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Ankle-joint, on the accidents which be-
fall the bones of the, ii, 33-35. See
under Dislocations.

Anthrax or Carbuncle, a dangerous
complication of fever, i, 332; ob-
servations on, i, 79.

Aphorisms, Books of, universally held
to be genuine, i, 42; English trans-
lations of, i, 43; great excellence
and high reputation of the work,
ii, 183; object of, ii, 184; divisions
of by ancient authorities, ii, 185;
argument to, ii, 184-192; transla-
tion of, ii, 192-273.

Apolinose, description of the operation,
ii, 312, 313.

taries on HIPPOCRATES referred to,
ii, 69, 87, 102, 103; his mistaken
notion respecting dislocation at the
hip-joint, ii, 146.

Apoplexy, prognosis in cases of, ii,
209; age most subject to, ii, 259.
Appendix to Regimen in Acute Dis-
eases, i, 254, 279.

ARANTIUS, his Commentary on HIP-

POCRATES' work on Injuries of the
Head, i, 376-385; misspelt ASELLI-
US, i, 375, 376.

ARISTOPHANES, the comic poet, mis-

represents meterology, i, 157.
ARISTOTLE, the way in which he pub-

lished his works, i, 20; the casu-
alties which befel his library after
his death, i, 34; date of his death,
i, 35; the character of his esoteric
works, i, 149; his opinions on the
subject of meterology, i, 157; bor-
rows freely from HIPPOCRATES on
physiological subjects, i, 181.
Art, the Hippocratic treatise on, not
genuine, i, 65; the medical art pro-
nounced to be long when contrasted
with the shortness of human life,
ii, 192.
Articulations, on the genuineness of

the Hippocratic treatise bearing
this title, i, 47; argument to the
work, ii, 75-85; translation, ii, 85;
some sections of the work perfect
masterpieces in surgical literature,
ii, 76.

Ascia, a peculiar form of bandage, ii,

Asclepia, or Temples of Health, in
Greece, i, 4-7; remedial measures
practiced in them, i, 4-6; those of
Cos, Cnidos, and Rhodes particu-
larly celebrated in the age of HIP.

Asclepiadæ, or Priest-physicians, ac-
count of, i, 4; publicly consulted
by States during the prevalence of
fatal epidemics, i, 11; conclusions
respecting their system of prac-
tice, i, 188, 189.

Asiatics, characters of the, i, 169–174;
causes of their pusillanimity, i, 173,

Astragalus, see Dislocations at the

Astronomy, see Meteorology.
ATHENÆUS, his characters of the differ-

erent kinds of waters, i, 165.
Athletæ, important facts regarding the
regimen to which they were sub-
jected, ii, 193.

Atrophied limbs, how to be treated,
ii, 19.

AULUS GELLIUS, his authority on the
date of HIPPOCRATES' death un-
justly overlooked, i, 9.
Autumn, diseases most prevalent in,
ii, 216; generally reckoned a very
unhealthy season, ii, 212.
Axis in peritrochio, and the other
mechanical powers, ii, 63.

BACON, Lord, agreed with the ancient
philosophers regarding the nature
of matter and the elements, i, 121.
Bandages, general directions respect-
ing, ii, 10-13; purposes to be ful-
filled by ii, 11; on the forms called
epidesmis and hypodesmis, ii, 12,
39; remarks on the Hippocratic
mode of applying them, by MAL-
GAIGNE and the Editor, ii, 26;
symptoms indicative of their be-
ing properly applied, ii, 40; mode
of applying, ii, 10, 13.

Bath, on the use of the, in acute dis-
eases, i, 252, 253.

BECLARD, his description of the parts

connected with the elbow-joint,
ii, 84.

BELL, Sir CHARLES, his description of

fracture of the trochlea, ii, 32.
Belly or venter, ambiguous use of the
term, ii, 119.

BERARD, his important observations on
partial dislocation of the jaw-bone,
in illustration of HIPPOCRATES'
doctrines on this subject, ii, 106.
Bile, prognostics founded on vomitings
of, i, 203, ii, 222, 223.
Births, seven months'

and eight
months', the Hippocratic treatises
on them probably not genuine,
i, 78.

Bleeding, rules for, in acute diseases,

i, 262, 276; carried ad deliquium
animi in fevers, i, 269 (see Deli-
quium); in injuries of the head, i,
369, 370.

Bones of the skull, description of the,
i, 370, 379; their characters in
children, i, 385; protrusion of fract-
ured bones in compound fractures,
how to be remedied, ii, 63, 67; in
the arm and thigh generally fatal,
ii, 65, 66.

