2 Lord. No; but he fled forward still, toward your face. [Aside. 1 Lord. Stand you! You have land enough of your own but he added to your having; gave you some ground. 2 Lord. As many inches as you have oceans: Puppies! [Aside. Clo. I would they had not come between us. 2 Lord. So would I, till you had measured how long a fool you were upon the ground. [Aside. Clo. And that she should love this fellow, and refuse me! 1 Lord. Sir, as I told you always, her beauty and her brain go not together: She's a good sign, but I have seen small reflection of her wit. 3 2 Lord. She shines not upon fools, lest the reflection should hurt her. [Aside. Clo. Come, I'll to my chamber: 'Would there had been some hurt done! 2 Lord. I wish not so; unless it had been the fall of an ass, which is no great hurt. Clo. You'll go with us? 1 Lord. I'll attend your lordship. Clo. Nay, come, let's go together. 2 Lord. Well, my lord. [Aside. SCENE IV. - A Room in Cymbeline's Palace. Enter IMOGEN and PISANIO. Imo. I would thou grew'st unto the shores o' the haven, And question'dst every sail: if he should write, As offer'd mercy is. That he spake to thee? Pis. What was the last "Twas, His queen, his queen! Pis. Imo. Thou shouldst have made him As little as a crow, or less, ere left To after-eye him. with so mortal a purpose, as then each bore, upon importance 9 of so slight and trivial a nature. : Post. By your pardon, sir, I was then a young traveller rather shunn'd to go even with what I heard, than in my every action to be guided by others' experiences: but, upon my mended judgment, (if I offend not to say it is mended,) my quarrel was not all altogether slight. French. 'Faith, yes, to be put to the arbitrement of swords; and by such two, that would, by all likelihood, have confounded' one the other, or have fallen both. Iach. Can we, with manners, ask what was the difference? French. Safely, I think: 'twas a contention in publick, which may, without contradiction, suffer the report. It was much like an argument that fell out last night, where each of us fell in praise of our country mistresses: This gentleman at that time vouching, (and upon warrant of bloody affirmation,) his to be more fair, virtuous, wise, chaste, constant, qualified, and less attemptable, than any the rarest Enter PHILARIO, IACHIMO, a Frenchman, a Dutch-of our ladies in France. man, and a Spaniard. Iach. Believe it, sir: I have seen him in Britain: he was then of a crescent note 6, expected to prove so worthy, as since he hath been allowed the name of: but I could then have looked on him without the help of admiration; though the catalogue of his endowments had been tabled by his side, and I to peruse him by items. Phi. You speak of him when he was less furnished, than now he is, with that which makes him both without and within. French. I have seen him in France: we had very many there, could behold the sun with as firm eyes as he. Iach. This matter of marrying his king's daughter, (wherein he must be weighed rather by her value, than his own,) words him, I doubt not, a great deal from the matter. French. And then his banishment: Iach. Ay, and the approbation of those, that weep this lamentable divorce, under her colours, are wonderfully to extend 7 him; be it but to fortify her judgment, which else an easy battery might lay flat, for taking a beggar without more quality. But how comes it, he is to sojourn with you? How creeps acquaintance? Phi. His father and I were soldiers together; to whom I have been often bound for no less than my life: Enter POSTHUMUS. Here comes the Briton: Let him be so entertained amongst you, as suits with gentlemen of your knowing, to a stranger of his quality. I beseech you all, be better known to this gentleman; whom I commend to you, as a noble friend of mine: How worthy he is, I will leave to appear hereafter, rather than story him in his own hearing. French. Sir, we have known together in Orleans. Post. Since when I have been debtor to you for courtesies, which I will be ever to pay, and yet pay still. French. Sir, you o'er-rate my poor kindness: I was glad I did atone 8 my countryman and you; it had been pity, you should have been put together 5 Meet me with reciprocal prayer. 7 Praise him, Increasing in fame. 8 Reconcile. Iach. That lady is not now living; or this gentleman's opinion, by this, worn out. Post. She holds her virtue still, and I my mind. Iach. You must not so far prefer her 'fore ours of Italy. Post. Being so far provoked as I was in France, I would abate her nothing; though I profess myself her adorer, not her friend. Iach. As fair, and as good, (a kind of hand-inhand comparison,) had been something too fair, and too good, for any lady in Britany. If she went before others I have seen, as that diamond of yours out-lustres many I have beheld, I could not but believe she excelled many but I have not seen the most precious diamond that is, nor you the lady. Post. I praised her, as I rated her so do I my stone. : Iach. What do you esteem it at? Post. More than the world enjoys. Iach. Either your unparagoned mistress is dead, or she's outpriz'd by a trifle. Post. You are mistaken: the one may be sold, or given: if there were wealth enough for the purchase, or merit for the gift: the other is not a thing for sale, and only the gift of the gods. Iach. Which the gods have given you? Iach. You may wear her in title yours: but, you know, strange fowl light upon neighbouring ponds. Your ring may be stolen too: so, of your brace of unprizeable estimations, the one is but frail, and the other casual; a cunning thief, or a that-way accomplished courtier, would hazard the winning both of first and last. Post. Your Italy contains none so accomplished a courtier, to convince 3 the honour of my mistress; if, in the holding or loss of that, you term her frail. I do nothing doubt, you have store of thieves; notwithstanding I fear not my ring. Phi. Let us leave here, gentlemen. Post. Sir, with all my heart. This worthy signior, I thank him, makes no stranger of me; we are familiar at first. Iach. With five times so much conversation, J should get ground of your fair mistress: make her 1 Destroyed. 