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Tai-fafanga. Unfed.
Tái fa fucca maoo.
cable, unintelligible, not to be
unravelled, as tangled string."
Tái fa lea. Speechless.
Tái fa low.


Tái-manavachí. Bold. Inexpli-|Tái-maoo. Indefinite. Tái-mate. Deathless, immortal. Aców tai-mate. A tree that is always replete with green leaves. Hotooa tai-mate. An immortal spirit. Tái-mohe. Sleepless, restless. Tái-molle. Uneven, rough. Tái-momoho. Unripe (as fruit). Tái-möóni. False, incredible. Tái-monooía. Unpropitious. Tái-möoói. Unfertile (as land). Mortal, mortally. Tái-mow. Inconstant, moveable, unobtained, insecure. Tái-mow-angi. Irrecoverable, or lost to him or them. See angi. Tái-mow-atoo. Irrecoverable,or lost to thee or you. See atoo. Tái-mow-my. Irrecoverable, or

Tái fa mate. Inextinguishable,
invulnerable, immortal.
Tái fa mohe. Restless.
Tái-fa-vete. Indissoluble.
Tái-fanów. Sterile, barren.
Tái-fioo. Insatiable.
Tái-foofooloo. Unwashed.
Tái-fooú. Not new, old.
Tái-fucca-ilonga. Indiscrimi-

Tái-fucca-tangata. Unmanly.
Tái-fucca-tattów. Disparity.
Tái-fy-gehe. Unalterable.
Tái-gena. Uneaten.
Tái-gigihi. Incontestable.

Tái-gnaove. Motionless, un-
cultivated, as land.

Tái-halla. Inevitable.


See my.

lost to me.
Tái-nanamoo. Inodorous.

Pathless, without a Tái-nofo-mow. Wandering.

Tái-ochi, Endless.

Tái-hela. Indefatigable, not out Tái-ofa. Without love, cruel.

of breath.

Tái-heloo. Uncombed.

Tái-ofi. Incontiguous.
Tái-ohana. Unmarried.

Tái-hili. Endless. Möoói tai|Tái-ongo. Noiseless.

hili. An everlasting life. Tai-táafi. Unobstructed. Tái-hoóö. Undug, unweeded.|Tai-tammý. Fatherless. Tái-ilaw. Imperceptible. Tái-tattów. Disproportionate. Tái-ita. Wrathless.

Tái-láa. Sunless.

Tái-lata. Discontent.

Tái-toli. Ungathered.
Tái-tonoo. Incorrect.

Tái-toogoo. Incessant.

Tái-loto. Insensible, thought-|Tái-tootoo. Tái-vela. Unburnt

less, improvident.

Tai-loto-mow. Capricious.
Tái-low. Leafless.

Tái-ma. Bare-faced, dirty.
Tái-machila. Blunt, obtuse.
Tái-mahalo. Mistrustless.

mamahi. Painless.

atoo. Inconsiderate.
a. Breathless.

Tái-vacký. Heedless.

Tái-vete. Unstripped, unspoiled.
Taký. Takyagi. To anoint.
Tala. To relate, to bid.
Talahooi. Impudent, saucy.
Tala-lohi. A false recital.
Talamy'. To tell to me or us.
Talangi. To relate to a third
person. (See angi).

Talanoa. A narrative, conver-Tanoo. To overwhelm, to bury.


Talatoo. To relate or tell to thee or you. (See atoo). Tali. To wait for a person.

To entertain.

Talla. A thorn. Tallai, thorny. Talla-talla. Thorny, prickly. Talo. A certain esculent root. Taloo. To beckon.

Taloo. Since, (after which time). Tama. A boy, a young man. Tama-booa. A doll, (from tama, a boy, and bood, the name of the wood of which it is made).

Tamachi. A child of either sex. Tamate. Támatéä. To kill, (from ta mate ia, strike, death, him). Tammy'. A father. Tanagi. To gather together, to collect, to convocate. Tanga-caho. A case for arrows. Tanga-mimi. The bladder.. Tangata. A man, any male; also a term of honour applied to a brave man, (as having the true manly character). Loto fucca tangata. Magnanimity. Foo tangata. giant.


