Deutsche mythologie, Bind 1Dieterich, 1844 |
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abergl ähnliche Alamannen alten alterthum altn aufser ausdruck bedeutung begrif beide benennung Beov berg Berhta bildseule blofs Cædm christlichen cultus dafs darf daſs deutsche sagen Diut Donar drei edda eddischen eigennamen elbe erde erscheinen erst erzählt exon feuer fornald fornm frau Freyja Freyr Frigg gedicht geist gleich goth gott gottheit göttin göttlichen griech grofsen haus heidenthum heidnischen heifsen heifst heiligen helden hiefs himmel hohen Holda Jupiter kinder könig könnte läfst land lich lied Loki menschen merkwürdige mufs mythologie mythus namen Nerthus nord nordischen nornen Odinn Odins opfer Parz Perkunos Pertz quae quod riesen Sæm saga cap Saxo gramm scheint schwed slav sög sohn soll sprache steht stein stelle Tacitus teufel theil thiere Thor Thôrr Tŷr unsere valkyrien vielleicht volk volkssage vorstellung wald wasser wassergeist weifsen weise wesen wieder Wodan wort Wunsch Wuotan Ymir Zeus zwerge καὶ
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Side 38 - Deorum maxime Mercurium colunt, cui certis diebus humanis quoque hostiis litare fas habent. ' Herculem ac Martem concessis animalibus placant : pars Suevorum et Isidi sacrificat. Unde causa et origo peregrino sacro parum comperi, nisi quod signum ipsum, in modum liburnae figuratum, docet advectam religionem.
Side 403 - Alto es á maravilla. En una rama mas alta. Viera estar una infantina; Cabellos de su cabeza Todo aquel roble cubrian.
Side 575 - However, by bribing his servants, they contrived to have them extinguished, and on that morning raised their fire. They then sacrificed a heifer, cutting in pieces and burning, while yet alive, the diseased part. They then lighted their own hearths from the pile, and ended by feasting on the remains. Words of incantation were repeated by an old man from Morven, who came as the master of the ceremonies, and who continued speaking all the time the fire was being raised.
Side 72 - Cumque a praefato pontífice sacrorum suorum quaereret, quis aras et fana idolorum cum septis, quibus erant circumdata, primus profanare deberet; ille respondit: ,Ego. Quis enim ea, quae per stultitiam colui, nunc ad exemplum omnium aptius quam ipse per sapientiam mihi a Deo uero donatam destruam?
Side 579 - Bdl-tein-day, all the boys in a township or hamlet meet in the moors. They cut a table in the green sod, of a round figure, by casting a trench in the ground of such circumference as to hold the whole company. They kindle a fire, and dress a repast of eggs and milk in the consistence of a custard. They knead a cake of oatmeal, which is toasted at the embers against a stone. After the custard is eaten up, they divide the cake...
Side 90 - Sax. 20: si quis ad fontes aut arbores vel lucos votum fecerit, aut aliquid more gentilium obtulerit et ad honorem daemonum comederit.
Side 575 - Island of Mull. In consequence of a disease among the black cattle the people agreed to perform an incantation, though they esteemed it a wicked thing. They carried to the top of Carnmoor a wheel and nine spindles of oak-wood. They extinguished every fire in every house within sight of the hill ; the wheel was then turned from east to west over the nine spindles long enough to produce fire by friction.
Side 330 - Cardigan sich erstreckend bildet am himmel die milchstrafse, dh wird vom wagen irgend eines heidnischen gottes befahren. Chaucer (house of fame 2, 427) jene himmelsgegend beschreibend sagt: lo there (quod he), cast up thine eye, se yondir, lo, the...
Side 564 - Veniebant autem cum plaustris potum cibumque deferentes, mactantes animalia et per triduum epulantes. Quarta autem die cum discedere deberent, anticipabat eos tempestas cum tonitruo et coruscatione valida ; et in tantum imber ingens cum lapidum violentia descendebat, ut vix se quisquam eorum putaret evadere. Sic fiebat per singulos annos, et involvebatur insipiens populus in errore...
Side 72 - Dei cultus, iussit sociis destruere ac succendere fanum cum omnibus septis suis. Ostenditur autem locus ille quondam idolorum non longe ab Eburaco ad...