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unacquainted with astronomy enjoys the beauty of Jnified and of a higher elevation. There is an anecsunset, or the brilliant wonders of a starry night. dote in the history of literature not unconnected with Amongst the many objects of commiseration with this topic. When the art of printing was first introwhich the world unfortunately abounds, there is not duced, the types with which the first works were one that appeals more intensely to the feelings than printed were taken down and converted into drinkingthe family which a man of genius leaves behind him, cups, to celebrate the glory of the invention. To be desolate and forsaken; their only distinction the re- sure, there have been other literary glasses not quite flected light of a name which renders their present so poetical; for it has been said, that as the warriors misery more conspicuous, and the contemplation of of the North drank their mead in the hall of Odin out which must add poignancy to their sufferings. There of the skulls of those whom they had slain in battleis no object under heaven more sure to be visited so booksellers drank their wine out of the skulls of with the blessings of success than that which has in authors. (Laughter and applause.) But different view the alleviation of such misery. I am happy to times have now arrived; for authors have got their find that the Government, of which the Right Ho- share of the aurum potabile, and booksellers have got nourable Chairman forms a part, has taken the fine rather the worst of it. There is one peculiarity atarts under their protection. It is for them a proud tendant upon genius, which is well worth mentioning, and honourable distinction, that, while they show with reference to the great objects of this admirable they possess the talents of statesmen, they also prove Institution. Men of genius, like the precious perthey have the liberal feelings which belong to men fumes of the East, are exceedingly liable to exhausof taste."

tion; and the period often comes when nothing of it This speech was received with repeated cheering, remains but its sensibility; and the light, which long and the eloquent speaker sat down amidst the loudest gave life to the world, sometimes terminates in beapplause.

coming a burden to itself. (Great applause.) When At the 37th Anniversary of the “Literary Fund we add to that the image of Poverty—when we conSociety," Sir John Malcolm introduced the health of sider the situation of that man of genius, who, in his our poet in the following manner :

declining years and exhausted resources, sees nothing “ It is another remarkable feature of this Institution, before him but indigence it is then only that we can that its applause may be valuable to genius, when its estimate the value of this Institution, which stretches money is not wanted. I allude to one now present out its friendly hand to save him from the dire caamongst us, whom I have not the honour of knowing lamity. (Applause.) This is a consideration which personally, but whose fame is well known all over ought to have its due effect upon the minds of the the world. I now claim the liberty to pay my tribute easy and opulent, who may themselves be men of of admiration to the individual in question; for, al- genius; but there may be others who have no property though I have spent a great part of my life in distant to bestow upon them; and the person who now adclimes, his fame has reached me; and the merit of dresses you speaks the more feelingly, because he one of his works I am myself well able to appreciate cannot be sure that the fate of genius, which he has -I mean Lalla Rookh-in which the author has just been depicting, may not one day be his own." combined the truth of the historian with the genius (Immense applause.) of the poet, and the vigorous classical taste of his In 1823, Mr. Moore published "The Loves of the own country with the fervid imagination of the East. Angels," of which two French translations soon after I propose the health of Mr. Thomas Moore.” appeared in Paris. While Mr. Moore was compos

The health was then received with all the honours; sing this poem, Lord Byron, who then resided in upon which Mr. Moore rose and said :

Italy, was, by a singular coincidence, writing a similar "I feel highly flattered by the compliment now poem, with the title of “Heaven and Earth,” both of paid me, although there are others who might more them having taken the subject from the second verse justly have laid claim to it-I allude to the translator of the 6th chapter of Genesis : “And it came to pass, of Oberon (Mr. Sotheby,) whose genius instructed, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that enlightened, and delighted the world, long ere a lay they were fair; and they took them wives of all of mine appeared before the public. I cannot, how- which they chose.ever, but feel myself highly honoured by the manner in The two poets presumed that the Sons of God were which my health has been received in such an assem- angels, which opinion is also entertained by some of bly as the present. The soldier is delighted with the the fathers of the Church. applause of his companions in arms; the sailor loves We have already alluded to our author's, “ Memoirs to hear the praises of those who have encountered the of Captain Rock," the celebrated “Rinaldo Rinalperils of the deep and of naval warfare ; so I cannot dini" of Ireland; or rather the designation adopted help feeling somewhat like a similar pleasure from by the “Rob Roys” of that unfortunately divided the-approbation of those who have laboured with me country. Mr. Moore has since increased his reputain the same field. This is the highest honour which tion, as a prose writer, by his publication of the Life they can offer, or I can receive. As to the Honoura- of the late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sherible Baronet who has proposed my health in so flat- dan, which, from the superior sources of information tering a manner, I feel that much of what he has said at his command, is, in a literary point of view at least, may arise from the influence of the sparkling glass a valuable acquisition to the lovers of biography. which has been circulating among us. (A laugh.) I We here annex a list of Mr. Moore's works, with do not by any means say that we have yet reached their respective dates of publication, as far as we have the state of double vision (a laugh,) but it is well been able to verify them. known that objects seen through a glass appear mag- The Odes of Anacreon, translated into English verse, with notes; dedicated by permission to his to say that, believing the manuscript still to be mine, Royal Highness the Prince of Wales (his present I placed it at the disposal of Lord Byron's sister, Mrs. Majesty.) 4to. 1800.

