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take into consideration a plan for the establishment of a system of Presbyterian education for the youth belonging to the Presbyterian community, and which should be under the immediate inspection of the judicatories of the church, as the parish schools in Scotland are superintended by the ecclesias. tical authorities of that country.

The Synod was constituted with prayer by the Rev. W. M'CLURE, of Derry, the Moderator, after which, on the motion of Mr. STEWART, of Broughshane, the conduct of the Moderator, in convening the meeting, was unanimously ap proved of.

The following preamble, and the accompanying resolutions, were unanimously adopted :

"As it is the acknowledged duty of this Church to provide for the children of the people under its care a system of Scriptural and Presbyterian education, superintended by its Ecclesiastical Courts, the following regulations for conducting schools, to be established under this system in each congregation, was drawn up, and ordered to be published and transmitted to Presbyteries with all convenient speed:

"1. In these schools the Scriptures, in the authorized version, and the standard Catechisms of the Presbyterian Church, shall be daily taught to the children of our communion the time to be occupied in these Scriptural and Catechetical exercises to be regulated by the parents, under the advice of the Session of each congregation.

"2. In these Schools due care shall be taken that the ordinary branches of a sound literary and mercantile education shall be efficiently taught.

"3. The children of other denominations may avail themselves of the literary advantages afforded by these schools, without being compelled to join in the religious exercises prescribed for our own children.

"4. The management of the schools, the rates of payment, the choice of books, and the regulation of school-hours, shall be vested in the parents of the scholars, aided by the advice of the Session; and the Session shall use their best efforts to secure the regular payment of the schoolrates to each master whose school is under their care.

"5. The appointment of the teachers shall be vested in the parents of the scholars, or in persons deputed by them; but no one shall be appointed to that office who has not been previously examined, and his competency sustained, by the Session of the congregation within the bounds of which he is to teach, and whose moral and religious character has not been fully approved by them.

"6. These schools shall be regularly visited and inspected by the Ministers and Elders, or by persons deputed by them; the scholars of all the schools within each congregation shall be examined, at least, once every year, in the Meeting-house, before a Committee of the Presbytery; and regular annual returns of the attendance and progress of the scholars and the general state of the school, shall be made by each Session to the Presbytery, and by each Presbytery to the Synod.

"7. As, it is one especial object of this system to diffuse education among the poor, particularly among those under care of the Synod, the

school-rates of the children of all such as are not able to pay them shall be defrayed, either wholly or in part, according to the ascertained means of the parents, out of the school-fund of the Synod; but before any payments be made on account of such children, the Session of each congregation shall, either by themselves or persons appointed by them, inquire diligently into the attendance and progress of these scholars, and forward quarterly returns to the Directors, stating their, names and proficiency, and the sums to be severally paid on their account.

"8. To provide adequate funds to carry this system into effect, the Ministers, Elders, and Members of this Church are expected to become annual subscribers, and all our people, it is hoped, will contribute more or less, according as God has prospered them, to this great object of providing for their families an efficient Scriptural and Presbyterian education; application shall be made to the landed proprietors and others to afford assistance; an address shall be prepared and circulated, explaining and recommending the system; and the Directors, about to be appointed for carrying it into effect, shall be empowered to take all other suitable means to obtain sufficient funds, and to employ a General Agent for promoting the interests of these schools.*

"9. For the management of the funds thus collected, the Directors of the Synod's Missions for the present year shall, until the next annual meeting of Synod, be constituted the Directors of the Synod's schools, and be empowered to carry into immediate effect these regulations. A Treasurer for the school-fund shall be appointed; and Mr. Wm. Blackwood, who is shortly to be ordained minister at Holywood, shall be requested to act as Secretary.+

"10. The Directors are especially requested to inquire without delay into the best means for providing an adequate supply of suitable schoolbooks, and the practicability of establishing in Ulster a central model school for the training of the teachers of the Synod's schools, and they shall report the result of their inquiries on these important matters to the next meeting of Synod.

"11. Although the Synod in drawing up these regulations, have had specially in view the instructions of their own children, they think it their duty to empower the Directors to receive communications from any other Church in Ulster, holding the standards of the Church of Scotland, who may wish to co-operate in carrying into effect the Synod's plan of Scriptural and Presbyterian education.

