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Which was thrust forth of Milan; who most strangely
Upon this shore, where you were wreck'd, was landed,
To be the lord on't. No more yet of this;
For 'tis a chronicle of day by day,
Not a relation for a breakfast, nor
Befitting this first meeting. Welcome, sir;
This cell's my court: here have I few attendants,
And subjects none abroad: pray you look in.
My dukedom since you have given me again,
I will requite you with as good a thing;
At least, bring forth a wonder, to content ye
As much as me my dukedom.

The entrance of the cell opens, and discovers FERDI-
NAND and MIRANDA playing at chess.

Mira. Sweet lord, you play me false.

No, my dearest love,

I would not for the world. Mira. Yes, for a score of kingdoms you should wrangle,

And I would call it fair play.

If this prove
A vision of the island, one dear son
Shall I twice lose.

A most high miracle!
Fer. Tho' the seas threaten, they are merciful;
I have curs'd them without cause.

[FERD. kneels to ALON. Alon. Now all the blessings Of a glad father compass thee about! Arise, and say how thou cam'st here. Mira.

O! wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't!


'Tis new to thee.

Alon. What is this maid, with whom thou wast at play?

Your eld'st acquaintance cannot be three hours:
Is she the goddess that hath sever'd us,

And brought us thus together?

Fer. Sir, she's mortal; But, by immortal Providence, she's mine; I chose her, when I could not ask my father For his advice; nor thought I had one: she Is daughter to this famous duke of Milan, Of whom so often I have heard renown, But never saw before; of whom I have Received a second life, and second father This lady makes him to me.

[blocks in formation]

I am hers:

There, sir, stop:

I have inly wept,

Look down, you

Let us not burden our remembrances
With a heaviness that's gone.

Or should have spoke ere this.

And on this couple drop a blessed crown; For it is you, that have chalk'd forth the way Which brought us hither!


I say, Amen, Gonzalo! Gon. Was Milan thrust from Milan, that his issue Should become kings of Naples? O, rejoice Beyond a common joy; and set it down With gold on lasting pillars: In one voyage Did Claribel her husband find at Tunis; And Ferdinand, her brother, found a wife, Where he himself was lost; Prospero his dukedom,

[blocks in formation]

Re-enter ARIEL, with the Master and Boatswain amazedly following.

O look, sir, look, sir; here are more of us!
I prophesied, if a gallows were on land,
This fellow could not drown: - Now, blasphemy,
That swear'st grace o'erboard, not an oath on shore?
Hast thou no mouth by land? What is the news?

Boats. The best news is, that we have safely found
Our king, and company: the next our ship,
Which, but three glasses since, we gave out split,
Is tight and yaret, and bravely rigg'd, as when
We first put out to sea.

Sir, all this service Have I done since I went.


Pro. My tricksy spirit! Alon. These are not natural events; they strengthen From strange to stranger: Say, how came you


Boats. If I did think, sir, I were well awake, I'd strive to tell you. We were dead of sleep, And (how, we know not,) all clapp'd under hatches, Were, but even now, with strange and several noises Of roaring, shrieking, howling, gingling chains, And more diversity of sounds, all horrible, We were awak'd; straitway, at liberty: Where we, in all her trim, freshly beheld Our royal, good, and gallant ship; our master Cap'ring to eye her: On a trice, so please you, Even in a dream, were we divided from them, And were brought moping hither. Ari.

Was't well done? Pro. Bravely, my diligence. Thou shalt

be free.


Alon, This is as strange a maze as e'er men trod: And there is in this business more than nature

Was ever conduct 6 of: some oracle
Must rectify our knowledge.


Sir, my liege,

Do not infest your mind with beating on The strangeness of this business; at pick'd leisure, Which shall be shortly, single I'll resolve you (Which to you shall seem probable) of every These happen'd accidents: till when, be cheerful, And think of each thing well. Come hither, spirit; [Aside. Set Caliban and his companions free : Untie the spell. [Exit ARIEL.] How fares my gracious sir?

There are yet missing of your company

Some few odd lads, that you remember not.

Re-enter ARIEL, driving in CALIBAN, STEPHANO, and TRINCULO, in their stolen apparel.

Ste. Every man shift for all the rest, and let no man take care for himself; for all is but fortune:Coragio, bully-monster, Coragio!

Trin. If these be true spies which I wear in my head, here's a goodly sight.

Cal. O Setebos, these be brave spirits, indeed! How fine my master is! I am afraid

He will chastise me.

4 Ready. 5 Clever, adroit. 6 Conductor. C 2

[blocks in formation]

What things are these, my lord Antonio?

Will money buy them?
Very like, one of them
Is a plain fish, and, no doubt, marketable.

Pro. Mark but the badges of these men, my lords,
Then say, if they be true 7:--This mis-shapen knave,
His mother was a witch; and one so strong
That could control the moon, make flows and ebbs,
And deal in her command, without her power:
These three have robb'd me; and this demi-devil
(For he's a bastard one) had plotted with them
To take my life: two of these fellows you
Must know, and own; this thing of darkness I
Acknowledge mine.

