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faithful not dreaming of such a conspiracy, thought the duke would offer them no violence, being the king's subjects; also, that not "above two months before, the duke and his brethren passing by the " said Vassy, gave no sign of their displeasure.

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"The duke of Guise being arrived at Vassy, with all his troops, they went directly towards the common-hall or market-house, and then "entered into the monastery; where, having called to him one Des"sales, the prior of Vassy, and another whose name was Claude le,Sain, provost of Vassy, he talked a while with them, and issued hastily out "of the monastery, attended by many of his followers. Then command was given to the Papists to retire into the monastery, and not to be seen in the streets, unless they would venture the loss of their lives. "The duke perceiving others of his retinue to be walking to and fro "under the town hall, and about the church yard, commanded them "to march on towards the place where the sermon was, being in a barn, about an hundred paces distant from the monastery. This com"mand was put in execution by such of the company as went on foot. "He that marched foremost of this rabble, was La Brosse, and on the "side of these marched the horsemen, after whom followed the duke "with another company of his own followers, likewise those of the car"dinal of Guise, his brother. By this time, Mr. Leonard Morel, the "minister, after the first prayer, had begun his sermon before his au"ditors, who might amount to about twelve hundred men, women, and "children. The horsemen first approaching to the barn within about "twenty-five paces, shot off two arquebuses right upon those who were placed in the galleries joining to the windows. The people within perceiving this, endeavoured to shut the door, but were prevented by "the ruffians rushing in upon them, who drawing their swords, furiously "cried out, Death of God, kill, kill these Hugonots.'





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"Three persons were slain at the door; and the duke of Guise, with "his company, rushed in among the congregation, striking the poor people down with their swords, daggers and cutlasses, not sparing "any age or sex: besides, they within were so astonished, that they "knew not which way to turn them, but running hither and thither, "fell one upon another, flying as poor sheep before a company of ravening wolves entering in among the flock. Some of the murderers "shot off their pieces against them that were in the galleries; others cut in pieces such as they lighted upon; some had their heads cleft "in twain, their arms and hands cut off; so that many of them gave "up the ghost even in the place. The walls and galleries of the place were dyed with the blood of those who were every where murdered: year so great was the fury of the murderers, that part of the people "within were forced to break open the roof of the house, in hopes to 66 save themselves upon the top thereof. Being got thither, and then fearing to fall again into the hands of these cruel tigers, some of them leaped over the walls of the city, which were very high, flying into "the woods and amongst the vines, which with most expedition they "could soonest attain unto; some hurt in their arms, others in their heads, and other parts of their bodies. The duke presented himself "in the house with his sword drawn in his hand, charging his men to "kill especially the young men. Only, in the end, women with child

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were spared. And pursuing those that went upon the house tops, they cried, 'Come down, ye dogs, come down!' using many cruel "threatening speeches to them. The cause why the women with "child escaped, was, as the report went, for the duchess's sake, his "wife, who, passing along by the walls of the city, and hearing so "hideous outcries amongst these poor creatures, with the noise of the "pieces and pistols continually discharging, sent in all haste to the duke, her husband, with much entreaties to cease his persecution, for frighting women with child.

During this slaughter, the cardinal of Guise remained before the "church of Vassy, leaning upon the walls of the church-yard, looking "towards the place were his followers were busied in killing and slay"ing all they could. Many of this assembly being thus hotly pursued, "did in the first brunt save themselves upon the roof of the house, not "being discerned by those who stood without: but at length some of "this bloody crew espying where they lay hid, shot at them with long pieces, wherewith many of them were hurt and slain. The house"hold servants of Dessalles, prior of Vassy, shooting at the people on "the roof, one of that wretched company was not ashamed to boast, "after the massacre was ended, that he for his part had caused six at "least to tumble down in that pitiful plight, saying, that if others had "done the like, not many of them could possibly have escaped.