"12. Finally, to promote the peace and unity of our Church on the subject of education, and to ensure the religious instruction of our children on a more complete and efficient plan than can be obtained under any existing system, this Synod expect, and do earnestly recommend, that Ministers, Elders, and people will cordially unite in giving a decided preference to the plan of education embodied in these regulations, and to such schools as may be established in conformity with it, under the care and superintendence of our own Ecclesiastical Courts."

*Nearly SEVENTY pounds were immediately subscribed by the Ministers and laymen present, in aid of the Synod's school-fund.

+ Mr. Blackwood, who was present at the meeting, signified his willingness to assist the Synod in this important work, and was accordingly appointed Secretary.

Some unimportant business was then transacted, after which the Synod was closed by the Moderator in the usual form:

A meeting of the Directors of the Synod's schools was held immediately after the close of the Synod, when arrangements were made for preparing the address referred to in the preceding regulation, which it is expected will be ready for circulation in a fortnight; and another meeting of the Directors was appointed to be held in this town on Thursday, the 15th of January next, to receive communications from Sessions or Presbyteries respecting schools, and to make a formal commencement of their labours in this new, but most important branch of Synodical business.


SOME time ago, a Missionary Meeting was held in the Sandy's-Street Presbyterian Meeting-house, Newry, for the purpose of forming a Congregational Auxiliary to the Synod of Ulster's Home and Foreign Mission. The speakers were the Rev. Messrs. M'Gowan, Mountnorris; Irwin, Drumbanagher; Beatty, Dundalk; with Weir, Sheppard, and Shields, of Newry. Similar meetings were held on the two succeeding.days at Mountnorris and Drumbanagher, which were numerously attended. Congregational Auxiliaries to the Synod's Mission have now been formed throughout all the congregations in the Newry Presbytery, in general with flattering prospects of success, viz. in Kilkeel, Donoughmore, 1st Rathfriland, 2d Rathfriland, Warrenpoint, Loughbrickland, Mountnorris, Dundalk, Drumbanagher, Hilltown, Ballyroney, and Newry. If others shall follow a similar course, Auxiliaries will thus be established throughout all the congregations of the Synod, and, doubtless, add very consi derably to the efficiency and success of the Missionary operations of the general body. In this great and good work, the commencement of which we hail with pleasure, we wish both ministers and people all prosperity and success. Newry Telegraph.



On Monday, the 9th of June last, this venerable man, the Father of that Mission with which his name has been so long associated, expired in the 72d year of his age, at Serampore, Bengal, calmly expressing his firm confidence in the atonement of the Saviour, as the all-sufficient and sole ground of all his hopes. He had just been told of the receipt of letters stating the result of the efforts made at home for the cause, and giving many gratifying proofs of continued attachment to it on the part of friends in England, Scotland, and Ireland; and, when unable to speak, he mani

fested by signs. his joy and gratitude to God. "The prospects of the Mission," it is added, were never more cheering as to its fruits, than at the moment when he was thus called to enter on his rest and his triumphs." The great work in which he has been employed, with such success, for more than forty years of his invaluable life, will happily suffer no interruption, and to die in the assured persuasion of this, was to him a source of great consolation.

To attempt any delineation of such a character as this, would, at such a moment, be premature and out of place. A Memoir, from the pen of those who lived in cordial union with him on the spot, is expected, and this, united to the other materials at home, will constitute the authentic, memorial of his life and labours. Let it suffice for the present merely to add, that, although Dr., now Sir Charles Wilkins, must ever be regarded as the father of printing in Bengal, the first fount of types having been prepared with his own hands; still when Dr. Carey arrived, unnoticed and unknown, on the 12th of November, 1793, the art had not been applied to the language of that country; nor to any of those other Oriental dialects, the very names of which were then unknown to any man in Europe, however learned. And yet, to say nothing here of his many literary works, this laborious man lived to see the entire Scriptures of the Old and New Testament printed and circulated in six Oriental languages, and the New Testament in twenty-three others, besides the whole Scriptures in Chinese, by his beloved and inseparable companion, Dr. Marshman. In short, he lived to see above two hundred and thirteen thousand volumes of the divine word, in forty different languages, issue from the press where he resided; and he lived to witness the ultimate design on which his heart was set, branch out into nearly thirty distinct outposts or Stations, where at least fifty labourers, European and Asiatic, are now employed in disseminating the word of life and immortality.


