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remove all doubt on the subject, and convince him we have been as sober and serious as John Bunyan, when writing the Pilgrim's Progress.

the same king Gurmond upon the sea, at the ysles of Orcades, then comming from Denmark with great victory. Their captains, called Heberus and Heremon, went to this king, and him tolde the cause of their comming out of Biscay, and him prayed, with great instance, that he would graunt unto them, that they might inhabit some land in the west. The king at the last, by advise of the councel, granted them Ireland to inhabite, and assigned unto them guides for the sea, to bring them thither: and THEREFORE THEY SHOULD AND OUGHT TO BE THE KING OF ENGLAND'S MEN!!

"Another title is, as the clerke Geraldus Cambrensis writeth at large the historie of the conquest of Ireland by king Henry the second, your famous progenitor, how Dermot Mac Morch, prince of Leinster, which is the first part of Ireland, being a tyrant or tyrants, banished, went over the sea into Normandie, in the parts of France, to the said king Henry; and him besely besought of succour, which he obtained, and thereupon became liege man to the said king Henry, through which he brought power of Englishmen into the land, and married his daughter, named Eve, at Waterford, to Sir Richard Fitz-Gilbert, earle of Stranguile in Wales, and to him granted the reversion of Leinster, with the said Eve his daughter. And after that the said earle granted to the said king Henry the citie of Dublin, with certain cantreds of lands next to Dublin, and all the haven towns of Leinster, to have the rest to him in quiet with his grace's favour.

"Another title is, that in the year of our Lord God one thousand one hundred sixtie-two, the aforesaid king Henry landed at the citie of Waterford, within the realm of Ireland, and there came to him Dermot, king of Corke, which is of the nation of the M'Carties, and of his own proper will became liege, tributarie for him and his kingdom, and upon that made his oath and gave his hostages to the king. Then the king roade to Cashell, and there came to him Donalde, king of

Should this work travel to the continent of Europe, it may produce serious consequences to

Limerick, which is of the nation of the O'Brienes, and became his liege, as the other did. Then came to him Donald, king of Ossorie, Mac-Shaglin, king of Ophaly, and all the princes of the south of Ireland, and became his liege men, as aforesaid. Then went the said king Henry to Dublin, and there came to him O'Kernill, king of Uriel, O'Rowcke, king of Meth, and Rotherick, king of all Irishmen of the land, and of Connaught, with all the princes, and men of value of the land; and became liege subjects, and tributaries, by great oathes for them, their kingdoms and lordships to the said king Henry; and that of their own good wills, as it should seem ; for that the chronicles make no mention of any warre or chivalrie done by the said king, all the time that he was in Ireland.

"And in the year of our Lord God, a thousand, a hundred, four score and five, he gave the land of Ireland to his youngest sonne, John by name, about which time the said John came in person into Ireland, and held the same land.

"Another title is, that all the clergie of this realm assembled at Armagh, at the time of the Conquest, upon the comming over of Englishmen, our forefathers; and there it was decreed and deemed by them, that through the sin of the people of the land, by the sentence of God, the mischief of the Conquest them befell.

"Another title is, that at the first comming and being of king Richard the second in Ireland, at the citie of Dublin, and other places of the land, there came unto him, with their own good wills, O'Neyle, captain of the Irishmen of Ulster, O'Breène, of Thomond, O'Conner of Connaught, Arthur Mac Morchie, captain of Irishmen in Leinster, and all captains of Irishmen of Ireland, and became liege men to the said king Richard, and to him did homage and fealty; and for the more greater suertie bound themselves in great summes of money, by divers instruments, in case they did not truly keep and hold their allegiance in the forme aforesaid: and therefore, sayeth this clerke, that from the beginning of his time, which

the peace and independence of the United States. Many Swedes, and some of the subjects of the sublime and puissant princes of Germany have made considerable settlements in Pennsylvania. And these great potentates, following the example of the successors of Gurmond, may be tempted to lay claim to a large portion, perhaps the whole, of the state. But, alas! the evil may extend further. Certain Knickerbockerites settled New Amsterdam formerly. And therefore the puissant king of Holland may, on the same grounds, claim large sections of New York. It is, moreover, shrewdly suspected, that some of the citizens of the powerful and extensive republic of Ragusa, settled themselves among the pilgrims of New England. The Yankees may therefore look out sharp for squalls.

was about three hundred and four score years past, GOOD IS THE KING OF ENGLAND'S TITLE AND RIGHT TO THE LAND AND LORDSHIP OF IRELAND."285

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Sometimes, notwithstanding all the various lines of circumvallation by which the vice-regal authority was fenced round, and the fraud, corruption, and venality, by which the proceedings of the legislature were managed, measures were carried there offensive to his high mightiness, the deputy for the time being. But such was the prudence and foresight of the administration of that happy kingdom, that there was an adequate remedy provided even for this disorder. It was very simple, and of easy application; being merely to tear out the leaves of the Journals, containing the obnoxious matter, in due form, and with a proper exhibit of proconsular dignity:

"On the 29th of November, 1640, the following very extraordinary memorandum appears in the Journals: "Memo. By virtue of his majesty's letters, we, the lord deputy, have, at the council-board, had two orders of the House of Commons, in presence of divers of the late members, torn out of the Journals. These orders related to presenting ways and rates to be observed in taxing the growing subsidies."286

286 Mountmorres, II. 40.



"An act of most gracious, general, and free pardon," with only fifty classes of exceptions, each averaging four or five species; that is, "a general pardon,” with about two hundred exceptions. "Et voilà justement comme on écrit l'histoire."-Voltaire. AMONG the multifarious frauds respecting Ireland, with which the world has been deluded, one of the most palpable remains to be noticed.

It is universally believed, on the uniform declarations of probably all the Anglo-Hibernian writers, that an act of general amnesty, for all offences whatsoever, was passed by the Irish Parliament, in the session which commenced anno 1613.

"The session concluded with an act of oblivion and general pardon."287

"An act of general pardon and oblivion was made, in confirmation of the royal edict."288

"They passed an act of general indemnity for late crimes, with an exception of Tyrone, Tyrconnel, and O'Dogherty."289

"An act of general amnesty and pardon was made, in confirmation of the royal edict."290

"An act of general oblivion and indemnity was passed."291 "All minds being quieted by a general indemnity."292

287 Carte, I. 22.
290 Gordon, I. 327.

283 Leland, II. 535. 291 Crawford, I. 347.

289 Davies, xxv. 292 Hume, III. 308.

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