Bread, remarks on the invention of, i,

134; characters of the different
kinds mentioned by HIPPOCRATES,
i, 139.
BROUSSAIS, his hypothetical system at

variance with the principles of the
Hippocratic medicine, i, 130.
Buboes, a fatal symptom in all fevers

except the ephemeral, ii, 229.
Burning-irons of the ancients, their
form, ii, 321.

Burns, on the treatment of, as laid

down by HIPPOCRATES, ii, 304.

Caddis, on the use of, in fractures of
the nose, ii, 111, 163.

CELIUS AURELIANUS, his strictures on


Calculus, ancient theory regarding the

formation of, i, 166; relieved by
diluents, i, 166. See Stone.
Canals or gutters, how used by the

ancients in the treatment of fract-
ures, ii, 15, 51, 55.

Cancer, rules laid down by HIPPOCRA-
TES for the treatment of, ii, 256.
Cantharis, its administration in medi-
cine, i, 276; the mylabris cichorii
or Fusselina, i, 276.
Carbuncle, opinions regarding the nat-
ure of, i, 80. See Anthrax.
Causus or ardent fever, on the nature
of, i, 260, 264, 288, 302, 334.
Cautery, application of the, in the vi-
cinity of joints, i, 177; to the shoul-
der, particularly described, ii, 94,
95; different forms of, for the cure
of hemorrhoids, ii, 321; held to be
the highest of the medicinal pow-
ers, ii, 273.

CELSUS states that HIPPOCRATES sepa-
rated medicine from philosophy,
i, 4; SCHULZE's ingenious explana-
tion of the meaning of this state-
ment, i, 130; his practice in inju-
ries of the skull, i, 365; further
quoted, ii, 140, 146 et pluries.
Characters, explanation of those which

occur in the cases related by HIP-
POCRATES, i, 320–322.

Cheese, its dietetical qualities, i, 272.
CHELIUS, his opinions referred to, ii, 77,
82; his remarks on the Hippo-
cratic mode of treating fracture of
the jaw, ii, 108.

Chian slippers, used in the cure of club-
foot, ii, 139.

Cholera, on the nature and treatment

of dry, i, 257, 273.

CICERO, his interpretation of one of
the Aphorisms of HIPPOCRATES, ii,
194; his eulogium on the cultiva-
tion of elegant literature, ii, 334.
CLARK, Sir JAMES, referred to as an

authority on phthisis, i, 338, 339;
confirms the statement of HIPPOC-
RATES as to the period of life most
subject to phthisis, ii, 235.
Clavicle, see Fractures.
CLIFTON, the character of his transla-
tion of the Prognostics, i, 41.
Club-foot, remarks on HIPPOCRATES'
description of, ii, 78; rules laid
down by HIPPOCRATES appreciated

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by ARCEUS, ii, 79; observations
on, by Dr. LITTLE, ii, 79; minute
description of the process of treat-
ment in children, ii, 138; brief
statement of the general methods
of treatment, ii, 173.
Cnidian sentences, on the probable na-

ture of their contents, i, 234, 235;
Cnidian system of medicine found-
ed on diagnosis, i, 235.
COAR, his translation of the Aphorisms
criticised, i, 44.

Cold applications, use of, in injuries of
the head, i, 370.

Coldness of the extremities, prognosis
founded upon, i, 201.

Coma vigil, a description of, i, 335.
Commentators on HIPPOCRATES,


complete list of, i, 21-24.
Compresses, how to be applied in fract-
ures, ii, 13.

Conception, how produced in certain
circumstances, i, 162; on the char-
acters of false, i, 221; how to judge
when it will readily take place, i,

Concussion of the brain induces loss of

speech, ii, 269.

Condyloma, on the nature and treat-
ment of, ii, 322.
Congestion of the brain, symptoms of,

as described by HIPPOCRATES, i,
Constitution of the seasons described
by HIPPOCRATES, i, 284, 288; Const.
I, i, 293; Const. II, i, 296, Const.
III, i, 301; pestilential, i, 332.
Contagion, no mention of, in the works
of HIPPOCRATES, i, 292, 293; on the
contagiousness of consumption, i,


Continued fevers, on the nature of, i,

Contusions of the skull, on the nature

and treatment of, i, 358; the prac-
tice of Mr. POTT and other modern
authorities compared with that of
HIPPOCRATES, i, 364; held by HIP-
POCRATES to be more dangerous
than depressed fractures, i, 385.
Convulsions, the double nature of, ii,

256; apt to attack the side of the

body opposite that which is in-
jured, i, 386; children subject to, i,
COOPER, Sir ASTLEY, his opinions re-
ferred to, ii, 32 et pluries.
COOPER, Mr. BRANSBY, his surgical

opinions compared with those of
HIPPOCRATES, ii, 32 et pluries.
CORAY, his character of the style of
HIPPOCRATES, i, 18; his translation
of the work "On Airs, &c." i, 47;
his divisions of it, i, 149; figure of
the Greek winds as given by, i,

Cotton or linen cloth used in the form
of a tent for the cure of fistulæ, ii,
Counter fissure or contre-coup, i, 358,
359, 374; opinions of Mr. GUTHRIE
and others regarding, i, 374, 375.
Coups de soleil, notices of, by the an-
cients, i, 158.