Leigh, with the sole reservation of a protest against A Candid Appeal to Public Confidence, or Con- its total destruction—at least without previous perusal siderations on the Dangers of the Present Crisis. and consultation among the parties. The majority 8vo. 1803.

of the persons present disagreed with this opinion, Corruption and Intolerance, two poems.

and it was the only point upon which there did exist Epistles, Odes, and other Poems. 1806. any difference between us. The manuscript was, ac

Poems, under the assumed name of the late Thomas cordingly, torn and burnt before our eyes; and I Little, Esq. 8vo. 1808. I

immediately paid to Mr. Murray, in the presence of A Letter to the Roman Catholics of Dublin. 8vo. the gentlemen assembled, two thousand guineas, with 1810.

interest, etc., being the amount of what I owed him M. P., or the Blue Stocking, a comic opera in three upon the security of my bond, and for which I now acts, performed at the Lyceum. 1811.

stand indebted to my publishers, Messrs. Longman Intercepted Letters, or the Twopenny-Post Bag and Co. (in verse,) by Thomas Brown the Younger. 8vo. “Since then the family of Lord Byron have, in a 1812.-Of this upwards of fourteen editions have ap- manner highly honourable to themselves, proposed peared in England.

an arrangement, by which the sum thus paid to Mr. A Selection of Irish Melodies, continued to 9 num- Murray might be reimbursed to me; but, from feelings bers.

and considerations which it is unnecessary here to exMr. Moore completed the translation of Sallust, plain, I have respectfully, but peremptorily, declined which had been left unfinished by Mr. Arthur Mur- their offer.” phy, and he superintended the printing of the work Before we proceed to offer a few unprejudiced obfor the purchaser, Mr. Carpenter.

servations on this unpleasant subject, we deem it The Sceptic, a philosophical satire.

proper to lay before our readers the various opinions, Lalla Rookh, an oriental romance, dedicated to pro et contra, to which this letter of Mr. Moore gave Samuel Rogers, Esq. 1817.

rise. It is but justice, however, to Mr. Moore's high The Fudge Family in Paris, letters in verse. 1818. and unblemished reputation to premise, that neither National Airs, continued to four numbers. by those who regretted the burning of Byron's MeSacred Songs, two numbers.

moirs, as a public loss, nor by those who condemned Ballads, Songs, etc.

it as a dereliction of the most important duty he owed Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress, in verse. to the memory and fame of his noble-minded friend Trifles Reprinted, in verse.

-by none of these, nor by any one we ever heard of, Loves of the Angels. 1823.

has Mr. Moore's honour, disinterestedness, or deliRhymes on the Road, extracted from the journal cacy-extreme delicacy-ever been, in the slightest of a travelling member of the Pococurante Society. degree impeached.

Miscellaneous Poems, by different members of the The enemies of “The Burning” said, that Mr. Pococurante Society.

Moore's explanatory letter was an ingenious but not Fables for the Holy Alliance, in verse.

an ingenuous one-for that, at any rate, it threw no Ballads, Songs, Miscellaneous Poems, etc. light on the subject.—They cavilled at the words Memoirs of Captain Rock.

