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Congregational clergymen. And yet a great proportion of the inhabitants were originally Presbyterians. In the two northern counties of the Illinois territory, it is said a majority of the heads of families are Baptist and Methodist professors. And yet a Methodist clerin Riga. The Rev. John Spencer offergyman informed us, that almost all the people were educated Presbyteri ans, and would have been so still, had they not been grievously neglected by their eastern brethren.

On Wednesday, the 7th June, 1815, the Rev. Alanson Darwin was ordained to the work of the Gospel Ministry, and installed Pastor of the church of Christ

ed the introductory prayer, the Rev. Joseph Merrill preached the sermon, the Rev. William Clark offered the conse crating prayer, the Rev. David Fuller presided and gave the charge to the mi"From this place we expect to return nister, the Rev. John F. Bliss gave the immediately, through Illinois and In-right hand of fellowship, the Rev. Alexdiana, to Louisville and Lexington, ander Denoon addressed the people, and Kentucky; and then proceed, the Rev. Silas Hubbard offered the con expeditiously as circumstances will cluding prayer. permit, to Nashville, Natchez, and New-Orleans. Yours in the bonds of Christian affection."




Some say that in the origin of things,
When all creation started into birth,
The infant elements received a law,
From which they swerve not since. That under

Of that controuling ordinance they move,
And need not His immediate hand, who first
Prescrib'd their course, to regulate it now.
Thus dream they, and contrive to save a God
Th' incumbrance of his own concerns,and spare
The greal artificer of all that moves
The stress of a continual act, the pain
Of unremitted vigilance and care,
As too laborious and severe a task.

DIED, suddenly, at Farmington, (Ontario county, N. Y.) on the 16th June last, WILLIAM AVERILL, aged 30. His death was occasioned by the excessive use of ardent spirits. This man being at a tippling house, and having already drunk to excess, was induced by his as sociates to drink at one time upwards of half a pint of spiritous liquor; on account of their telling him if he would The Lord of all, himself through all diffus'd, swallow such a quantity it should cost Sustains, and is the life of all that lives. Nature is but a name for an effect, him nothing. His immediate dissoluWhose cause is God. He feeds the secret fire, tion was the consequence of this diabol-By which the mighty process is maintain'd, ical transaction. Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, that puttest thy bottle to him.

who sleeps not, is not weary; in whose sight
Slow circling ages are as transient days;
Whose work is without labor; whose designs
No flaw deforms, no difficulty thwarts;
And whose beneficence no charge exhausts.







In Steuben, Oneida county, Mr. PHRAIM BULL, an insane man, who hung himself with a cord. He had previously killed his only son, a lad of ten yearsBut shows some touch,in freckle,streak or stain,

of age.

Not a flow'r

Of his unrivalled pencil. He inspires
Their balmy odours, and imparts their hues,
And bathes their eyes with nectar, and includes,
to grains as countless as the seaside sands,
The forms with which he sprinkles all the earth.
Happy who walks with him! whom what he
of flavor or of scent in fruit or flow'r,
Or what he views of beautiful or grand
In nature, from the broad majestic oak
To the green blade, that twinkles in the sun,

At sea, the Rev. Dr. COKE, one of the Methodist missionaries to the East. While an immense concourse were as sembled to hear a sermon occasioned by his death, some villains alarmned the congregation by a cry of fire, with the design of obtaining plunder in the general confusion The audience rush-Prompts with remembrance of a present God! ed out of the house, when three per-Makes all still fairer. His presence, who made all so fair, perceiv'd, sons were trodden to death, and thirty much injured.






No. 3.