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"The minister, in the beginning of the massacre, ceased not to "preach, till one discharged his piece against the pulpit where he stood, after which, falling down upon his knees, he entreated the Lord not only to have mercy upon himself, but also upon his poor persecuted "flock. Having ended his prayer, he left his gown behind him, thinking thereby to keep himself unknown: but whilst he approached to"wards the door, in his fear he stumbled upon a dead body, where he "received a blow with a sword upon his right shoulder. Getting up 66 again, and then thinking to get forth, he was immediately laid hold "of, and grievously hurt on the head with a sword, whereupon being "felled to the ground, and thinking himself mortally wounded, he “cried, "Lord, into thy hands I commend my spirit, for thou hast re"deemed me, thou God of truth.' While he thus prayed, one of this "bloody crew ran upon him, with an intent to have ham-stringed him; "but it pleased God his sword broke in the hilt. Two gentlemen knowing him, said, 'He is the minister, let him be conveyed to my lord "duke.' These leading him away by both the arms, they brought him "before the gate of the monastery, from whence the duke, and the "cardinal his brother, coming forth, said, 'Come hither;' and asked "him, saying, Art thou the minister of this place? Who made thee so bold to seduce this people thus?' Sir,' said the minister, ́ I am no seducer, for I have preached to them the gospel of Jesus Christ.' "The duke perceiving that this answer condemned his cruel outrages, began to curse and swear, saying, 'Death of God, doth the gospel preach sedition? Provost, go and let a gibbet be set up, and hang this "fellow.' At which words the minister was delivered into the hands "of two pages, who misused him vilely. The women of the city, being ignorant Papists, caught up dirt to throw in his face, and with great outcries, said, 'Kill him, kill this varlet, who hath been



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For's Book of Martyrs,

No. 21.


Printed and Published by W. E. ANDREWS, 3, Chapter- Price 3d. house-court, St. Paul's Churchyard, London.


EXPLANATION OF THE ENGRAVING.-This cut represents the boarding of a Portuguese vessel, having forty Jesuits on board, bound for South America, to preach to the Indians, by James Sorius, who, for his cruelty to the Catholics, was called the Admiral of Navarre, having received his authority for pirating from Jane d' Albert, the Hugonot queen thereof. On boarding the vessel, the sanguinary commander slew several of the unfortunate Jesuits, and ordered the others to be maimed and cast into the sea. This barbarous mandate was executed with such cruelty, that some of the fathers had their arms cut from their bodies, and some their bowels torn open, before they were thrown into the ocean, and surrendered up their souls to God,


"the cause of the death of so many. In the mean time, the duke "went into the barn, to whom they presented a great bible, which they "used for the service of God. The duke taking it into his hands, calling his brother the cardinal, said, 'Lo, here is one of the Hugonot "books. The cardinal viewing it, said, 'There is nothing but good in this book, for it is the bible, to wit, the holy scriptures.' The "duke being offended, that his brother suited not to his humour, grew "into a greater rage than before, saying, Blood of God, how now? "What! the holy scripture? It is one thousand five hundred years ago since Jesus Christ suffered his death and passion, and it is but a year since these books were printed, how then say you that this is the gospel? You say you know not what.' This unbridled fury of the duke displeased the cardinal, so that he was heard secretly to mut

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"ter, 'An unworthy brother!' This massacre continued a full hour, "the duke's trumpeters sounding the while two several times. When rr any of these desired to have mercy shewed them for the love of Jesus Christ, the murderers in scorn would say unto them, 'You use the name of Christ, but where is your Christ now?'



