| Daniel Farroe - 1754 - 372 sider
...eat of tot Books of the Old and Ne<w Teflament. - ,. THEN faid I, Lo, I come ; in the Volume of the Book it is written of me, I delight to do thy Will, О п»у GOD : Yea, thy Law [it] is within my Heart. GOD [he] ii the LORD, by whoja-we-tfcape Death.... | |
 | Thomas Halyburton - 1756 - 306 sider
...offerings and fin offerings baft thou not required ' Then laid I, Lo I come : In the volume of the ' book, it is written of me : I delight to do thy will, 1 O ray God.' And qthly. Hereby I was further fully fatisfied, that not only there was forgivenefs... | |
 | Jonathan Dickinson - 1757 - 422 sider
...deftined by God the Father unto the Prophetical Office, he chearfuily undertook ft. Lo I come, (fays he) in the Volume of thy Book it is written of me, I delight to do thy Will, 0 my God : Yea, thy Law is witliin my Heart. (A) And as he chearfuily nndertook, fo he diligently and... | |
 | Jonathan Edwards - 1768 - 464 sider
...Burnt-Offering and Sin Offering Thou haft not required. Then faid I, Lo, / come : In the Volume of the Book it is written of me : I delight to do thy Will, O my God, and thy Law is "within my Heart. Where is a manifeft Allufion to the Covenant which the willing... | |
 | John Leland - 1769 - 536 sider
...Mejpah, Pfalm xl. 7, 8, was eminently fulfilled in him : Thenfaid I, Lo, I come ; in the Volume of the Book it is written of me : I delight to do thy Will, O my God .Tea, thy Law is within my Heart. His Coming into the World, his Taking upon him our Nature,... | |
 | George Muir - 1769 - 336 sider
...motive, the force whereof no circumftance could break. Having faid, " Lo, I come : in the volume of the " book it is written of me: I delight to do thy " will, 0 my God: yea, thy law is within my " heart," Pfal. xl. 7, 8. having faid fo, he not only could not,... | |
 | John Flavel - 1770 - 512 sider
...chearfully did the will of Chrift echo to his Father's call, Pfal. xI. 7. " Then faid I, lo I come, ia the volume of thy book it Is " written of me." I delight to do thy will, O my God, yea, " thy law is within my heart." Nor was this a flourifti before he came into the field,... | |
 | Jonathan Dickinson - 1772 - 334 sider
...unto the prophetical office, he chearfully undertook it. Lo, I come, (fays he) in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, 0 my Cod : Tea, thy law is within my heart, Pfal. xl. 7, 8. And as he chearfully undertook, fo he diligently... | |
 | John Gill - 1778 - 648 sider
...And with all this, the Word, or Son of God, complied, and faid : " Lo, I come : in the volume of the book " it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God : yea, thy law is " within my heart0." This author goes on, in order to remove the notion of... | |
 | Martin Madan - 1780 - 452 sider
...death. Speaking in the Jpirit vf prophecy (Pf. xj, 8.) He fays-^.LoW come — in the volume of the book it is written of me— I delight to do thy will, O my GOD; yea, ,T.HY LAW is 'within my heart. And in His public miniilry, how uhiformly doth he fpeak... | |
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