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little; na mo behe, in case you say; he mo loto, in your minds. In case you say in your minds (so and so), desist a little from so saying; meaning (by antiphrasis), desist wholly or entirely from saying, &c.

28. MO MANATOO, CA LE'A ATOO LEVA AU, COE FUCCA-ONGO ATOO IA, HE LOTO A TOE OOMOO, MO AгOO, &c.; mo manatoo, recollect ye; ca lea, whilst speak; atoo leva au, to you accordingly I; coe fucca-onga is the echoing; atoo, to you; ia, it; he loto, (of) the minds; a Toe Oomoo, mo, Afoo, &c., of Toe Oomoo and Afoo, &c. Recollect, whilst I speak to you, my voice only echoes to your ears the sentiments of Toe Oomoo and Ooloo Valoo, and Afoo, and Fotoo, and Alo, and all the chiefs and matabooles of Vavaoo.

29. FILI-FILI HE MO MANACO; fili-fili, choose, ke mo manaco, your wish; i. e. take your choice.

In Finow's speech, it will be observed, that the particle ne is occasionally attached to the ends of words for the sake of euphony, but this has been noticed before, (9).

The dialogue that immediately follows serves to show a few of the more colloquial phrases. It is the substance of an actual conversation at Vavaoo, between two young chiefs, one of whom has just arrived from Hapai. The other pieces of composition are what have already been given in the English, in the body of the work, and may be referred to, to assist the sense. The small numbers refer to the rules and idioms which have just been given. The words in the Tonga part that are put in Italics are either mere expletives, or else cannot be expressed in English without sounding so uncouthly as to darken the sense. English words in parentheses are such as are not expressed in Tonga.

Malo felów my.

Malo nofo mo ho egi.

Na ger how anifé me Hapái?

Gooa bo ooa he mow how; na mow mohe anibó gi Motoo.

Coe vaca gnaholo ho vaca? Seoóke! cóia be taha gooa gnaholo he felów Hapai.


[blocks in formation]

Our coming, here means beginning to come, or setting off from Hapai.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Coe mataboole co Mooala, bea mo Afoo, mo cow-tangata a Voogi.

Cohái he cow-fafine gooa how?

Coe fafine co Atoo, bea mo Latoo Lyfotoo Ica, mo

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Seoóke! aena be óëóëfooa he mo cow-fafine: nai how ia coihá? low-gita gooa lata be ia gi Hapai.

Co ho möóni! coe fonnooa be gooa lalata ia, ca iký tegger iloa gooa mamana gi he tamachí co Papani.

Ne-ne enne how ! hamoochia he tama. Io! cohái mo ia.

Coe fafine co Paloo, bea mo fafine Tonga co Fekika.

Coe fafine Tonga! na mo gi Tonga.

Na mow gi-ai; co gimówtóloo na capachia he colo co Nookoo Nookoo.

Nai toca labi he mo cow-tow? cohai mo gimótóloo.

Co gimówtóloo be, bea moe cowtangata a Ata me Hihifo.

Cohá fooa gooa cafo? Gooa toca lahi he mow cafo; coe toonga jiena fa fanna he colo: gooa mate he tangata co Falo, bea mo Boboto; be gooa cafo covi he tama co Powfooó, bea Panafi.

Seooké! mow-mow he toonga tangata toa. VOL, II.

[blocks in formation]


Who the females (that) are


The woman Atoo, also and Latoo Lyfótoo Ica, and—

Ah! she only (is) beautiful (among (7) your women; has she come for what? I think is (1) contented only she with Hapai.

True! (14) is the land only contents her, for not (1) shall you know (she) is enamoured with the young man Papani.

No wonder her coming! (how I) envy the youth! well! who with her?

The woman Paloo, also and the Tonga woman Fekika. The Tonga woman! have been you at Tonga?

We have been there; (they were (ourselves (who)did besiege the fortress (of) Nookoo Nookoo.

Was it a body large (7) your army? who (were) with you.

(There were) we only, also and the adherents of Ata from Hihifo.

Who all are wounded?

Are persons many, or wounded; the men (were) clever (at the) bow, (of) the fortress; are killed, the man Falo, also and Bobota; and are wounded badly the youth Powfooó, also Panafi. Alas! destroyed are (many) brave men?


Co ho möóni! gooa mow nofo manatoo be giate ginówtóloo, Coe fafine me-fe, he fafine na ger low my.

He fafine co Fekika?

Coe fafine me Mafanga; iký tegger manatoo he fafine mattahooa gi he abi a Motoo Lalo? nai taggi mama he bo na tow mohe gi-ai,

Nai tamachí he fafine cóía! Nai ge tamachí, lolotonga ho nofo gi Tonga be gooa foo loa ho nofo gi Vavaoo.

Coe tama ahái he fafine cóia?

Coe tama he mataboole co Fotao.

Coe low, gooa toa obito ia.

Coe möóni! nai toloo enne cafo he tow tow gi Nooko Nookoo.