Ar the last annual meeting of the Synod, an order was given to the Directors of the Mission to publish a quarterly paper, explanatory of its principles and proceedings. It has been suggested by several friends, that this publication and the Orthodox Presbyterian should be a joint-production, and the following has been recommended as the description of the work that ought to be issued. Let it have a newspaper form, containing eight pages of paper, large folio size-the articles contained in it to consist partly of original essays and other papers, such as have, for the most part, appeared in the Orthodox Presbyterian, but to be chiefly devoted to religious and missionary intelligence, collected from all sources to which access could be had-the paper to be stamped, and sent through the post-office to subscribers, as the ordinary newspapers are and to be published monthly, or perhaps every fortnight. It is obvious there would be some advantages in such a publication, over the Orthodox Presbyterian, conducted as it has hitherto been. One great advantage would be the regularity of transmission through the post-office; and another, that it would contain a much larger portion of religious intelligence. At the same time, we hesitate to make any alteration hastily in conducting the Orthodox Presbyterian—a work which, with many

disadvantages, has had a surprising degree of success. And we publish this notice at present, merely to bring the subject under the attention of our numerous friends, and afford them an opportunity to express their opinion upon it, as they may be communicating with us from time to time, No alteration could take place, however, before the end of the year upon which we have entered. At that time we shall be willing either to continue our gratuitous labours as hitherto, or to merge our publication into any other work that may appear to possess greater facilities of promoting. the cause of Orthodoxy and Presbyterianism. Such a work, we may add, as that which is contemplated, could not be published under 4d. or 5d. a number.


On Monday, the 15th September, ult, the foundation stone of the new Presbyterian Meeting-house of Galway was laid by R. R. Gray, Esq. M.D. accompanied by some members of the Managing Committee. The Rev. Adam Montgomery, of Ballycairn, who was then resident in Galway as a missionary, in connexion with the Synod's Home Mission, attended on the occasion, and conducted the religious service that is observed on such occasions by the Presbyterian Church.

It must be interesting to know that this is the first place of worship in connexion with the Protestant Church, which has ever been erected in the county of the town of Galway. The church in which the services of the Establishment are conducted, was built by the Roman Catholics-and at the period of the Reformation, transferred to the Protestants. The meeting-house of Galway will soon be completed, and is likely to be well attended-a number of pews being already let. At present the prospects of the Synod are very flattering; and if a pious, useful minister be stationed in Galway, his labours may be extensively blessed. In no part of our benighted land is the light of the Gospel more required, for the majority of the people are living in utter ignorance of scriptural truth. It is certainly the duty of the friends of truth to promote the spread of evangelical religion through the length and breadth of the land; but no part of our island has stronger claims on the sympathy of the Christian public than the west, where Popery is exhibited in its darkest shade, and all its powers of debasement and degradation to the human mind.

ORDINATION AT STAFFORD.-On Thursday, Nov. 23, the Rev. A. Stewart, A. M. T. C. D. Licentiate of the Presbytery of Dublin, was duly set apart to the office of the holy ministry, by being ordained pastor of the old Presbyterian Church in Stafford, as successor to the Rev. A. Macdonald, A. M. The ceremony was conducted according to the form of the Church of Scotland, by a deputation of the Dublin Presbytery, consisting of the Rev. Dr. Horner, the Rev, Mr. Kirkpatrick, of Dublin, and the Rev. W. Freeland, A. M. of Kingstown. The ordination sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Freeland. The Rev. Dr. Horner gave the charge. The old and venerable divine offered up an impressive ordination prayer, when Mr. Stewart was regularly ordained, by the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery. An affectionate address to the newly-ordained pastor and the people was delivered on the evening of the same day, by the Rev. Mr. Kirkpatrick. The solemnities of the day were witnessed with deep attention and interest by a highly respectable audience.

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