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likewife already appeared, we fhall content ourfelves with giving an extract from one of the remaining poems, les Vifites, as a fpecimen of

she reft.

Mille bruits tour à tour

Que j'entends retentir dès la pointe du jour,
Ce crieur qui commence alors que l'autre achève,
La maifon qu'on abat et celle qu'on élève,
La fcie et le maillet, la lime et le marteau,
N'eft ce done point affez pour brifer mon cerveau?
Faut-il aux importuns, arrivant à la file,
Prêter complaifamment une oreille docile,
M'épuifer en faluts, en fades entretiens,
Pour charmer un oifif, disserter fur des riens,
Vis à vis d'un bavard, attendre, bouche close,
Qu'il me quitte rempli de l'ennui qu'il me caufe?
Non, non; je puis du temps faire un meilleur emploi,
Et, dût-on m'en blâmer, je veux vivre pour moi.
Remettons-nous: vraiment, je fuis hors d'haleine,
Mais auffi je ne fais quel noir démon m'amène
Cet effaim de fâcheux qui vient à tout propos,
Et forcer ma retraite et troubler mon repos.
Dorval, me dira-t-on, eft gorgé de richeffes,
Médor, pour fes amis, entretient trois maîtreffes;
Orgon ne prête plus qu'à cinq pour cent par mois;
Gercour vient d'acheter deux mille arpens de bois;
Lyfimon, fe voyant tout près de fa ruine,

Pour rentrer dans fon bien, époufe Clémentine.
Eh! que me font à moi, Clémentine et Dorval,
Médor et Lyfimon? tout eft bien, tout eft mal.
Je ne me pique pas d'une vertu profonde,

Et je ne fuis pas né pour réformer le monde."


An excellent epiftle fur l'utilité de la critique, is to be regarded as a fequel to les Vifites; and the volume is terminated by a very elegant epiftle to Louife Contat, by fome verses to an Acacia, and an epittle to Eleonora.


ART. 54. Recherches hifloriques littéraires et critiques fur l'origine de l'imprimerie, particulièrement fur fes premiers établissemens au xv me fiécle dans la Belgique, maintenant réunie a la république Françaife; ornées des portraits et des écuffons des premiers imprimeurs Belges par le Citoyen P. Lambinet. xvi and 500 pp. 8vo. Bruffels.

Though little novelty is to be found in this book, it must however be allowed to be one of the best that have been written on the subject; the author being not merely a literary character, but likewife acquainted with the art itfelf, As he has alfo defcribed the different books


from his own infpection, his accounts are to be depended on, and will therefore often ferve to correct, or render more complete, thofe of Panzer, in his Annales typographici, of which important work it does not appear that M. L. knew any thing beyond the title.

By this author, Guttenberg is very properly confidered as the inventor of printing, with moveable types, in the art of cafting which only Schöf fer made fome improvements. He looks upon the Pfalter, 1457, to have been the first work printed by him.

ART. 55. Actes de la Société de médecine, chirurgie et pharmacie, établie à Bruxelles fons la dévife Aegrotantibus. Tome premier, deuxième partie, with Plates. Pr. 3 fr. Bruffels.

Of this collection, the first part has been published more than a year. Concerning this fecond, we fhall only observe, that it appears to deferve the fame favourable reception which has been given to the first. We here fubjoin the fummary of the article, of which it confists. "Avant-propos.

"Tableau des membres réfidans de la fociété.

"Lifte des affociés correfpondans admis depuis la publication de la première partie de ce volume.

"Lifte des ouvrages manufcrits lus à la fociété depuis la même époque.

"Obfervation et reflexions fur plufieurs cataractes; par J. Forlenze. "Nouvelles obfervations fur les vertus de l'eau de laurier cerifier; par M. Wurzer.

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Obfervations fur une caufe particulière de convulfions, qui arrivent aux femmes durant la groffeffe ou pendant l'accouchement; par Guillaume Demanet.


Rapport fait à la fociété, à l'occafion du mémoire précédent; par Fournier.

"Lettre du C. Noël à la fociété.

"Obfervation d'une déchirure de la cloifon rectovaginale; par le


"Extrait du rapport fait à la fociété, par le profeffeur Kok et le C. Curtet, à l'occafion du mémoire précédent.

"Obfervations médico-cliniques, faites à l'hôpital militaire de Bruxelles, pendant l'an 7 de la république; par le C. Duval.

"Obfervation médico-chirurgicale, fur une maladie vénérienne invétérée, compliquée de carie à plufieurs os de la tête, et d'une fièvre hectique; guérie par l'ufage du rob anti-fipyllitique de Laffecteur; par Fournier.

"Obfervations et réflexions fur les dépôts confécutifs qui ont lieu au foie, particulièrement à la fuite des léfions traumatiques; par le C.


Sur la confection de l'éther par l'acide muriatique, ou éther marin des pharmacies; par J. B. Vans Mons.

"Réflexions fur l'influence que l'atmosphère de Bruxelles peut exercer fur la fanté des habitans de cette ville; par Ph. Pollart.

"Mémoire fur le Rhus radicans; par. J. B. Van Mons.