" and it was the only point on which there did exist The Life of the late Right Honourable Richard any difference between us,” professing to wonder Brinsley Sheridan.

what other “point” of any consequence could posFor Lalla Rookh Mr. Moore received 3,000 guineas sibly have been in discussion, save that of preserving of Messrs. Longman and Co. For the Life of Sheri- or destroying the manuscript. They could not see, dan he was paid 2,000 guineas by the same house.— or were incapable of feeling, what paramount sense Mr. Moore enjoys an annuity of 500l. from Power, of delicacy or duty could operate upon a mind like the music-seller, for the Irish Melodies and other Mr. Moore's to counterbalance the delicacy and duty lyrical pieces. He has, moreover, lately, we under- due to his dead friend's fame, which, according to stand, engaged to write for the TIMES newspaper, at them, he had thus abandoned to a sea of idle specua salary of 5001. per annum.

| lation. Moreover, they were unable to comprehend It is well known that the Memoirs of the late Lord what business Mr. Murray the bookseller, or any of Byron, written by himself, had been deposited in the the gentlemen present, had with the business, when keeping of Mr. Moore, and designed as a legacy for Mr. Moore had redeemed the MS., “with interest, his benefit. It is also known that the latter, with the etc.," and with his own money (that is, the sum he consent and at the desire of his lordship, had long ago borrowed for the purpose.) Finally, it was past their sold the manuscript to Mr. Murray, the buokseller, understanding to conceive, how any person could for the sum of two thousand guineas. These me-allow his own fair, just, and honourably-acquired promoirs are, however, lost to the world: the leading perty to be burnt and destroyed before his eyes, and facts relative to which were related in the following against his own protested opinion, even if, from an letter addressed by Mr. Moore to the English jour- honest but too sensitive deference for others, he had

conceded so far as to withhold its publication to "a “Without entering into the respective claims of more convenient season;" or simply to preserve it as Mr. Murray and myself to the property in these me- precious relic in his family. moirs (a question which, now that they are destroyed, To this, the firm supporters of church and state

be but of little moment to any one,) it is sufficient I the pure sticklers for public morals--the friends of

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decorum and decency-the respecters of the inviola-Ilating to this mysterious and painfully delicate subbility of domestic privacy-the foes to unlicensed witject; on which, however, we are bound to introduce and poetic license the disinterested and tender re- a few summary remarks. garders of Lord Byron's character itself,-one and all When Lord Byron's death was once ascertained, proudly replied, that Mr. Moore had performed one the whole interest of society seemed centered in his of the most difficult and most delicate duties that ever Memoirs. Curiosity swallowed up grief; and people, fell to the lot of man, friend, citizen, or christian to becoming wearied by the comments of other writers perform, in the most manly, friendly, patriotic, and on him who was no more, turned with unexampled christian-like manner. As a man, he had nobly anxiety to know what he had written upon himself sacrificed his private interest and opinion, out of Whether or not the public had a right to these Me. respect to Lord Byron's living connexions; as a moirs, is a question which it is not, perhaps, quite friend, he had evinced a real and rare friendship by useless to discuss. It is, at any rate, our opinion that withholding, at his own personal loss, those self-and- they had the right; and that the depositary of the thoughtlessly-intruded specks and deformities of a manuscript was no more than a trustee for the public, great character from the popular gaze, which delights however his individual interest was concerned or too much to feast on the infirmities of noble minds. consulted. Lord Byron bequeathed his Memoirs to As a citizen, he has forborne to display sparkling wit the world. The profits of their sale were alone at the expense of sound morality; and, finally, as a meant for Mr. Moore. Lord Byron's family had no christian, he had acted like a good and faithful servant pretension whatever to the monopoly. And though of the church, in leaving his friend's memory, and the delicate consideration of Mr. Moore prompted exposing his own reputation, to martyrdom, from the his offer of having the manuscript perused and purimost religious and exalted motives.

fied, if such be the proper word, by the nearest surThe private and particular friends of Mr. Moore viving relative of Lord Byron, we maintain that he briefly and triumphantly referred to his unspotted was right, strictly right, in protesting against its uncharacter,

conditional destructicn. Which never yet the breath of calumny had tainted,

For ourselves, we think that, in respect to the and they properly condemned uncharitable conjecture burning, Mr. Moore's conduct is not clearly under

stood or appreciated. Some blame, as we have on a subject of which the most that could be said was

shown, appears to have been attached to his share in -Causa latet, vis est notissima.

the matter, not only in Great Britain, but on the conThe Examiner newspaper gave the subjoined state- tinent, where the subject excited an interest quite as ment, which, if it were properly authenticated, would lively as in England. But it is our opinion that Mr. at once set the matter at rest, to the entire justification Moore's conduct in the affair has been too hastily of the Bard of Erin.