I shall be pinch'd to death.
Alon. Is not this Stephano, my drunken butler?
Seb. He is drunk now: Where had he wine?
Alon. And Trinculo is reeling ripe: Where should


Find this grand liquor that hath gilded them? -
How cam'st thou in this pickle?

Trin. I have been in such a pickle, since I saw

you last, that, I fear me, will never out of my bones:

I shall not fear fly-blowing.

Seb. Why, how now, Stephano?

Ste. O, touch me not; I am not Stephano, but

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

[Exeunt CAL. STE. and TRIN.
Pro. Sir, I invite your highness, and your train,
To my poor cell where you shall take your rest
For this one night; which (part of it) I'll waste
With such discourse, as, I not doubt, shall make it
Go quick away: the story of my life,
And the particular accidents gone by,
Since I came to this isle: And in the morn,
I'll bring you to your ship, and so to Naples,
Where I have hope to see the nuptial
Of these our dear-beloved solemniz'd;
And thence retire me to my Milan, where
Every third thought shall be my grave.


Now my charms are all o'erthrown,

And what strength I have's mine own ;

Which is most faint: now, 'tis true,

I must be here confined by you,

Or sent to Naples: Let me not,
Since I have my dukedom get,
And pardon'd the deceiver, dwell
In this bare island, by your spell;
But release me from my bands,
With the help of your good hands. 8

7 Honest. 8 Applause; noise was supposed to dissolve a spell.

Gentle breath of yours my sails

Must fill, or else my project fails,

Which was to please: Now I want

Spirits to enforce, art to enchant ;

And my ending is despair,
Unless I be reliev'd by prayer;
Which pierces so, that it assaults
Mercy itself, and frees all faults.

As you from crimes would pardon'd be,
Let your indulgence set me free.


DUKE OF MILAN, Father to Silvia.





Gentlemen of Verona.

ANTONIO, Father to Proteus.

THURIO, a foolish Rival to Valentine.

EGLAMOUR, Agent for Silvia in her Escape. SPEED, a clownish Servant to Valentine. LAUNCE, Servant to Proteus.

PANTHINO, Servant to Antonio.
Host where Julia lodges in Milan.

JULIA, a Lady of Verona, beloved by Proteus.
SILVIA, the Duke's Daughter, beloved by Valentine.
LUCETTA, Waiting-woman to Julia.

Servants, Musicians.

SCENE, sometimes in Verona; sometimes in Milan; and on the Frontiers of Mantua.

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

SCENE I.- An open Place in Verona.


Val. Cease to persuade, my loving Proteus; Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits: Wer't not affection chains thy tender days To the sweet glances of thy honour'd love, I rather would entreat thy company, To see the wonders of the world abroad, Than living dully sluggardiz'd at home, Wear out thy youth with shapeless idleness.


But, since thou lov'st, love still, and thrive therein, Even as I would, when I to love begin.

Pro. Wilt thou begone? Sweet Valentine, adieu!
Think on thy Proteus, when thou, haply, seest
Some rare note-worthy object in thy travel:
Wish me partaker in thy happiness,

When thou dost meet good hap; and, in thy danger,
If ever danger do environ thee,
Commend thy grievance to my holy prayers,
For I will be thy bead's-man, Valentine.

Val. And on a love-book pray for my success. Pro. Upon some book I love, I'll pray for thee. Val. That's on some shallow story of deep love. How young Leander cross'd the Hellespont.

Pro. That's a deep story of a deeper love; For he was more than over shoes in love.

Val. 'Tis true; for you are over boots in love, And yet you never swam the Hellespont.

Pro. Over the boots? nay, give me not the boots.
Val. No, I'll not, for it boots thee not.

[blocks in formation]

In love, where scorn is bought with groans; coy looks,

With heart-sore sighs; one fading moment's mirth,
With twenty watchful, weary, tedious nights :
If haply won, perhaps, a hapless gain;
If lost, why then a grievous labour won;
However, but a folly bought with wit,
Or else a wit by folly vanquished.

Pro. So, by your circumstance, you call me fool.
Val. So, by your circumstance, I fear, you'll prove.
Pro. 'Tis love you cavil at; I am not love.
Val. Love is your master, for he masters you :
And he that is so yoked by a fool,
Methinks should not be chronicled for wise.

Pro. Yet writers say, As in the sweetest bud The eating canker dwells, so eating love Inhabits in the finest wits of all.

Val. And writers say, As the most forward bud Is eaten by the canker ere it blow, Even so by love the young and tender wit Is turn'd to folly; blasting in the bud, Losing its verdure even in the prime, And all the fair effects of future hopes. But wherefore waste I time to counsel thee, That art a votary to fond desire? Once more adieu: my father at the road Expects my coming, there to see me shipp'd. Pro. And thither will I bring thee, Valentine. Val. Sweet Proteus, no; now let us take our leave At Milan let me hear from thee by letters, Of thy success in love, and what news else Betideth here in absence of thy friend; And I likewise will visit thee with mine. Pro. All happiness bechance to thee in Milan!

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