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B Bawla. Matting made of the branches of the cocoa-nut tree, with which houses are thatched: Bawla ato, mats to thatch with. Bawla fucca tefichi, matting used to cover the ridge of a house. Bawlo. The name of a shrub: bawlo papalangi; capsicum. Be. Only; alone; solely; by oneself. Never otherwise than; e. g. gooa nofo malohibe ia he tow, he is never otherwise than powerful or successful in war.

A'oochía. To grow cloudy.
A'oonga. Of use; valuable.
Api-api. Crowded; full: as a
road crowded with men: a
basket full of any thing.
Ata. Reflecting, shining, re-.
↑ splendent, to reflect as a mir-
ror; also, transparent.


Wide; capacious.

Ate. The liver.

Ate-bili. The kidneys. Ato. To roof; to thatch. Ato falle, roof of a house, to roof a house. Atoo. To give; towards; but used only when the second person follows. See Angi.

The fish called Bonito. Au. The pronoun I. Ava. A cove, crevice, creek ; a hole; a gap; a streight.

A fish resembling the mullet. Ave. To take away, to deprive of. To conduct. Aw-i. An expression of pity; also of pain. Awi-awi-fooa. Fair, beautiful. Awla. Name of a kind of tree

of which spears are made. Awta. Raw, not cooked. Awta-awta. Dirt; filth; refuse; sweepings.

The conjunction, and, also. The adverb, when. Bea. The conjunction, or, also. Then; next after that. Bea. A contraction of be ia, and he, or when he.

Bea-ha. And what? i. e. what is the result.

Beca-beca The swallow, (a bird.)

Becoo. Blunt, not sharp; ob


Becooange. Bluntly, obtusely. Behe. So, in this manner; alike.

To signify, to give another to understand; to relate; to say; to resolve or

determine: to show or exhibit. Beito. A kitchen or place where cooking is carried on. Bela. Purulence; corruption;

pus; to suppurate. Bela-bela-gnedji. Liable to be cut by shells in walking: the term is extended to other casualties; they say tama belabela-gnedji, a young man liable to accidents.


Awtý. A preparation of food. Beloo.

A favourite; a minion. Cups to drink out of,

made of the banana leaf. Beloo cava, cava cups. Bepe. Butterfly. Bibico. Lazy; indolent; (contracted from bico bico); also obstinate.

Bibigi. A child, not more than

two or three years old. Bico. Crooked; curved; awry. Bico-bico. Lazy; indolent;

(v. Bibico) crooked. Bico-bico-ange. Crookedly. Bigi. To cement; to stick; to adhere.

Bigi-bigi. Adhesive; sizy; to stick.

Bihi. To splash. Bihía. Contagious: mahagi bihia, contagion. Bili. A species of lizard. Bisi. This word has no particular meaning of itself, but with low, to speak, before it, thus, lowbisi, it means nonsensical discourse; tittle tattle vide low.

Bito. Full; brimful; the navel. Bo. A post; a pillar.

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Boa. To relate to say.
Bobói. A preparation of food.
Boboola. A prisoner; a slave.
Boca. To castrate.
Bói, a preparation of food.
Bolata. The stem either of the
banana or the plantain tree,
Bollotane. Britain,
Bolotoo. An imaginary island

sembling the Jiali, but yellow. Booaca. Swine; pork; pig, &c. Booaca tangata. A boar, (lite


rally a male swine.) Booaca fafine. A sow, (literally a female swine.) Boóboó. A gargle to gargle. Boobooha. Sultry; hot. Booboola. To swell. Booboonoo. To close; to shut; the lid of any thing. Booge. To apprehend; to seize hold of; to arrest; also the little hillock or mound in which a yam is planted: those parts of a double canoe extending beyond the platform. Booge-mow. To clinch. Boogoo-boogoo. Squab; short and thick.

Booha. A box; a chest. Booha vy, a cask, a liquor-box. Boohi. To blow any thing out of the mouth with force; also the name of the party that distribute the bait for rats, which is done by blowing it forcibly out of their mouths. Booi booi. A curtain ; a screen. Boola. To swell: fucca boola

matta, to hector, to swagger. Boola-boola. A swelling. Boole. To order or conduct,

to manage, to declaim. Boole. A kind of spotted shell. Boole-boole. Spotted, partycoloured.

