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less in their fame-whose sculptures are models of our own— often imitated, never equalled; the cradle of all that is eloquent in art, the home of learning, the nursery of freedom.

It was at this period that the master mind arose, under whose guidance medical knowledge assumed its rank as a science, prominent among the institutions of that age of learning.

That medicine had an existence previous to the age of Hippocrates, and that its doctors were conspicuous men in the age in which they lived, it were vain to deny. The beginning of the medical art was considered by the ancients as something divine, and the memory of a great benefactor of mankind was preserved by shrines and temples. Thus, there were in Greece four temples to Esculapius, where were tablets, upon which were inscribed the names of those healed, and their maladies, with the genealogy of the patient, the cause of the disease, and the means of cure. These temples were occupied and attended by the priest-physicians, men of elegant and enthusiastic minds, who thought and practised the system as it then existed, consisting only of the results of their observations, together with the tablet records left by the patients themselves.

Here allow me to correct a popular misapprehension, which accuses the regular practice with having fixed rules and routines of remedies. On the contrary, every agent proved to be of value is eagerly seized, whether of earth, air or sea;-vegetable, mineral, aquatic or ærial, and its virtues published to the world. All other systems of practice are partial or exclusive,—purely vegetable, homopathic, hydropathic, or hygienic while the legitimate profession adopts any or all of these, that due investigation has approved.

Comparing the regular practitioner of medicine with all others, who have been the greatest discoverers in medical science? Who are the great chemists and botanists? Who are the surgeons of highest reputation? Who have opened the sealed box of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, explained their mysteries, and translated their language? Who have discovered and introduced the valuable resources of Materia-Medica and Therapeutics? Who but the regularly educated physician? All exclusive systems are based upon distorted echoes of some of these discoveries.

Now, My Fellows, in conclusion, I wish to extend to you my grateful thanks for your many kind indulgences, and hearty support extended to me while presiding over the interesting deliberations of our cherished Order during the past year, which has been one of steady and uniform prosperity. To my official successors, whose high personal character and fine talents render them eminently worthy of the position they have attained, I bid them God-speed in a work which is hard and laborious; yet, just in that proportion, is it glorious. May joy and gladness fill our hearts on each returning anniversary of the O. Æ.



Address delivered at the Dedication of the Masonic Temple, Bennington,
Vt., St. John's Day, June 24, 1868, as Deputy Emminent
Commander and Representative of Ivanhoe
Commandery No. 36 K. T.,
New York City.

Freemasonry is a moral order of enlightened men, founded on a sublime, rational and manly piety, and pure and active virtue; with the praiseworthy design of recalling to our remembrance the most interesting truths in the midst of the most sociable and innocent pleasures, and of promoting, without ostentation or hope of reward, the most diffusive benevolence, the most generous and extensive philanthropy, and the most warm and affectionate brotherly love.

The members are united together by particular obligations, and acquainted by certain signs and tokens preserved with inviolable secrecy from remotest ages. These were originally adopted in order to distinguish one another with ease and certainty from the rest of the world, that impostors might not intrude upon their confidence and brotherly affection, nor intercept the fruits of their beneficence. They became an universal language, which, "notwithstanding the confusion of foreign tongues, and the forbiding alienation of custom, draws from the heart of a stranger the acknowledgement of a brother, with all its attendant endearments."

The decorations and symbols of the craft, which are those of a very common and useful art, and the phraseology, which is borrowed from its higher orders, serve to characterize an institution which might justly claim more noble devices; and at the same time are used either as emblems or indications of the simplest and most important moral truths.

It collects men of all nations and opinions into one amicable and permanent association, and binds them by new and irrefragible

obligations to the discharge of every relative and moral duty; and thus becomes the most effectual support and brightest ornament of social life, and opens a wide channel for the current of benevolent affections, and a new source to human happiness. Its laws are reason and equity; its principles, benevolence and love; and its religion, purity and truth. Its intention is peace on earth, and its disposition good will toward men. "I think," says a fine writer, "we are warranted in concluding that a society thus constituted, and which may be rendered so admirable an engine of improvement, far from meriting any reproachful or contumacious treatment, deserves highly of the community; and that the ridicule and affected contempt which it has sometimes experienced, can proceed only from ignorance or from arrogance; from those, in fine, whose opposition does it honor, whose censure is panegyric, and praise would be censure. Assuredly, then, my Brethren, Companions, and Sir Knights, you will with me congratulate the members of Mount Anthony Lodge, No. 13, on the agreeable events of this day.

Worshipful Sir, Wardens, Respected Officers and Beloved Brethern: Accept in behalf of Ivanhoe Commandary, No. 36, K. T., N. Y. City, my affectionate salutation; accept the felicitations of all the friends of Masonry. We are pleased with your harmony and zeal, and rejoice in your enterprise and prosperity. This my native Green Mountain State; this, Bennington, the home of my early youth, and Mt. Anthony Lodge, No. 13, my birthplace in Masonry-I am proud of all. The success of Masonry is connected with the best interests of humanity. May the social virtues you cultivate, and the heartfelt pleasure you experience in the Lodge, be your companions through life. Their mild influence, their benignant spirit, will animate every scene of duty, alleviate every corrosion of care, heighten every sensation of joy, and in the hour of dissolution shed divine transport in your souls. Let all my brethern present be willing that I should remind them that in vain do we attempt the vindication of our most excellent society, or the commendatory description of its purposes and requirements, if our conduct contradicts our profession.

Let us, then, be cautious to avoid all those improprieties and

vices which might tarnish the lustre of our jewels, or diminish the credit of the craft. Masonry will rise to the zenith of its glory in our lives. Do justice to its noble principles, and the world will see that our actions hold a uniform and entire correspondence with the incomparable tenets we profess. Then we shall "obtain a good report of them that are without," and those who speak evil of us will be ashamed, seeing they falsely accuse our good conversation and misrepresent our generous purposes. "For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.”

Remember that we are the associated friends of humanity; that our sacred union embraces in its philanthropy the amities of the gospel; and that charity in its kindest exercise and largest extent is our distinguishing characteristic.

Others wear the warmth of summer in their faces, and the coldness of winter in their hearts; but a Mason's disposition should be mild as the breeze, open as the air, and genial as the sun, cheering and blessing all around him; and his deeds pleasant as the clear shining of the sun after the rain, and refreshing as the dewy cloud in a harvest day.

May the assembly at large be convinced that prejudices against Freemasonry are ill-founded, and that the society is worthy of high encouragement and warm commendation.

Finally, let us all pray that the privileges of equal rights may be widely extended, and all men become free; that war and contention may be forever terminated; that peace and happiness may be the uninterrupted enjoyment of all mankind: and to God accord the universal, united, unceasing ascribation of love, and joy, and praise.

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