say, 'I should like part in the crimes which they had to know how such a man must feel committed together, he should be under the gallows !' The idea darted executed first.

like lightning through my brain to Amid the tolling of the bells and accuse him of being my accomplice, crowds of spectators, the train once in order in this manner to delay my more proceeded to the place of exe execution, and to prolong iny life a cution, and having reached it, the little. Now, however, I see that I executioner's assistants were about must not reckon any longer on my to throw the cord over the head of associates, being firmly convinced the supposed accomplice, when his that they must already have suffered accuser, who stood by, again cried, some where or other the fate which as on the former occasion, “Stop!" | here awaits me. I have therefore adding," I wish to speak once more resolved to follow them, after doing to the judge; let me be conducted this inquisitive fellow, pointing to the to him." The members of the tri-smith, the favour to gratify his wish bunal being this time, again assem- before my end: for now he knows bled at the foot of the scaffold, the from experience how a man feels presiding judge ascended to hear when he stands beneath the gallows." what the delinquent had to say. In He then mounted the ladder, and a loud voice, that could be heard by submitted quietly to his fate. The the whole throng, he thus addressed innocent locksmith paid dearly for him: “ This locksmith, sir, whom I the too loud utterance of his harmaccused, is perfectly innocent, and my less wish. Fright and agony of mind charge against him was a false and put an end to his life on the fourth malicious invention. You will, no day after his liberation,




By an Arabian WRITER. In the beginning of the 10th cen- sand, he gives her two chains; and tury, Ibn Fozslan was sent as ambas- thus the woman has an additional sador from the Caliph Muktedir to chain for every ten thousand dirhein the King of the Bulghares, and tra- that he amasses. Hence the numvelled from Bagdad through Bocha-ber of chains that are sometimes to ra and Choresm (the modern state be seen on the neck of a Russian of Chiwa) and the country of the woman. The ornaments on which Bashkirs. Either in going or re- they set the greatest value are green turning he met at the Wolga with | glass beads, which they prize so highRussians, who had come thither by l ly as to give a dirhem for each, to water for the sake of commerce. Of make necklaces for their wives, these Russians, who had not yet They are the filthiest creatures embraced Christianity, this attentive that God has created. They come observer gives the following particu- from their own country, moor their lars: .

| ships in the Itil, which is a great riI saw the Russians, he relates, ver, and build themselves large woodwho had come with their commodi en houses on the shore. In such a ties, and encamped on the river Itil, house from ten to twenty of them or Wolga. Never did I see men of live together. As soon as they have such robust make: they are tall as brought their ships to these anchorpalm-trees, flesh-coloured and rud- ages, each of them goes on shore, dy. The men wear a coarse gar- carrying with him bread, meat, oniment thrown over one side, so as toons, milk, and intoxicating liquors, leave the hand at liberty. Each of and repairs to a tall piece of wood them carries an axe, a knife (dagger), || that is set up, and has a face resemand a sword; and they are 'never bling a man's, and is surrounded by seen without these weapons. Their small statues, behind which other swords are broad, with waving stripes, high posts are erected. He goes up and of European workmanship. On to the large wooden figure, prostrates one side of them, from the point to bimself before it on the ground, and the hilt, are representations of trees || says, “ O my lord, I am come from and other figures of that kind. The a far country, and have brought with women have a little box of iron, cop-me so many damsels and so many per, silver, or gold, according to the sable-skins!" and when he has enucircumstances of their husbands, merated all the articles of traffic hanging at the breast. To a ring which he has brought with him, he attached to this box is fastened a proceeds: “Be pleased to send me knife. Round their necks.they wear customers who have plenty of gold chains of gold and silver. The cus- and silver to buy all I have to distom is, that when a man possesses pose of, and who will not object to ten thousand dirhem (pieces of sil- my prices!" This said, he retires. ver) he has a chain made for his When his traffic is not prosperous, wife; when he is worth twenty thou- 1 and his stay is protracted too long,

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