condemned. One duty, we think, remains for his “We were going to allude again this week to the performance—but one, and that most imperative: it question between Mr. Moore and the public, respect- is to give to the world the genuine work of Lord ing the destruction of Lord Byron's Memoirs. We Byron, if it be in his power to do so. The opinion have received several letters expressing the extreme is at all events wide spread, if not well founded, that mortification of the writers on learning the fact, and one copy at least of the original work is in existence, venting their indignation in no very measured terms That opinion is afloat, and nothing will sink it. If against the perpetrators; and we should not have con- the life which Mr. Moore is supposed to be prepar-. cealed our own opinion that, however nobly Mr. ing come out as his own production, it will be diffiThomas Moore may have acted as regards his own cult, if not impossible, to convince the public that it interest, his published letter makes out no justification is not a compilation from the copy which we allude either in regard to his late illustrious friend, whose to, or from a memory powerfully tenacious of the reputation was thus abandoned without that defence, original. If it be not avowed as such, its genuineness which probably his own pen could alone furnish, of will be doubted, and a dozen spurious lives will promany misrepresented passages in his conduct; or bably appear, professing to be that identical copy, of in regard to the world, which is thus robbed of a whose existence no one will consent to doubt. No treasure that can never be replaced. But we have reasoning, nothing, in fact, short of Mr. Moore's learnt one fact, which puts a different face upon the positive assertion to the contrary, will persuade peowhole matter. It is, that Lord Byron himself did not ple that he could, for years, have run the risk of wish the Memoirs published. How they came into leaving so interesting a manuscript, or that he could the hands of Mr. Moore and the bookseller-for what have entrusted it, without possessing a duplicate, in purpose and under what reservations—we shall pro- the hands of any one. And, at all events, it will be bably be at liberty to explain at a future time ; for the thought morally certain, that more than one of those present, we can only say that such is the fact, as the to whom it was entrusted had curiosity enough to noble poet's intimate friends can testify."

copy it; and very improbable that any one had hoThis is indeed an explanation “devoutly to be nesty enough to confess it. wished,” nor can we conceive why it should be still Besides these reasons for the publication of the delayed. It is highly probable, however, that Mr. real Memoirs, supposing a copy to exist, there is one Moore will himself fully and satisfactorily elucidate of such paramount importance, that we are sure it the affair, in the life he is said to be writing of Lord must have struck every body who has thought at all Byron.

upon the subject. We mean the retrospective injury Such were the conflicting opinions of the time re- done to the character of the deceased, by the conjectures which are abroad, as to the nature of the Me-to show you. I gave them to Moore, or rather to moirs he left behind. We do not pretend to be in Moore's little boy."'* the secret of their contents, but we are quite sure they “I remember saying, 'Here are two thousand can be in no way so reprehensible, as the public ima- pounds for you, my young friena.' I made one regination, and the enemies of Lord Byron, have servation in the gift—that they were not to be publishfigured them to be; and there is one notion concern- ed till after my death." ing them, of a nature too delicate to touch upon, and “I have not the least objection to their being cir. for the removal of which no sacrifice of individual or culated ; in fact they have been read by some of mine,

