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The people are subject to the Danish Government, and profess the Lutheran religion. They are simple and virtuous in their manners, living chiefly on fish, and are remarkably attached to their native isle, and fond of books and learning. Though schools are rare among them, education is cultivated in every family, so that scarcely an individual can be found, unable to read. The Gothic, their native language, has here been preserved, almost in its original purity, and some interesting books in poetry and history, have been composed in it. Many copies of the bible in the Icelandic version, have been distributed among them, and received with the liveliest gratitude by the poor natives.


Where is Iceland? What are its extent and population? For what is it celebrated? What noted volcano is found here? How high is it, and what is said of its eruptions? What of the Geyser or hot springs? To what government are the people subject? What their religion? What is said of their character and manners? Of their education? Of their native language? Of the Bibles given them?


Pop. 1,000 whites, 50,000 Indians.

The Russian Possessions in North America, are bounded N. by the Arctic ocean, east by Mackenzie's river and the Rocky moun

tains, south by Oregon territory in the United States, and west by the Pacific ocean.

This region is of great extent, but hitherto, little known. The coast is rugged and mountainous, resembling the coast of Norway. It is diversified with lofty mountains, covered with perpetual snow, and deep chasms or cavities filled up with glaciers of ice. Mount Elias rises 18,000 feet, or above three miles in height, and is considered the highest peak in North America.

The native Indians are said to resemble the Greenlanders, and are principally employed in hunting and fishing. The white population, in general, are Russian fur traders, who barter with the natives for furs, and give in return, tobacco, beads, and other similar articles interesting to Indians.


See the map of North America.

How is Russian America bounded? What is said of this region? What of the coast? How is the coast diversified ? What lofty mountain near the coast, and how high is it? What description is given of the Indians, and what is supposed to be their number? Who are the whites, and what is their number, and principal business? What strait separates Russian America from Asia? How wide is it in the narrowest part? Ans. 40 miles.


Length 1,800 ms. breadth 800, sq. ms. 1,500,000.-Pop. 8,000,000. 5 per sq. m.

The whole territory of Mexico is about two thirds as large as that of the United States. It is traversed from south-east to north west, by the Cordileras mountains, which constitute a part of the grand American chain which extends from cape Horn to the Arctic ocean. The general surface of the Cordilleras, is remarkable, being spread abroad into vast elevated plains, called Table lands, which are clothed extensively with a rich, luxuriant soil, and contains many towns and inhabitants. The length of these mountain plains, is 17,000 miles, their breadth increases toward the north, and their general elevation is from 6 to 8,000 feet above the level of the sea. From these plains, here and there, an insulated peak of a mountain is found shooting up, to double that height, into a region of eternal snow. The two most noted of these peaks, Orizaba and Popocatapetl, are volcanoes, three or four miles high, and considered the loftiest volcanoes on the globe.

Along the sea coast on each side of Mexico, the land is low and the climate hot, oppressive, and unhealthy. From the coasts toward the interior, the land gradually rises, and the atmosphere

correspondently, becomes more pleasant and salubrious. So that at the height of 4 or 5,000 feet, are found the abodes of perpetual spring. Upon the table lands generally, the air is dry and pure, and the climate temperate, cool and healthful, while on the highest summits of the mountains, the reign of winter is rigorous and uninterrupted.

The soil of Mexico in general, is distinguished for fertility, though subject to occasional and severe droughts. It yields in great abundance, the various productions both of tropical and of temperate regions. Indian corn in particular, here finds a most congenial soil and climate, grows rapidly, and in its utmost perfection. Not unfrequently, two or three crops of it are produced in a year. The Mexican mines of gold and silver are universally celebrated. They are numerous, and are reckoned among the richest in the world. The gold is collected from the veins of rocks, or found mingled in small particles with alluvial sands. Silver is ordinarily obtained in the form of ore, exhibiting a variety of colours. But sometimes, large masses of pure silver are discovered, and the whole amount of this precious metal produced in Mexico, annually, is computed at not less than 20,000,000 of dollars.

This country is divided into 15 provinces, and is on the whole very thinly populated. The principal settlements are in the more central parts around the capital, or S. of the latitude of 25 degrees. The Northern or Internal provinces, embrace the largest half of the territory, but contain only a small portion of the population, being inhabited chiefly by scattered tribes of savage Indians. About one fourth of the people of Mexico are whites, principally of Spanish origin; one third, are civilized or subdued Indians, in a state of servitude, and the rest are, generally, a mixed race, called Mestizoes. The prevailing form of religion is Roman Catholic. The people at large, and especially the whites, are ignorant, superstitious, indolent and profligate. The state of society is turbulent and unhappy. The corrupt propensities and passions are, in a great measure, uncurbed. Human life is in continual peril. Murders are of frequent occurrence. The vices of the population often render them miserable, amidst all the surrounding luxuries and beauties of nature.


