OR GYNECOLOGICAL PURIFIED OPIUM JOURNAL. A Sixty-four Page Monthly of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Abdominal Surgery. FOR PHYSICIANS' USE ONLY. Contains the Anodyne and Soporific Alkaloids, Codeia, Narceia and Morphia. Excludes the Poisonous and Convulsive Alkaloids, Thebaine, Narcotine and Papaverine. SVAPNIA has been in steadily increasing use for over twenty years, and whenever used has given great satisfaction. TO PHYSICIANS OF REPUTE, not already acquainted with its merits, samples will be mailed on application. SVAPNIA is made to conform to a uniform standard of Opium of Ten per cent. Morphia strength. TOHN FARR, Manufacturing Chemist, New York. CHARLES N. CRITTENTON CO., GENERAL AGENTS, 115 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. 'To whom all orders for samples must be addressed. SVAPNIA IS FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. DR. VIRGIL O HARDON'S PRIVATE INFIRMARY For Diseases of Women. ATLANTA, CA. Pleasant surroundings, liberal DuBois & DuBois, cuisine, skilled attention; combining Long Established Patent Attorneys, the advantages of a hospital with the comforts of a quiet home. For WASHINGTON, D. C. particulars address Please mention this Journal. DR. VIRGIL O. HARDON, 66 North Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. AND PHYSICIAN'S SUPPLY HOUSE. Most Reliable and Cheapest Surgical Instrument House in the South; latest and best make; always up with the Latest Improvements. INSTRUMENTS GUARANTEED. We will positively sell you a Buggy, Hand Case or Saddle bag cheaper than any one else. Also, amputating cases and medical batteries. Trusses and truss-fitting a specialty, a large stock silk elastic hosiery always on hand. We Give Here a Few Specimen Prices All mail orders attended to promptly. Mailage extra. Jacobs' Pharmacy Annex, 2 Marietta Street, ATLANTA, GA. MR. A. G. ROBERTS, Manager. Please mention this Journal. Advertising you ought to be a subscriber to PRINTERS' INK: a journal for advertisers. Printers' Ink is issued weekly, and is filled with contributions and helpful suggestions from the brightest minds in the advertising business.. Printers' Ink costs only two dollars a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of five cents. A Great N.W. Cor. 16th and Walnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA, PA., January 27, 1891. For many years I have been in the habit of sending patients to Bedford Springs, and also prescribing the water to patients in the city. I can most conscientiously certify to the value of the water medicinally. I regard Bedford Springs Water as one of the most valuable waters in this country for all functional diseases of the liver and digestive orcans. It is aperient, alterative, and diuretic. D. HAYES AGNEW, M.D. The most eminent physicians of the world acknowledge the efficacy of Bedford It is the peer of all medicinal waters. E. Stanley Hart & Co., Selling Agts., 152 Franklin St., New York City. Disease and all other stubborn com- Bedford Bottled just as it flows from the A beautiful book of interesting BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS CO., E. Stanley Hart & Co., Selling Agts., 152 Franklin St., New York City. (SYR: BROM: COMP: PEACOCK.) Each fluid drachm represents 15 grains of the Combined C. P. Bromides of Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Ammonium and Lithuim. Uses: Epilepsy, Uterine Congestion, Headache, and all Congestive, Convulsive and Reflex Neuroses. This preparation produces results which can not be obtained from the use of commercial Bromide substitutes. DOSE.-One to two FLUID drachms, in WATER, three or more times a day' FROM CHIONIA CHIONANTHUS Uses: Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, and all Diseases Caused by Hepatic Torpor. CHIONIA stimulates the Liver and restores it to a healthy condition, without debilitating the system by Catharsis; does not purge, per se, but under its use the Liver and Bowels gradually resume their normal functions DOSE.-One Fluid Drachm three times a day. SAMPLES SENT TO ANY PHYSICIAN WHO WILL PAY EXPRESS CHARGES. PEACOCK CHEMICAL CO., ST. LOUIS. CACTINA PILLETS Indicated in abnormal heart action, mental depression, and general debility. Cactina is the best cardiac and general tonic in the materia medica, and, therefore, indispensable in the treatment of every form of weakness. Each Pillet represents one one-hundredth of a grain of Cactina-the active proximate principle of Cactus Mexicana. DOSE.-One Pillet every hour, or less often, as indicated. PRICE, PER BOTTLE (100 PILLETS), 25 CENTS. SULTAN DRUG CO., St. Louis and London. Please mention this Journal. |