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me to thinking all sorts of strange things. I wonder whether there are any wild animals on the island?" I assured him that it was quite improbable, and that no dangerous animals of any kind were ever found on the islands of the Pacific. This, however, did not seem to satisfy him entirely, and I began to suspect that his mind was running on the jackals, tiger-cats, and hyenas, of the Swiss Family Robinson. A question or two which he presently asked showed that I had guessed correctly, and I hastened to meet the difficulty by reminding him that "their island (if indeed it was an island at all, and not a part of the mainland) was situated near the coast of New Holland, from which animals might pass over to it by swimming."

"Why, I thought," said Charlie, "that there were no wild animals in New Holland except kangaroos and opossums. My book of beasts, birds, and fishes says so."

This was a fact in natural history which I was not prepared to gainsay, especially when backed by so redoubtable an authority as "the book of beasts, birds, and fishes." For a moment I was taken all aback; but being loth to give up my little companion a prey to imaginary jackals, tiger-cats, and hyenas, I rallied again, resolved upon one more desperate effort for his deliverance.


Well," said I, "the fact is, we don't know exactly where the Swiss Family Robinson's island really was— it is altogether uncertain. It may have been near Java, or Ceylon, or the coast of India, in which case all those Asiatic beasts could easily have got there—that is, if the two places were close enough together. Now we know that we are somewhere in the middle of the Pacific, a vast distance from any continent, or any of the great Indian islands, so that large animals here are out of the question, unless they have taken a swim of a thousand miles or so." This seemed to be pretty decisive, and I think it settled the jackals, tiger-cats, and hyenas effectually, for Charlie

said no more on the subject, except to remark that even if they could swim that distance, they would stand a bad chance with the sharks and other sea-monsters; to which I added, as a final clincher, that in any event, they would be sure to starve on the voyage, unless they should bring a large supply of provisions along with them.

"Well," said he, after a minute's silence, "I am not afraid of anything; but somehow or other I feel very wide awake to-night, and not in the least sleepy.'

"Shut your eyes,” said I, “and think of a great wheel, whirling round and round with a regular and even motion, and never stopping until you have counted it go round a hundred times."

Charlie laughed softly to himself, as though pleased with this device, and was quite still for a minute or two; then he spoke again.

"It has gone round a hundred times, but towards the end it got agoing dreadfully fast; it would go fast, in spite of all I could do."

"Never mind the wheel, then," said I, "but think of the huge lazy swells in a calm, rising and falling, rising and falling, as they did when we lay rocking in the boat all those long days and nights out on the sea."

"Well, I'll try-but I don't believe it will be of any use."

"Don't look at the moon, and don't speak to me again, unless for something very particular--and now goodnight."


Good-night;" and he nestled down among his leaves again. In a very few minutes the deep and regular breathing of the little patient proved the efficacy of my sleeping prescription, and announced that his troubles for that night were over.




"Now my co-mates, and brothers in exile,
Mayinot long custom make this life more sweet
Than that of painted pomp? Are not these woods
More free from peril than the envious court?
Here feel we not the penalty of Adam,

The season's difference, nor the icy fang
And churlish chiding of the winter's wind."

THE next morning "the islanders," or some of them at least, were stirring early; and the first thing that attracted my attention, on opening my eyes, was a busy group, consisting of Max, Eiulo, and Charlie, gathered around a fire at a little distance, and engaged in some apparently very interesting operation. A savoury smell at the same time saluted my olfactory organs, and on approaching the scene of action, to investigate the matter more closely, I found my finny prize of the preceding evening undergoing a somewhat primitive style of cookery, of which Max appeared to be the chief director and superintendent. A number of large oysters were also roasting in the embers, and from these last proceeded the grateful and appetizing odour referred to.

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Good-morning!" cried Max, "you see we have breakfast nearly ready, and a breakfast too that will be a positive luxury after so long a course of cocoanut diet. How Browne will exult at the sight of it! how his eyes will

open!-to say nothing of his mouth-and don't we deserve a vote of thanks for our early labours for the general good?"

Morton and Browne at this moment emerged from their respective heaps of leaves, and after rather more than the usual amount of yawning, and stretching of limbs, came towards the fire.

"Fee, faw, fo, fum," cried Morton, snuffing the agreeable smell of the cookery in progress; "I trust we're not too late for breakfast, and that there is something more than the savour of good victuals left."

"You are in good time," said Charlie, bustling about the fire with an air of official dignity; "the first bell hasn't rung yet."

"But why has Shakspeare such a long face," said Max; "has camping out caused a reminiscence of rheumatism?" "Bad dreams, horrible dreams!" answered Browne, shaking his head solemnly, "which came of lying staring at the moon last night, until I fell asleep"-then throwing himself into an attitude, he commenced declaiming, with a tragic air

"O, I have passed a miserable night,

So full of fearful dreams, of ugly sights,
That as I am a Christian, faithful man,
I would not pass another such a night
Though 'twere to buy a world of happy days,
So full of dismal terror was the time."

"Bravo!” cried Max, applauding furiously; "I like to see that; it's what I call coming out strong under discouraging circumstances. Here are we, six forlorn castaways, on a desert island, somewhere (no one knows where) in the Pacific Ocean; and instead of moping, and sulking, and bemoaning our hard fate, we wake up of a fine morning, quite bright and cheerful, and one of the six (or seven, more correctly speaking) goes to work spouting

Shakspeare, carrying us back to old times, and making us feel (as Morton would say) like "happy schoolboys again."

"What's all this?" cried Arthur, coming forward with a puzzled air; "what is Max making a speech about? Has he taken the stump as a candidate for the presidency of the island?"

"He needn't do that," said Browne; "we're not going to have any presidents, or other republican trumpery here; I have formally taken possession of the island in the name of little Vic, and it is therefore a colony of Great Britain. I shall apply at the first convenient opportunity for letters patent, making me colonial governor."


"Tory, monarchist !” cried Max ; “ recant at once, or you shan't taste a mouthful of my breakfast."

"Do you think I'll sell my loyalty for a mess of pottage? No, I'm for a well-regulated monarchy-hurra for little Vic!"

"Down with the bloody Britisher!" cried Charlie, entering into the spirit of the scene, and tugging at Browne's coat-tails; "make him hurra for Harry Clay, or else don't give him any of our oysters!"

“You're surely not going back to the principles of the dark ages-you won't attack the right of private judgment, and persecute for opinion's sake."

"The right of private judgment indeed!" answered Max with great contempt. "I hold that no person can have a right, on any pretence whatever, to entertain erroneous opinions on important subjects affecting the welfare of mankind. If a man does entertain such opinions, it is the duty of those who know better to convince him of his error by the most effectual arguments at their command. It is therefore my duty to open your eyes to the blessings of liberal institutions. I have here (pointing towards the incipient breakfast) the most powerful means to assist and quicken your perception of the truth. Shall I not use those means?"

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