An Address of the Charitable Society for || ties, Charitable Associations of Females, the Education of indigent pious young who meet one afternoon in a month, men, for the ministry of the gospel.- and as often as exigencies may demand, [Conclude from No. 2, Vol. III, page 35.] bringing each an oblation in raw materiThere are in Connecticut 218 church-als, or domestic manufactures, or money es,which may be supposed to contain up-to purchase them, upon which they beon an average 50 members. Now,if each stow the necessary labor, and devote the church would engage to pay at the rate clothing ready made to the objects for of one dollar a member, the rich mem-which this society is formed. How bers making up the deficiencies of the blessed would be the efficacy of such an poor, and churches that are strong the example in every congregation in the, deficiencies of the weak, the result State! What female is there who does would be an annual income of 10,000 not now devote to social visits, at least dollars; which, allowing 100 dollars a one afternoon in a month? But how year to each student, would support an- much more cheering and ennobling the nually 100 students. Of course 50 cents friendships which would be formed, and a member, would support 50 students. strengthened, by such an intercourse for such purposes.

But does piety and benevolent enterprise reside exclusively in female bosoms? Are there not young men in this State, whose emulation will be excited by such fair examples? might not auxiliary societies of men be formed in many places, who, by retrenching su

Now, is there a church in this State, bought by the blood of Jesus Christ, which will not pass an unanimous vote to contribute annually to this Society at the rate of from 50 cents to 1 dollar a member? When the result will be the annual support of from 50 to 100 young men of piety for the ministry. How fight will be the burden, and how effica-perfluous expenses, or adding a trifling cious the charity.

effort to ordinary exertion, would be aBut the churches are not our only ble to contribute liberally to bless their hope. There are a multitude of Female country with religious instruction? How Charitable Associations spread over the many young men might be educated for State, who save their weekly pittance to the Lord if the money which is somebe consecrated to benevolent purposes. times worse than wasted were saved, To these worthy Associations we look and consecrated to this benevolent obfor aid. Many of them have already ||ject. We invite, then, the co-operation, and from the beginning, devoted their and intreat the assistance of the young charities to the education of pious young men of Connecticut, in this great work men for the ministry. Those already formed, we trust will be enlarged, and similar associations we hope will be formed in every society in the State; we invite them all to unite the streams of their charity into one river, which, without ceasing, shall refresh our thirsty land.

of providing religious instruction for our land. It is not improbable, that the very men you help to educatę, may become your own pastors in this State, or in the new settlements, and the instruments of bringing your souls into the kingdom of God.

But while these little streams are There have also been formed recent-flowing to refresh the land, we intreat ly, without superceding the Cent Socie- those whom God has blessed with


wealth, to cause a deeper and broader || It is with peculiar pleasure, and a

cheering confidence of being heard, that we ask the co-operation of the ALUMNI of YALE-COLLEGE. Though the immediate object of the Society is the ed ucation of ministers, yet in no method, perhaps, can the blessings of a common education for our countrymen be better secured, or the best interests of science better promoted, than by extending an educated ministry through the nation. The Gospel has always been friendly to science; enlightening the understanding while it purified the heart; and educated ministers of the gospel have always been efficient patrons of schools, academies, and colleges.Wherever in this land the gospel has ex

tide to roll. It is no ordinary subject that invites your attention; it stands first in importance, God himself being Judge; "For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul. For after that in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching, to save them that believe. So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.-But how shall they hear without a preacher, and || how shall they preach except they be sent." Worlds are interested in the preaching of the gospel; "for godliness is profitable to all things, having the promise both of the life that now is, and that which is to come." When theerted the most steady and powerful inwretchedness of our country then is so fluence, there the common people have great, the word and the providence of been the best instructed, and science God justify no hope of amelioration:has been most successfully cultivated. but by extending the religious and mor- The prosperity of Yale-College also, al influence of his own institutions, are though not the primary object of this we not brought to your doors upon a no- Society, will be the certain and happy ble errand? And will you not receive consequence of its success. For the our solicitations with a smile and re- talents and piety and exemplary conduct ward us with a liberality surpassing what of the students whom charity shall send has ever yet been witnessed in this thither, will doubtless contribute to pu State? May we not anticipate your patrify its morals and elevate its literary ronage of this institution, by a charity character; while through life their reliwhich shall bear a just proportion to gious enterprize and literary eminence, your wealth, and the immense impor-will make her heart glad, and bring new tance of the object. Men of wealth!-honors to her growing age. help us; we intreat you help us to save By all the tender recollections, then, your country from ruin, and the souls of your collegiate life, and by your at of your countrymen from death. Free-tachment to the institution in whose ly ye have received; freely give. walls you passed the most interesting pe