What are the boundaries of Mexico? What are its length, average breadth, sq. miles, and population? To what lake and lat. does it extend on the north? Which is the farthest north, the city of New York, or the north line of the Mexican territory? To what lat. on the south, does it extend? On what gulfs and bays does it border? What are its principal rivers emptying into the gulf of Mexico ? What rivers emptying into the gulf of California, and the Pacific ocean? By what mountains is Mexico traversed, and of what are they a part? What is there remarkable

in the surface of the Cordilleras mountains? What are the mountain plains called? What is said of their length, breadth and height? What are the two most noted peaks or volcanoes, which rise above the Table lands? How are they described? How are the surface and climate along the coasts? How are they from the coasts toward the interior ? At what height is there perpetual spring? How is the climate on the Table lands? How is it on the mountain tops? What of the soil of Mexico? Its agricultural productions? What description is given of its mines? Where is the gold collected? How is the silver generally found? To what amount annually? How many provinces in Mexico, and in what part are the chief settlements? What is said of the northern provinces? What part of the people are Spaniards? What part subdued Indians? What are the Mestizoes? What is the religion and the general character of the people? How is the state of society described ?


The principal cities and towns are Mexico, Puebla, Guanaxa to, Queretaro, Zacatecas, Guadalaxara, Catone, Santa Fe, Vera Cruz and Acapulco. The city of Mexico is situated nearly half way between the gulf of Mexico and the Pacific ocean. It is in the vicinity of the lake Tezcuco, and in the midst of a very extensive and delightful valley. This valley is 200 miles in circumference and is elevated 7000 feet above the sea. The city is regularly laid out, and magnificently built. Its form is that of a large square, extending four miles on each side. The streets cross at right angles, are broad and well paved, and adorned with numerous edifices of superb and beautiful architecture. There are above 100 churches, splendidly decorated with silver and gold. The population, in number about 150,000, are supplied with water by means of two aqueducts, and furnished with almost every variety of vegetables, from floating gardens on the lake. The principal manufactures of the citizens, relate to workmanship in gold and silver. The Mexican Mint, or the establishment here, for coining money, is the largest and richest in the world. Mexico, indeed, is one of the most ancient, populous and splendid cities in America.

Puebla is also a great city of the mountain plain, 70 miles S. E. of Mexico. Its temples and other edifices are magnificent. It is chiefly distinguished for its manufactures of iron and steel and earthen ware. Population 75,000. Guanaxato is 150 miles N. W. of the metropolis, and is equally elevated in its situation. The population amounts to about 70,000, nearly 30,000 of whom are connected with the gold and silver mines in the neighborhood, which are celebrated as the most productive ever known, having yielded for a number of years, at the rate of 4 or $5,000,000 a year. Zacatecas and Catorce are also noted for valuable mines; the former is located in a mountainous region, 240 miles N. W. of Mexico. Population 33.000, Queretaro is about 100 miles N.

W. of the capital, and has a population of 40,000. Santa Fe is in the N. part of the country, 1,000 miles N. W. of New Orleans, and carries on considerable trade over land with the U. States. Population 10,000. Vera Cruz is the principal port on the gulf of Mexico. Though its situation is very unhealthy and its harbour inconvenient, it is the great channel of the European trade, and a distinguished magazine of Mexican treasures. Population 15,000. Acapulco is opposite to Vera Cruz, and on the Pacific ocean. It is favoured with a fine harbour, and is the port through_which the commerce with the E. Indies is chiefly carried on. But the air around it is hot and pestilential, and infested with insects, and the unfortunate people also suffer much from hurricanes and earthquakes. Population 4,000.

The Aboriginal inhabitants of Mexico were a brave and hardy people, yet more refined and better acquainted with the arts of civilized life, than any other of the native Americans. They are represented as having been worshippers of the Sun and Planets, and in the practice of offering human victims on their altars. The most remarkable monument still remaining, of their civilization and idolatry, is the great temple of Cholula, 80 miles E. of MexiCo. It is built of brick and stands erected on the top of an artificial mountain or pyramid, nearly 200 feet high. The conquerors of Mexico were the treacherous and cruel Spaniards, who, stimulated by a thirst for gold, under the notorious Fernando Cortez, invaded the country, took possession of her treasures, and compelled the affrighted inhabitants to submit to the yoke of the king of Spain, about the year 1521. From that period, for 300 years, Mexico was under the Spanish government. It is now an Independent Republic like that of the U. States; but its condition is still unsettled, and more or less agitated with internal commotions.


What is the metropolis of Mexico? What other principal cities and towns? What is the situation of the city of Mexico? Near what lake, and in a valley of what description? How is the city laid out and built, and in what form? What is said of the streets? Of the churches? Of the population? How are they supplied with water and vegetables? What of their manufactures? Of the Mexican Mint? Where is Puebla, how described and for what distinguished? What is the situation of Guanaxato and what is said of its people and celebrated mines? Where is Zacatecas and for what distinguished? Queretaro? Santa Fe, and what is said of it? What is the description of Vera Cruz? Of Acapulco ? How are the ori ginal inhabitants of Mexico described? What were they in religion? What remarkable monument remains among them? How is the temple of Cholula described? What people from Europe were the conquerors of Mexico? When did they invade this country and what was the consequence? How long did the people remain under the Spanish yoke ? What is said of the present government and condi

tion of Mexico ?

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