Tanoo-manga. The sixth lunar month.

Táö. A dart, lance, spear.
Tao velo ica. A fizgig.
Tao fotoi. A spear headed with

Tao talatala. A bearded spear.
Taoo. To cook victuals. Fy
taoo. To get ready the leaves,
&c. with which the victuals
are covered during the pro-
cess of cooking.
Táoobe. Pendent, hanging.
Taoonga malie. Exactly fitted.
See Gnatoo.



Tatali. Tatao.


A mallet, a hammer. To await, to expect. To way-lay, an ambus

Tattangi. To clink, to jingle together.

Tattao. See page 11 of this vol. Tattów. See Ta-tattow.

Alike, coequal, he tattów, a match, an equal.

A matting used as a screen on the weather-sides of houses. Tattów-anga.

Conformity. Tattów-be. Alike, similar. To cure, a cure.

A cook.


Tangata fe oomoo.
Tangata-tow. A warrior.

Tangi. To weep, to implore,
to coo, as the doves.
Tangi-fe-toogi. To bemoan.
Tangi-möóni. Asseveration, an
interjection denoting surprise,
(móöni, truth); to take an
oath; nai tangi moóni gi he
egi co Toobó Totúi, he swore
by the god Toobo Totai.
Tango. To wander by night,
to lie in wait for.
Tangooloo. To snore.
Tano. A grave, or pit.

To drop, to slip down, to fall, to let fall, to be killed in battle.

To implant, to plant.
To open, as a box,or door.
The sugar-cane.
Tawgia. To commit a rape.
Tawgootoo. A preparation of

Tawto. Blood, to bleed. Pani
tawto. Smeared with blood.
Tawto-tawto. Bloody.
Te. Almost.

Te-how. About to come.

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Téa. Pale, white.
Tráoo. A hundred.
Tebi. To trip along, to pace,
gait or walk.

Teboo. Knotty, prominent.
Teboo-teboo. Roughwith knots.
Teca. To trundle, a wheel, a
ball, the name of a boyish
sport, to string a bow.
Teców. A score. Used merely
as a collective noun, as our
words dozen for twelve, score
for twenty.

Téë. To swim, to float.
Tée-téë. A float, to be buoyant.
Tefe. To circumcise in the

Tonga manner. The Fiji

method is called camo. Tefito. The root of any plant. fanna. The heel of a


Tefoon. Single, alone.
Tefoohi. One hundred.
Teggafili. Prostrate, thrown
down by accident.
Tegger. (From te, the sign of

the future, and ger, thou),
thou shalt, thou wilt. Taken
interrogatively, it often means,
canst thou?

Tegi. To break wind, flatus. Tegichi. Not yet, ere. Tehi. A piece or morsel of food; only used with my, e. g. give me a piece, my tehi. Tehina. A brother. Cow tehina. Brethren. Téhów. About to come. Téia. To belabour, or beat, (from ta, to strike, ia, him).

Tele. To scrape, to shave, a


Telefooa. Bare, naked
Telie. The name of a tree.
Teliha. Choice, will.
Telinga. The ear.
Tenga. The thigh, the ham.
Hooi tenga. The thigh bone.
Tenga-tangi. Sickness (used
when speaking of chiefs).-
See booloohi.

Tenne. Used instead of te and ia, he shall or will; as tenne aloo, he shall go, instead of te aloo ia.

(Used interrogatively), ability of doing; as tenne aloo? can he go? Teoo. To adorn with dress, to prepare to go any where. Finery in dress. Ready, prepared.

(Used interrogatively), can I? (see te). It is also the first person of the future tense, I shall or will. Téootów. Array of battle. Tepa. To goggle, to squint Tété. Well nigh, almost. Téte-téte. Tremulous, chilliness. Tetemi. To flutter, to tremble. Teve. The name of a particular

plant, the root of which, in time of security, is eaten for want of better food.

To. The name of a tree, bearing berries, of which the glutinous pulp (called also to) is used to paste together the different sheets of topa. Tó-6chi. (This word is always used with fucca before it). See fucca to-ochi. Toa. Brave, bravery. Toa-he-tow. Strong in arms, Toa. The casuarina.