ily vanity would be a price too high. We have, and several of Moore's friends and acquaintances; moreover, good authority for believing that the Me- among others they were lent to Lady Burghersh. On moirs might and ought to have been published, with returning the manuscript, her ladyship told Moore perfect safety to public morals, and with a very con- that she had transcribed the whole work. This siderable gratification to public anxiety. Curiosity, was un peu fort, and he suggested the propriety of which is so contemptible in individuals, assumes a her destroying the copy. She did so, by putting it very different aspect when it is shared by society at into the fire in his presence. Ever since this haplarge; and a satisfaction which may be, in most in- pened, Douglas Kinnaird has been recommending stances, withheld from the one, ought very rarely to me to resume possession of the manuscript, thinking be refused to the other. Nothing has ever had such to frighten me by saying, that a spurious or a real power of excitement upon the mass of mankind as copy, surreptitiously obtained, may go forth to the private details of illustrious individuals ; and, most of world. I am quite indifferent about the world knowall, what may be called their confessions: and if those ing all that they contain. There are very few licenindividuals choose to make their opinions as much tious adventures of my own, or scandalous anecdotes the property of the world after their death, as their that will affect others, in the book. It is taken up conduct and works had been before, we repeat, that from my earliest recollections, almost from childit is nothing short of a fraud upon the public to snatch hood-very incoherent, written in a very loose and away the treasure of which they were the just in. familiar style. The second part will prove a good heritors. Nor must it be said that the property in lesson to young men; for it treats of the irregular question is of no intrinsic value. Every thing which life I led at one period, and the fatal consequences ministers to the public indulgence is of wealth pro- of dissipation. There are few parts that may not, portioned to its rarity-and in this point of view Lord and none that will not, be read by women.” Byron's Memoirs were beyond price. If they con- In this particular Lord Byron's fate has been sintain gross scandal, or indecent disclosure, let such gular; and a superstitious person might be startled at parts be suppressed; and enough will remain amply the coincidence of so many causes, all tending to to satisfy all readers. But we say this merely for the hide his character from the public. That scandal sake of supposition, and for the purpose of refuting and envy should have been at work with such a man an argument founded in an extreme case; we have is not very extraordinary; but the burning of his Megreat pleusure in believing that the only pretence for moirs, and the subsequent injunction on the publicasuch an imputation on the manuscript, was the selfish tion of his Letters to his Mother, seem as if someor squeamish act of its suppression.

thing more than mere chance had operated to preserve We trust that Mr. Moore will yet consider well the unconfuted the calumnies of the day, for the benefit part he has to perform ; that he is not insensible to of future biographers. Of these Letters a friend of the narrow scrutiny which the public displays in this ours was fortunate enough to obtain a glimpse, and affair, and which posterity will confirm; and that he never, he told us, was more innocent, and at the will, on this occasion, uphold the character for in- same time more valuable matter, so withheld from tegrity and frankness which is so pre-eminently his. the world. It were, he observed, but an act of cold We speak with certitude of his disinterested and up- justice to the memory of Lord Byron to state, pubright feelings throughout; we only hope his delicacy licly, that they appear the reflections of as generous towards others may not lead him too far towards the a mind as ever committed its expression to paper : risk of his own popularity, or the sacrifice of what we for though, indeed, the traces of his temperament, and designate once more the public property.

of his false position in society, are there, still the senIf credit may be given to Captain Medwin, Lord timents are lofty and enthusiastic; and every line beByron was most desirous for the posthumous print- trays the warmest sympathy with human suffering, ing of his Memoirs ; and he seems, indeed, to have and a scornful indignation against mean and disgraceintrusted them to Mr. Moore, as a safeguard against ful vice. that very accident into which the high-wrought no- The extempore song, addressed by Lord Byron to tions of delicacy of the trustee, and his deference to Mr. Moore, on the latter's last visit to Italy, proves the relations and friends of the illustrious deceased, the familiar intercourse and friendship that subsisted actually betrayed them. Lord Byron seems to have between him and the subject of this memoir. The been aware of the prudery of his own immediate con- following stanzas are very expressive :nexions; and in the way in which he bestowed the manuscript, to have consulted at once his generous

*There is some trifling inaccuracy in this, as Moore's disposition towards a friend, and his desire of security

son was not with him in Italy. It is nevertheless true, as against mutilation or suppression. On this subject

we are assured, that this was the turn which Lord Byron Captain Medwin's Journal makes him speak as fol- gave to his present, in order to make it more acceptable to lows: "I am sorry not to have a copy of my Memoirs his friend.

Were 't the last drop in the well,

King George the Fourth did not forget to pay off the As I gasp'd upon the brink,

Prince of Wales's “old score" with our poet :-Ir Ere my fainting spirit fell,

the king's presence, a critic, speaking of the “Life 'Tis to thee that I would drink.

of Sheridan,” declared that Moore had murdered his In that water, as this wine,

friend. “You are too severe,” said his Majesty, “I The libation I would pour

cannot admit that Mr. Moore has murdered Sheridan, Should be-Peace to thine and mine,

but he has certainly attempted his life.And a health to thee, Tom Moore!