Booló. Veiled, concealed, some

thing thrown over the head and face, to veil, to mask. Booló-booló. A mask, a veil. Boolóa. A mask. Boolonga. Hat, cap.

to the NW. of Tonga, the residence of the immortal gods, and of the souls of deceased chiefs and matabooles. Bo-méë. A night dance. Bongi-bongi. To-morrow; to-Booloo. morrow morning. Booa.

A kind of flower re

Gum, pitch, or any adhesive substance: the busk of the cocoa nut.


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Booloo-booloo. To draw up
the dress so as to cover the
shoulders, to shelter.
Booloohi. Sick, sickness, used
when speaking of Tooitonga.
Boona. To fly, to vault, to
jump high in the air.
rebound as an elastic body.
Boonó. To incline, to bend
down, to droop, to stoop.
Bo-oola. A night dance.
Bo-ooli. Night, (from bo, day,
and ooli, black.)
Bo-ooliange. Obscure, darkly,
by night.

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Boosi. A cat: (probably from
the English word pussy.)
Boota. To bet, also a wager.
Bootoo. Burial ceremony.
Bopau. A small paddling ca-
noe made of a hollow tree.
Bopo. Rotten, mouldy.
Boto. Wise, cunning, know-
ing, expert, well practised.
Boto-boto. Round, circular.
Botoo. Alongside, near to, the
side of any thing, except of
man or animal, then it is vaca
vaca; a part of, a portion, a
detachment: Botoo fonnooa,
a district,
Buggi-buggi. A kind of club.


Cacala. Any flower, a wreath or necklace of flowers. Cacano. Pulp of fruit, &c. Cacava. To sweat, to perspire. Cacávaía. Sweaty, all in a perspiration.


To swim, to wade. Cafa. Plait made of the husk of the cocoa-nut.

Cafo. A wound in battle; or,

at least with a warlike instrument; to wound. Cafoo. Any covering with

which a person may be covered whilst resting, or sleeping. Cahi. Scrofulous indurations of the glands, to which the Tonga people are very subject. Caho. A reed; an arrow for sport. Caho-caho. A superior species of the yam. Cáhoa. A necklace. Caínga. A relation; a kin; one of the same party or interest. Caky'. Inhabitants; population; populous. Calanga.

To roar out;


shriek ; to halloo a shout. Calanooi. Green beads, or dark blue beads.

Calava. Artery; vein; sinew. Cali. A pillow (made of wood, after the Tonga fashion.)

Ca. If, but, for, because, Calia. A double sailing canoe. whilst, although.

Caló. To bark, to yelp like a dog.

Cabe. Abusive, abuse, cursing, Cálo. To turn aside an arrow ;

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Cana. Sponge, spongy.
Canahe. The fish called mullet.
Canáify'! To be sure! certainly!
Cananga. Any phrase, prover-
bial expression; cant word.
Cani. If; in case that (used
only in respect to time past):
formed from ca, if; and na,
the sign of the past tense.
Cano. The inmost substance of
any thing, particularly ker-
nels of fruit; also flesh.
Cano he matta. The eyeball.
Cano matte. Lean of flesh (ca-|
no, flesh; mate, dead.)
Cánognatá. Hard-hearted; re-
fractory; stubborn (from ca-
no, the flesh or heart, and
gnatá, hard.)

Capa. A siege; to besiege,
Capachia. To assault, to besiege.
Cápaców. The wing of a bird.
Capów. If (used only when
speaking either of time pre-
sent or future.)
Cappa-cappa. To flap the wings
with a noise, (as a bird.)
Cata. To laugh.
Catagi. Patience; sufferance;
to endure; to suffer.
Cato. A bag; a basket.
Catooanga. A feast, feasting

and jollity; to give a feast.
Cava. The pepper plant; also
the root of this plant. Fooa
Cava. An oath.
See Foo.
Cava. The beard.
Cave. A handle or sling to a
Cave-caye. A swing; to swing.
Cavenga. Burden, load, freight

of a canoe or other vessel. Cawle. To beg; to request. tter; brackish: al


Chi. The name of a plant.