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"Réflexions fur la cachexie caufée par l'abus des boiffons fpiritu euses, et fur le traitement qui convient à cette maladie; par F. Van Stichel.

"Obfervation fur une maffe confidérable de cheveux paroiffant appartenir à un enfant, retirée de l'abdomen d'ane femme; par P. J. Van Bavegen.

"Obfervation d'une paralyfie des extrémités inférieures, avec courbure de l'épine dorsale; par P. E. Kok.

"Obfervation fur un Placenta renfermé dans un Kilte, adhérant, à la matrice; et fur plufieurs circonstances peu conmunes, qui fe font rencontrées dans une accouchement; adreffée à la fociété de médecine de Paris; par Fournier.

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"Réflexions fur l'ufage de l'opium, dans le travail de l'enfantement; par P. E. Kok."


ART. 56. Ethica Philofophie criticæ, ad virum amiciffimum Paulum van Hemert. Amfterdam.

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The author, Hieronymus de Bofch, who holds an honourable rank among the Latin poets of his country, has already distinguished himfelf by other compofitions of a fimilar didactic kind. In 1793, he published a poem in two cantos, on a fubject which is, at prefent, but too popular, de qualitate hominum; and, fince that time, feveral other occafional pieces. The following short extracts may ferve to point out his manner, which resembles that of Lucretius rather than of Virgil. Ex aliis non quære modum, tibi qui fit habendus : U bene procedas, ipfum te confule et audi. Recta tuæ navis Ratio velamina pandat, Dirigat et curfus portumque recludat amænum. Nullus adeft meliora tibi præcepta daturus.

Again, from p. 10.

Sicut corda quatit pecudum cum fæva libido,
Fræna recufat equa, et circumvolat immemor herbæ.
Pafcua lata, nemufque ferax binmitibus implens,
Calce fatigatis tandem procumbit in arvis,
Nec ftabulum exanimata fuum, nec pabula quærit:
Haud aliter primis juvenem quem cepit in annis
Dulcis amar, trepidat refugitque fovetque calorem,
Vifcera qui penetrat, fomnumque expellit amicun.

with The fame author has likewife lately published a small poem, the following title: Ad Joannem Radolphum Deiman Medic. celeh. Cum Antonii Laurentii Lavoifierii admirabiles in arte chemica progreffus explicaviffet: in which the extraordinary merits of the unfortunate Lavaifier are defcribed, in very elegant elegiac verks.



Mr. G. of r. is refpectfully informed that his Letter, dated February 28, with its inclofure, was, by a fingular accident, miflaid till very lately; but that the earliest attention will now be paid to his requeft, and use made of his commu


To 7. S. we alfo have to mention, that we hope, ere long. to give him entire fatisfaction as to the subject of his fecond Letter.


Dr. Ruffel, under the direction and patronage of the Hon. Eaft-India Company, has completed, and will foon publish, a fecond volume of his Hiftory of Serpents.

Mr. Ritfon has made confiderable progrefs at the prefs with three volumes of Metrical Romances.

The Board of Agriculture has nearly furnished a third volume of communications. In this volume will be found fome very interefting and important papers on the conversion of grafsland into tillage.

Mr. Macpherson is diligently employed in a very improved and enlarged History of Commerce.

A volume of Sermons by Dr. Rennell, the Mafter of the Temple, will be published in a few days.

A fmall volume of Lectures on the Commandments, by Dr. Glaffe, is in the prefs, and will speedily appear.

An Explanation or Paraphrafe of the Leffons appointed to be read on Sundays, by the Rev. F. T. Travell, is in the prefs, and will foon be ready for publication.

We learn, with regret, that the liberal and defirable plan of publifhing the English Poets, which we announced in our Review for March, is unavoidably relinquished, on account of the enormous expence of paper neceflary for completing it.



For JUNE, 1801.

Those rules of old discover'd, not devis'd,
Are Nature ftill, but Nature methodiz'd.


ART. I. Egyptiaca: or, Obfervations on certain Antiquities of Egypt. In Two Parts. Part 1. The Hiftory of Pompey's Pillar elucidated. Part II. Abdellatif's Account of the Antiquities of Egypt, written in Arabic A. D. 1203. Tranflated into English, and illuftrated with Notes. By J. White, D. D.. Profeffor of Arabic in the University of Oxford. 4to. 11. ts. Printed at the University Prefs, Oxford; and fold by Meffrs. Cadell and Davies. 1801.

AT a moment when a series of events of the highest national

importance, both as to their immediate effect and their remote confequences, has politically turned every eye towards the fhore of Egypt; amidlt fcenes of destruction and war, the learned and ingenious inveftigator of its valuable antiquities, in the prefent publication, folicits the attention of the scholar and the antiquary to the confideration of certain points of inuch intereft in its pacific hiftory. It is intended to enlarge the view, and pourtray, from the early Arabian writers on Egypt, the renowned history of Alexandria, as it actually existed in their day, or rather on their first entrance into it, and ufurpation of the august throne of the Ptolemies and the Cæfars; but this first part of Dr. White's EGYPTIACA alludes folely to a very cut

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