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INQUIRIES CONCERNING THE INTELLECTUAL POWERS, AND THE INVESTIGATION OF TRUTH. By JOHN ABERCROMBIE, M.D. F.R.S.E., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and First Physician to His Majesty in Scotland. 18mo.

"In the execution of this plan, Dr. ABERCROMBIE brings to his subject a mind thoroughly versed in its details, and habituated to this species of abstract inquiry. His descriptions of the mental phenomena are clear and precise, and his reasonings perspicuous and sound. He never seeks to surprise us by the ingenuity, or to startle us by the novelty of his doctrines; but he directs all his force against the most prominent difficulties of his subject, and never quits his position till the reader is intrenched in its strongholds. The style of the work merits equal praise. It is simple and unambitious, without being devoid of ornament or power; and on those occasions especially when the author touches on the great questions of faith and hope, it rises into an eloquence which never fails to reach the heart. The manner, indeed, in which he points out the practical application of his subject to the interesting topics of education, morality, and religion, gives a charm to this volume, which we look for in vain in similar works. The doctrines of the Christian faith are never unnecessarily obtruded upon the reader's attention, but are always referred to as truths which challenge the most rigid scrutiny, and are secure of the best reception when they are examined by minds the best regulated and possessed of the highest powers.-On these grounds, we consider Dr. ABERCROMBIE'S Volume equally useful to the young men of all professions, and as a work which may be perused with advantage even by those who have discovered the last and the most precious application of all our knowledge."-Quarterly Review.

"The whole is executed with great ability, and in a manner corresponding to the latest improvements of the science. We entertain no doubt of its becoming a popular book. And we can assure our fair readers, if any such have honoured us with perusal, that, under such a master, even they may now study metaphysics without danger of incurring what has been esteemed "the odious epithet" of bas-bleu. The whole is well digested and easily apprehended, requiring, in general, no dangerous knittings of the brow."-Presbyterian Review.

"Among Christian physicians, we are happy to class the author of the volume before us; who, after the publication of various important works in medicine, which have been received with much applause by the physicians of the Continent as well as of this country, has turned his attention to metaphysical subjects, and to inquiries into the intellectual powers. He does not, like too many metaphysical writers, spend much of his work on disputed topics, or in supporting any particular theory of morals; but stating what appears to him to be legitimate deductions from acknowledged facts, he has succeeded in giving a perspicuous summary of what Dr. Chalmers, in his lectures, calls the orthodox system of moral philosophy, or that which is admitted by Mr. Stewart, and the best writers of his school. This work supplies, in metaphysical and moral science, what the progress and accumulation of discovery had rendered a desideratum in most of the departments of knowledge."-Christian Instructor.

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