Cranium, description of, by HIPPOC-
RATES, i, 370, 371.

Crasis, theory of, whether ALCMEON

or HIPPOCRATES was the founder
of it, i, 130; explanation of it by
Crises, the Hippocratic treatise on, not
genuine, i, 102; the ancient opinions
regarding, confirmed by ANDRAL,
i, 206.
Critical days, the Hippocratic treatise

on, though not genuine, contains
much valuable matter, i, 102;
prognosis founded upon, i, 208;
HIPPOCRATES, according to GALEN,
the first author who treated of
them, i, 209.

Croup, whether the ancients have des-
cribed the disease, i, 54.
CTESIAS, the historian and physician,
i, 12, 13; his mistaken notion re-
garding dislocations at the hip-
joint, ii, 145.
CULLEN, his hypothetical system at
variance with the principles of

Cupping, on the operation of, ii, 306.
Custom, the effects of, on the body,
i, 246.

Cyceon, on the nature of, i, 245.

Cynanche, most comprehensive de-
scription of, given by HIPPOCRA-
TES, i, 263.

Deafness, whether a favorable or un-
favorable symptom in fevers, i,


Decorum, Hippocratic treatise on, cer-
tainly not genuine, i, 100; import-
ance attached to the observance of
by the ancient physicians, ii, 8.
Defluxions, cause of, according to HIP-
POCRATES, i, 142.

Dejections, on the characters of, ii, 271.
Delirium, its connections with phthisis,

i, 295; prognosis in, ii, 261; sketch
of delirium tremens, i, 268.
DEMOCRITUS, intercourse between him
and HIPPOCRATES, i, 13; the sup-
posed author of the work "On
Herbs," i, 97; and “On Dissection,"
i, 101; further referred to, i, 105,

Demoniacs, what diseases they were

affected with, ii, 327, 336.
Dentition, the Hippocratic treatise on,

though not genuine, possessed of
considerable value, i, 101; diseases
connected with, ii, 217.

Depletion, and repletion, the evil effects

of, described, i, 138.

Deposits or abscesses in diseases, their

characters, i, 207, 208, 211.
Depressed fractures, nature and treat-
ment of, i, 361–363.

DESAULT, his explanation of the ancient
modes of reducing dislocations
referred to, ii, 87.
Dialects, remarks on

those of the

Greek language, i, 27.
Diaphysis, explanation of the term, ii,

Diarrhoea, prognostics founded on, i,

219; a fatal symptom in phthisis,
ii, 236; danger in pregnant women,
ii, 241; various remarks on, ii, 252.
Diastasis or separation of the bones of

the skull at a suture, i, 373, 379;
general definition of the term, ii,
18, 103.

Diet in health, character of the treat-

ise on, i, 52; ancient grades of,
ii, 42; regulations respecting, ii,

Dietetics, how cultivated at first, 1, 134
et seq.; further notice of, i, 67.
Dinner, a meal not generally partaken
of by the ancients, i, 157.
i, 18, 19.

Diseases, the Four Books on, most
probably not genuine, i, 73; ab-
stract of their contents, i, 73–77;
probably emanated from the Cni-
dian School, i, 77; enumeration of
the diseases held to be particularly
fatal, i, 74.