It was not till after the Prince of Wales's investWhen Lord Byron had published his celebrated ment with regal power, that Mr. Moore levelled the satire of “English Bards and Scotch Reviewers," in keen shafts of his ";

"grey goose quill" against that which our poet, in common with most of his distin- illustrious personage. He had previously dedicated guished contemporaries was visited rather “ too the translation of Anacreon to His Royal Highness, roughly" by the noble modern Juvenal, his lordship by whom, it is said, his poetry was much admired. expected to be called out,” as the fashionable phrase We question, though, if his verse was as palatable to is; but no one had courage to try his prowess in the the Prince Regent, as it had been to the Prince of field, save Mr. Moore, who did not relish the joke Wales. Mr. Moore, perhaps, thought as one of his about “Little's leadless pistols,” and sent a letter to predecessors had done on this subject, of whom the his lordship in the nature of a challenge, but which following anecdote is recorded. Pope, dining one he, by his leaving the country, did not receive. On day with Frederic, Prince of Wales, paid the prince Byron's return, Mr. Moore made inquiry if he had many compliments. “I wonder," said his Royal received the epistle, and stated that, on account of Highness, “that you, who are so severe on kings, certain changes in his circumstances, he wished to should be so complaisant to me.” “It is,” replied recal it, and become the friend of Byron, through the witty bard, “because I like the lion before his Rogers, the author of “The Pleasures of Memory," claws are grown.” and who was intimate with both the distinguished The name of Anacreon Moore, by which our aubards. The letter, addressed to the care of Mr. thor is distinguished, is not so much his due from the Hanson, had been mislaid; search was made for it, mere circumstance of his having translated the odes and Byron, who at first did not like this offer, of one of the Teian bard, as from the social qualities which hand with a pistol, and the other to shake in fellow- he is known to possess, and the convivial spirit of his ship, felt very awkward. On the letter being re-muse. Mr. Moore seems to be of opinion, that covered, however, he delivered it unopened to Mr. If with water you fill up your glasses, Moore, and they afterwards continued, to the last,

You'll never write any thing wise; most particular friends.

For wine is the horse of Parnassus, It is but justice to the unquestionable courage and

Which hurries a bard to the skies. spirited conduct of the Bard of Erin, to observe here,

He is not, however, ungrateful for whatever share that, though Byron had stated the truth about the said conviviality may have had in inspiring his muse, but "leadless pistols,” he had not stated the whole truth. has amply acknowledged it in the elegant and glowThe facts were these: Mr. Jeffrey, the celebrated ing terms in which he has celebrated its praises. No critic, and editor of the Edinburgh Review, had, in individual presides with more grace at the convivial * good set phrase,” abused the Poems of Thomas board, nor is there one whose absence is more liable Little, Esq., alias Thomas Moore, Esq.; and the lat- to be regretted by his friends. ter, not choosing to put up with the flagellation of Being on one occasion prevented from attending a the then modern Aristarchus, challenged him. When banquet where he was an expected guest, and where, they arrived at Chalk Farm, the place fixed on for the in consequence, every thing seemed (to use a familiar duel, the police were ready, and deprived them of phrase) out of sorts, a gentleman, in the fervour of their fire-arms. On drawing their contents, the com

his pointment, exclaimed, “Give us but one pound of “villanous saltpetre” was found, but the Anacreon more, ye gods, whatever else ye do deny cold lead,

Presiding once at a tavern dinner, where some of
The pious metal most in requisition
On such occasions,

the company were complaining that there was no

game at the table, a gentleman present, alluding to had somehow disappeared. The cause was this: the fascinating manners of Mr. Moore, who “kept the One of the balls had fallen out in the carriage, and table in a roar,” said, “Why, gentlemen, what better the seconds, with a laudable anxiety to preserve the game would you wish than moor game, of which I am public peace, to save the shedding of such valuable sure you have abundance ?" blood, and to make both equal, drew the other ball. At another time, after the pleasures of the evening

In his youth Mr. Moore was in the high road to had been extended to a pretty late hour, Mr. D. procourt favour, and had his spirit been less independent, posed, as a concluding bumper, the health of Mr. we might even have had a Sir Thomas More in our Moore; a toast which, having been twice drank in the days. It is said that when the juvenile Anacreon was course of the evening, was objected to as unnecesintroduced to the then Prince of Wales, His Royal sary. Mr. D., however, persisted in giving the toast; Highness inquired of him. whether he was a son of and quoted in support of it the following passage from Dr. Moore, the celebrated author of Zeluco; and that Mr. Moore's translation of the eighth ode of Ana the bard promptly replied, “No, Sir, I am the son of creon. “Let us drink it now," said he, a grocer at Dublin !")

For death may come with brow unpleasant, The following anecdote shows that His Majesty | May come when least we wish him present,

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