To the Legislature of this State, and ||riod of life, and laid the foundation of to all who are occupied in its civil ad- that reputation and prosperity which ministration, we look with confidence, God has since given you, we invite your as to men who feel the insufficiency of co-operation.

an arm of flesh, and justly appreciate The motives to such an effort as we the alliance of Jehovah in the govern-propose, are numerous and powerful.— ment of men; who know, experimen-1. It is indispensable to prevent the tally, the multiplied blessings of reli gious institutions; and who will help us by their prayers, and their charities and their official influence, to extend these blessings through the nation.*

great body of the nation from sinking down to a state of absolute heathenism. Let the tide of population roll on for seventy years as it has done for the 70 that are past, and let no extraordinary exertion be made to meet the vastly increasing demand for Ministers; but let

*In the year 1644, a representation of the necessities of indigent students at Cambridge was made to the Commissioners of Massachusetts, with a request that they would encourage a General Court, contributions of grain and progeneral contribution in their behalf. They ap-visions were annually made through the United proved the motion, and by their recommenda- Colonies, for the charitable end proposed. tion, seconded by the recommendation of the Vide. Dr. Trumbull's List. of Con

them increase only in the slow propor-bind us together by firmer bonds. Comtion that they have done, and what will mencing as each state did, a kind of inbe the result? There will be within sulated existence,and preserving still as the United States SEVENTY MILLION it ought to do, an independent internal SOULS and there will be only six thou-organization; and spread as the States sand competent religious teachers; that|| are, over a vast extent of country; and is, SIXTY-FOUR MILLIONS out of the SE-united as they are, chiefly for defence VENTY, will be wholly destitute of pro-and commercial purposes, there is not = per religious instruction. They may sufficient intercourse to beget affection; not become the worshippers of Idols ;-- nor a sufficient solidity of the whole nabut there is a brutality, and ignorance, tion to counteract the danger of local reand profligacy always prevalent where pulsion in times of public commotion. the Gospel does not enlighten and res- A remedy must be applied to this vital train, as decisively ruinous to the soul, defect of our national organization. But as Idolatry itself. It is of little conse|what shall that remedy be? There can quence to a ruined immortal in hell, be but one. The consolidation of the whether he perished by the waters of State Governments would make a desthe Ganges, or on the road to Jugger-potism. But the prevalence of pious, innaut; or whether he perished at home, telligent, enterprising ministers through consumed by slow fires within, or chill-the nation, at the ratio of one for a thoued by frost in a fit of intoxication. The sand, would establish schools, and collelittle light that may glimmer upon the ges, and habits, and institutions of homdark places of our land, if it be not ogeneous influence. These would proenough to rescue souls from death, may|duce a sameness of views, and feelings, even render their circumstances more and interests, which would lay the foundreadful than the total darkness of hea-dation of our empire upon a rock. Rethen lands, by aggravating their guilt ligion is the central attraction which and condemnation. The civil welfare must supply the deficiency of political of the nation demands imperiously the affinity and interest. Religion is the universal co-operation of religious insti- bond of charity, which in storms must tutions. If knowledge and virtue be undergird the ship. The intercourse of the basis of republican institutions, our good men, in the blessed enterprise of foundations will soon rest upon the sand, evangelizing our land, will do more than unless a more effectual and all-pervad-every thing beside to make the different ing system of religious and moral in-parts of the land acquainted, to do astruction can be provided. The right of suffrage in the hands of an ignorant and vicious population, such as will always exist in a land where the Gospel does not restrain and civilize, will be a sword in the hand of a maniac, to make desolate around him, and finally to desHow blessed will be the remuneratroy himself. It is no party in politicstion of such an enterprise, in the health, that can save his nation from political the temperance, the industry and peace death, by political wisdom merely.-and friendship diffused through the naThe disease is upon the vitals, and the tion. The expense of crimes and of remedy must be appropriate. There is their punishment, besides all the woes no remedy but the tree whose leaves of wickedness, is four times as great, as are for the healing of the nations, Be- the expense of their prevention, by a neath the shade of this tree the millions comprehensive system of religious inof our land may sit down with great destruction. light, and its fruits shall be sweet to their taste.