Dislocations, general remarks on the

nature and treatment of, ii, 177;—
at the knee, disquisition on the
nature of, by the Editor, ii, 27-30;
rarity of the accident, ii, 29, 30; in-
teresting case of, ii, 27; account
of, by HIPPOCRATES, ii, 67, 68, 171;
compound, remarks on the treat-
ment of, ii, 141; comparison be-
tween those at the elbow and knee,
ii, 153;-at CHOPART'S tarsal joint,
ii, 35, 45;—of the astragalus, ii, 45,
46, 155, 156, 172, 173;-at the ankle-
joint, ii, 48, 49, 173;-treatment of
compound, ii, 139-141;-at the
elbow, minute description of, ii, 67–
71; subject resumed, ii, 102–104;
again treated of, ii, 165-167; com-
pound treatment of, ii, 142; at the
hip-joint, wonderful completeness
of the description of, given by
HIPPOCRATES, ii, 78, 128; congeni-
tal and from disease, ii, 128, 260;
four forms most minutely de-
scribed, ii, 125, 147; remarks on by
cattle, ii, 91; at the wrists, remarks
by the Editor upon, ii, 81; descrip-
tion of, by HIPPOCRATES, ii, 103,
104, 167; congenital, ii, 104–168;
compound, remarks of the Editor
upon, ii, 81; treatment by HIPPOC-
RATES, ii, 141, 173;-at the shoulder-
joint, ii, 85 et seq., 165, 166; gen-
eral remarks on the modes of
reducing, ii, 87; these modes of


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reduction described, ii, 87 et seq.;
remarks on the disposition to, ii,
93; operation for correcting the
disposition to, ii, 93-96; congenital,
remarks on, ii, 96, 97;-of the
fingers, ii, 104; on the reduction of,
ii, 152, 168;-of the toes, treatment
of, ii, 142;—of the jaw bone, ii, 105-
109, 165;-of the vertebra, ii, 114–
124, 174, 177; divisions of, ii, 114;
reduction of, by a machine, ii, 121,
122; unsuccessful experiment to
reduce, ii, 122; remarks on con-
genital, ii, 131; remarks of M.
LITTRÉ upon spontaneous disloca-
tion, i, 80; of the upper vertebra,
ii, 224, 225: ready means of reduc-
ing, ii, 151, 152; general regimen
after reduction, ii, 153.
Dissection, Hippocratic treatise on, not
genuine, i, 101; HIPPOCRATES had
no repugnance to, ii, 119. See

Distortions of the countenance, prog-
nosis founded upon, i, 222.
Divine diseases, the opinions of HIP.

POCRATES regarding, i, 178; fur-
ther remarks upon, i, 195, ii, 327.
Douche, on the use of, in fevers, i, 233,

Dreams, character of the Hippocratic

work on, i, 67, 68; ancient writers
on, and the character of their
works, i, 69, 70.

Drink, on the administration of, in
fevers, i, 240.

Dropsies, prognosis founded upon, in

acute diseases, (i, 200, 216; on the
nature and varieties of, i, 274;
ulcers connected with, difficult to
cure, ii, 250; cured by a spontane.
ous discharge of water from the
bowels, ii, 251.

Dry cholera, on the nature of, i, 273.

See Cholera.

DUPUYTREN, Baron, his work on surgi
cal operations quoted, ii, 32, 68, et

Dysentery, on the prevalence of in

spring, i, 166; prognosis founded
upon, i, 219; on the treatment of,
i, 270; symptoms of, ii, 223; treat-

ment of symptomatic, ii, 145;
prognosis in, ii, 249; when epi-
demic according to HIPPOCRATES,
i, 167.

Dysuria, a favorable termination of
fever, i, 300.

Ears, fractures of, common among the
ancient Athletæ, ii, 113, 114. See
further under Fractures.
Ecchymosis, how to be treated, ii, 17.
Eclectic, a misprint for Eleatic, i, 115.
Ecthymata, meaning of the term, not
well defined, i, 336.

Effeminacy of the Scythians, different
opinions regarding, i, 154, 155.
Egyptians, their resemblance to the
Scythians, i, 174, 175.

Elbow, disquisition on the nature of

the accidents which occur at the
joint, ii, 30-33; description of the
mode of bandaging in injuries
thereof, ii, 71.

Eleatic philosophers, their opinions
akin to those of PYTHAGORAS, i,
Elements, the ancient opinions regard-
ing their nature, generally misun-
derstood, i, 107; the real opinions
of the ancient philosophers stated
by the Editor, i, 117 et seq.; coun-
tenanced by Lord BACON, i, 121—
by Sir ISAAC NEWTON, i, 122-by
Dr. L. OKEN, i, 123-by Mr. HAR-
RIS, i, 122.
EMPEDOCLES, his speculations, as ap-
plied to medicine, i, 143.
Empyema, the opinions of the ancient

authorities regarding, i, 75, 204–
207; probably often confounded
with acute phthisis, i, 204, 205;
prescription for, i, 277; treatment
of, i, 73; a termination of pleurisy,
ii, 235; additional statements re-
specting, ii, 236, 253; results when
treated with the cautery or knife,
ii, 266.

Empirics, HIPPOCRATES not to be con-
sidered as belonging to the sect of,
i, 15, ii, 117.

Epicureans, their opinions with regard
to the elements, i, 117.

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