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"When dinner has oppressed one

I think it is perhaps the gloomiest hour
Which turns up out of the sad twenty-four."


That the poet was a victim of dyspepsia, is plainly shown by the depth of feeling evidenced in the above quotation.

Oppression after dinner is caused by inactivity of the digestive function, due to deficient peptic power, inviting fermentation of the food, and the consequent formation of noxious gases. These are absorbed into the circulation, affect the centers, and are thereby responsible for "the gloomiest hour" to which the poet refers.

LACTOPEPTINE tends to prevent 'the occurrence of this "vicious circle" of circumstances by increasing the peptic activity of the gastric juice, thus digesting the food before it has any chance to undergo abnormal fermentation in the stomach. The digestive action is continued in the intestines, by virtue of the pancreatine which LACTOPEPTINE contains.

If the poet lived in these modern times, he would have no excuse for writing the misanthropic sentiment above quoted.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


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