The integrity of the Union demands special exertions to produce in the nation a more homogeneous character, and

way local jealousies, to consolidate the nation and perpetuate its liberties. The very enterprise will cause every one who embarks in it to love his country better, while he constantly renders his country more worthy to be loved.

With respect to the young men whom we shall educate by our charities, it may be obseryed, that as we take them under our patronage not until they are fitted for college, we shall not be

likely to be deceived in the objects of the prayers and example of this one. our charity, after such a probation as The Providence of God also seems, the preparatory studies will afford. We at the present time, to indicate, with shall be able to select young men of uncommon clearness, our duty. There sound minds, and good talents; and is an unusual predisposition, manifesting they will be taken from a state of socie-itself in our country, to receive the Gosty, where bodily vigor, resolution, and pel. Infidelity has long been on the a capacity of enduring hardships, will be found in their best estate.

decline, and the importance of religious institutions is more highly appreciated. Upon the College, and upon the state Something begins to appear in some at large, the influence of such an acces- of the new settlements, which reminds sion of intelligent and pious young men, us of the early days of New-England, will be most auspicious. The religious when our fathers carried their pastor and moral habits of our young men in with them, to commence a settlement College, are to effect deeply, the civil in the wilderness. The utility of Misand religious interests of the State.sionary labors is more and more admitThe age at which they reside in College ted, and the demand, as to extent and is the forming age; and the habits of importunity is increasing every year. thinking and feeling acquired there, Several charitable foundations have will often be carried through life. We already been laid, with a view to prefeel constantly in our churches and in pare indigent young men of piety for our civil concerns, in all parts of the College: and God has raised up suddenState, the good or ill effects of princi-ly, and by an unparalleled liberality, ples imbibed, and habits formed in Yale Theological Seminaries to receive them College. Now the great difficulty, and fit them for the ministry when regwhere such numbers of inexperienced youth are associated, is to guard against irreligion and dissipation. What parent, on sending his son to a public seminary, does not tremble at the temptations to which he may be exposed? But the students whom charity shall send to Yale College, will possess, ordinarily, a weight of talents, and always, it may be hoped, that piety and circumspection, which will create an influence in the College, surpassing the power of laws or discipline. What a security to our sons to have in the College, whither we send them, a select band of pious companjons to watch over and pray for them, and lead them in the right way.

ularly educated. By the revivals of religion, also, which have prevailed and now prevail in our land, a great multitude of young men have been made willing to devote themselves to all the hardships attending so great an enter prise as the evangelizing of the nation. Our College constitutes the broken link. To her threshold, every year, young men of piety come, and for the love of Jesus, and the worth of souls, plead for admission, and are sent away because no funds are provided to help them through. From all parts of the land, the cry ascends, Give us Ministers, or we die; and pious young men, smitten with compassion, spring up, and rush to the Lord, and no provision is made to

Nor is it a vain expectation, that the prayers, the example, and the conver-receive them.

sation of these sons of the prophets in For a number of years past, from 16 our College, will be connected with fre- to 20 applications of this kind have quent revivals of religion, and that our been refused. There are at this time charities to them may be the very several young men in Yale-College who, means, which God will make the occa-hearing that this society had been organsion of salvation to our own children.-ized, have come and flung themselves What a pledge to the State for the pie- upon us. We could not send them aty and integrity of her pastors and of ri-way, and yet unless we are patronized sing legislators. It is no unreasonable by the public, they must go away deshope, that in educating one minister by charity, we shall provide two for our country, by the blessing of God upon

pairing of their object; for they stand in need of every thing, while as yet it is comparatively nothing that we can do.

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