To throw, or cast away
gently, to toss.
Chia. Good: this word is most-
ly used ironically for bad or

Chichi. Softly, slightly, lightly,
in a very moderate degree.
Chichi. An ornamental dress
round the waist for either sex,
made generally of leaves of
the chi tree.
Chiagi. To throw away, to
leave, to separate from a wife
or husband, to divorce.
Chiange, The least, less.
Chibi. A slap, a blow from a

club, a particular kind of club. Chicotá. A particular kind of

club, alsos a pecies of bird. Chicoocoo. A muscle(shellfish.) Chifa. A mother o'pearl shell, worn as an ornament by men, upon the breast, hanging by a string round the neck. Chike. To sit on the haunches. Chila. The sprits of a canoe. Chili. To cast a hand-net. Cobenga chili, a hand-net. Chinamanoo. A sow after she has had a litter. Chinifoo. The wife of a king, or superior chief. Chino. The body, the trunk of a tree, figure, or form of any thing, dimension, size.

Stout, large, fat. Chino-chi. Thin, slender. Chiodófa. A term of friendly salutation, derived from chi atoo ofa, i. e. small towards you (my) love, meaning by antiphrase, my love towards you is great. It is also a term of pity, as, poor fellow! Co. A particle very frequently

used in the Tonga language.
It is often joined with the ar-
ticle he, when the aspirate is
generally omitted, thus, coe.
It is also used before proper
names, nouns, &c.

Co. Uncircumcised.
Coa. Froth, foam.
Coa Papalangi, soap.

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It is I; I, in answer to the question who? Cobenga. Any kind of net. Cobenga chili, a hand-net. Cobechi. The leaves of the paoanga, dried and embroidered with the fibres of the cocoanut husk, so as to form an instrument for imprinting gnatoo. Coca. A brownish red juice, from the bark of a tree also called coca. This juice is used to stain or die gnatoo with. Cochi. A goat, to cut with scissars (from hele cochi, scissars), also to cut the hair of the head. Cocoho. Eruption of a volcano,

or of fire, vapour, steam. Cóë. A word compounded of the particle co, and the article he: see the Grammar. Cóë-loto. Interj. What's to be done! how can it be helped! Coeni. This.



Cofe. The bamboo.

Coiháe? Why?
Colo. A fortress, a sort of club
to be thrown from the hand.
Coloa. Riches, property, any
thing of value.
Co-möóni. Indeed it is true.
Conga. A piece.

Coo. A deprivative, applied on-
ly to nima, a hand, and nifo,
a tooth. Nima-coo, with the
loss of a finger: nifo-coo,
toothless, having lost a tooth.
Coocoo. The muscle, (shellfish.)
Coogoo. To grasp, a handful.
Coola. Beads, a species of the

Coola-coola. Red.
Cooloo-cooloo. A species of the
dove, (the columba purpu-
Coomoo-coomoo. The chin.
Cooomá? Why? what for?
Cote. Gibberish, jargon, chat-
tering of birds. The speech
of foreigners, which they do
not understand, they compare
to the chattering of birds, and
call it cote. The European
languages they call cote, and
also the Fiji language, which
shows that the latter is very
different from their own; but
the Hamoa (the Navigator's
Island) language they can
manage to understand, and
they call that lea, or speaking.

Cofoo. To inclose, or wrap up, Cotoa. Mass, whole, bulk.

to clothe.

Cobái. Who?

Coía. That (relative pronoun.) Cóia. Well done! that's right! truly.

Cóiabé. The same, literally, co

ia be, it is he, she, or it only. Coihá? What? which? why? what is the matter?

Complete, entire. Cotóabé. Wholly. Covi. Bad, malicious, a bad design, a wicked intention. Coviange. Badly. Cow. I, (probably a corruption of Co-au.)

Many. It is a sign the plural number; but

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