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“There died in this massacre, within a few days, threescore persons: "besides these, there were about two hundred and fifty, as well men as women, that were wounded, whereof many died. The poor's box, "which was fastened to the door of the church with two iron hooks, containing twelve pounds, was wrested thence, and never restored. "The minister was closely confined and frequently threatened to be "sewed up in a sack and drowned. He was, however, on the 8th of May, 1563, liberated at the earnest suit of the prince of Portien." There reader, now you have gone through this most minute description, tell us if you do not think many of the circumstances related more than improbable? It is certainly well calculated to excite the blood of the ignorant fanatic, nor need we wonder that so much prejudice has existed against the Catholics and their religion, when such tales have remained so long uncontradicted. But let us look a little closely into this pretended massacre, and examine the circumstances related by the editors. The account sets out with the duke of Guise making inquiry whether the minister of the Hugonots preached to his flock, and being told that he did, and that his flock increased, the duke falls into a great passion. Now what occasion had the duke to ask so silly a question as this, unless indeed this minister was like some of the ministers of a church we could name established by law. But though in a passion at the news he heard, he still dissembled his wrath, that he might the more covertly execute his vengeance on the poor Protestants of Vassy, and he goes off with his brother, a cardinal, to some further distance. It does not however appear from authentic sources that the cardinal was travelling with the duke in this expedition, but it was necessary to answer the end proposed, to have an ecclesiastic in the business, and who so proper as a cardinal ? As a lie must be told, the greater it is the better it will go down with some folk. On the journey some further information is conveyed to the duke about the preachments of the gospel-diviners, but the duke takes no notice of it. Now come some archers and soldiers on the stage, who, though they lodged with Papists, are seen by the Hugonots, or as Fox calls them, "the faithful," busily occupied in preparing their weapons, and yet, poor souls, they never dreamed of the use they were about to be put. Next the duke returns back to Vassy with all his troops, who are made to pass the common-hall, and are then crammed into a monastery: very minute indeed. After some conference with the prior, the duke hastily quits the monastery with many of his followers, and orders all the Papists into the place he had just quitted, if they wished to save their lives. We should like to know the size of this monastery, and the number of Papists that entered it; for we cannot help thinking the monastery must have been a pretty large place to contain all the Papists of Vassy, as well as some of the duke's retinue. Well, matters being thus arranged with the Papists, and having got "the faithful," who all along suspected nothing amiss, safely housed and at prayers,

the work of mischief commences, and the description is so truly pathetic and pointed, that we know not which to admire most, the hypocrisy or the impudence of the relater. The Hugonots were assembled in a barn, to the number of twelve hundred men, women and children; they were first attacked by a body of horse, who advanced within about twenty-five paces, and then fired off two arquebuses right upon the people, who were placed in galleries joining to the windows.-Windows and galleries in a barn!!! mind that reader. A barn fitted up with galleries and windows by the Hugonots! What will come next? Well, whether these two shots did any mischief, we are not told; but the people ran to shut the door, lest any more shots should come in at the windows. In this, however, they were disappointed, for the ruffians anticipated them, and rushing in, cried, "Death of God, kill these Hur gonots." "Death of God!" what is the meaning of these words? There is something so outlandish in the term, that we wish the sapient editors had thought it worth their while to define it. Now then begins the work of slaughter. Three persons are slain at the door, and in rushes the duke himself with his company of murderers-they cut away right and left-swords, daggers, and cutlasses are put in requisitionneither age nor sex is spared-the galleries are again attacked-some have their heads cut in twain, some their arms and hands cut off-the fury of the murderers is without bounds-the walls are died with blood -the poor creatures are induced to break through the roof of the house, (by what means they could do this we are not informed, and it is difficult to conjecture) they accomplish their ends, but are still so frightened that they JUMP OVER THE WALLS OF THE CITY, though very high, and fly into the woods amongst the vines, which they no sooner reach than they are maimed in their heads and other parts of their bodies, but we do not learn whether any of them are killed. Next the duke is introduced into the house, where he employs himself in charging his men to kill especially the young men. Only in the end women with child were spared.' From this we may presume they were not spared in the beginning. This act of mercy is attributed to the duchess, who sent to the duke in great haste to know what he meant by frightening women with child. The story however is not yet complete. The cardinal now appears upon the boards, and his followers are occupied in shooting such of the poor fellows as fled to the tops of the houses for safety, and were afraid, we presume, to jump over the high walls, for fear of breaking their necks. Next the household servants of the prior are brought forward, one of whom was so clever as to tumble six of them down from the house top. Now comes the minister upon the carpet. He, good man, went on with his prayers, which having completed, he doffs off his gown, thinking thereby to escape with a whole skin. In this, however, he is mistaken, for he is wounded on the shoulder and on the head; and escaped being hamstringed through the miraculous interposition of two gentlemen, and the sword of the assailant snapping asunder. These gentlemen take the minister, faint and bleeding, by both arms, and lead him to the duke, who is now got to the monastery along with the cardinal his brother. Here he is questioned at the gate of the monastery, after receiving a sword wound on the head and shoulder, which he apprehended

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