Clo. He is coming sir, he is coming; I hear his straw rustle. Enter BARNARDINE. Abhor. Is the axe upon the block, sirrah? Barnar. How now, Abhorson? what's the news with you? Abhor. Truly, sir, I would desire you to clap into your prayers: for, look you, the warrant's come. Barnar. You rogue, I have been drinking all night; I am not fitted for't. Clo. O, the better, sir; for he that drinks all night, and is hang'd betimes in the morning, may sleep the sounder all the next day. Enter Duke. Abhor. Look you, sir, here comes your ghostly father: Do we jest now, think you? Duke. Sir, induced by my charity, and hearing how hastily you are to depart, I am come to advise you, comfort you, and pray with you. Barnar. Friar, not I; I have been drinking hard all night, and I will have more time to prepare me, or they shall beat out my brains with billets: I will not consent to die this day, that's certain. Duke. O, sir, you must: and therefore I beseech you, Look forward on the journey you shall go. Enter ISABElla. Isab. Ho, by your leave. Duke. Good morning to you, fair and gracious daughter. Isab. The better, given me by so holy a man. Barnar. I swear, I will not die to-day for any Hath yet the deputy sent my brother's pardon? man's persuasion. Duke. But hear you Prov. Here, in the prison, father, There died this morning of a cruel fever A man of Claudio's years; his beard and head, Duke. O, 'tis an accident that heaven provides! Prov. This shall be done, good father, presently. But Barnardine must die this afternoon : And how shall we continue Claudio, To save me from the danger that might come, If he were known alive? Duke. Let this be done: put them in secret holds, Both Barnardine and Claudio: Ere twice The sun hath made his journal greeting to The under generation 3, you shall find Your safety manifested. Prov. I am your free dependant. 3 The antipodes. Duke. He hath releas'd him, Isabel, from the world; His head is off, and sent to Angelo. It is no other : Show your wisdom, daughter, in your close patience. Isab. Unhappy Claudio! Wretched Isabel! Injurious world! Accursed Angelo ! Duke. This nor hurts him, nor profits you a jot; Forbear it therefore; give your cause to heaven. Mark what I say; which you shall find By every syllable, a faithful verity: The duke comes home to-morrow; - nay, dry your In that good path that I would wish it go; Isab. And shall be absent. Wend 5 you with this letter Lucio. Enter LUCIO. Friar, where is the provost? Duke. Good even! Not within, sir. Lucio. O, pretty Isabella, I am pale at mine heart, to see thine eyes so red: thou must be patient: But they say the duke will be here to-morrow. By my troth, Isabel, I lov'd thy brother: if the old fantastical duke of dark corners had been at home, he [Exit ISABELLA. Duke. Sir, the duke is marvellous little beholden to your reports; but the best is, he lives not in them. Lucio. Friar, thou knowest not the duke so well as I do he's a better woodman than thou takest him for. had lived. Duke. Well, you'll answer this one day. Fare ye well. Lucio. Nay, tarry; I'll go along with thee; I can tell thee pretty tales of the duke Duke. You have told me too many of him already, sir, if they be true; if not true, none were enough; but, sir, your company is fairer than honest: Rest you well. Lucio. By my troth, I'll go with thee to the lane's end: Nay, friar, I am a kind of burr, I shall [Exeunt. stick. Ang. Good night. This deed unshapes me quite, makes me unpregnant, And dull to all proceedings. A deflower'd maid! And by an eminent body, that enforc'd The law against it! But that her tender shame Will not proclaim against her maiden loss, Enter Duke in his own habit, and Friar PETER. As cause doth minister. Go, call at Flavius' house, SCENE VI. - Street near the city gate. Enter ISABELLA and MARIANA. Isab. To speak so indirectly, I am loath; I would say the truth; but to accuse him so, That is your part: yet I'm advis'd to do it; He says, to veil full 8 purpose. Mari. I should not think it strange; for 'tis a physick O, peace; the friar is come. Enter Friar PETER. F. Peter. Come, I have found you out a stand most fit, Where you may have such vantage on the duke, He shall not pass you; Twice have the trumpets sounded; The generous9 and gravest citizens How might she tongue me? Yet reason dares her? The duke is ent'ring; therefore hence, away. [Exeunt. -no: 6 Figure and rank. 7 Start off 9 Most noble. 8 Availful. 1 Seized. ACT V. SCENE I.— A public Place near the City Gate. Duke. My very worthy cousin, fairly met: - Duke. Many and hearty thankings to you both. Ang. To lock it in the wards of covert bosom, PETER and ISABELLA come forward. kneel before him. Isab. Justice, O royal duke! Vail your regard Till you have heard me in my true complaint, Here is lord Angelo shall give you justice; Isab. Isab. There is another comfort than this world, To this pernicious caitiff deputy. Duke. That's somewhat madly spoken. The phrase is to the matter. I went Pardon it; Duke. Mended again: the matter? - Proceed. Nay, ten times strange. (For this was of much length,) the vile conclusion Isab. It is not truer he is Angelo, 2 Lower. 