The Medical Bulletin: A Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery, Bind 15F. A. Davis, 1893 |
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āā abdominal acid action acute alcohol anæmia antiseptic Aquæ aristol Association attack bismuth blood bowels Bright's disease cause cent chloralose cholera chronic Clinical color condition cough cure diagnosis diarrhoea digestive diphtheria disease doses drachms drug eczema effect erysipelas extract fluid given glands Glycerin gonorrhoea grains grammes grms hæmorrhage Hospital Hydriodic Acid ingluvin injection intestinal iodide iodoform irritation kidneys kumyss lesions losophan Médecine Moderne Medical College Medical Journal Medical Society Médicale Medicine meeting membrane ment months mucous mucous membrane nervous observed occur operation organs ounces pain papules paralysis patient Philadelphia physician powder practice present President produced Prof Professor psoriasis Pulv quinine remedy reported rheumatism salicylic salicylic acid salol skin soluble solution spinal stomach substance suffered Surgeon Surgery Surgical symptoms syphilis Syrup teaspoonful temperature therapeutic tion tissue treatment tuberculosis tumor typhoid fever ulcers urine vomiting weeks York
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Side 32 - A SYLLABUS OF LECTURES ON THE PRACTICE OF SURGERY, arranged in conformity with " An American Text-Book of Surgery.
Side 324 - An act to provide for the registration of all practitioners of medicine and surgery," approved the eighth day of June, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and eightyone...
Side 285 - Professor of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Clinical Medicine, and Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Skin in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia; Physician to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital...
Side 401 - Philadelphia," on or before January 1, 1005. Each essay must be distinguished by a motto, and accompanied by a sealed envelope bearing the same motto, and containing the name and address of the writer.
Side 6 - Indicated in abnormal heart action, mental depression, and general debility. Cactina is the best cardiac and general tonic In the materia medica, and, therefore, Indispensable in the treatment of every form of weakness. •9~Each Fillet represents one one-hundredth of a grain of Cactina — the active proximate principle of Cactus Mexicana.
Side 324 - ... said county, and any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in the court of quarter sessions of the county wherein the offense shall have been committed, shall pay a fine of not more than five hundred dollars for each offense.
Side 164 - Lecturer on Dermatology in the University of the City of New York; Surgeon to Charity Hospital, etc.
Side 481 - Each essay must be typewritten, distinguished by a motto, and accompanied by a sealed envelope bearing the same motto and containing the name and address of the writer. No envelope will be opened except that which accompanies the successful essay. The Committee will return the unsuccessful essays if reclaimed by their respective writers or their agents, within one year. The Committee reserves the right not to make an award if no essay submitted is considered worthy of the prize.
Side 16 - Physicians' use only. Contains the Anodyne and Soporific Alkaloids, Codeia, Narceia, and Morphia. Excludes the Poisonous and Convulsive Alkaloids, Thebaine, Narcotine and Papaverine. has been in steadily increasing use for over twenty years and whenever used has given great satisfaction. To Physicians Of repute, not already acquainted with its merits, samples will be mailed on application.
Side 323 - Said report shall embrace all the examination papers, questions, and answers thereto. All such examination papers shall be kept for reference and inspection for a period of not less than five years.