Tobe. A lock or tuft of hair. Toboo-váë. The sole of the foot, a shoe, or sandal. Toca. Aground, to get aground, to lie on the ground.

Person, or individual. chi. Few (people). ooa. Both.

taha be. Only one person, by one's self.

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Pierced, pricked.

To meet one's expectation of profit in the act of bartering, or trading. To lose a game.

Toki. Newly, lately, just now. fy. Lately done. Mea toki fy. A recent event. Nibbled,Tole. Pudendum muliebre. Toleccalecca. Beautiful, ap

Tocalów. Eastern, in the east.
Tocca. Vide toca.
Tochi, Tochi-tochi.

A staff.

Toco. A post, to fasten ca-
noes to.
Tocooa. Only used in conjunc-
tion with cochá, what? as, coe-
ha tocooa? what do you say?
Tocoto. To lie, to lie down.
Tóë. Remainder, residue. Toa
mea. Leavings.
Tóë. Again, once more.
Toetaców. A sham fight.
Tofe. The oyster.

Tofi, or Tofi-tofi. To mince.
Tofoá. A whale.

Tofoo. A calm (no wind).
Tofoobe. The same, just as.
Toge. A water snake.
Togi. An adze.

fucca anga gehe. An axe. i. e. an adze of a different turn or disposition, because they express an axe, by call ing it an adze, having the blade differently turned with respect to the handle. Tohi. A picture, to draw, to write. Toho. To drag, to tow a vessel. fucca malohi. To drag by main force.

gi tahi. To launch.

plied only to men, though sometimes to plants, trees, &c. Toli, To gather, to pluck. Tolo. To pitch, or throw, the name of a game. Tolo-afi. To produce fire by friction. Toloa, The wild duck. Tolonga. Lasting, durable.

The piece of dry wood

on which the end of a stick is forcibly rubbed to produce fire. The stick is called cownatoo.

Toloo. The number three: the sign of the plural of personal and possessive pronouns. Toloo-ongofóoloo. The numeral thirty,

Toma. Pride in dress, &c.
Tome. A sort of torch.
Tomooa. Before, first (as to
Tongi. To engrave, to carve.
Tongiagi. A double sailing


Tongo. The mangrove. Tonomea. A kind of spear. Tonoo. Manifest, clear, dis

tinct, direct, even, in a row. Tonoo, or Totonoo. Candid,

open, sincere, precise, punctual.

Tonooangi. Plain, evident to
him, her, or them. See Angi.
Tonooatoo. Plain, evident to
thee, or you. See Atoo.
Tonooia. Guiltless; in the right.
Tonoomy'. Plain, apparent, evi-
dent to me, or us. See My.
Too. To stand, to tread: also
to rise; stand up! get up!
Too gi mooa.
To front.

Too-mow. Stagnant (as water.)
Too-tonoo. Upright.
Too-oota. To land.

To cut, to separate. Tooa. The lower class of people: the name of the lowest rank in society.

A superior sort of yam.
The back, the loins, be-

hind, external. Tooa nima.


The back of the

Tooa-váë. The instep.
Tooa-gia. The nape of the neck.
Tooa-bico. Hump-backed.
Tooa-falle. The outside of the

roof of a house; the back of a house. Tooa-booge. The flat, or upper surface of the booge (part of a canoe). See Booge. Tooachina. A cousin, an uncle. Toóafafíne, A sister. Tooanga. A post, or standing place.

Tooange. Standing against. Toobo tali naffa. A child who being the offspring of a chief by a woman not a chief, is liable to be strangled. words mean "Toobo waiting the drum;" perhaps formerly they used drums on the occaof sacrificing children.


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To-ochi. See fucca to-ochi. Toochia. To crop, to cut off. Tooenga. Residual: it is sometimes pronounced toénga, also twenga.

Tooenga mea. Leavings. Toofa. To assort, to deal out. Toofoonga. A workman, or artificer. Toofoonga ta macca. A mason. fy cava. A barber. ta-ta. Any artificer

that uses the axe, &c. &c. Toogi. To strike, to hammer; also a hammer or mallet, a blow with the fist, the name of a religious ceremony; to throb, to pulsate like an inflamed part; to lie under the charm of tatao.

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