9 Habits and characters of office. 4 Refuted. 5 Pity. Do you not smile at this, lord Angelo?→ O heaven! the vanity of wretched fools! Duke. Duke. By heaven, fond 6 wretch, thou know'st not Give us some seats. Come, cousin Angelo, Then, oh, you blessed ministers above, woe, In this I'll be impartial; be you judge Of your own cause. — Is this the witness, friar? First, let her show her face; and, after, speak. Mari. Pardon, my lord; I will not show my face, Until my husband bid me. Duke. Mari. No, my lord. Duke. Mari. What, are you married? Duke. A widow then? Neither, my lord. Why, you Mari. Duke. Are nothing then: - Neither maid, widow, nor wife? Heaven shield your grace from And, I confess, besides, I am no maid: Lucio. But yesternight, my lord, she and that friar I saw them at the prison: a saucy friar, A very scurvy fellow. F. Peter. Blessed be your royal grace! have stood by, my lord, and I have heard Your royal ear abus'd: First, hath this woman Most wrongfully accus'd your substitute: Who is as free from touch or guilt with her As she from one unborn. Duke. We did believe no less. Know you that friar Lodowick, that she speaks of? F. Peter. I know him for a man divine and holy: Not scurvy, nor a temporary medler, As he's reported by this gentleman; And, on my trust, a man that never yet, Did, as he vouches, misreport your grace. Lucio. My lord, most villainously! believe it. But at this instant he is sick, my lord, Good friar, let's hear it. [ISABELLA is carried off, guarded; and MARIANA Comes forward. I have known my husband; yet my husband knows not, That ever he knew me. Lucio. He was drunk, then, my lord; it can be no better. Duke. For the benefit of silence, 'would thou wert so too! Lucio. Well, my lord. Duke. This is no witness for lord Angelo. She that accuses him of fornication, Charges she more than me? No? you say your husband? Mari. Why, just, my lord, and that is Angelo. Ang. This is a strange abuse 9: - Let's see thy face. Mari. My husband bids me; now I will unmask. [Unveiling. This is that face, thou cruel Angelo, Duke. Betwixt myself and her; which was broke off, In levity since which time, of five years, Ang. Duke. Lucio. This is the rascal; this is he I spoke of. Escal. Why, thou unreverend and unhallow'd friar! Is't not enough, that thou hast suborn'd these women, To accuse this worthy man; but in foul mouth, And in the witness of his proper ear, To call him villain? And then to glance from him to the duke himself; Duke. Be not so hot; the duke F. Peter. Would he were here, my lord; for he, Stand like the forfeits in a barber's shop, Hath set the women on to this complaint: Duke. Go do it instantly. — [Exit Provost. Escal. My lord, we'll do it thoroughly.-[Exit. Duke.] Signior Lucio, did not you say, you knew that friar Lodowick to be a dishonest person? Lucio. Cucullus non facit monachum: honest in nothing but in his clothes; and one that hath spoke most villainous speeches of the duke. Escal. We shall entreat you to abide here till he come, and enforce them against him: we shall find this friar a notable fellow. Lucio. As any in Vienna, on my word. Escal. Call that same Isabel here once again; [To an Attendant.] I would speak with her: Pray you, my lord, give me leave to question; you shall see how I'll handle her. Re-enter Officers, with ISABELLA; the Duke, in the Friar's habit, and Provost. Escal. Come on, mistress: [To ISABELLA.] here's a gentlewoman denies all that you have said. Lucio. My lord, here comes the rascal I spoke of; here with the provost. Escal. In very good time: - speak not you to him, till we call upon you. Lucio. Mum. As much in mock as mark. Escal. Slander to the state! Away with him to prison. Ang. What can you vouch against him, signior Is this the man that you did tell us of? Lucio. 'Tis he, my lord. Come hither, goodman bald-pate: Do you know me? Duke. I remember you, sir, by the sound of your voice: I met you at the prison in the absence of the duke. Lucio. O, did you so? And do you remember what you said of the duke? Duke. Most notedly, sir. Lucio. Do you so, sir? And was the duke a fleshmonger, a fool, and a coward, as you then reported him to be? Did not I Duke. You must, sir, change persons with me, ere you make that my report: you, indeed, spoke so of him; and much more, much worse. Lucio. O thou abominable fellow ! pluck thee by the nose, for thy speeches? Duke. I protest I love the duke as I love myself. Ang. Hark! how the villain would close now, after his treasonable abuses. Escal. Such a fellow is not to be talked withal: Away with him to prison. Where is the provost ? Away with him to prison; lay bolts enough upon him: let him speak no more. Away with those giglots3 too, and with the other confederate companion. [The Provost lays hands on the Duke. Duke. Stay, sir; stay awhile. Ang. What! resists he? Help him, Lucio. Lucio. Come, sir; come, sir; come sir; foh, sir: Why, you bald-pated, lying rascal! you must be hooded, must you? Show your knave's visage! Show your sheep-biting face, and be hang'd an hour! Will't not off? [Pulls off the Friar's hood, and discovers the Duke. Duke. Thou art the first knave that e'er made a |