Te mo wo afé gi Hapai? Iký teoo iloa: coe low, te mow tatali heni bo valoo bea ongofooloo.

E'ooa-ger ger aloo teoo atoo he mea ma éooco fae gi-ai.

Gooa lillé.

Tow wo gi he cava gi lotoá ?

[blocks in formation]

Io, tow wo.

the fencing,

Yes, let us go.

The following is the story of Tangaloa and his two sons, re,

lated p. 113 of this volume.

Tomooa caky' he fonnooa,

Coe hotooa co Tangaloa, mo

First peopling the land.

The god Tangaloa, and his


enne foha toca ooa na now sons two, did they dwell at Bo,

nofo gi Bolotoo.

n of the plural number of intelligent beings. See NoUNS.

[blocks in formation]

Na nofo eva-eva beia, moe mohe, moe manaco obito he gnáooe enne towgete.

Fioo he cawle enne mea, manatoo ger tamatea, mo toi-toi ger féia enne covi.

Feccatagi leva he eva enne tehina, téia leva ger mate.

Lolotonga he how now tammý me Bolotoo moe foo ita obi


Fehooi leva ia, Coehá na ger tamate ho tehina? iky tegger gnaooe coy ángecó ia? wi! moe covi! fíamoaloo!

Talangi gi he cow-mea a Vaca Aców ooli: talangi ger now how giheni.

Now how leva, bea feców giate ginówtóloo leva Tangaloa:

Mo wo toho vaca gi tahi; mo

They (had) dwelt (a long time) when spoke accordingly Tangaloa to his sons two.

Go both with your wives, and dwell in the world at Tonga. "Divide (into) two the land, and you dwell separately:" they went accordingly.

The name (of) the person large; (i. e. the elder) (was) Toboo; the name (of) the person little; (i. e. the younger) (was) Vaca Acowooli.

Was the young man (the lat ter) wise exceedingly; was he did first make axes, and the beads, and the papalangi (cloth), and the looking-glass.

The young man did differently very, (viz.) Toobo; (he was) lazy.

Remained walking about only he; and sleeping, and envying exceedingly the works (of) his elder brother.

Tired (of) begging his things he bethought himself to kill him, and concealed (himself) to effect his evil (purpose).

Met(he)accordingly the walking, his brother, (and) struck-he (him) accordingly to death.

At that time coming their fa ther from Bolotoo with great anger exceeding,

Asked then he, Why have you killed your brother? not could you work (3) like him? fye! and wicked! begone!

Tell to the family of Vaca Acowooli: tell (them) that they come hither.

They came accordingly, when commanded to them thus Tangaloa :

You go (and) launch canoes

felów gi tocalów gi he fonnooa to sea; and sail to the east, to lahi gi-ai, mo nonofo ai : (the) land great there, and dwell there.

Be mo gili tea ange-be-co mo loto, coe loto lillé:

Te mo boto, gnahi togi, moe coloa fooli-be, be mo vaca lahi,

Cowca aloo au talangi gi he matangi ger how me mo founooa gi Tonga,

Iký chi te now felów giate gimótóloo moe now vaca covi.

Lea-angi leva Tangaloa gi he towgete, tegger ooli-ooli coy, co mo loto covi; be ger sese.

Iký obito tegger mea lillé, iký tegger aloo gi he fonnooa ho tehina; fefe tegger aloo ai, moe mo vaca covi?

And your skin (be it) white just like your mind, it is a mind good:

Shall you (be) wise, making axes, and riches all-whatsoever, and also canoes large.

In the mean time, go I (to). tell to the wind that (it) come from your land to Tonga.

(But) not little, (i. e. not all) shall they sail to you with their canoes bad.

Spoke thus Tangaloa to the elder brother, shall you (be) black, as your mind (is) bad; and you (shall be) destitute.

Not much shall you (have) things good; not shall you go to the land (of) your brother; how can you go there with your canoes bad?

Co ho tehina be tenne how gi Your brother only shall come Tonga fúccatów mo gimótóloo. to Tonga to trade with you.

The following is the song of which the translation was given in the first volume, p. 244, it belongs to the Nuha mode of composition. (See chap. IX. of this vol.)

Mow nofo-nofo talanóa gia Vavaoo Tooa Licoo bea behe my he toonga fafine,

Tow aloo fononga gi Licoo ger mamata he hifo he laä: tow fonongo gi he maboo he manoo mo he tangi he loobe,

Tow toli he cacala gi he hiföánga gi Matawto.

Tow nofo-nofo bea tow toofa he tatali omý me Licoo Onë.

w cowcow gi tahi, bea tow

We remained talking about Vavaoo Tooa Licoo when said to us the women,

Let us go (a) walk to Licoo, that (we may) behold the going down (of) the sun: we (will) listen to the singing (of) the birds, and the lamentations (of) the wood-pigeon.

We will gather flowers near the precipice at Matawto.

We (will) remain, and we (will) share out the provisions brought us from Licoo Onë. We (will) bathe in the sea,

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