| John Abernethy - 1748 - 414 sider
...thefpirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith ? and ver. 5 he that miniftreth the fpirit, and worketh miracles among you, doth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Where it is plain thatfaifh fignifies theSERM. chriftian religion. It is to this therefore that the... | |
| Peter Brett - 1748 - 260 sider
...Gal. iii. j, &c. He therefore that miniftreth to you the Spirit, and worketh Miracles among you, dath he it by the Works of the Law, or by the hearing of Faith ? Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for RighteoufnefSi Know ye therefore, that... | |
| Francis Fox - 1748 - 602 sider
...fb raany f_Or, fo great"} things in vain ? if it be yet in vain. 5. He therefore that f miniftreth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doth he it by theworksof the law, or by the hearing oi' faith? 6. Even as Abraham * believed God, and it was * accounted... | |
| James Duchal - 1753 - 460 sider
...are ye now made perfeSl by theflejh ? — He therefore, who miniftreth to you the fpirit, andworketh miracles among you, doth he it, by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith ? And in the firft epiftle to the Corinthians, the twelfth and fourteenth chapters, he doth at great length... | |
| George Whitefield - 1771 - 494 sider
...?" which (fays his Lordfhip) the fame Apoflle prefently after explains, when he fays at verfe 5th, " He therefore that miniftereth to you the Spirit, and...the works of the law, " or by the hearing of faith ?" But is not here a plain antithefis between adminiftring the Spirit and working miracles ? Do they... | |
| Robert Riccaltoun - 1772 - 496 sider
...made pet-feel by the jlejb ? 4. Have ye fuffered fo many things in vain ? if it be yet in vain. 5. He therefore that miniftereth to you. the Spirit,...the -works of the la-w, or by the hearing of faith ? , W Armed, as the Apoftle was, and he muft have been very much fo, on the fair view he had been taking... | |
| Robert Riccaltoun - 1772 - 496 sider
...now made perfect by the flejh ? 4. Have ye fuffered fo many things in vain ? if it be yet in vain. 5. He therefore that miniftereth to you the Spirit, and...by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith ? W Armed, as the Apoftle was, and he muft have been very much fo, on the fair view he had been taking... | |
| Richard Watson (bp. of Llandaff) - 1785 - 534 sider
...fleih ? Have ye fuffered fo many things in vairv? if it be yet in vain. He therefore that miniííereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you,...brought a curfe ; fince Chrift being made a curfe, the blefling of Abraham was come on them through Jefus Chrift, " they receiving the promife of the Spirit... | |
| Nathaniel Lardner - 1788 - 702 sider
...gifts of the Holy Spirit. For « he alks them : He that minißrelb to you the fpirit, and work' etb miracles among you doth he it by the works of the law, or * by the hearing of faith ? Gal. iii. 5. That he means himfelf, ' is manifeft from the whole tenor of the epiftle. See ch. i.... | |
| William Huntington - 1788 - 488 sider
...God ? Can they be holy without being fan&ified by the Holy Ghoft ? And he that minifters the Spirit, doth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith ? Is not the Holy Ghoft the Spirit of promife ? Does he go forth from Mount Sinai, or Mount Zion ?... | |
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