3 Overcome. 9 Instigation. 2 Lover. go back, even to the yielding; had I admittance, | SCENE VI. — Britain. and opportunity to friend. Iach. What's that? Post. A repulse: Though your attempt, as you call it, deserve more; a punishment too. Phi. Gentlemen, enough of this: it came in too suddenly; let it die as it was born, and, I pray you, be better acquainted. Iach. 'Would I had put my estate, and my neighbour's, on the approbation of what I have spoke. Post. What lady would you choose to assail? Iach. Yours; whom in constancy, you think, stands so safe. I will lay you ten thousand ducats to your ring, that, commend me to the court where your lady is, with no more advantage than the opportunity of a second conference, and I will bring from thence that honour of hers, which you imagine so reserved. Post. I will wage against your gold, gold to it: my ring I hold dear as my finger; 'tis part of it. Iach. You are a friend, and therein the wiser. Post. This is but a custom in your tongue: you bear a graver purpose, I hope. Iach. I am the master of my speeches; and would❘ undergo what's spoken, I swear. Post. Will you? I shall but lend my diamond till your return : — Let there be covenants drawn between us My mistress exceeds in goodness the hugeness of your unworthy thinking: I dare you to this match: here's my ring. Phi. I will have it no lay. Iach. By the gods it is one: - - If I bring you no sufficient testimony that I have enjoyed your mistress, my ten thousand ducats are yours; so is your diamond too. If I come off, and leave her in such honour as you have trust in, she your jewel, this your jewel, and my gold are yours: provided, I have your commendation 5, for my more free entertainment. Post. I embrace these conditions; let us have articles betwixt us: only, thus far you shall answer. If you make your voyage, and give me directly to understand you have prevailed, I am no further your enemy, she is not worth our debate: if she remain unseduced, (you not making it appear otherwise,) for your ill opinion, and the assault you have made to her chastity, you shall answer me with your sword. Iach. Your hand; a covenant: We will have these things set down by lawful counsel, and straight away for Britain; lest the bargain should catch cold, and starve: I will fetch my gold, and have our two wagers recorded. Post. Agreed. A Room in Cymbeline's Palace. Enter QUEEN, Ladies, and CORNELIUS. Queen. Whiles yet the dew's on ground, gather those flowers; Make haste: Who has the note of them? 1 Lady. I, madam. Queen. Despatch. [Exeunt Ladies. Now, master doctor; have you brought those drugs? Cor. Pleaseth your highness, ay: here they are, madam : [Presenting a small Box. But I beseech your grace, (without offence; Queen. I do wonder, doctor, Thou ask'st me such a question: Have I not been Your highness Enter PISANIO. O, content thee. — Here comes a flattering rascal; upon him [Aside. Cor. But you shall do no harm. Queen I do suspect you, madam; Cor. [Aside.] I do not like her. She doth think, she has Strange lingering poisons: I do know her spirit, Queen. Weeps she still, say'st thou? Dost thou think, in time She will not quench; and let instructions enter I'll tell thee, on the instant, thou art then Five times redeem'd from death: I do not know That I mean to thee. Tell thy mistress how Not to be shak'd: the agent for his master; But even the very middle of my heart Imo. keys, 'Twixt two such shes, would chatter this way, and Contemn with mows 8 the other: Nor i' the judgment; The hand fast to her lord. — I have given him that, For idiots in this case of favour, would Which, if he take, shall quite unpeople her Of liegers for her sweet; and which she, after, Except she bend her humour, shall be assur'd Re-enter PISANIO and Ladies. Be wisely definite. Imo. What is't, dear sir, Thus raps you? Are you well? Iach. Thanks, madam; well: sir, desire 'Beseech you, [TO PISANIO. To taste of too. So, so;- - well done, well done: My man's abode where I did leave him: he Bear to my closet : — Fare thee well, Pisanio; Is strange and peevish.9 Pis. To give him welcome. I was going, sir, [Exit PISANIO. Imo. Continues well my lord? His health 'bcseech you? To pity too. Imo. Am I one, sir? You look on me: What wreck discern you in me, Deserves your pity? Iach. I was about to say, enjoy your But Imo. You do seem to know Something of me, or what concerns me: 'Pray you (Since doubting things go ill often hurts more Than to be sure they do: For certainties Either are past remedies; or, timely knowing, The remedy then born,) discover to me What both you spur and stop.2 Iach. Had I this cheek To bathe my lips upon; this hand, whose touch, Whose every touch, would force the feeler's soul To the oath of loyalty; this object, which Takes prisoner the wild motion of mine eye, Fixing it only here: should I then join With hands made hard with hourly falsehood, (With falsehood as with labour,) it were fit That all the plagues of hell should at one time Encounter such revolt. What ho, Pisanio! Imo. Iach. Let me my service tender on your lips. Imo. Away!-I do condemn mine ears, that have So long attended thee. If thou wert honourable, Thou wouldst have told this tale for virtue, not For such an end thou seek'st; as base, as strange. Thou wrong'st a gentleman, who is as far From thy report, as thou from honour; and Solicit'st here a lady, that disdains Deserves thy trust; and thy most perfect goodness Imo. Which you know, cannot err: The love I bear him Made me to fan 5 you thus; but the gods made Iach. Some dozen Romans of us, and your lord, (The best feather of our wing) have mingled sums, To buy a present for the emperor; Which I, the factor for the rest, have done Imo. Willingly; |