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of Urien St. Pierre, who lived in the ! In the drawing-room are two rery reign of Henry III. The present valuable carved antique chalices, possessors of St. Pierre rank as one supposed to have belonged to some of the most ancient families in the ancient monastery in Germany. kingdom, being descended from Cadi- The grounds belonging to St. for, or Cedivor, prince of Pembroke- | Pierre are extremely beautiful; “ the shire, and have resided here for hills of the park," says a late cele. some centuries.

| brated writer, " like all those on the The interior of the mansion con- || borders of the Severn, afford varitains a number of spacious apart- ous views, rendered brilliant

ous views, rendered brilliant by their ments; but the drawing-room pog fore-ground. Theapproach is through sesses the chief attraction, being em- the park, and no break being made bellished with some rare works of to give an ostentatious view of the art. The dining-parlour also con- house, the woods and glades are entains a few valuable pictures, which I joyed without interruption." . have been collected by Lieutenant- Near St. Pierre is the new pasColonel Lewis, the son of the pre-sage or ferry over the Severn, by sent possessor, a warm admirer of which the Welsh mail is forwarded. the arts. The following pictures in Boats are constantly to be hired, and this collection are most remarkable: the inn kept by Mr. Smith affords A small Head of Charles I.

excellent accommodation for travelA ditto.- Rembrandt.

| lers. It is, however, necessary to no· Portrait of Harry Martin, the cele- tice the imposition which is practised brated regicide.

by the boatmen should a stranger reral Portraits by Sir Godfrey Knelo |quire to cross the river after the

ferry-boat has sailed; the usual A fine Flower-Piece.-Baptiste.

charge by the latter being one shilA Bacchanalian Piece.-N. Poussin.

|ling and sixpence. The neighbourA small Cattle-Piece.-Kurel du Jar. ||

hood of St. Pierre presents numerdin. Nymphs Bathing.–Polemburg

ous attractions, especially for the A fine specimen as a Mythological Po

all pencil of an artist; viz, the ruins of Subject.-Gerard Douw.

Caldecot and Chepstow Castle, TinPontius Pilate washing his Hands.- || tern Abbey, &c. &c. Bylert.--Rare.

We are indebted to Mr. F. W.L. · Head of St. Francis-Cigali-and a Stockdale for this account of St. Virgin Mary - Sassoferato; purchas- | Pierre, and also for the drawing of ed from one of Buonaparte's aides-de-| the house. camp. * An Ascension. -- Albano.



AND THE WESTERN ASSIZE COURT IN 1689. There was once in the village of thecary. If the bardic notion has St. David's a pedagogue, whose fi-| any truth, that the soul is an intelligure and furniture were worthy of gence lapsed from the region of light comparison with Shakspeare's Apo- and knowledge, and makes its pro



PADNIG UND JUDGE JEFFERIES. gress in this world through a circle | and chose from his old friend Plauof transmigrations till it returns to tus a drama, which required no flipits natural state, this good man's spi- | pant valet, well-dressed courtesan, rit was very near its perfection, being or gallant young man. He had almost divested of corporeal matter. some thoughts of translating into pure He lived in a poor hut, attached to Latin the scene of Bottom, Starvea still poorer garden, which furnish- |ling, and Quince, in the “ Midsumed his meagre table with almost all mer-Night's Dream,” as most likely its accompaniments. The riches of to be suitably dressed by his actors; his house consisted of numberless but he luckily remembered a scene traditionary volumes of Welsh ro- in one of Aristophanes' comedies, mance, especially a genuine copy of which even his own wadrobe could the Brittonum, ascribed to Nemius, furnish forth, and this he selected as and edited in the tenth century by an interlude. The day of rehearsal Mark the Hermit, probably the ori- | was of immense importance, and Paginal of that celebrated MS. lately | drig prepared for it accordingly. The discovered in the Vatican, after hav-chief person in the play is an old ing graced the library of Queen Chris- miser, who, on his return with the tina. He knew by heart all the broth which he had been receiving Welsh Chronicle of St. Patrick, from from public charity, finds his daughhis captivity among the Scots as a ter's lover with a troop of servants swineherd, till he had baptized seven preparing for the wedding-dinner in kings, and seen the flock of kids which his kitchen, and going to take the typified the number of his converts. soup-kettle in which all his money He knew all the tales of Merlin's is concealed. Padrig's kitchen re“Ship of Glass;" and, in short, what- quired no alteration to represent the ever proves the abundance of fic-miser's, and no addition except the tion in Wales. But his glory was a interment of a three-legged pot unschool, consisting of about fourteender the hearth-stone. He had one ragged boys, whose acquirements in of very antique shape, which he fillLatin could be matched only by ed with pieces of tin and a few old their dissertations on leek-porridge.copper metals, to represent the hoard. Emulous of what later days have ed coin; and having placed it under boasted, Padrig qualified his pupils | the stone which served as his fire, to perform a Latin play annually, to place, Padrig went to his bed of chaff, improve their prosody and their man- little dreaming by whom the operaners, though he himself (with the tion had been observed, and what exception of the gray-headed vicar, I was to follow. who fasted and prayed with eight The classic recitations of the next boys on thirty pounds per annum,) evening began by an interlude transwas their sole audience. The ex lated into Welsh from the original pense of erecting a stage, or provid-Greek, which Padrig's scholars could ing scenery, was obviated by his not yet compass; and he, acting at choice of a play which required none once as audience, prompter, chief but what his hut afforded. Wiser Roscius, and stage-manager, came than modern academicians, he reject- | down to the door of his hut, which ed all the easy moralities of Terence, I served on this occasion as a very

