The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: With His Last Corrections, Additions, and Improvements, Bind 2C. Cooke, 1796 |
The Deſign | 5 |
Of the Nature and State of Man with | 14 |
Of the Nature and State of Man with | 22 |
Of the Nature and State of | 30 |
Of the Nature and State of | 39 |
Pope to the Younger Racine occafioned | 50 |
Of the Characters of Women | 62 |
Of the Ufe of Riches | 70 |
E Of Rochester On Silence | 140 |
Advertiſements | 156 |
Satire II To Mr Bethel | 165 |
Satire VI | 174 |
Epiſtle I To Lord Bolingbroke | 183 |
Epiftle VI To Mr Murray | 191 |
Epiſtle VII Imitated in the Manner | 197 |
Epiſtle I To Auguſtus | 203 |
Dialogues on Medals | 86 |
Vertumnus and Pomona from Ovids Meta | 129 |
Chaucer | 135 |
Epiſtle II | 221 |
Ode I To Venus | 235 |