suitable proseenium. According to ! satire composed by Aristophanes the business of the drama, he sat against his greatest rival. wrapped in an old blanket folded The white-headed Welsh stripround him in the style of Euripides, plings, who had gaped with great when a beggar, of good and very awe during the pompous Greek diatheatrical demeanour, came over the logue, were now called on to enact hedge of the copse, exclaiming in their parts in what they called the the genuine Greek Euripides, “ I Howlolaria of Plautus. All went on am a distressed man, and need thy well till the last scene, when the pot help to procure pity." Padrig, en- had been discovered under thehearth, chanted and surprised by an actor and a great alteration in its weight so accomplished, but not doubting appeared to have been made. But that the rector of St. David's had until the rehearsal was over, and Pasent his eldest son, as he had pro drig uncovered his pot, intending to mised, to assist his theatricals, repli remove its copper contonts, and subed, in the language of Aristophanes, stitute a little broth for his supper, “Friend, thou hast need of no advo- he did not perceive the wonderful cate more eloquent than thy scare transformation. All the pieces of tin crow visage."_" () prince of poets!” and old metal had been removed, and replied the stranger, "of whatavail is it contained in their stead more than 80 misery unless suitably dressed? Give pieces of pure gold and silver. But me the rags in which thy dipus what appeared most valuable in his makes his appearance with such grand eyes, was a quantity of medals of effect.” All this being exactly in rare antiquity, and in exquisite prethe business of the comedy, Padrig servation. He brooded over this went into his hut, and brought forth prodigious treasure till daylight; and a bundle of very genuine rags, which his simplicity, aided by his legendary he gave with the air and speech as- learning, almost inclined him to besigned to Euripides. “ But, master | lieve it the gift of some second Merof the tragic act," exclaimed the beg- lin. In the morn he hastened to his gar, “ I implore another boon: what neighbour, the good parish priest, would thy (Edipus himself have done and shewed him the prosperous pot without a basket?"-" Seest thou of Plautus, especially pointing out not that I am busy with a new trage- a medal, apparently of the days of dy?" said Euripides; "take that bas- Brenhim Oll, King of all Britain, ket, and begone." " Beneficent, and a series of coins from thence Euripides! of what import is a bas- i to Cadwallader. The reverend and ket without picturesque contents? || learned man was deeply astonished Lend me the water-cresses which at the whole adventure, particularly thy mother used to sell in our streets." i at the conduct of the stranger who Euripides granted this boon also, had performed a part in the Greek and the petitioner finished his part interlude; and the schoolmaster was of the farce by departing with his ' no less surprised when the vicar asrags, basket, and herbs, leaving Pa- | sured him, that he knew nothing of drig to lament, that all the learned of the matter; that his son, whose aid Wales were not present to own how had been promised, had been too well he had performed the wittiest much indisposed to recite his part,

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